2021-03-01 兰陵笑笑生 20162
What do the Chinese think of Western food?


Mary McGarvey
, Tour Director (2014-present)
Possibly the Chinese who come to western nations base all their impressions on restaurants and fast food outlets.
A great many people in USA are still ethnically tied to their parents’ or great granfparents’ home cuisine, so that so-called “American” food is something eaten outside the home, just as in China, as a special treat.
I can speak for the Irish immigrants: the basic idea is to eat potatoes in some form, usually boiled, for dinner each evening. No gravy, add butter or salt or pepper to taste. Meat roasted or boiled, not fried. Boiled vegetables. No dessert. Plenty of fresh fruit at any time of the day. Bread is not a side dish: it is toast in the morning or part of a sandwich for lunch. Sauces? Special occasions only, such as holidays and for guests.
Rice? Rarely. Not considered as nutritious as potatoes, which the Chinese government is incidentally now trying to push. It isn't catching on but the central planning mentality of china is trying to manipulate the new generation’s diet.
Pasta and noodles? Special treat. Again, not considered very healthy compare to potatoes.
Salads? Plain lettuce and tomatoes mostly.


Drinks? Water, milk, tea and coffee. Beer sometimes for the men. Soft drinks? Almost never, possibly purchased for guests who won't drink beer or highballs. Seven-up was the one soft drink considered “not too bad” - although it was as full of sugar as any of them. Fruit juices were more expensive than fruit, so forget those.
Ethnic delights like tacos and pizza? Treats.
in other words, as many Chinese here are answering, very plain and healthy because it is only the basic real fresh ingredients.
Gradually, Americanized children grow up just as do the children of Chinese immigrants, and they get out of the house and begin to sample cuisines from around the world either in restaurants or at parties and potluck and picnics, but not so much at other people’s houses. That is because if they did go over sometimes, it would be special for the hosts and they wouldn't offer their plain and boring everyday fair. They make something nicer or at least prepare gravy and sauces or dessert or buy more commercial drinks.


They still favor their own ethnic cuisine at home, as do the Chinese immigrants and their kids.
My point here is simply that Chinese as a monolithic group, let's say about two billion in the planet of about 130 different ethnic types, may not ever really see and experience the everyday lives of ordinary westerners from the inside. Their own cuisine varies enormously due to climate and traditions across Mainland China and Mongolia and Tibet, into Taiwan and Hong Kong and Singapore, and all parts to which they have fled for hundreds of years throughout Asia.
There is nothing that is just “Chinese” in reality, not even rice as it is not traditional in northern parts.
What westerners think of Chinese food is based almost exclusively on restaurant food, which normally doesn't reflect how “real Chinese” eat at home. Many cannot afford it and eat simply with minimal fuss and flavors at home.
So although here on Quora it is fun to compare things, we are all patting our hands on a ginormous elephant, blindly, as we discuss Western vs Chinese food cultures.
Incidentally I did travel in china independently for one month in 1990. The food was very plain in comparison to California Chinese food i.e. Restaurants. Cheap too:$1 a meal. Lots of rice. We ate in the student cafeteria of Nanking university. Pretty lousy even the rice! railroad food also lousy we discovered—oh well, pick through the rice first to throw out small stones that might break your teeth. Use your chopsticks to toss the junk therein out the window!


Shane Christopher Madgett
I can say, after living in Shanghai for a decade, that they have no clue.
Pizza, Hamburgers and Steak. That's it.
Generally speaking… When Chinese people go abroad, they only go to Chinese restaurants.
Ive known Chinese uni students who lived off of Chinese takeout for four years while studying abroad.
When asked why they didn't try other food, the answer was either “because I'm Chinese” or “I don't like it, so I won't try it”
hyper nationalism at its best.
Ar least there are some who stray from the flock.


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Mary McGarvey
When I got back from China in 1990, I started reading all the books about the country I could find. In San Francisco that's a lot! Our Main library has a whole section with many old old books
the ones written by missionaries and early western travelers all attest to one thing; that changing the Chinese was almost impossible. Most missionaries became Chinese in food and dress and eventually even in thinking.
the Chinese did not clobber the foreigners over the head or lecture them or convert them. They simply carried on doing things in their practical and efficient and energy saving ways (such as using a wok to save on cooking fuel, and chopping the food first to make it go faster in the wok or pot), and missionary life meant lots of servants for these chores. So it was adapt or go home!
Readinf about old China in old books is very insightful. It helps explain much here in SF!

1990年我从中国回来后,我开始阅读所有能找到的关于中国的书。在旧金山,这浩如烟海! 我们的主图书馆有一整片区域,里面都是旧书籍。

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Ellen Li
, studied at University of California, Berkeley (2017)
Oukui Pascal
, former Teacher of university at China (2000-2006)
I'm an ABC (American Born Chinese) with parents from the mainland. Here are some observations from my parents, relatives, and Chinese friends:
Americans like to eat a lot of fried, greasy foods (e.g. fried chicken, pizza, and burgers). These foods are good occasionally but usually avoided for health reasons.

The Chinese have a concept called “热气” (loosely translated to “internal heat”). Having a lot of internal heat is bad. Fried, greasy foods promote internal heat = no bueno.

American desserts are generally considered too sweet. Frosting is usually scraped off cakes because frosting is too sugary and thick and fattening.
Cold foods and drinks are a curiosity. Chinese people like to eat hot foods and drink hot beverages. Cold, raw salads aren't considered appetizing. Iced water being offered EVERYWHERE in the US is a source of wonder and amusement.
Americans like to drink a lot of soda and other sugary beverages. Again, good in moderation but generally a no-no.
Processed food and fast food weren't a thing in my family. My mom always insisted on fresh ingredients and home-cooked meals even though I coveted Lunchables and McDonald’s. Not sure why, but probably for health reasons.
Overall, American/Western food is considered excessive compared to Chinese food: excessively sweet, excessively greasy/fattening, and excessively salty.
American food is great as an occasional treat but definitely not for everyday consumption. Tasty in small quantities, overwhelming in large amounts.

o中国人有一个概念叫"热气" (简单地翻译就是"内部热量")。内部热量太多不好的。油炸、油腻的食物会促进内部热量=别吃。

EDIT: Some people have commented that the answer is asking about “Western” food and not American food. I realize that American food is a subset of Western food. I focus on American food because for most Chinese people I know, the bulk of their experience with Western food is through American food.
EDIT 2: Wow I didn't expect for this answer to get so much attention. Just wanted to clarify a few things after reading comments!
China is a huge country, and this post and my comments on it do not and cannot represent the whole country and all of its people. I'm writing primarily from my experiences and conversations with family from the Guangdong region in China.
I also realize that this post sounds overwhelmingly negative towards American food. I know most Americans don't eat like this and the US is also a huge country with a diverse population and palette. But this is the perception of American food held by the Chinese people I know. They've experienced American food through fast food, some American restaurant chains, and what's shown in the media. That's what they consider American food and this post is a reflection of their opinions on it.
Thanks for reading!


Dan Wedin
Amusing that what passes for Chinese food here in the states is exactly what is criticized here: excessively sweet, excessively greasy/fattening, and excessively salty Add a large dose of MSG and you have what most Americans consider “Chinese Food”. We’re advancing, though, and getting down to the basics of fresh vegetables, sustainably raised meats, whole grains and healthy oils.

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Ellen Li
It is interesting! I was fortunate to grow up in an area with lots of good, authentic Chinese food. It wasn't until reading the comments here that I realized most “Chinese” food in the US is quite Westernized. Thankfully, nobody has mentioned Panda Express yet!


Gil Haselberger
I remember my first trip to China on a tour several years ago when we had a chance to eat authentic Chinese food. I thought it was great, but a number of other Americans whose concepts of Chinese food were based on eating "Chinese-American," voiced the view: "I thought I liked Chinese food…until I got to China."


Paul Mansfield
I prefer Thai food over “Chinese” when I am visiting the US, because it’s simpler, less processed.


Angela Sene
Yes, most Americans haven’t traveled so they don’t know they are getting duped with fake, unhealthy version of Chinese food- at fast food places. You would be more likely to find a better version of Chinese food in Peru, which is quite healthy.


Jerome Chiu
When the first waves of Chinese restaurants got into the West (not least the U.S.), they had to adapt to the taste of the populace to survive. So, yes, the perception of Chinese food among Westerners resembles, rather uncannily, that of American food among the Chinese.


Diego Tinoco
I don't think it's amussing, i thinks it's rather logical. Chinese eats American food -> CHINESE thinks “this is to greasy” -> Americans likes greasy food . SO when that same Chinese is going to open a Chinese restaurant for americans- > make food greasy because Americans like greasy food.


Joanna Esposito
When you eat real Chinese food (I’ve been to many “authentic”Chinese restaurants, not fast food ones), it is not greasy, or excessively sweet or anything like that at all. I’ve been to China (4 different cities) and the food is healthy and delicious! They serve many vegetables, rice—maybe noodles sometimes, and a couple of meats. They have very balanced meals. If you are trying fast food that Americans call “Chinese Food”, you can’t even begin to judge it. That is American made food (not Chinese at all) which is yes— greasy, sweet, ad very salty.

当你吃到真正的中国菜(我去过很多"正宗"的中国餐馆,而不是快餐店)时,你会发现它既不会过于油腻,也不会过于甜或类似的东西。我去过中国(4个不同的城市),那里的食物健康又美味! 他们提供很多蔬菜,有时可能是面条,还有几块肉。他们的饭菜非常均衡。如果你只吃过美国人称之为"中餐"的快餐,你根本不能去评判它。那是美国制造的食物(根本不是中国的),是的--油腻,甜,非常咸。

Chinta Kasiraja
Totally agree with Dan
Chinese food in US is a guilty pleasure once s month as it seems to be fried and sauce over the meat /vegetable /noodles /rice , excessively salty
i guess in every region there is the heslthy and the not so healthy , depends largely on ones choice


Joanna Zheng
As a fellow ABC, I completely agree with all your observations!
One example of the divide between Chinese food and American food is in their desserts. American cakes are considered super sweet by my family’s standards, so we always get those spongy, light Asian fruit cakes.


Randy Fulford
Excellent answer. KUDOS to your Mom for keeping you away from McDonald’s as a kid!!!
Also, this is “negative towards American food” as it rightly should be. Fast food, processed foods, GMOs, chains, and even many local eateries are just vile. Especially fast food joints like Burger King or McDonald’s… so I don’t see how anyone can expect you to paint them in a positive light.
I feel like this answer is spot on and I was right there with you word for word… idea for idea.


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Judy Gill
Every year on Chinese New Year, another couple and my husband and I attend our favorite Chinese restaurant where the owner orders for us, providing us with off-menu items of “real” Chinese food. Over the years, we have become friends and he makes sure we get what his family will be having later that night when they go home and have their own, private celebration. We’ve also been invited to meals in the homes of other Chinese friends and wish we could eat like that all the time.


Emanuel Leung
, lived in China (2011-2012)
Answered May 11, 2018
Traditionally, the Chinese abhor dairy like how westerners abhor eating dog meat. They traditionally think dairy is disgusting.
Red wine/white wine is gaining appreciation in China, but they tend to drink purely for status, with HUGE glasses that are gulped down quickly. To European purists, this is horrifying. It is getting better though as people in China gain more appreciation for red/white wine.
Beer has been very popular for decades and shows no signs of stopping. Chinese beers tend to be light lagers. Tsingtao was formed by the Germans when they occupied Shandong, and never left. When Chinese people drink beer, they drink A LOT of it. I’ve seen groups of men order beer BY THE DOZEN.
Chinese people have a hard time with hard bread crusts. Chinese breads tend to be very soft. They’re not big fans of really chewy breads either. While Chinese people complain about western desserts being too sweet, ironically, they sprinkle sugar inside their bread, which a lot of westerners don’t like. A lot of Chinese bread is very soft and spongy. Frankly, I don’t like it either. Whole-wheat bread is also not very well known. Some bakeries are better than others though.


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Chinese people find the big chunks of meat to be cut by knives at the table to be off putting. The Chinese chop up their meat before serving it. Also, the concept of medium rare or rare is not very popular among traditional Chinese eaters. Hence the lack of headway for sushi and sashimi in China until quite recently.
Chinese people don’t eat cold foods much, but ironically there are a huge number of chilled foods in China which are popular. Iced drinks though are traditionally frowned upon. Adding milk and sugar to tea is blasphemous. These attitudes change though, albeit very slowly.
Some Chinese who move to the west don’t understand why westerners make fun of tofu so much and see it as food only for vegetarians. Ironically, tofu with meat is VERY popular in Chinese home kitchens, to the annoyance of some western vegetarians. :P
EDIT: Oh yes, western-style chicken wings and fried chicken are very popular among Chinese everywhere. Chinese eat a lot of chicken and in Hong Kong we even invented our own style of “western chicken”, the “swiss soy sauce chicken wings”. (Its not swiss, but they liked the name). DELISH


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