2021-03-03 碧波荡漾恒河水 15005


Texas’ attorney general is suing electricity provider Griddy for passing along massive bills to its customers during last month’s winter storm


AUSTIN, Texas -- Texas' attorney general said Monday he's suing electricity provider Griddy for passing along massive bills to its customers during last month's winter storm.


The lawsuit comes days after Texas' power grid manager effectively shut down Griddy by revoking its access to the state's electricity market.


Griddy charges $10 a month to give people a way to pay wholesale prices for electricity instead of a fixed rate. But when temperatures plummeted well below freezing last month, wholesale prices spiked and Griddy customers were left with sky-high electricity bills.


“Griddy misled Texans and signed them up for services which, in a time of crisis, resulted in individual Texans each losing thousands of dollars," Attorney General Ken Paxton said in a statement. “As Texans struggled to survive this winter storm, Griddy made the suffering even worse as it debited outrageous amounts each day.”


The lawsuit accused Griddy of violating the Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Act and seeks refunds for customers. The unusually heavy winter storm blanketed much of Texas with snow, knocking out electricity to 4 million customers and leaving many struggling to find clean water.


Meanwhile, the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, or ERCOT, shifted about 10,000 Griddy customers to other utilities on Friday.


Griddy said in a statement that ERCOT “took our members and have effectively shut down Griddy.”


“We have always been transparent and customer-centric at every step. We wanted to continue the fight for our members to get relief and that hasn’t changed,” the statement said.


Invincible Summer
Republicans are all about free markets until their failings come to light. Then they attack their own. Republicans are all about no regulation until their failings come to light. Then they will regulate you out of business.


fifolo Invincible Summer
Yep... they pitch deregulation to their base and now that their base sees the price of this they pass the buck.


Brandon Jones
The state shouldn't interfere because the customers had no issue receiving a cheaper rate with the understanding in times of emergency they could see increases in their bills. I'm interested in knowing if Giddy engaged in deceptive practices, otherwise the customer should be forced to bear the responsibility of their decision.


DHGRVA Brandon Jones
I agree but believe the state or some other regulatory agency etc should have mandated that there was an upside limit to how high these bills could go.Leaving it open ended was going to come back to haunt them one way or another.


VonGuertz DHGRVA
There is a maximum limit for kWH on the market. It is $9000.
What is really sad, Griddy advised all their customers to move before the storm to a fixed rate plan. Think many Griddy customers dismissed the warning and stayed. Then several also kept automatic draft payments, when they should have cancelled that.


Good Grief VonGuertz
You could not have the cheaper rate unless you were signed up for auto pay. Doesn't give companies the right to price gouge.


Trench Ant Good Grief
But what utility, anywhere, bills you daily and takes it out of your account daily? Seriously, that is some messed up business practices and seems shady as all get out. On top of that, how are they reading the meters in a snow storm daily to know what the usage is? One of the bigger natural gas suppliers in my region installed the newest gadget to read the meters but even then they have to be in proximity in order to download the data as they drive in the area as it's not a dedicated connection that sends that info to them directly.


Proud Hollerrat Trench Ant
In my area of EKY the electric meters and the water meters are read by driving by. Have to be in 1K feet of both.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

D. B. Cooper Trench Ant
I'm sure they charged daily to avoid the cost of carrying debt on the energy purchases. . Its another strategy that keeps the costs down.


Joe Sunseri Trench Ant
It's GOP approved! Watcha ya gonna do?


Random Commentator VonGuertz
Griddy makes you carry a balance on your account like a savings account and they deduct your bill from that account. They deduct out of that balance daily. Once you reach a certain threshold, they charge your credit card or bank account again.


Acountian Good Grief
This is not price gouging. This is the free market that Texan officials opted for. Free market says you can charge the price a market will bear. During the outage, power was scarce, and scarcity drives up the price. So they should change their officials if they don't agree with how the market is run.


Random Commentator VonGuertz
Griddy customers were not informed of the severity of the price increase until 2:47PM on Saturday. Just for reference, the cutoff for same day transfer of service (if you could find a provider that would do so) is Saturday at 3:00pm. If you missed that 13 minute window, you had to wait until Monday morning.


Joe Morello DHGRVA
Well, the Republicans have pushed the dream of less government for years and they've push the idea of deregulation into the heads of their constituents as a miracle. Now we're seeing the result. They start calling foul when the results are disastrous. This was always going to happen.It was unavoidable in the deregulation con. The Republicans don't want to govern and leave the real decisions to the 'free market' (aka business) and now their citizens can see right on their electricity bill how well that works. It doesn't.


Highly_Amuzed Brandon Jones
What imaginary "cheaper rates" are you referring to? Texas power rates are some of the HIGHEST in the nation!
The real issue here is the glaring FACT that the UNREGULATED utilities blatantly IGNORED multiple warnings in past years that their infrastructure was woefully inadequate and extremely out of date! NONE of their infrastructure had EVER been upgraded to withstand the cold temperatures and winter weather that Texas is well known to encounter! This was recklessly incompetent and caused numerous deaths! Administrators should be fired and criminally indicted!


blahbalhblah Highly_Amuzed
And yet texazz has the audacity to criticize california. The state of texazz is a joke.


Proud Hollerrat Highly_Amuzed
At least in KY the Utilities has to go thru the PSC to get an increase in rates.


IT-Worker-Since-1990 Brandon Jones
The State of Texas DOES have price gouging laws. They are in effect from the time the Governor declares an emergency. The energy companies and their natural gas suppliers raised their rates beyond what is considered customary under the law. This is why the AG is suing.


Random Commentator Brandon Jones
"otherwise the customer should be forced to bear the responsibility of their decision"
So, you want them to go bankrupt for trying to stay warm?


"Deregulate," they said. "You'll save money," they said. Nobody likes government regulation until the lack of it bites them in the behind. But, then, the company name could be read as "Greedy" so what did they expect?


Good Grief WorkingClass
Yup. When Ronnie deregulated trucking, a relative's small company was forced out of business. When Ronnie deregulated the phone companies, I was promised a lower bill and it tripled the next month. Who was it that opened up China because they wanted a market for cheap labor? Nixon Now they try to blame it all on windmills and the democrats. Typical greedy gop.


Terry Stearns Good Grief
Actually it was Carter that signed the deregulation bill, July first of 1980, six and a half months before Ronny Ray-Gun took office.


Joe Sunseri Terry Stearns
Nixon open the doors to China trade. Of course no one was complaining when 27" color TVs went down to $400 once they came from China, while the USA's Magnavox eventually closed its factories in the USA. But the upcoming WalMart shoppers were elated.


Good Grief Terry Stearns
Sure and Ron stopped it right? lol


Joe Sunseri Good Grief
Actually, Nixon opened up China trade, but I am sure it took a few years for it to really grow.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Good Grief Joe Sunseri
Same gop.


Papaw Hagemeyer
This kinda stuff has happened before in other areas. That is why regulations are in place.


This was classic bait and switch pricing. The price per kW should never exceed cost plus a fair profit margin. Is there anyone that believes these utilities were that much for the power that was on the grid?


30AE bobwire
Griddy, and others, are simply brokers of electricity They are not utilities or producers of electricity.
Customers buying direct from the producer did not (yet) see an increase in their bill.


GW bobwire
It sounds like Griddy offered a pretty good way to get the best price on power. For $10/month you get power at the wholesale rate and for most people that would save money. With that kind of deal you don't need any fine print to know if wholesale rates skyrocket so will your bill. I feel for the people who got $7,000 electric bills but that was the deal you signed and if you don't like it you should have signed a fixed rate plan.


If there was no deception on the part of Giddy, it's on the customer. It's their responsibility to know what they're liable for and we shouldn't need government to do that for us. If Giddy turns out to have been a bad player, have them make restitution and fine them out of existence so it won't happen so easily next time.


Joe Sunseri Keverick
What is going to happen is the Texas GOP controlled government is going to bail out Giddy and over a period of years the citizens of Texas will pay for the bailout. Just like 2008.


Least the people of El Paso do not have to deal with black outs, huge power bills, etc., given thankfully they are connected to an out-of-state grid, not the Texan grid.


nomal bills around $200-$300 a month have been billed $7000 to $10,000 dollars for a month.
Billionaires, including Jerry Jones, were raking consumers over the coals

通常每月电费在200- 300美元左右,这一次却高达账单是7000-10000美元。

So Isaidtogod
Third world Texas looking for something to blame other then self.


Perhaps the "free market" and lack of government regulation is not all that it's cracked up to be?


Gonzo tck62
Open, free markets have never been the answer for essential services that are reliant on less than three competitors, or are reliant upon infrastructure acquired via condemnation.


That's the Texas attorney general under investigation for being a criminal? How appalling.


Oooooh. The Texas AG now cares about the people? Be still, my heart.


Jeanne Washington
This is all for SHOW, they knew exactly what would happen, if for some reason there was an issue with the power, but this is what happens when you gamble on something. No one could have predicted the snow storm, but the utility company pricing is CLEAR.


Highly_Amuzed Jeanne Washington
EVERYONE predicted just such a storm years ago! EVERYONE who knows anything about weather trends, weather history and weather cycles KNEW this would happen, just as it will happen again in a few more years!
Anyone who did not "know" this, was simply denying facts and reality or LYING!


Texas did this to themselves by not having proper regulations for their power grid.
"deregulate" bit them in the bum.


Mexico stated that there was no way they would take Texas back, but they did like Cruz's vacation dollars!

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

How can Griddy be blamed? They were GIVEN these bills from the wholesalers. Then per their agreement with the customers they charged the customers the same price. As per their contract. Why does Griddy have to eat the cost?


daveb1971 Roger
Did you expect the politicians in Texas to actually take responsibility themselves for this mess?


Roger daveb1971
No. As I live here and froze for several days. The entire system failed. From natural gas wellheads to power plants, to the electrical distribution and the management there of. The Texas politicians sought a quick scapegoat on green energy which was complete and total nonsense.


I saw some dude interviewed the other day and he said he had received a residential bill for $16,000. The interviewer asked what he planned to do about it, and he said he had already paid it?
What kind of power company do they have down in Texas that would cause them to send a bill for $16,000?


Roger JR2020
Its a wholesale market that exponentially climbed as the power plants went off line. It doesn't make much sense. But its not the power companies or the retail sellers like Griddy that made the money.


Mando JR2020
He'd already paid it because those companies require automatic debiting of checking/savings accounts, and he got his bill after the fact.


bb1040 JR2020
I saw that same story and he had auto pay, they took it right out of his bank account, before he even knew it. Wiped out his checking account and took some out of his retirement account to cover it. $16,000 , considering my electric bill each month, it would take me 15 years to spend that much on electricity.


baznyankee JR2020
And hard to say what his expenses would have been had he lost his power and his home froze up. Griddy will need to show they were squeaky clean with their billing IMO.


Sounds like the wholesaler was the one who was price gouging during an emergency. Some of those folks got those huge bills and they didn't even have any electricity during that time.


SarcasTex bb1040
The natural gas companies, providing gas to run the turbines, were also doing a little price gouging. That's why the wholesale electric providers increased their prices so much.


The majority of the electorate in Texas wanted politicians who would eliminate regulations, because let's face it, that's what freedom is all about - doing whatever you want with your business. Rules be damned, right? So now they don't want that?
Would that be best described as fickle, or just plain ole short-sighted and ignorant?.


Talis Briedis Gonzo
I nominate short-sighted and ignorant.


Texas - where the cattle are smarter than the elected officials.
This is what happens when you deregulate everything.


Talis Briedis Bluejay
Exactly! It is not like Griddy did anything wrong or lied. But the State allowed this outrageous practice. It is the State's fault! But look who is running it, the bunch that cares for companies and not people. This AG is just doing a stunt for PR. And switching people's service provider without due process is the communist way also.


SarcasTex Bluejay
When you give corporations enough rope, they will insist on hanging themselves with it, and take as many of us with them that they can. It's the same thing we saw in 2007-2009 with the banking and home loan industry.


Its not fair to blame the customers for signing up with Griddy. Why? Because how in the world would anyone expect a historic 100 plus year winter storm to hit Texas and its power grid for 4 days.


Roger Felix
Griddy passed along the costs they were being charged. Per contract. Why should they eat it?


bb1040 Roger
The wholesale supplier was price gouging during an emergency, those prices are totally ridiculous, and a lot of those people didn't even have electricity for the period they were billed for.


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