2021-02-20 jiangye111 9357
Covid crisis: 1.9m people in UK 'have not worked for more than six months'
-Report exposes lasting impact on employment caused by pandemic and multiple lockdowns


(Empty tables outside a restaurant in Covent Garden, central London. The hospitality sector has been badly hit by multiple Covid lockdowns.)


Almost 2 million people in Britain have not worked for more than six months during the coronavirus pandemic, amid growing risk to workers from long-term economic damage caused by the crisis.


The Resolution Foundation said up to 1.9 million people in January had either been out of a job or on full furlough for more than six months, revealing the lasting impact on employment caused by Covid and multiple lockdowns.


Highlighting the risks to workers from long-term unemployment, it called on the chancellor, Rishi Sunak, to use next month’s budget to extend targeted support for sectors of the economy hardest hit by the crisis.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The report warned that while the outlook for the economy was steadily improving thanks to the vaccination programme and as the government prepares to roll back Covid restrictions, many workers remained concerned about their job prospects.


Redundancies are rising at the fastest rate on record, and the Treasury’s independent economics forecaster, the Office for Budget Responsibility, expects unemployment to hit 2.6 million by the middle of the year as the furlough scheme is wound down.


The scheme, which has cost almost £50bn and subsidised the wages of almost 9m jobs at its peak in May last year, is due to close at the end of April. About 4.5m jobs are furloughed during the current lockdown, according to the Resolution Foundation.


According to the study, 8% of workers currently employed either expect to lose their jobs in the next three months, or have been told they would be made redundant. This figure rises to 21% among those who have been furloughed for at least six months of the crisis.


The findings come as pressure mounts on the chancellor to extend furlough and to announce a fresh package of tax cuts and business grants at the budget to ensure a swift economic recovery from the pandemic. The British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) warned on Thursday that sales to UK customers had fallen in the last three months for as many as 61% of companies, according to a survey of 1,100 firms.


Underscoring the risks to businesses from the cumulative impact of a year of Covid restrictions, it said a quarter of companies planned to make staff redundant if state support is brought to a sudden halt this spring.


Adam Marshall, director general of the BCC, said: “Firms are desperate to start trading again so they can boost revenue and start thinking about the future. To do so they need to see a clear, evidence-based plan for reopening, and they need time to get back on their feet without unnecessary additional taxes, and the security of knowing that government will once again support them should we see additional restrictions imposed at any point.”


A cross-party group of more than 40 MPs also warned on Thursday that pubs, bars and nightclubs risked “extinction” unless the chancellor used the budget on 3 March to increase emergency support for firms. In a report warning that urban centres risked becoming “ghost towns”, it said 85% of people working in the nighttime economy were considering leaving the industry.


The Resolution Foundation said the furlough scheme needed extending while pubic health restrictions remain in place, and should be kept for longer in sectors that still faced legal restrictions, such as hospitality and leisure. It should then be phased out gradually.


The Treasury’s £2bn kickstart scheme, designed to support young people with job placements, also requires extending beyond the end of 2021, it added.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Nye Cominetti, a senior economist at the Resolution Foundation, said: “While the UK’s economic prospects are finally looking up, job insecurity remains high, particularly among those who have spent long periods not working, or who are currently furloughed.”


A Treasury spokesman said it was doing all it could to support jobs during the crisis. “We will continue to invest in protecting and creating jobs through the remainder of the pandemic and through the recovery, and we will set out further details via the next stage of our ‘plan for jobs’ at the upcoming budget.”


The worst is yet to come


timeforknowledgePolitics is debate not hate
Not just financially I have read predictions of 35,000 extra cancer deaths.
First two weeks of 2021, 800 cancer surgeries were delayed.


My nan was one of them. She was put off by her GP for an appointment for three months starting early last summer in which she lost 4 stone in weight because she couldn’t swallow and was having trouble going to the toilet. No one noticed because of lockdown and when things lifted she was rushed through for tests and scans. They told us that we were so lucky they found her cancer then - when it was only in her bowel and oesophagus - and waiting even three weeks could ultimately be fatal.
That was in November and she still hasn’t had the surgeries she requires. After they cancelled the last surgery in January they took her into hospital and installed a line in her arm to administer chemo instead. She’s had her first treatment of that but the whole family is struggling to cope under the weight of not knowing if those surgeries will happen now or if my 68 year old nan is just gonna die of cancer without having had the full range of treatment she should have.
My dad is the one overseeing her care and he’s great, but he can’t read very well at all or write and is overwhelmed. We had two days where he kept getting benign and malignant confused so told everyone (including my nan) it was all a false alarm. My family just isn’t equipped to advocate for her; and my partner and I can’t get to them to try and help on that front because of lockdown.
I know this is anecdotal, I just wanted to add a human story to the stat.


Yup my god mother had a scan due in April last year that was cancelled and kept getting postponed until she was finally able to get it done in November (as her symptoms were seeming more serious) only to find out it was now too late to do anything and she died yesterday.
Edit: I don’t want to frx this as ‘unnecessary lockdown killed her’. Once Covid was a thing spreading across the world her death was sadly inevitable.


You realise that the reason these cancer scans have been cancelled isn't to do with lockdown, it's to do with hospitals being too overwhelmed with covid patients to be able to carry them out (and it would've been even worse without a lockdown)?


Sadly it isn't an either/or. The hospitals would still be packed with covid patients if lockdown measures weren't in place - more so even.
The best way to prevent unnecessary cancer deaths in this case is to prevent unnecessary covid deaths. They both pull from the same resource, but cancer isn't highly infectious.


Covid is deadly for a very specific demographic though, whilst cancer is indiscriminate.


That's far from true. Older people are way more at risk from cancer.


And just the impact on life expectancy and long term quality of life for people who have started drinking, put on weight or stopped exercising because of the lockdown and lack of work.
Having nothing to do is really bad for your health.


expert_redditor_1tory leaning immigrant
I've hardly touched booze at all during lockdown. I'm just not a huge fan of drinking at home alone. I don't see the point. I have started smoking more though which is annoying.


That's entirely on their own lack of drive and substance abuse. I've personally lost weight during the lockdown as I have had more time to exercise and less crap about the office to snack on.


Yep, 11 months for me. I've been long term unemployed before for 2 years with a fairly serious health condition, but this has been far worse, I think the difference being this situation and the way our government have consistently shit the bed since the start has felt completely out of control.


I'm one of them. I desperately want to work, it sucks having literally nothing to do all day.
Gets pretty demoralising going to interview after interview and getting told you didn't make the cut.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I quit my job in August cause my boss was just utterly insufferable, then went agency at a local uni washing dishes, unis closed up and now I've managed to get four days work in the last month and a half. I've had two interviews but not heard anything back.
Honestly just want to leave the country and sit in a shed


The situation is just horrible, best of luck to you. I know how you feel, some days I just wonder what the point of even trying is.


And to you, there isnt a lot to do besides hope for the best for now. Hell, maybe a few successive winters of discontent will put some fire in the bellies of us pushover Brits and we start actually demanding real change rather than palming it off on some ponce the labour party sexted


It's going to be 1980s mark two I'm afraid, real world unemployment at the same levels. While the conservatives have been away on their Brexit crusade, labour seems to be looking to usurp them as the traditional party of business and enterprise.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I'd argue that the medium to long term damage caused by our reaction to COVID will be worse than COVID itself. We definitely could have handled this in a different way to protect the most vulnerable in our society while enabling the majority of people to continue life in a relatively normal fashion.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

AdmiralGingesaeculorum tenebris
There'll be as many proud lockdown supporters in 2030 as there are proud Iraq War supporters today. I just don't see any way history doesn't record this as a monumental political failure, and it's just not just the economic devestation. Trust in the establishment is utterly collapsing across the board, and that's how dark shit happens in a developed society.
Johnson must put the goalposts the fuck back where he found them and cement them into the pitch. Lockdowns must remain an absolute last resort, when the answer is "we will build an utterly dystopian society to combat this" the question has to be absolutely fucking horrifying. The instant the vulnerable are vaccinated the lockdown must end, anything else is tyranny.


Absolutely agree. I fundamentally believe there is something more sinister at play here, it's like lockdowns are being use to beat us into submission, each lockdown having less justification than the last. The vaccination program is seemingly having no impact on the lockdown timelines.
I think people are caring slightly less each time, we are getting used to it, it's becoming normal. I don't think people realise how easy it is to condition a population, just use a little bit of fear as a beating stick and you can justify anything. When they said last April, this is the new normal, they weren't lying. The obxtive has always been clear, they just needed to sell it to us. The question I keep asking is why? What is the end goal? Full state control? Or more?
I'm pretty convinced we'll be back in lockdown come the autumn, vaccines will make no difference. At the current rate they can keep this going for years.


Amen. Until the next variant of course...


So yeah 5 million unemployed by end of 2021 for whoever voted for this scumbag Tories !

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Not trying to defend the Tories here, because they're shit.
Labour didn't really push for stricter measures at the start of the pandemic either though. It's worth mentioning.


They not in ruling govermant so how they put any measures at all


They can't put them in place of course, but they could've advocated for them, which they never.


They advocate to removed Dominic Cumming and didnt happend . So if you not ruling party you have no power at all


I'm not sure why Dominic Cummings is now in the conversation to be honest.
Of course they disagreed with the oppositions advisors, there's nothing new there.


Labour would have locked us down as well. In fact they probably would have locked us down for longer.
Right now, in the alternate world with Labour in charge, unemployment would be higher at this very moment (though the people unemployed would be better looked after).


Been on furlough for almost a year. It has given me an amazing opportunity to learn loads of new skills that will help my career when I can get back to work.
I would like to thank the taxpayer for paying my bills.


Much lower than expected.
Unemployment rate is usually a million anyway.


hopefully this will be significantly mitigated by some people moving back to the EU.
it looks like the worst is yet to come. even in unimpacted industries, firms are using covid as a prompt or excuse to cut costs, and staff. not good, especially when we already had an oversupply of labour.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Pretty much every large European country faired as badly as the UK. The government have been pretty incompetent and very late minded, but it's not as if Spain, France, or Italy have had tremendously better death tolls either.


Rather than investing in eat out to spread it all about, we should be investing in training schemes, increasing the wages of those without work and actually providing people with little jobs to do, even if it's just litter picking, it all adds up.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Try to understand that today's government still has no interest to poor people and their problems. All they care about is how to get richer and make more money from nothing.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

If they had no interest at all they wouldn't have increased universal credit by £20/week for a year and implemented furlough.


It’s called giving people just enough to shut them up whilst not giving them enough to actually live a good life

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Well said!


To say that the government that we’ve voted in for the last 10 years has no interest in the poor is just deluded and no amount of down votes will change that. What you need to realise is people don’t believe that kind of nonsense anymore, that’s why they don’t vote labour.
We’re not at school anymore, this kind of thing turns people off politics.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

and here's me wishing I had a holiday like those lucky fuckers on furlough

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Many of those on furlough would happily change places and be working right now. Reduced earnings and no job security is not a holiday.


80% wage (most employers add the extra 20% on) and as much free time as you want seems a pretty good deal to me, deliveroo are always hiring, get on your bike.


9 months and counting...
Got turned down by WHSmith this morning. Pretty demoralising.


I graduated back in September, still applying for stuff. I think things will be better post lockdown


I hope your luck changes soon. I got made redundant thanks to Covid, got one interview out of a ton of applications and thankfully the place I now work at decided to take a couple of people on because I didn't "come top" out of the people they interviewed.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I’ve given up on finding a job and am looking forward to becoming homeless soon


Over 50 percent of people don't have a job at all. Welcome to the information age


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