2021-02-25 龟兔赛跑 25779

Would you rather be rich in a poor country, or poor in a rich country?


My ancestors have dwelled in the same "mudhut" farming village in China along the silk road for at least the last 600 years. The village still exists, and everyone there shares a common ancestry and surname. I was the first person in my direct line to not be born there, but my father and everyone before was.
Our immediate family was the wealthiest in the village. My father''s grandfather was a self-taught doctor who attended to the villagers and neighboring villages. Patients without money paid in produce and livestock. Doctors were highly regarded so he not only had wealth but respect. I suppose if the village had a political system, we would be the mayor. Whereas most families had a simple home made of the surrounding clay (thus my term "mudhut"), our family had a compound consisting of several homes made of brick. We owned the most farmland. Our family farmed but also could pay for workers to help us. For farmers, there are no vacations--only seasons. Heating consisted of burning coals in the basement. Food was limited to what could be produced in the village and meat was served only for celebrations. There was no electricity, gas, plumbing, phones, etc. Whereas most kids walked to school (if they went to school), my father sometimes rode a mule. He later attended a slightly better school in the city and was able to attend a top university in China. Protection against robbers (and there were armed robbers) consisted of high walls, guard dogs and family.


The Communist revolution changed all of that by 1950. My father and grandfather were forced to flee China (without their wives and siblings) and the land in the village was (presumably) redistributed equally.
My father was able to make it to America by himself . He was diagnosed with tuberculosis soon after he arrived, and the US government provided free treatment and housing whereas in the village it probably would have been a fatal disease. He went on to earn Masters degrees from two universities, but he led a rather unremarkable, middle-class life: Office work, home ownership, mortgages, credit card debt, divorce, TVs, cars, etc. However, he lived in the US, he also had electricity, toilets, showers, advanced medical care, libraries, free elections, vacations, paved roads, 911 emergency service, unlimited quantity and variety of food (best embodied by the American all you can eat buffet), traveled all over North America (usually by car), drove a few Cadillacs (believe me we were middle-class; we were in debt like everyone else), and chose whom he married.
So who would you rather be--the mayor of "mudhut" village or Joe Regular in the USA?


Darren Johnson, College instructor and owner of Campus News, a print newspaper
This question would be better if it were, “Would you rather be rich in the POOREST country or poor in the RICHEST country?”
Mexico, and living as a rich person there is quite pleasant. You can have a nice car, get cable TV, eat at fine restaurants, shop in malls — and average people won’t begrudge you much for it.
But if you’re talking extremely poor countries, like Yemen, the Congo or Haiti, your life may be in danger and basic amenities like getting decent Internet and TV and clean water and roads that are well paved may be hard to come by. And it’s really disheartening looking at extreme poverty whenever you venture out. You’d probably need armed guards, have private tutors for your kids and worry about juntas. Women wouldn’t have basic rights, and there wouldn’t be much of an arts scene. There’d be few like-minded people to talk to. It would be depressing.
But being poor in a rich country is fine — you can go to free museums, have a smart phone, get 200 TV channels, libraries, relative safety, etc. You may not have a Rolls Royce, but you can pick up some junker car and drive the same highways as the rich and famous.
So, ultimately — depends. I’d rather be rich in Mexico than poor in the USA or Western Europe, but I wouldn’t want to live in certain countries because, even if wealthy, I’d have to give up some basic rights and freedoms.


Sreekrishna Koppuravuri, lives in Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India (2002-present)
Everybody prefers to be rich where ever they live. But, to live peacefully there should not be much gap between the rich and the poor.
In many countries, people are simmering in discontent because some people are becoming super rich and others are unable to earn enough even for their necessities. This created unrest and scramble for money and resources. Rising inequality is beginning to produce a two-tiered (rich and poor) society in America. Already, millions upon millions of Americans are slipping out of the middle class and into the devastating grip of poverty. This inequality is creating psychosocial stress and anxiety that is leading to many health and social problems (obesity, mental illness, homicides, alienation, child conflict, usage of alcohol and drugs, incarceration etc.). But, according to Mahatma Gandhi “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs but not every man’s greed”. People are just not realizing
this and are participating in this mad rat race for money. After all, those who won this race are also living like rats. As we are following America blindly, here in India also the GINI coefficient or the gap between the rich and the poor is increasing.
In India, we can describe middleclass people as carriers of values and upholders of culture. Austerity, integrity and humility are the values of middle class. Societies with strong middle class have greater levels of trust of strangers. It is difficult to convince people in a highly stratified society that the rich and the poor share common values. Unless we do something, in India also middle class would come down drastically in future.


Millicent Podgers
The bad thing about being poor in a rich country, that I think most people here don’t really understand, is that it doesn’t allow you to blame anyone.
Let me explain.
When you are poor in a poor country, you can always blame the system, and everyone will understand. Or everyone else is poor, and you are all together.
But if you are poor in a rich country, you can’t blame the system, because the system is geared towards giving everyone opportunity to get rich. So what happens is you are faced with your own inferiority in comparison with other people. This is a form of psychological stress that poor people in poor countries simply do not have.
Poor people in poor countries do not expect to feel like losers. But poor people in rich countries actually do feel like losers, and the fact that most of the time (and I’m talking about people who are very poor, as in poverty line, not people who are simply working class), it is a direct result of the choices they have made, makes it substantially worse.
So a poor person in a rich country feels - I am a loser


Charles Whiskey, Sales Representative at Vintage Press Limited (2013-present)
I presume you are driving at what it feels like being rich or poor in relative terms.
Firstly, if you were to be rich in a poor country, would you be happy and fulfilled? Will you try to alleviate the suffering that is associated with poverty of your fellow countrymen? Will you feed on or exploit the situation of others for your personal gain? Are you going to be the man everybody will be looking up to for succour? The answer to these set of questions would put you in poll-position regarding your preferences under this situation. Whatever your choice, will dependend on many factors which are either selfless- benefiting everyone, or outrightly selfish.
Second : being poor in a rich country has its own pitfalls and set of interconnecting questions as well: Are you satisfied with having very little in the midst of plenty? Can your situation be improved or remain consistent in abject lack? Are you satisfied and proud of being poor under the circumstance? Your honest answer is needed for you to decide/determine what you prefer.
Apparently, the motivation behind the choices you make to the above, in no small measure ,would immensely be of help in determining your preference.


Mattias Eliasson
The majority of poor or low income people in rich countries would be rich in a poor country. Economically it makes all sense to move. However the main reason that poor countries stay pore is that people don’t do that. Because then there would be more skilled labour available and the poor economies would bloom.
The reason for this is that people have family and friends. Would it not be for that I would probably move. Another reason is that I do not know who I can trust in a foreign language. Here I know the language and the local business country. I know that if I go to certain types of people I can trust them and I know that if I go to others I may get scammed, robbed or worse. But I do not know how to make that distinction in other countries. Even other Scandinavian countries which on the surface have very similar culture are unknown to me.


Srinivas Kari, lives in Wakad, Maharashtra, India (2018-present)
Poor in a rich country.
In a rich country, because the system is well developed, succeeding there is mostly a question of how much hard work one is willing to put in. There aren’t many systemic hurdles in ones path in a rich country. Hard work and capitalism mostly work here. Governments are mostly not corrupt. Policies of government usually have a direct impact unlike a poor country, where out of every $1 spent by the government on a public project, 1 cent eventually goes into the project, the remaining 99 cents eaten away by corrupt government officers and employees.
In a poor country, in addition to hard work, corruption, nepotism, contacts, using influence to go ahead + secure your wealth is important. Plus because the system is broken, corrupt and bureaucratic, succeeding there is a struggle. Poverty + corruption + bureaucracy + high population = poor growth, a society where there is immense competition for all kinds of resources (land, educational seats in schools, colleges, jobs etc). Adding other factors like caste, religion, gender just make things worse.


Jon Jones
Rich in a developing country. Fairly modest wealth in SE Asia buys a lifestyle which the wealthy in the developed world have. The middle class is much smaller and consequently has much greater purchasing power. It''s also easy to travel to the west too.
Really rich people are above the law, and have power that very few people possess in the west. Their influence is relatively limited outside their own countries but inside it''s possible to live like the princes of the middle ages- every whim carried out, every perversion indulged and every wish a command.


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David Reece, former Innovation Systems Specialist at Africa Rice Center
That depends HOW rich you are, and what you want to do with your time and money…
If you are only moderately rich, then you may find a decent restaurant meal in New York to be a luxury that requires long-term planning and can only be enjoyed on rare occasions, yet you can eat out in Bangkok whenever you want to do so without having to think about the price. Similar remarks apply to massages, taxi rides and excursions to local places of interest. So such a person would benefit from being in a low-cost country, while someone who is seriously rich by first world standards could do whatever they wanted anywhere without having to consider the price.


Shubham N, lives in India
If people are friendly and civilized then it would be nice to be a rich in a poor country. But often times, we see that people in poor countries have not given up their animal behaviour. They become blood thirsty, hold mob mentality, try to kill others on mere rumors, don’t show respect for other person’s rights, freedom of speech, food, clothing etc and behave in a very unrully manner. In that case it will be a lot better to be a poor in a rich country.
Where there is no freedom, that country can suffocate you no matter how much wealth you have.


Enzo Michelangeli, lives in Hong Kong (1987-present)
It depends on the country: I see Vietnam as a great place to live, but I wouldn’t settle in dangerous places (e.g. Somalia, Venezuela, Papua New Guinea etc.) out of concerns for personal safety.
Likewise, also for poors the type of rich country matters: young people might prefer one offering better opportunities such as the US, whereas older ones might value what is offered in terms of public healthcare and welfare and opt for Canada or European countries.


Bill Herman, Lived in 5, Minored World History, Former Marine.
You live where you are either stuck and have no real choice or you live where you feel safe, comfortable. Many people are stuck in miserable living conditions not (always) of their own doing, they cannot get out due to many factors, war, politics, lack of funds, health, family obligations and more. Those who do live in such places and are able to leave do so, usually looking for a safe, happier area. Not all find one.
So rich, poor, middle, whatever has little meaning when it comes to moving, living your life, it has to do more with where you are and what’s going on around you.
Are you satisfied, feel good, enjoy? No, then you probably should find a way to go someplace else, regardless of if it’s a poor or rich country, what matters is what do you want and what are you capable of getting in your life.


Roy Rintoul, works at Self-Employment
In my opinion it is much better to live in a rich country if you yourself are wealthy. Living “rich” in a poor country is pretty much an invitation to being targeted by the less than savory elements within that society. You are able to blend in, within a place like Monaco or Macau, if you too are rich. While the cost of living may be higher in these places, so is your security and lifestyle. It is worth a whole lot to be able to walk the streets at night without having to look over your shoulder every ten seconds :)


Swagato Barman Roy, lived in Uttarpara, West Bengal, India
Well, if the choices are so extreme (very wealthy vs. desperate poverty) then obviously I would choose the the former, i.e. rich in a poor country.
Also, the advantage of being ultra rich is that countries do not matter anymore. I could run my business anywhere in the world, from a small town in India to a penthouse in Dubai to an yacht floating on the Mediterranean. So if I am seriously rich, obviously I will get a lot of choice about it and need not be confined by my accident of birth.


Adedayo Lawal, Am 27 year old entrepreneur with experience in ecommerce and last-mile markets.
I prefer being rich in a poor country especially if am opportuned to choose my country(Nigeria).
Firstly, life will be much easier and I would get most basic needs with money , and also enjoy quite some freedom. Like;
1. Driving against traffic
2. Getting personal escort with guns
3. Abuse drugs

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