2021-02-22 龟兔赛跑 7471

Why do I like helping others?


Heidi Paul, former Life Counseling as Led and Taught by the Holy Spir at Fill Member of Bay Christian Family Church /Alan…

Heidi Paul,之前主导过生活咨询服务,在作为海湾基督教家庭教堂补充成员时受到过圣灵的教导

One of the greatest things may come as a bit strange in this context,
but to me it's hugely pleasing to find that each time I get to help someone, especially someone who has NOTHING, I see how it frees ME from being a slave to “money” and..
Actually I don't spend much time thinking about whether it's going to negatively impact on myself. I'm completely overtaken by the “moment” and see only the fact that it's absolutely WONDERFUL (miraculous actually.. Seeing that once I could hardly even TITHE AT ALL ) that I can now be
the one to give to help others. (Their expression.. Their complete surprise!! . It's enough gift to me.)


Then I'm thinking as to how my late mother always used to say that a mean person will just never receive blessings (she wasn't even a believer!!). And warned us that there was a kind of inevitability about the outcome of a person who is tight fisted and just MEAN . (calling trouble!)
why In the Bible we are taught that God loves a CHEERFUL giver, and like so many other things of God, He looks on the HEART of a man and points out that those whom He can trust with “the little things” are the ones He will be able to trust with BIG things. Money to Him is the “little thing test” and the way we manage it, and our attitude to it, are hugely indicative of our attitude to our relationship with Himself and our Covenant commitment.
There's only ONE way that I have found to stop money from owning you or running your life, or becoming a controlling force (idolatry) is to either give some. (altruistic outreaches) …or to bless others.


One thing I noticed about my late mom, who had some truly awful experiences of poverty as a youngster, is that she almost went overboard doing things that blessed others. It takes forethought, sympathy, empathy and compassion. (When I think about her now I sometimes think that she must actually have had it FAR worse than any of us ever knew.)
One thing we must realize is that, especially as believers, whose Lord and Saviour is Jesus Christ, and who purport to have a Covenant relationship with, is that giving involves us deeply with God Who is love, and that blessing others is an indication not only of our relationship with Christ, and having a yielded heart that is grateful.
I don't let OTHER people tell me what when or how much.. I listen to what God tells me to give. In fact, I don't respond to “I demand”. It leaves me STONE dead. There's no life in that because it's based on presumption and entitlement.


I have actually had several times when I have pre-thought my giving at church and then the Apostle just slightly mentions a bigger monetary amount that I need to give…and the Holy Spirit quickens it to me (inner witness) and I know that I know that I KNOW it's right. The ABSOLUTE JOY of being a “sharer” of what God has given me, (by His grace) , into my Apostles vision. To me that's what being blessed means to me.
Something else that I found liberating about that is that it is HUGE to be able to give into the BROADER Kingdom of God (not just my church) … the small amount I give…to my Apostle…he puts towards planting a new church… and so then HOW MANY EXTRA PEOPLE can receive Jesus Christ. I can't go there, but by sowing I'm right there as well, saving souls.
It's a MEGA blessing to be a BLESSER IN the Kingdom.


Devansh Gadodia, Student (1998-present)
I'll start with an example…
This past week I sent an e-mail to a friend. I thanked him for helping me over the years and being a significant factor in Becoming Minimalist’s success. He wrote back, “If I have helped you succeed, I am happy.” It was a short e-mail response, but it communicated an important truth: Our greatest successes in life are often found in helping others succeed. Our most lasting and fulfilling achievements are often earned by helping others fulfill theirs.
This is foreign thinking to a culture that often sees the world as one giant competition. In their mind, there is a set number of winners and losers. And if somebody else wins, that’s one less opportunity for me. But I have come to realize the mindset of competition is based on a faulty premise. It assumes there is a finite sized pie – that one more success in another’s life equals one less success in mine. But quite frankly, this thinking is incorrect.
There is wonderful freedom and grace in realizing the size of the pie is not finite – that in reality, the pie keeps growing. Another’s success does not mean I have less opportunity. In fact, another’s success can actually be my success if I had opportunity to enable, encourage, and promote them along the way!


Consider how helping another achieve success (however you/they decide to define it) results in significant benefits in a number of directions:
· The receiver has reached a far greater potential than they could have on their own.
· The world has been bettered and has been given a life-giving model to emulate.
· The giver is remembered fondly and is often publicly (and privately) thanked for their contribution.
· A stranger is likely to be the recipient of the original receiver “paying it forward.”
· And the cycle begins again.


Now, just to be clear, I am starting with an assumption that our greatest joys in life are rarely found in the relentless pursuit of selfish ambition – that selfish desires always leave us lacking and searching for more. Some may think that line of thinking is too unrealistic, far-fetched, or old-fashioned. They believe that in a dog-eat-dog-world if I’m not looking out for #1, nobody is. But that line of thinking is short-sighted.
Inherently, we know we have been designed to live for something greater than ourselves. Our contribution to this world has to be measured by something more meaningful than the size of our house or the neighborhood where it is located. And our lives are going to find lasting significance in how we choose to live them… and how we enable others to live theirs.


Ann Nisha, Manager at National HRD Network (2014-present)

Ann Nisha,国家人力资源发展网络经理(2014年至今)

It is not unfounded why humans are called 'social animals'! We are hard wired to watch out for one another almost instinctively, just like any other creature in the wild, or otherwise. There's a very scientific reason why giving and helping others makes us happy.
The brain is remarkably complex, just like the rest of the human body. The 'altruism centre' deeply embedded in the human brain is said to be responsible for the secretion of happiness hormones; the neurochemical drivers of happiness are Dopamine, Serotonin, and Oxytocin, which make up the Happiness Trifecta. The key to happiness is as simple as indulging in any activity that increases the production of these neurochemicals!
Helping others triggers a release of oxytocin (also called the 'cuddle hormone', which has the effect of boosting your mood and counteracts the effects of cortisol (the dreaded stress hormone). The triggers for happiness can vary in people - spending time with a pet, your child, or a loved one, listening to your favourite music, engaging in a hobby you are passionate about, and so on, the list is endless. Helping others or even donating money or time to give back to society are such activities as well. Something as simple as opening a door for a stranger or simply smiling at someone in the elevator can have a similar effect. It also leads to a cycle of positivity since ‘mirror neurons’ kick into action in those around you.
Interestingly, the higher your levels of oxytocin, the more you want to help others, and when oxytocin is boosted, so are serotonin and dopamine. So go right ahead and indulge in helping others whenever possible, and get to be in a positive frx of mind. Spread the love!


Frank Kilgore, knows English
Because you are here in existence only by the love of God that created you. God is love and the heart, he(art), the main functional organ and housing of it.(the temple of the God, the Holy Ghost). It is love that gave free will as well. It is love that is in the heart already as the means of following what is felt to guide our paths. It is love that proceeds and accomplishes the truth. It is love that is given to save us from sin, unto salvation.
God(Father) gave God(Son) into the world. which then God(Jesus Christ) gave himself ( his life) to give us God(Holy Ghost). (God and love are the same) There things are the greatest works of love that exist.
He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.
Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.
Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
“He said unto them, Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed? And they said unto him, We have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost.”
Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.
All scxture is from the King James Version Holy Bible. The ONLY Authorized Version of the word of God.
So, love is all things. This incredible experience is for his pleasure. Sharing love is living life with God(love).


Jane Nutter, B.A. Psychology & German, Northern Kentucky University (2017)

Jane Nutter,北肯塔基大学心理学与德语学士(2017)

Since helping other members of your society tends to make it better for you too, humans evolved to be altruistic. I don't know if you've tried spending a long day helping people who have no chance of paying you back, but their sincere heartfelt gratitude can practically get you high. I remember once when I was like 15, we helped build a retaining wall for a women's shelter, and it seemed simple to us (heck, we were done by like 2 in the afternoon) but one of them (not even sure if resident or employee) thanked us tearfully and made us feel like heroes. Try it if you haven't; sometime when you have a free day on the weekend, instead of watching TV or something find a charity and ask them if there's anything they need done. If you have kids, bring them along to help however they can. If it's a big job, call in some friends or something. Heck, just help out at a soup kitchen. It's rewarding and fulfilling in the way people want their paid jobs to be. If everyone knew how great it felt, I doubt there would be anyone who needed welfare. We'd all welcome immigrants not only into our country, but probably into our homes. There'd be so many couples interested in adoption that abortions would probably become extremely uncommon and the foster care system would actually be able to function. Drug use would plummet, since that's mostly a side effect of an unhealthy society where people feel like nobody cares about them, and what drug use did still exist would not be due to addiction but merely for recreation. Of course, the entertainment industry, including sports, would probably take a hit, but it would work out. Government would probably have nothing to do (well, it already does nothing productive lol, but it would have no excuse for the counterproductive stuff it does now). If only.


Grahame Cossum, Therapist and self help author of two books.

Grahame Cossum,治疗师,自己创作了两本书的。

I could give you the long winded answer which would be, you are altruistic, you are a giver not a taker, you have humanity's best interest at heart. All of which could be true. But there is a much more basic and fundamental reason you like helping others.
You enjoy it, because it makes you feel good.
There’s no shame in that by the way. It makes perfect logical sense, if you didn’t enjoy it, you wouldn’t do it. As humans we are constantly driven toward pleasure and away from pain, this is an example of just that.
It is more socially acceptable to say we are altruistic care giving beings with humanity's best interest at heart, it sounds really good. But it is just window dressing.
Unfortunately the truth sounds a lot more boring. We do it because it feels good. It ticks a psychological box somewhere in our psyche.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Venkatasubramanian Meenakshisundaram, Geo-Scientist (1982-present)

Venkatasubramanian Meenakshisundaram,地球科学家(1982年至今)

I have received help from others when in need. Therefore, I know how much it will benefit the needy if I extend help on time. If my help will make a smile in other’s face won’t I also get happy seeing that?
As social animals, our biggest asset is the humanity that is richly endowed in ourselves, but unfortunately we have dug a deep grave and buried it.
If you are a believer in Karma, then it gives meaning to the proverb “what you sow so you reap”. If you want to be happy make others happy.
When humans get involved in a transaction there are expectations- the expectations make you to register the activity in your mind with certain emotions. If you get positive response for your transaction which was your intention and expectation- then you are neutral. If there is a negative response you start to perceive yourself to be a loser and regret. Sometimes your mind plays the scene repeatedly and you whip yourself for that!
If you look at “help” in relation to the above ,you will simply register the activity in your mind as a noble gesture without expectations and hence you will experience a positive flow that leads to happiness.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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