2021-02-22 Kira_Yoshikage 21513


Most of school is glorified babysitting combined with societal conditioning


The substantive points can be learned in minutes a day


That's because schools are angry their $100K classes that take 4 years to complete can be summarized into a 6 minute YouTube video for free.


Edit: my fellow autists, calm down. Part of this comment was meant as a joke.


Imagine thinking this unironically


Not to mention, if you're spending that much, you should be going to a super high-end school - at that point, it's not about the education, it's about the connections.


That being said, I know a lot of y'all on here are young. Seriously consider trade school. Being a plumber or electrician or mechanic (if you're not a total dumbfuck) can make you damn good money if you're smart about it and eventually go independent. Seriously, college doesn't really pay off like it used to.


That’s why I’m applying with the intent of Nuclear engineering


My advice, don't. Few jobs specifically in nuclear eng. Most eng jobs in nuclear are mech, civil, or electrical.


Source: mech eng in the industry.


Rip, time to do aeronautics then and just work for Raytheon, war isn’t going out of business anytime soon


Again kinda the same thing, although I'm not as familiar with the American aerospace industry. But if it's anything like Canada, mech can do / learn an aero's job, making an aero degree mostly redundant. Only reasons to go aero is to do a master's/doctorate or you're looking for a very very specialized job.


If you want to get paid well, pick an eng degree with versatility. That's mech, electrical, and civil. Everything else is specialized and reduces your chances of getting a job. (Not that an aero can't do a mech's job or vice versa, but employers see the "Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering" on your resume and think you're not able to do anything other than aero.)

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Specialization is for insects.


Id like to apply for a chirping cricket position


Be prepared to suck a professor's dick for 15 years, the non-general fields like aeronautics and ceramics with for the military have like ten dudes actually working in them, and half are there just to suck off the other five


If your looking for easy jobs with high pay than comp sci is the way to go. Software engineering isn't going away anytime soon and just about every industry needs them.


The competition for junior positions is incredibly tough. Unless you love it and willing to put in 100% I'm not sure I'd recommend it at the moment

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

If these jobs are so easy, why do they pay so well?


Anybody can write code.


Not anyone can design software.


food is always on the list of things that people will always want, food, clothing, (quality) tools, these also don't put blood on your hands (except for maybe tools)


I was so retarded i graduated with "renewables engineering" and found out that in renewables they look for mech engs and view people like me basically as unqualified generalists, while the the industry needs specialists.


It's fine, you're not the first nor the last to fall for it. Universities are scummy businesses that prey on 17 year olds who don't know any better.


Same thing happens to a lot of finance grads. A lot of places prefer accounting or Econ majors


Aye I picked civil engineering. Basically walk into a job as we’re always gonna need infrastructure - pandemic or not


Pretty much everyone I’ve spoken to about any niche part of engineering just says to go mech or EE. Or even CS. You’re gonna have more of that in building a rocket or nuke plant than actual Aeros and nukes.


Something something Bayes


Unless you already have a clear path to a career in nuclear my advice would be try to find a sustainability program with an energy focus if possible. Still looks fine for a nuclear job as well as literally any other renewable field like wind and solar so you get a lot more options to fall back on. I was looking at green building design job listings the other day because the degree looks good for that field of work too so why not


The vast majority of people repeating this do not work in the trades. The reason their is a lack of trade workers is because most of them are paid like shit once you factor in increased medical costs along with lower quality and shorter lifespan.


Ive done all sorts of shit jobs, including landscaping/electrical/carpentry laborer.


Those guys all look 60+ then they tell you over a beer that theyre 37 and falling the fuck apart


That sounds like peanuts when you compare to film production guys, who regularly work 14-20 hour days for months on end. Not trying to one up you but there's always someone who has it worse. I'm trying to escape the film business and doing landscaping for measly 8 hour days seems heavenly.


Most of the trades aren't that physically taxing. I know a bunch of old electricians and plumbers that are in fine health. The downside to a trade is that there often isn't a lot of room for growth. You can start out making great money, but the pay doesn't go up much from there unless you start your own business.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Yea people here are exaggerating. I loved (past tense) working on cars when I was a kid and became an A tech Diesel mechanic. No schooling just worked my way up studied got a few certifications and had a few lucky breaks. I make excellent money (relatively speaking) now in an expensive area. Mechanics have had a rough go the past 20 years there’s (not surprisingly) a HUGE shortage of them. The work isn’t that strenuous and it keeps you in excellent shape if paired with a good diet. Most laborers treat their body like complete shit, drink, smoke, and are overweight. Yea doing manual labor if your 25-40 pounds overweight is going to hurt your knees and back. You weigh more then your body is meant to handle add on top of that crouching, kneeling, and lifting of course it’ll take a toll on your body


My pre-med buddies are still in school, but the trade school guys are off to the races.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Just be careful about the trades which require hard manual labor. That shit can fuck your body up real quick if you're not careful

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

That’s the biggest difference, If you want to make money being a doctor, you don’t have to figure out anything other than how to be a doctor.


A plurality of people in the top 1% of income earners are doctors.


On the other hand their hours are brutal, unless mom and dad paid for it they start at age usually 32 minimum after med school and then residency and you need some manner of specialization even if it’s short, they begin at that age with hundreds of thousands in debt and they work usually terrible hours.


My wife’s a corporate attorney, isn’t climbing the ladder anymore so she just works 8:30-5:30 and that’s it, and doesn’t work weekends, takes her full six weeks off a year, and with stock options and bonus and stuff her comp package is about like a low end doctors at 390k, but she’s 32, and has been making money since she was 22 since she finished up high school and then undergrad each a year early and went at straight to law school and finished up in 2.5 years.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

You notice who always tells everyone else not to be a lawyer? Lawyers who don’t want any competition.


All trades require hard manual labor and kick your ass overtime


Being a plumber or electrician or mechanic (if you're not a total dumbfuck) can make you damn good money


if you don't mind sacrificing your body and living in pain the rest of your life.


Every tradesperson I know over 40 years old has severe back/knee problems.


Don't consider trade school unless you don't care about being cold/warm, working unstable hours and not having a steady stream of work all the time.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Being a tradie is cool and all, but you start with the shit jobs, whenever you join a crew, you keep on the shit jobs until a newer guy comes along and wgen you go independent, unless you can snap up a guy from your old crew, you're still gonna be doing the shit jobs. Work hours and jobs are not fixed (unless you are an in-house electrician/plumber/repair mech for some company that doesn't specialise in installation).

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Sorry, but this also needs to be said. You don't have to go to college, but trade school isn't the only alternative (and even then, there's much more to it than just construction fields like plumbing, electricity, etc)


I did this and now at 27 my back is FUCKED and I am starting square one in the office world. Go to college kids.


This is a dumb point, for many reasons.


Firstly, not everyone finds it as easy as you.


Secondly, if you have the basic ability of reading comprehension and can concentrate for more than a minute, textbooks are a fantastic resource for learning. Even some of the worst teachers have experience they can tell you about and skills that they have developed.


Finally, school is not just about learning facts. It's about discussing, asking and answering questions and handing in homework sheets and having them marked. It's also about being given direction via a syllabus to know what to learn next.


In fact, it's not even a purely academic pursuit. It's about making friends and forming relationships and finding hobbies and exploring new subjects.


The fact that you would call it "glorified babysitting" shows that you haven't even thought for a second about what it's really about and how important it is.


There is a massive difference between learning the general idea of something and applying it on a test in a week versus getting a deep understanding of a subject you will be able to recall years down the line. A solid youtube video won't get you there for the second point. Learning to a decent level of understanding is a process that takes multiple iterations and time with the material.


In my experience it's exactly the opposite. In school you will learn how to answer correctly on a test, that's it. But your own research (be that through Youtube or other sources) will most likely get you to that second point.


In my experience, if you don't have that deep understanding in higher-level math classes (like discrete math or graduate classes), for example, you will get absolutely annihilated. Studying for the test straight up doesn't work.


not exactly higher level, but in linear algebra I found youtube INFINITELY more helpful than instruction. The visualizations were key. so it may depend on the specific content anyways


No arguments there. Linear Algebra has a notoriously shitty curriculum.


The fundamental problem is that the education system values recitation above creative problem-solving. From day one you're forced to conform to certain learning standards, recite them on assignments and exams, and then receive a quantitative grade that (arbitrarily) sorts good students from bad students. This system humiliates and demoralizes "bad students" and rewards "good students" with a sense of superiority. Nobody is really learning anything, we all just do the work until we can't take it anymore, then the school spits everyone out with a number that defines everyone's relative intelligence.


I agree completely.


That is the reason a software engineer (b.eng) gets paid more than a bootcamp jockey. But the bootcampers will always insist they are just as good, which has never aligned with my experience of them


Collateral knowledge is a powerful thing. I first got an associate degree and then a bachelor's in engineering. I can tell you that after I got an associate's and worked for a bit I thought I knew just as much as an engineer. I got lucky because my manager actually gave a damn and tried to teach me stuff. That's when I realized how limited my knowledge was. It's funny that a lot of complexity just went over my head because I simply DID NOT KNOW. And because I did not know it did not even register in my head.

附带的知识反而是非常重要的东西。我先拿了两年制的学历,然后拿的本科学士学历。在我拿了两年制学历工作了一段时间之后,我以为自己和本科毕业的工程师懂得一样多了。我很幸运,因为我的经理很在乎我,并且试着教我东西。我到这时才明白自己的知识有多狭隘。有很多复杂的问题我连想都没想过,因为我压根不 知 道。因为我不知道,所以我想都不会去想。

You dont know what you dont know!


Humility goes a long way. Sadly ive found many engineers that have the holier than thou attitude, and I have found many bootcampers with a complex of “im better than an engineer”


Both of those are shit employees.


很赞 3