2021-02-26 涛声依旧啊 26282
What is the origin of the name "China"?


Odile De La Torre Bárcena
Zhongguo is found in the documents of Zhou Dynasty, but the Zhong character represented a flag.


The king of the Shang Dynasty covened the meetings and the people attended him around, so the most widespread meaning was : Central Power.


CHINA is recorded both in “ the book of songs” and in “the book of rites” with two differnt senses:

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

A - As State Capital
B - Referring to the regions where the population of the HUAXIA ethnic group lived, and its states that extended along the Middle course of the Yellow River .

A - 作为国家首都
B - 指华夏民族人口聚集地,以及沿黄河中游延伸的国家。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Zhongguo, refers to the states of the Central Plain. Chinese= Zhong : Central, and Guo : State.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

After the Dynasties Quin and Han, Zhongguo already refers to the entire state.


The HUA character comes from the ancestors of the Han ethnic group, calling themselves, HUAXIA. Hua means splendor and XIA means greatness. ( China has magnificent rites, hence its name is XIA. It has beautiful clothes and hence it is called HUA.


The HAN ethnic group mingled with others ethnic groups like the : Quiang, Yi, Di, Rong or MIao from which the primitive HUAXIA ethnic group finally formed. In the epochs of the QUIN and HAN dynasties, HUAXIA was replaced by QUINREN and HANREN, terms referring to the citizens of these dynasties, QUIN and HAN , or TANGREN in the TANG Dynasty.


The concept of CHINA : ZHONGHUA Nation in Modern times encompasses all ethnicities.


Source: esjobs.


Kelly Erickson, Experience Designer. Research hound. Constantly curious.
I wanted to blurt out "from the Qin (pronounced chin) dynasty" without checking around, but I decided to get some help. Good thing, because it's a little more complex than I remembered:
The word "China" is derived from Cin (چین), a Persian name for China popularized in Europe by Marco Polo. The first recorded use in English dates from 1555. In early usage, "china" as a term for porcelain was spelled differently from the name of the country, the two words being derived from separate Persian words. Both these words are derived from the Sanskrit word Cīna (चीन), used as a name for China as early as AD 150.

There are various scholarly theories regarding the origin of this word. The traditional theory, proposed in the 17th century by Martino Martini, is that "China" is derived from "Qin" (秦, pronounced chin), the westernmost of the Chinese kingdoms during the Zhou Dynasty, or from the succeeding Qin Dynasty (221 – 206 BC). In the Hindu scxtures Mahābhārata (5th century BC) and Manusmṛti (Laws of Manu) (2nd century BC), the Sanskrit word Cīna (चीन) is used to refer to a country located in the Tibeto-Burman borderlands east of India. Another theory is that this word is derived from Yelang, an ancient kingdom in what is now Guizhou whose inhabitants referred to themselves as 'Zina'.

from Wikipedia's China article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China

Kelly Erickson,体验设计师,研究猎犬,总是好奇。
“中国(China)”一词来源于Cin (چین),这是马可波罗(Marco Polo)在欧洲流行起来的中国的波斯语名称。英语中第一次有记载的用法是在1555年。在早期的使用中,“中国”作为瓷器的一种说法与国家的名字拼写不同,这两个词来自不同的波斯语单词。这两个词都来自梵语单词Cīna (चीन),早在公元150年就被用作中国的名字。
关于这个词的起源有各种各样的学术理论。马蒂诺·马蒂尼(Martino Martini)在17世纪提出的传统理论认为,“中国(China)”源自“秦”(chin,发音为chin),即周朝时期中国最西端的王国,或来自随后的秦朝(公元前221-206年)。在印度教经典Mahābhārata(《摩诃婆罗多》,公元前5世纪)和Manusmṛti(公元前2世纪的《摩奴法典》)中,梵文单词Cīna (चीन)被用来指代印度东部藏缅边境的一个国家。另一种说法是,这个词来自夜郎,一个古代王国,在今天的贵州,那里的居民自称“Zina”。

Aaron Carson
@Kelly Erickson
Really good answer. I was going to jump in with “Qin” too!


Shiqing Xu
@Kelly Erickson

the 秦 theory and the sanskrit theory should be the same thing because the qin dynasty existed around 2 bc and the word 秦 was pronounced as “zin” at that time. the pronunciation didnt turn into “chin/qin” until the recent 300-ish years (and it is only “qin/chin” in modern standard chinese (普通话) and northern mandarin dialects)

Yusrin Faidz Yusoff, Advocate & Solicitor (1997-present)

Yusrin Faidz Yusoff,辩护律师兼事物律师(1997年至今)
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The word "China" originates from the Malay word "Cina". So does the word "Mandarin" which originates from the Malay word "Menteri". See, both words were not in general use there. In the 16th century, Portuguese explorers were among the first Europeans to reach China.


Their agents, guides and pilots were of Malay origin. At that time the Portuguese were simultaneously colonizing Malacca on the Malay peninsula. The Malays were useful guides to the Portuguese as they have been trading with mainland China since 300 BCE. See extract from Asiatic Journal 1827:


(Source Credit: Bert Tan of Malaysian Heritage & History Club)

(资料来源:Bert Tan的马来西亚遗产与历史俱乐部)

The Portuguese just followed what their Malay guides told them. They call the country Cina / China, and called the Ming officials they met "mandarim", which comes from 'menteri' in Malay and, before that, 'mantrī' in Sanskrit, both of which mean “minister” or “counselor.”


Leo Holland
@Yusrin Faidz Yusoff
Portuguese were not “among the first”, Portuguese explorers were the very first Europeans to trade with China. Formerly, everyone in Europe relied on the Ottoman Empire… little was know abou China and India, the first detailed reports and trade started with Portuguese… the rest is history


Raven Tree, Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2018-present)
The are many explanations about the source of China’s name. I list some below:
a) The porcelain, also named ‘china’, was transported into Europe hundred of years ago. Because of the popularity of china from China, so the English countries call my country as ‘China’;

b) In 19 century, Qing dynasty(清) ruled the whole country. The pronunciation of ‘Qing’ sounded like ‘China’.
c) Another source about ‘China’ originated in BC 2 century. A powerful nomad ethnicity built a strong country in the north of China. At that time, China was ruled by Qin Dynasty(秦) and Han Dynasty(汉) successively. The nomad people called China as ‘Qin’. The pronunciation of ‘Qin’ sounded like ‘China’. After many wars, they were defeated by Han and they ran away towards west. So, the ‘Qin’ was spread to symbolize China.
Raven Tree,香港理工大学(2018-至今)
a) 瓷器(porcelain),也叫“瓷器(china)”,几百年前被运到欧洲。由于中国的瓷器(china)来自中国,所以英语国家称我的国家为“China(中国)”;
b) 在19世纪,清朝统治整个国家(清)。“Qing”的发音听起来像“China”。
c) 另一个关于“China”的来源起源于公元前2世纪。一个强大的游牧民族在中国北方建立了一个强大的国家。在那个时候,中国是由秦朝统治(秦)和汉代(汉)先后。游牧民族称中国为“秦”。“Qin”的发音听起来像“China”。经过多次战争,他们被汉朝打败,逃向西方。因此,“Qin”被传播开来代表中国。

Patrick Koh, Knows Asia, China and USA

Patrick Koh,了解亚洲、中国和美国

WHY “China”?
I once couldn’t sleep as a kid, when I learnt that being China is lixed to cold ‘ceramics’.
A stupid “Amazing - Do You Know!” book telling me ‘HOW the China nation got its name’.
I hated that instead of a majestic Dragon or a fearsome Tiger, a civilisation could take its inspiration from a piece of porcelain. LOL.
Perhaps a short Quora reply will help exorcise a childhood nightmare.
HERE!! BELOW has more to do with ‘China’ than the ceramic crockery fake story.

在这里! !下面更多的是关于“China”的起源,而不是关于瓷器的假故事。

This Bronze mold for minting banliang coins, Warring States period (475-221 BC), State of Qin. 5th century BC!!
And I will tell you why this is the key reason why China is called ‘China’!


The BIG picture below is the answer, at least the answer I most believe in. But it is the STATE of QIN, and not the QIN Dynasty that gave her its name around the 5th century!


But first why? Because there are a few possibilities.
Where does the name ‘China’ comes from?
1. Qin dynasty - Lu Lu/What is the origin of the name "China?
2. Ceramic - from a city “Jing de” Boyuan Guan/Origin of the name "China"

3. Ancient kingdom Zina in Guizhou, China 夜郎 (Yèláng).

4. Khitan Empire - who was the westermost and most powerful facing the West - Cathay - Wikipedia; this was also popularised once, but now it seems the only acceptable word derived is ‘Cathay’.
5. etc…

1. 秦朝 - Lu Lu/What is the origin of the name "China?(Quora文章链接)
2. 瓷器 - 源自一个城市“景德镇”Boyuan Guan/“China”名字的起源
3. 在贵州的中国古代Zina王国,夜郎(Yèláng)。
4. 契丹帝国 - 是最西北方向、最强大的面对西方的帝国——Cathay——维基百科;这个词也曾经流行过,但现在似乎唯一可以接受的派生词是“Cathay”。
5. 等等说法……

Many answers in Quora and most would agree with the first answer (Qin).
Now here is what I think is the most important.
Where do we find the Earliest Exonym ‘China’?
Has to be Sanskrit of course.
TIME is very important which is seldom mentioned by many answers. I have great respect for Sanskrit being so OLD influenced most languages in one of my favorite country - India. Now why is this important?
Because to the west of the Qin state (started 897 BC), we have the India subcontinent. Guess what? Around 5th century BC. Qin indeed getting powerful, was minting coins. (By 221 BC Qin unified the Middle Kingdom).
AND those Qin coins corresponded nicely with the mention in Hindu scxtures of Mahābhārata (5th century BC).


Let us ask Martino Martini.

He stated that "China" is derived from "Qin" (秦, pronounced chin), the westernmost of the Chinese kingdoms during the Zhou Dynasty, or from the succeeding Qin Dynasty (221 – 206 BC).

No one lies with a name like that!
(No, not ‘China’, I am referring to the name of the Italian, and he was a Priest).


So the key evidence:
Hindu scxt of 5th century BC citing Cina.
The rise of Qin state and the minting of coins around then, and the Westernmost location of Qin facing west and India would be to most conclusive to me.


From Sanskrit, we know that this influenced all Indian languages to use Cina in various forms. Likewise the Persians as Cin (چین), followed by all of Middle East, then the Greeks and the Romans (Latin, Sinae). And later the Italians, Portuguese. Now, South East Asians affected by Indianisation, including the Malays, likewise used ‘Cina’ too when the Portuguese first came for spices.

从梵语中,我们知道这影响了所有印度语言以各种形式使用Cina。同样的,波斯人是Cin (چین),然后是整个中东,然后是希腊人和罗马人(拉丁语,Sinae)。后来是意大利人,葡萄牙人。现在,受印度化影响的东南亚人,包括马来人,在葡萄牙人第一次为香料而来也同样使用了“Cina”这个词。

Well, now I know the inspiration for the name came not from fragile crockery.
But a very powerful state that produced the First Emperor who successfully united one of the great civilisation.
I think a kid would sleep better knowing that.


Kokwai Thong
@Patrick Koh
Nice bit of historical deduction. Perhaps you could add the idea of the central state which was the struggle between all those nation states during the Spring and Autumn period.


Robert Slaby, IT Support at AT&T (2019-present)
As for the question why in English China is called China I don't think I can help you. But if you're interested in why did Chinese name their country as they did, I do know that.

China's name in Chinese is 中国 (Zhong guo). The second part of the name, 国 (guo) means country and it's quite often used in Chinese names for other countries as well e.g. 美国 (Mei guo) - America,泰国 (Tai guo) - Thailand, etc.
The first part of the word, 中 (Zhong) means center. That's because in the ages of dynasties and long before that, Chinese thought that they're the center of the world so they named named their country and it's people (Chinese-中国人 (Zhong guo ren) ) like that.

It may sound kind of egocentric, but to be honest, I do think China was the center of the world and still, partially is.

Robert Slaby, 美国电话电报公司IT支持(2019-至今)
中国的名字在中国是“中国”(Zhong guo)。国名第二部分,国(Guo)意味着国家,它经常在中文里用于其他国家名称,比如美国(Mei guo)——America,泰国(Tai guo)——Thailand,等等。
国名的第一个字,中(Zhong)意味着中心。这是因为在很久之前的朝代,中国人认为他们是世界的中心,所以他们把自己的国家和人民(Chinese-中国人(Zhong guo ren)像那样命名。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Mohamed Iqbal
China is known as “Chung Guo” in Chinese,meaning,’the Middle Kingdom’! Ancient Chinese believed that China was located at the centre of the world,their Emperors were the gods,and the outsiders were the barbarians! That’s why,most Chinese emperors practiced a close door policy! There was a dynasty called,”Chin” ruled China. It’s emperor was Shih Huang-Ti,who built the Great Wall(he started the wall first,completed in stages by other emperors),and he burnt many books! The name China could be originated from this ‘Chin’ name!

China(中国)在汉语中被称为“Chung Guo”,意思是“中央王国”!古代中国人相信中国位于世界的中心,他们的皇帝是神,边远地区的人是野蛮人!这就是为什么大多数中国皇帝实行闭关锁国政策的原因!之前有一个叫“Chin”的朝代统治着中国,它的皇帝是秦始皇,他修建了长城(他首先开始修筑长城,其他皇帝分阶段完成),他烧毁了很多书籍!“China”这个名字可能就是来源于“Chin”这个名字!

Sun Guoxuan, Native Chinese, sometimes naïve.

“中国” means capital city in Old Chinese. After that it became the name of the whole country since it also means “central country”. And “华夏” is the name of Han ethnic group before the very long Han dynasty. It is expounded as “the beauty of clothes” and “the divinity of etiquette”. Ancient Chinese pick the first characters of each to name the nation as “中华”.
Sun Guoxuan, 土生土长的中国人,有时很天真

Na Young Kim, Former Undergraduate Microbiology Researcher
Since most of these people covered "China", I'll just toss in an interesting but random fact in there.

In Chinese, China is 中国 (zhong guo). 中 means "middle/center" and 国 means "country". They literally named themselves as the "middle/center country" because they believed themselves to be the center of the map. Pretty cool right?
Na Young Kim, 前微生物学本科研究员
在汉语中,China是中国(zhong guo)。“中”意思是“中间/中心”,“国”意思是“国家”。字面上的意思是他们称自己为“中间的国家”,因为他们相信自己处于地图的中心。很酷吧?

Tong Zhou
You mean in Chinese, or English? In English, I think it’s because China used to be the original place of china and porcelain, that’s why it is called China. Similarly, the Roman and Ancient Greeks call China Serica, because it produces sericum (silk).
In Chinese, it means central country, because Chinese believe they are in the central of world, which is a common idea for countries in the ancient time. Like, Roma also believes it is the word center.


Savit Dayneh
@Tong Zhou
Wrong! Plates and ceramics are called China because of the Country, not the other way around! The Chinese call it Zhongguo which means Central Country, which it is not, then again, that's their preference. As Far as I know, the country was unified under the Qin Dinasty, (Qin is pronounced “Chin" hence the name China)


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