2021-02-18 瓢虫的守护 22478

Anthony Caputo
Yes, humans are a sexually dimorphic species. This means that, on average, men are bigger, stronger, more aggressive, have a greater capability to absorb punishment while still maintaining high levels of functionality, and have more stamina in militarily significant areas. Men are also (again, on average) more resilient to combat induced psychological trauma, and are more willing to make decisions with an “us vs. them” mentality (i.e. they have less empathy). All of these traits are desirable in front line soldiers.


Women, on the other hand, are physically smaller and weaker, and their physiological reactions to damage are to start shutting down nonvital systems in favor of preserving long term survival. Due to higher natural levels of empathy, they have a harder time making the snap decision to kill than the average man.


Now of course, as I said, this is all on average. You can easily find very empathetic males, as well as very big and strong females, but when you are recruiting from a large population pool you don’t want to spend a lot of time measuring the exact capabilities of individuals. You want a simple metric that will get you close enough to what you need without expending all that effort. Choosing from only the males of the population is one of the most expedient filters you can use to that end. It gives you the highest chance of recruiting people who are the most mentally and physically fit to be soldiers. You will spend less time weeding out non-viable candidates, and more time training competent soldiers.


Of course in this day this is not a popular observation to make. Acknowledgment that we are indeed a sexually dimorphic species, and this involves both physical and mental traits, is very far from politically correct. A huge amount of ink is spent trying to pawn off the obvious differences between men and women as sociological constructs, rather than something rooted in genetics. The fact that there are massive physical and chemical differences between the sexes seems to be glossed over in these circles.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

This is why there is such a huge push from various factions to allow women on the front lines. This is a mistake since by and large women are ill-suited to actual combat. They are perfectly capable of serving supporting roles, especially considering advantages given by modern technology, but the fundamental aspects of combat remain relatively consistent with combat from our past. This is an environment that men are simply more adapted to than women.


Quora User
All correct. There’s skill, aptitude. There’s also value.
Fertile women are too valuable to be put at risk. Sperm is cheap. Fertile wombs aren’t.


Anthony Caputo
Yep, this is true.


Stephen Ede
No, it’s not.
That’s just macho myths.
Been non-combatant doesn’t reduce your chance of dying in ancient wars.
And most dying in battles occurred running away after defeat.
If you have more combatants, i.e. not having half your women not fighting, then you are more likely to win, and therefore take less casulties.
Indeed having kids was a lot more likely to kill you than been in combat.


Anthony Runfola
Uh oh, prepare yourself, I sense hundreds of feminists to come like a stampede ready to tell you that you're wrong.
I wish you luck


Anthony Caputo
Already had one, fortunately it seems to have been down-voted into oblivion, so there may be hope for western culture yet ;-)


Tomas Murphy
Except that there are feminists who said that if gender equality means sending their daughters to war they want no part of it.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Aaron Miller
The biggest issue was that women are more valuable. Women can give birth to a child every 9 months, whereas men can reproduce several times a day. If a society lost 1/3 of its women, that would be a lot worse than losing 1/3 of its men.


Anthony Caputo
I’m not sure it was the biggest, but it was definitely significant. I would say coequal with the fact that men were (and are) pretty much better suited for combat in every way that really mattered, especially when virtually every weapons system available was strength-based.
When it comes to warfare, losing 1/3 rd of your breeding force could very well be more desirable than losing the war and facing potential genocide/mass enslavement. Even in such cases, females were rarely conscxted, because even the second and third rate males were typically better suited for combat than the average female.


Jason Green
Even though on average, women wouldn't be as suited to frontline combat as men, shouldn't the women “outliers” who can excel be allowed to? I believe that as long as standards are kept the same for both sexes then women should be allowed the same opportunities to serve in combat jobs.
Denying them the opportunity because on average their gender doesn't perform as well makes about as much sense as denying men the opportunity to be kindergarten teachers because they are less empathetic on average, and could potentially harm the development of the children under their care.


Anthony Caputo
This may make some sense in modern volunteer-only armies, but we first need to also take into account the impact this will have on other soldiers.
Studies show that front-line women soldiers, no matter their own personal proficiency, change the behavior of their male comrades and officers for the worse. And while there are procedures for shuffling people around to make more combat-effective units, these rightfully are only used as a last resort. The introduction of female combatants would probably necessitate the application of these procedures far more often than would be desirable.
Over all militaries both historically and contemporarily find that the effort necessary to make this viable is just not worth the effort involved. I find their rational fully justified.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Jason Green
Is this behavior change because of an inherent biological difference or is this because of society?
It could have been and was argued that allowing the U.S military to desegregate in the ’50s would ruin the unit cohesion and cause bad behavior because of all the racist assholes. Similar arguments were made about allowing gay people to serve. But here we are today, no worse for wear because everyone grew the fuck up.
Do we have a duty to coddle men who can't handle serving alongside a woman or should we demand better of them?

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Anthony Caputo
Men throughout history have shown a pretty strong preponderance to make incredibly bad judgments in the presence of ovaries and their associated physiology. There is strong evidence that this is based far more in genetics than western culture is willing to admit to.
From a survival perspective, this actually makes a lot of sense. As other answers correctly point out, wombs are valuable, gonads are not. There is a very strong mental bias for us gonad carriers to take incredible, ill-calculated risks to preserve those capable of bearing offspring. Building this into your combat units would not result in increased combat performance, and would likely lead to you having to deal with far more casualties than you would have to otherwise.
Is it conceivable you could turn this behavior to your advantage? Possibly. Staffing a critical defensive position with female combat troops may lead to a significantly more fierce defense of that position by the male soldiers, but that does not necessarily mean a more effective defense. There is also the question of the ethics of this strategy.
I do genuinely think the military has it right on this one. Let the women serve in supporting roles since technology no longer mandates any need to differentiate, but leave the combat to the men.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Hakeem Gadi
It is worth noting here, that Arab tribes of pre-Islamic Arabia, at a time, brought “their” women to the battlefield, as a means to elevate the courage of their warrior men and to strike fear into their enemy's hearts. The message being, we are fighting this war to the death. The women did not take part in the battle, however.


John M Mode
Name one sport that involves speed, quickness, aggression, and strength where women compete against men. There are none. I will give a good example. In 2014 the U.S. women's Olympic hockey team practiced against some northeastern U.S. boy’s high school hockey teams. In these practice games, the boys beat the world’s best female athletes in hockey in about half of the games…and the boy’s were not allowed to body check for fear of hurting the women.
Mr. Caputo makes a good point about how females disrupt unit cohesion even if women were as strong as men. Putting young fertile reproductive age women with young high testosterone men is not a good combination. There will be romantic feelings, love interests, jealousies, men wanting to protect the women, and even pregnancies. Navy medical studies have reported the pregnancy rate on Navy ships is close to 20%.
I know many 60-year-old men at my gym who are fitter and stronger than any woman at that gym. But they are discriminated against by the military, because of their age. The military discriminates all the time based on physical characteristics such as age, strength, height, and weight. If an all-male combat unit is better than a unit mixed with women then why is it wrong to discriminate against women? Of course, I have no problem if, like the sports world, women fight in their own combat units, but no feminist has proposed this. Why? Because they know that an all-female fighting force would be a disaster.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Cole Comyn
It's been proven that mixed units preform more poorly than their all male counterparts because of the subconscious desire to protect the weaker sex that is in most men.


Jasper Thomas
Why not explicitly exclude Asians, then? Asians on average are smaller and weaker than other races. Excluding them all would make it more efficient to weed out people not physically suited for combat roles.


Anthony Caputo
Because the differences between the races are smaller than the differences between the sexes, especially when you control for cultural issues like a diet. But this type of sextion does happen, it just happens during the weeding out process.
There are physical requirements you must meet for things like weight and height, for example. Once that is taken care of the differences between similarly sized Asian males and Caucasian males, while real and measurable, are far less than what is found between Caucasian males and Caucasian females of roughly the same size. Sexual traits are remarkably similar between the races, so it is not really worth differentiating.


Brandon Wiscombe
I'd say that the increased aggression caused by testosterone is even more of a factor than the above, at least at first - attitude is hugely important in combat between fighters of equal skill, even if they are physically different.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Anthony Caputo
Testosterone is indeed the hormone most likely to contribute the greatest effect to the mental differences seen between men and women. Testosterone is also the hormone largely responsible for the increased muscle bulk found in males as well, so it contributes to both mental and physical traits that favor men in combat.


Lydia Chais
This is a crock of crap. You have ever seen a man try to take a baby away from its mother; she will kill you without any mercy; have you ever seen a woman jealous? You don’t even want to go there. Remember the Francine Hughes (The Burning Case)? And don’t forget about the John and Lorena Bobbit case? Never forget Boudica Queen of the Iceni tribe.


Anthony Caputo
It is a proven fact that men and women respond to physical trauma in different ways. This is a physiological response rooted in genetics.
One of the best examples is our physiological response to extreme cold. Men’s bodies respond by moving more blood flow and heat to the extremities. This preserves greater functionality at the cost of increased heat loss.
Women’s bodies, on the other hand, respond by pulling circulation back to their core, helping preserve heat at the cost of functionality in the limbs.
What this means is that men will maintain a higher function level, but will not live as long before succumbing to hypothermia. Women are much more susceptible to frostbite but have a longer expected survival window for a given body mass.
There are other comparable physiological responses when facing things like trauma and blood loss. Men just hold up better to this kind of abuse, at the cost of longer-term survival chances. By and large male traits are more desirable in a combat situation.
You tell me how these physiological responses are influenced by sociological constructs, instead of being genetic in nature.


Damon Craig
Yes. An unpopular fact that once gained me reprimand by the Quora thought police.


Vyshnav Shabu Nair
Feminism has suddenly become an idea of female domination.
I am all in for equality for women but I shun those who illogically demand women power in all aspects.


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