2021-02-18 hexiaohan1234 29266
What technology exists in China that doesn''t exist in the West?


Jamie Wang, Born and raised in China, had lived in Swiss and Germany
China is still behind the west in terms of basic scientific researches. However, China is indeed leading the way in may technology fields:


1, Extra high voltage transmission, China holds almost all core IPs.
China has more natural resources in the west, but its economy cores are located along the east side coast. To balance the difference, China built 3 major routes to transmit electricity from the west to the east, over 1 thousand km each.


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

To lower the loss during the transmission, the best way is to raise the voltage. It may be not much of a problem from the perspective of an average people. However, when we are talking about 500 kV to 1000 kV electricity, there is nothing too small.


2, Laser technology.

China is in the leading position of this field. The US spent 7 years to break through the export ban of KBBF (some kind of crystal). By the time the US has made their own KBBF, China already had better ones.


This is one of the result of KBBF, laser weapon on type 99 tank. Within 5 km, it has 100% chance to blind opponent. Not just their observation equipment, but human eyes too. (Edit, if you had to stay behind the optical observation devices long enough, then yes. But the weapon itself targets only at vehicles.)


3, Limb replantation.
There was a case in China, which a person’s hand got shredded into more than 20 pieces. Chinese doctor didn’t just re-assembled the hand from pieces, and even kept most of its function.


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4, 12306.
It’s the name of the booking website of China Railways. In 2018, it had a peak of 150 BILLION visits per day.


Considering that it must be maintained 6 hours per day, from 11 pm to 6 am, in average it must be able to deal with 2,314,815 times of visit per second. If we also include the people’s schedules which most of us would purchase tickets within certain time period, the visit pressure would be even higher.


All American IT giants turned down the request of China Railways of establishing a ticket system.


This is the railway map of China. The main difficulty of building a ticket system for it is actually not the visiting times per day or second. That can be solved by deploying more servers. The real problem is that with 1 ticket being sold, all related routes must correspond with it.


In online shopping systems, 1 item is called a SKU. If one purchase an item from Ebay, then the system counts 1 SKU less. However, take the G71 from Beijing to Shenzhen as an example: There are 17 stations and 3 different seat classes, and 408 SKU. If someone purchased a ticket for the full length, then the system would remove 136 SKU from the pool. However, if a tickets between any middle stations is sold, the calculation would get complicated. And this must happens within a very short period of time, since there are over 2 millions visit per day, any of them could be a request to purchase a ticket along this route.


Plus, this change must be corresponded among all core hubs, and all terminal machines, including the ticket window, auto selling machine, agents, website, and cellphone APP to make sure not too many over booking.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Last but not least, in reality, the situation could only be a million times more complicated than I described. 12306 is now selling 3 billion tickets a year, and is the largest online ticket system. Behind it, there are many Chinese companies. One of them is Alibaba.


5, Bridge construction.
List of highest bridges - Wikipedia
Say no more.


6, Last but not least, from where I came, the world’s largest die-forging hydraulic press.


Just search 80000 ton hydraulic press on Google, and it knows.


BTW: It does boosted the Chinese Aviation Industry. Also, Erzhong is exporting parts to Airbus, I personally handled them when I was still in logistics.

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What’s China still being behind are mostly from last generation, or as I said, the basic scientific research.


In the new generation, only the US and China are able to solely afford all the money burning projects. That’s why there is an EU, and their Galileo system is still rather broken.


Felix Su July 31, 2020
You haven’t seen the latest scientific papers published nor the papers being cited by other scientists. China is ahead in patents per year and scientific papers per year.
And those papers are NOT underwater clam bakes. China does NOT fund those frivolous things.


Santiago Bermann Rizzo August 2, 2020
Only 10% of Patents actually turn out to be valuable. Patents quantity is no indication of its quality


Eamon Dan September 1
As Chinese I’m proud of the progress made by us, however, we need to know the current position that China stays in the global supply chains is partly because of western countries’ industrial upgrade especially America.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

In late 19th century and most of the 20th century, America lead the industrial production until information era came. America then shifted their focus to internet and semiconductor industry, and the rest of the traditional industries, they have climbed up to the upper positions to maximize the profit. Not to mention they basically dominate the whole world with US dollars hegemon. So all these technical/architectural wonders are not even enough. We need to achieve more in the less noticeable areas to catch up America’s steps, in other words, the greatness of America has exceeded ordinary people’s recognition unlike their obvious flaws.


Henry Vaughan August 9, 2020
oh man, I remember trying to buy tickets to Chongching and thinking about how ridiculously complex the ticketing software must be to coordinate millions of tickets across dozens of cities thousands of kilometers apart. That in itself is a marvel of public infrastructure.


Alan Chiu July 31, 2020
Your descxtion of the railway ticketing system is misleading. The problem is simpler than what you have described.
A better analogy is a railroad car will travel from point A to point B carrying P passengers, and a ticket can be sold from S to D if there is a series of railroad cars connecting S to D with empty seats, which in the simplest case is S=A and D=B, or more generally segment (S,D) is a subset of (A, B). If transfers occur, multiple railroad cars would be involved.
So it is not necessary to treat each station as a separate SKU. Since all possible routes are known in advance, set membership can be determined by a simple table look-up, which is pre-computed.


Thol Kappian Chidambaram August 1, 2020
Problem here is not the number of sku. That is fixed and can be retrieved from lookup table. I think the main problem is the realtime distribution of consistent upxe of ticket inventory in a massive scale.


Yang Ai August 12, 2020
For example, if someone buys a ticket from A to B. This seat is still available from S to A, and D to B, and they will be sold to other passengers. Also, the better solution is to match if there are any seats available from only subset A to B or A to C(if C is somewhere between B and D), which would be more efficient.


Another thing that needs to be considered is whether to sell this A to B seat or not? if I don’t sell this seat, there is chance that we can sell it to someone from S to D tomorrow to maximize the profit.


Harjeet Singh August 9, 2020
I’ll add prefab building construction, as well as developing new methods of fast high rise construction. Lots of chinese IP in the space today.


Donald Canton, Real Estate Agent at EXP Realty (2019-present) upxed July 31, 2020
What technology exists in China that doesn''t exist in the West?
The best rare earth production technology exists in China that doesn''t exist in the West.
China has become a super power in rare earth, rare metals and other dispersed elements, with increasing dominance over a wide range of sectors from ore to technology.
The best world class data management system OceanBase is built in China.


The Chinese made public cloud product, EMR, a big data processing solution, broke world records on the 10,000 GB (10 TB) and 100,000 GB (100 TB) TPC-DS benchmarks for the first time in 2019, making it the world the world''s first public cloud product that won this honor. This year (2020), EMR has increased its computing speed and is now 2.2 times as fast as it was in the last year, delivering an amazing result of 11,569,838 QphDS. It is the first product that achieves a higher score than 10,000,000. EMR is 3.5 times as fast as the best commercial big data processing product of a competitor. EMR continues to maintain its competitive advantage in processing large amounts of data. It is efficient in processing 100 TB data, which is 10 times the maximum data processing capacity of competitor products.

中国制造的公共云产品EMR是一款大数据处理解决方案,在2019年首次打破了10000 GB(10 TB)和100000 GB(100 TB)TPC-DS基准的世界纪录,成为全球首款获得这一荣誉的公共云产品。今年(2020年),EMR的计算速度有所提高,目前是去年的2.2倍,实现了11569838个QphDS的惊人结果。这是第一个得分超过10000000的产品。EMR的速度是竞争对手最好的商业大数据处理产品的3.5倍。EMR在处理大量数据方面继续保持其竞争优势。它能够高效地处理100 TB的数据,是竞争对手产品最大数据处理能力的10倍。
原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Chinese scientists have successfully developed a new type of brain-like computing chip for general artificial intelligence, Tianjixin, and successfully conducted research and development experiments with it on unmanned bicycles. That demonstrates the Chinese growing expertise in the semiconductor chip field and the value of new chip design methods aimed at optimizing artificial intelligence algorithms. China has obvious advantages in the application of artificial intelligence technology in the medical and health fields, and is in a leading position in the world. China has the world''s largest industrial manufacturing application market.


China is at the forefront of the world in terms of face recognition, smart city management, mobile payment, and data tagging. The data collection methods and calculation methods are more advanced and are widely used in airports, conferences and other scenarios, bringing great convenience to the industry and the public. China has developed rapidly in infrastructure technology and Internet technology.


Based on the new concept of nano-restricted catalysis, the team of scientists and engineers, led by Bao Xinhe and academicians of Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences creatively constructed a silicide lattice-restricted single-site iron catalyst, and successfully realized the sextive activation of methane in the absence of oxygen to efficiently produce high-value chemicals such as ethylene, aromatics and hydrogen in only one step. This technology completely abandons the high-energy-consuming synthesis gas preparation process and greatly shortens the process route. The reaction process itself realizes zero emission of carbon dioxide, and the utilization efficiency of carbon atoms reaches 100%. This is a new technology about to change the world, and its application in the future will open up new ways for the efficient use of natural gas and shale gas.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

On July 4, 2014, the 100 megaelectron volt proton cyclotron undertaken by the Chinese Academy of Atomic Energy was launched for the first time, marking the completion of the key facilities of the national key science and technology project: the tandem accelerator upgrade project. The accelerator is the largest compact high-current proton cyclotron in the world, and the highest energy proton cyclotron developed by the Chinese scientists.


Larry Yao, Investment learner Answered July 29, 2020
5G communications and high speed bullet trains but I wouldn’t say they don’t exist in the West, but China is going ahead of the west in the development of those industries. You can enjoy those when you are in China.
Is there any unique technology that only exists in China? Only the Chinese government knows.


Jamie Wang July 30, 2020
Unfortunately, China owns all core IP of extra-high voltage transmission.
Huawei also owns a significant part of 5G IPs which the US doesn’t.


Annie Feng July 30, 2020
Gunpowder most definitely came from China my dear. Guess who stole that?

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Tony Rodri July 30, 2020
Is that the reason that they file more patents than anyone else?
Maybe you are talking about your own country, do keep up.


Philip Yap, former Construction Manager (2008-2009) Answered July 29, 2020
More than 300,000 human machines with IQ above 160, more than 1000 Steve Job.
That will be enough to invent unlimited technology US will never dream to catch up.


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

很赞 4