2021-03-01 阿煌看什么 19501

Ram, Analyst
Answer for Question like these reminds me of the Quote by Sir Vladimir Putin.
"You asked me - who am I, friend or foe (to the west) ?
I am not your friend, I am not your bride or Your Groom,
I am the President of Russian Federation, 146 million people who have certain national interests. It is my job to protect these interests.
States must respect each other''s interests and not change the rules whenever it doesn''t suit you. "
- President Vladimir Putin. ( In an interview to European Journalists)
The last 2 lines of What Putin said is the answer for the question.
There is no permanent enemy or friend when it comes to relationship between States.
As a developing country, India should work on its external affairs based on its interests and taking decisions carefully which would also helps India in future.

这些问题的答案让我想起了弗拉基米尔 · 普京爵士的名言:
我不是你的朋友,我不是你的新娘或新郎,我是俄罗斯的总统,1亿4千6百万人民拥有一定的国家利益。保护这些利益是我的职责。各国必须尊重彼此的利益,不要在规则不适合你的时候改变规则。”——弗拉基米尔 · 普京总统(在接受欧洲记者采访时)

As the leader of ‘Non Aligned Movement’ , India should not make any permanent enemy or friend, but making agreements with the important countries, may it North or West, should help us in longer term.
Russia indeed helped us in difficult times, but we should not forget the fact, as a country they have certain interests on behalf of their people.
We should always prepare for unexpected decisions from countries that we believe as a soul mate.
Like, what India did on Jerusalem controversy (Voting against USA) !
Thanks for reading.

比如,印度在耶路撒冷争议上的所作所为(投票反对美国) !

Aman Kashyap , Learner
The statement of no”best friend nation” is not valid for every nation. Way back, it was Russia and now those fools who are taking name of USA, i would say, get well soon. US is the most advantage-seeking nation, it can never be someones best friend(however, can be a permanent rival ,of Russia).
So, at present, the answer is ISRAEL. One of the most technologically advanced nations and on which India can bear full faith. Never lose this great nation’s friendship what diplomatic failure did to Russia.

没有“最好的朋友国家”的说法,对每一个国家都不适用。 很久以前,是俄罗斯,现在是那个愚蠢的美国,我会说,快点醒醒吧。 美国是最追求利益的国家,它永远不可能成为某人最好的朋友(然而,它可能永远是俄罗斯的竞争对手)。
所以,目前的答案是以色列,是技术最先进的国家之一,印度对此深信不疑。 永远不要失去这个伟大国家的友谊,就像外交失败对俄罗斯的影响一样。

Prakhar Misra , Collector of curiosities
There are no friend or foes when it comes to international affairs...just nations with either similar or conflicting interests. But since the question has been asked, it merits an answer.
(in no particular order)
"Cultural" Friends: South Korea,Sri Lanka,Nepal,Bhutan,Iran,Afghanistan,Bangladesh,Myanmar,Vietnam,Mauritius,Fiji,Japan
"Strategic" Friends:Russia,Israel,France,UK,Brazil
"Business" Friends:Singapore,USA,China,Australia,Egypt,Nigeria,Saudi Arabia,Sudan
These are usually the countries who side with India in UN resolutions (obviously depending on the issue), justifying the dictum A friend in need is a friend indeed. But it would be a grave folly to freeze this list, as all diplomatic relations are highly dynamic and sway according to vested interests.

在国际事务中,没有朋友也没有敌人,只有利益相似或冲突的国家。 但既然已经提了这个问题,那么它就应该有一个答案。(没有特定顺序)

Russia indeed is India''s closest ally till date. It backed India during the 1962 Sino-India war and 1972 India-Pakistan war where Pakistan was backed both economically as well as by weapons by China and US. It has placed faith in India''s commitment on nuclear non-proliferation, though India is on a Non-Proliferation Treaty holdout. India has built its biggest nuclear power plant at Kundakullam with Russia''s aid. Russia and India are also involved in joint research and development of BrahMos missile system and many 5th generation weapons.

俄罗斯确实是印度迄今为止最亲密的盟友,在1962年的中印战争和1972年的印巴战争中,巴基斯坦在经济上和武器上都得到了中国和美国的支持。它相信印度对核不扩散的承诺,尽管印度对不扩散条约犹豫不决。 在俄罗斯的援助下,印度在昆达库兰建成了最大的核电站。 俄罗斯和印度也参与了布拉莫斯导弹系统和许多第五代武器的联合研发。

Harsimran Bhasin , thinking......
No country''s any other''s friend(ally as they call it).Be it America,Russia,China or any other wannabe superpower.They just look at the prospects of a country in terms of the resources it has.If there are chances that they might get profited by ''helping'' some other country they are most willing to do it.And for this let it be America ''helping'' Vietnam, ''helping'' Iraq or the recent Arab countries.Russia ''helping'' Tajikistan or Ukraine for that instance.China also has been ''helping'' Pakistan ever since India''s partition.Let me tell you ,in most of the cases the ''help'' these countries have provided has left these countries in destruction.Just wait for the proper time and they''ll show the world how nice a friend they are.As of now, yeah Russia seems to be supporting India and hasn''t done much wrong yet.

没有一个国家是其他国家的朋友(他们称之为盟友)。无论是美国、俄罗斯、中国还是其他任何想要成为超级大国的国家。 他们只是从一个国家所拥有的资源的角度,来看待这个国家的前景。如果他们有机会通过“帮助”其他国家而获利,他们是最愿意这样做的。 为此,美国“帮助”越南、“帮助”伊拉克或最近的阿拉伯国家。俄罗斯“帮助”塔吉克斯坦或乌克兰。自从印度分裂以来,中国也一直在帮助巴基斯坦。让我告诉你,在大多数情况下,这些国家提供的“帮助”使这些国家处于毁灭之中。 只要等到合适的时机,他们就会向世界展示他们是多么好的朋友。到现在为止,是的,俄罗斯似乎在支持印度,而且还没有做了什么错事。

Shreshth Vashist , understand Indian foreign and military policies
Thanks for the request
Their are no best friends in the international political arena... leader officials of various countries decide on various matters whom to support and who not to support on the basis of the benefits of the own country in the international arena...
Like Pakistan''s best friend was USA for many decades giving them arms & ammunition, civilian aid and international protection since its independence to stop the Russian or soviet influency in South and South East Asia. They have been aware all that time that the Pakistani agencies use and encourage Jihad elements and terrorist from their soil towards India. Now that same America is focusing on India giving Indians support at the international level making highest and the best of its war machine available for India to purchase and Make in India because now India can help them maintain their hegemony on the international level by containing China and only India can do it militarily and economically in the future and very repeatedly mock Pakistan and it''s policies over terrorism.


Now the Russians being the supporters of India since the 1960''s directly or indirectly helped us out in the 1971 war dramatically when signal handedly it disposed off all threats from China USA UK and many other countries to India... but these days when the Russian economy took a hit from the decrease in oil rates it decided to help out even Pakistan by selling them Mi-35 one of theor heavy lift attack and transport chopper

现在,俄罗斯是印度的支持者,自20世纪60年代以来,直接或间接帮助我们摆脱了在1971年的战争中,所有来自中国、美国和许多其他国家对印度的威胁... 但这些天,当俄罗斯经济受到油价下跌的打击时,它决定向巴基斯坦出售米-35重型攻击和运输直升机。

Mayur Shetty , Journalist
The country that has been most supportive of India in recent years is Japan. You can see it in the statement from the political leaders, the billions of dollars of investment and the support in international fora. Russia has been a historical supporter of India, a strategic defense supplier and has stood by the country even when international sanctions were imposed in the wake of the nuclear tests in Pokharan II. Among the immediate neighbours India has the best relations with Bhutan. The King of Bhutan has been the most frequent chief guest at the republic day parade. The Bhutanese currency Ngultrum is pegged to the Indian rupee. Apart from this South Korea too has a very favourable opinion about India and has made large investments in the country. India has has dramatically improved relations with Israel after diplomatic relations were established in 1992. The USA and the European unx too are friendly to India but they have multiple interests and partnerships which sometimes clash with that of India.

近年来最支持印度的国家是日本。你可以从政治领导人的声明、数十亿美元的投资和国际论坛的支持中看到这一点。 历史上,俄罗斯一直是印度的支持者。印度是一个战略防御供应国,即使在博克兰二世核试验之后,国际社会对其进行制裁,俄罗斯也一直站在印度一边。在近邻中,印度与不丹的关系最好。不丹国王是共和日游行中最常见的主宾。 不丹货币与印度卢比挂钩。除此之外,韩国对印度也非常看好,并在该国进行了大量投资。 自1992年建立外交关系以来,印度与以色列的关系有了显著改善。 美国和欧盟对印度也很友好,但他们有多种利益和伙伴关系,有时与印度的利益和伙伴关系相冲突。

Ziad Khan , Investor, Funder, Social Venturepreneur at iCube Ventures (2004-present)
India has enjoyed a long stable run of democracy which hasn’t always been strong enough the steer its policy initiatives but has definitely done better than its neighbors. For the longest time, India was a close ally of Russia and kept its economy close to the capitalistic world. Increasing population, changing strategic geopolitical conditions and political powers shifted that balance.
The whole Gandhi family had to go to give way to Capitalism. Markets were opened to the rest of the world and overnight India became the darling of ruthless money makers. Then India gave way to accumulation of wealth and its billionaire class and became a close ally of US and its cronies. Most of that was to counter increasing influence of a longtime powerful regional rival; China!

印度享受着运行长期稳定的民主,虽然它的政策主动性不总是很强大,但肯定比其邻国做得更好。 在很长一段时间里,印度是俄罗斯的亲密盟友,并且保持着与资本主义世界的紧密联系。 人口增长、战略地缘政治环境的变化和政治力量改变了这种平衡。
整个甘地家族不得不向资本主义让步。市场向世界其他地区开放,一夜之间,印度成为无情的金钱制造者的宠儿。 随后,印度让位于亿万富翁阶层,成为美国及其亲信的亲密盟友。 其中大部分都是为了对抗一个长期强大的地区竞争对手——中国日益增长的影响力!

Siva Murugan , Random observer.
Bhutan, but they don’t play an active role in world politics.
I would’ve said Bangladesh too, but the massive pollution fostered by us, and the BSF’s shoot-to-kill policy is a prickly thorn in the relationship between these two countries.
The EU seems to be quite cool with us, but they aren’t a country.
It’s rather difficult to pick India’s ‘best friend’ from a list of western (and eastern) countries, because most of these countries’ relationships with India tend to one-sided and usually the other countries benefit from the relationship more than India. The chances that any of those countries supporting us at an armed conflict, regardless of the cause, is rather low.

很难从西方(和东方)国家的名单中挑选出印度的“最好的朋友” ,因为这些国家与印度的关系大多倾向于一边倒,通常其它国家从这种关系中获益比印度多。 这些国家在武装冲突中支持我们的可能性相当低,不管原因是什么。

Ajay Arora , lived in India
In international diplomacy, there is nothing called --Best Friend. Appropriate terminologies to use are "ally", " enemy" and "cold war situation". In the past, Russia used to be the biggest supplier of India for defence equipments and that prompted both the countries to come closer. With time, as situation changes; diplomatic relations between countries also undergoes certain changes. India''s increased procurement of defence equipments from other nations like France, Israel and US triggered more proximity in our diplomatic relationship with these countries whereas our relationship with Russia took a little backseat. So all in, it all boils down to how much level of strategic deals ( of national importance) we are on with any natio is what matters.

在国际外交中,没有什么叫做——最好的朋友。比较适当的术语有“盟国”、“敌国”和“冷战局势”。 过去,俄罗斯曾是印度最大的国防设备供应国,这促使两国走得更近。 随着时间的推移,随着形势的变化,国与国之间的外交关系也发生了一定的变化。 印度增加了从法国、以色列和美国等其他国家采购国防设备,这使得我们与这些国家的外交关系更加接近,而我们与俄罗斯的关系则处于次要地位。 因此,归根结底,这一切都取决于我们正在进行的(对国家至关重要的)战略协议的水平有多高。

Saraswat Rahul , I believe in my leader I believe in namo.
Obviously its one n only RUSSIA For reasons looks back Russia has always stood with us whether it was 1971 war , boforce in kargil war .We have developed BRAHMOS with russia.Rakesh sharma went in space with the help of russia.

很明显,唯一的朋友是俄罗斯。无论是1971年的战争还是卡吉尔战争,俄罗斯总是站在我们这边。 我们已经和俄罗斯一起开发了布拉莫斯。 拉凯什 · 夏尔马是在俄罗斯的帮助下进入太空的。

Siddharth Dvivedi , worked at Law
We dont use ''best friend'' in International Relations/ Diplomacy. We''ve allies & enemy states.. The closest of ally which India shares a long term relationship, Strategic & cultural partnership and is hassle free as far as exchange of views are concerned, can be Russia. Other than Russia, India shares an extremely porous relationship with Nepal & Bhutan with which India has a very good understanding. France, Germany and Iran falls next which are all good allies. However, strategically the role of USA is very much sought with which India is trying to accomodate better ties.

我们在国际关系或外交中不使用“最好的朋友”。 我们有盟友也有敌国... 印度与俄罗斯有着长期的战略和文化伙伴关系,就交换意见而言,两国关系最密切的,可能是俄罗斯。 除了俄罗斯,印度与尼泊尔和不丹之间的关系非常疏松,印度对此了解很多。 法国、德国和伊朗都是紧随其后的好盟友。然而,从战略上讲,印度非常希望与美国建立更好的关系。

Rajkumar Ramasamy , studied Mixed Martial Arts (2014)
The best friend to India right now will be Israel .
The Geographic condition of India and Israel are somewhat similar, both the countries are surrounded by enemies (non friendly countries for India).
India is the first country to acknowledge Israel as a country when it was formed ,and currently Modi ''s visit made the bond between two countries even stronger,
So in this case not scenario the country which we can rely upon as our best friend could be Israel.


Prashant Singh
Russia can be considered as the closest ally.Because we do not have a common border and don''t have any major beef on important matters.But yeah,still each can''t expect other to support them in every matter.Each has their own interests to look after.Though Our interests do coincide at many places like we don''t want to see Taliban and terrorists succeed in Central Asia due to Chechanya and Kashmir.We are developing a lot of military technology like PAK-FA and Brahnos missile.

俄罗斯可以被视为最亲密的盟友。因为我们没有一个共同的边界,在重要的事情上也没有什么主要的意见。但是,是的,每个人都不能指望别人在每件事情上支持自己。每个人都有自己的利益需要关注。尽管我们的利益在很多地方都是一致的,比如我们不希望看到塔利班和恐怖分子因为切查尼亚和克什米尔而取得成功。我们正在开发许多军事技术,比如 PAK-FA战斗机和 布雷诺导弹。

Sheetal Patel , worked at Self-Employment
Nepal and Bhutan have been in India''s pockets sice ages but they are very weak nations to help India. Nepal and Bhutan need India more than the other way.Amongst the powerful nations, Russia is always our friend. France is also stepping forward with the Rafale deal occurring soon. Other nations friendly with India would include South Africa, Israel, the USA, Japan, etc.

尼泊尔和不丹一直在印度口袋里,但它们对印度无法提供足够的帮助。 尼泊尔和不丹比其他国家更需要印度。 在强大的国家中,俄罗斯始终是我们的朋友。 法国也加快了阵风战斗机交易的进程。 其他与印度友好的国家包括南非、以色列、美国、日本等。

Chetan Mangla , B. A. (POLITICAL SCIENCE) from University of Delhi (2021)
No one is friend of anyone all have expectations to each other. A bitter quote is …….. Every friendship have some expectations to each other and the second name of friendship is expectationship. you can see your friend why they are friend of you? Or you can see why they are my friend?
Expectations don''t mean wealth it''s may be you feel better when you talk to them. May be Japan and Iran.

没有人是任何人的朋友,所有人对彼此都有期待。 一个刻薄的话是... 每一段友谊都对彼此有所期待,友谊的第二个名字就是期待。 你可以看看你的朋友,为什么他们是你的朋友? 或者你可以看到为什么他们是我的朋友?

Parthiban Srinivasan
* India has a good relationship with former USSR but it declined afterwards.
* Israel ( the most trusted friend nowadays).
* Japan( The enemy of an enemy is a friend).
* Bhutan(India''s small brother).
* Afghanistan(same as Japan).
* USA cannot be consider as a true friend.but can be considered as friend with benefits.

* 印度与前苏联关系良好,但后来有所下降。
* 以色列(当今最值得信赖的朋友)。
* 日本(敌人的敌人是朋友)。
* 不丹(印度的小兄弟)。
* 阿富汗(与日本相同)。
* 美国不能被认为是真正的朋友,但可以被认为是有利益关系的朋友。

Gaurav Chaudhari , And still i love my country
Lets have a story
In 1914 when the first WW started Italy was on side of tripple alliance that is germany and austria hungery but in 1915 Italy suddenly changed side and join tripple entente that is Britain and France. Why? Because the reason joining the alliance for Italy was to get territory of north africe which was under the rule of France at that time and hence she joined alliance first but as war moved on and italy realised that we can have more benefits from entente than alliance and hence she just changed side.
So conclusion and very fundamental thumb rule of diplomacy is

1914年第一次世界大战开始的时候,意大利站在德国和奥地利这一边,但是1915年意大利突然改变了立场,加入了英国和法国这一边。 为什么? 因为意大利加入联盟的原因是,为了得到北非的领土,当时法国统治,因此她先加入了联盟,但随着战争的继续,意大利意识到可以从协约中得到更多的利益,因此她做得仅仅是改变了立场。

Prahlad Yeri , Indian
When it comes to International Diplomacy, there are no such things as friends, only nations that co-operate on certain matters that are mutually beneficial to them.Having said that, I believe Russia has been a faithful ally to India since beginning. It emphatically sided with India during the Indo-Pak war of 1971, when the American President Nixon was totally against India and stood with Pakistan.I''m sure you can find many more instances of Russia coming to India''s help if you search the topics on Quora and Reddit.

谈到国际外交,没有朋友这回事,只有在某些对双方都有利的事情上合作的国家。 话虽如此,我相信俄罗斯从一开始就是印度的忠实盟友。 在1971年印巴战争期间,美国总统尼克松完全反对印度,与巴基斯坦站在一起。如果你在 Quora 和 Reddit 上搜索相关话题,你肯定能找到更多俄罗斯帮助印度的例子。

Ashish Tiwari , M.S. Computational Fluid Dynamics & Thermal Engineering, lixöping University
There is nothing like a best friend when it comes to countries. But most people in India who take interest in foreign policies consider Russians to be the closest ally without a doubt.

在国家问题上,没有什么比最好的朋友更好了。 但是,大多数对外交政策感兴趣的印度人毫无疑问地认为俄罗斯人是最亲密的盟友。

Shashank Juyal , works at S&P Global Market Intelligence
This is International Politics which invariably means that there is no concept of friends and foe.Its a matter of mutual interests and allignment.

这是国际政治,这必然地意味着没有朋友和敌人的概念。 这是一个相互利益和平衡的问题。

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Ajay Chaurasia , works at Damodar Valley Corporation
South Africa....India shares a great bond with Proteas ppl n culture...Mahatma Gandhi spent quality time spent there n started freedom movement...when he returned back home.Moreover the great Nelson Mandela was awarded highest prestigious honour of our land "BHARAT RATNA".

南非... 印度与普罗特斯文化有着巨大的联系... 圣雄甘地在那里度过了宝贵的时光,当他回到家乡时,开始了自由运动。 此外,伟大的纳尔逊 · 曼德拉被授予我们国家的最高荣誉“ 印度国宝勋章”。

Prakul Verma , worked at Maccaferri Environmental Solutions
Internationally, friendship between countries comes at cost. A country becomes another country''s friend only when there''s some interest involved. India has enjoyed cordial relations with Israel, Russia, Bhutan and Japan and US lately. But to pinpoint one best friend who has been helping us unconditionally will be very difficult.

【回答】曾在 macaferri 环境解决方案公司工作
在国际上,国与国之间的友谊是有代价的。 一个国家只有在牵涉到某种利益时才会成为另一个国家的朋友。 最近,印度与以色列、俄罗斯、不丹、日本和美国都保持着良好的关系。 但是要找出一个无条件帮助我们的最好的朋友是非常困难的。

Sharad Jain , studied Pursuing CA (2017)
Russia Russia Russia Russia Indian people love Russia This is the Russia who helped us every time when we faced any problem especially in 1971 war US is enemy not friend .They want to occupy kashmir

【回答】在Pursuing CA学习(2017)

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Dileep Kumar M , studied at VPT Puttur
We can surely say that Israel. It is the country who helped India on kargil war against pakistan without looking back.

【回答】曾在 VPT Puttur 就读
我们可以肯定地说,以色列。 正是这个国家在印度与巴基斯坦的卡吉尔战争中毫不回头地帮助了印度。

Ganesh Kumar
only one word is enough.


Gyanesh Krishna
Good friends of India are Russia, Israel, Japan, Bhutan.


Mrutyunjaya Nayak
Russia and isrial the true friend of India ,in1971,and till now …


Arnab Dash , Student of Economics (2015-present)
In international politics
There is no permanent friend
There is no permanent enemy
There is only permanent interest.


Jaya S
Russia is the best friend of india


Yuvraj Bhosale , Managing Director at Vanguard Organic Industries (2016-present)
The term would be wrong but I would say Israel is on the best possible terms. They have offered to bomb Pakistan in a Indo-Pak war. That counts as a big friendly gesture.

这个术语可能有误,但我要说,以色列可能是最好的朋友。他们提出在印巴战争中轰炸巴基斯坦。 这算是一个友好的姿态。

Muhammad Iqbal , MBA Military History and Wars , Pakistan (2003)
India is best friend of itself besides Israel it''s ally in anti Muslim agenda


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