2021-03-03 wuhaowsh 15753

Men obstructed from entering female-dominated occupations


Job applications from men are disfavoured when they apply for work in female-dominated occupations. Reaching the interview stage was most difficult for men applying for jobs as cleaners. These are the results of a study by researchers from lixöping University and the University of California, Irvine, recently published in the scientific journal PLOS One.


“We see that there are obstructions to men entering certain parts of the labour market. In the application process, we don’t see any discrimination against women who want to get into male-dominated occupations. But we find considerable discrimination against men in female-dominated occupations”, says Mark Granberg, doctoral student in economics at lixöping University.


The researchers submitted approximately 3,200 fictitious applications to employers around Sweden. For every application the researchers noted whether the fictitious applicant received a response and if so, what the response was.


The female-dominated occupations where discrimination against men was observed include nursing, childcare and preschool teaching – and the most disparate treatment was found in applications to house cleaning jobs. However, in male-dominated occupations such as auto mechanics, truck drivers, IT developers and warehouse workers, the researchers saw no discrimination against women.


“That men’s applications – not women’s – are eliminated in the application process is interesting. We already know that women are disadvantaged in the labour market in terms of salary and promotions. So, the follow-up question is, what happens along the way?”

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Discrimination in the first step of the application process against men seeking entry to female-dominated occupations is in line with previous research. However, this experimental study by Mark Granberg and his colleagues is broader and includes more occupational categories. It combines data from three previous correspondence tests in order to study gender discrimination in recruitment in Sweden. Correspondence testing is a common method when studying discrimination, where the fictitious test participants submit written applications and do not show themselves to the employer. However correspondence testing can only capture the presence of discrimination in the first stage of the application process.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

“That men’s applications – not women’s – are eliminated in the application process is interesting. We already know that women are disadvantaged in the labour market in terms of salary and promotions. So, the follow-up question is, what happens along the way? That would be interesting to look at, but it’s not something our study can shed light on”, says Mark Granberg.

“男性的申请——而不是女性——在申请过程中被淘汰,这很有趣。我们已经知道,在工资和晋升方面,女性在劳动力市场处于不利地位。接下来的问题是,在这个过程中会发生什么? 这将是一个有趣的研究,但这不是我们的研究可以解释的东西,”马克·格兰伯格说

It would be interesting to see a study like this in Canada or the US. I think it could be interesting to see if this also happens here in women dominant work environments. I have experienced this in my workplace so I am curious if I am an outlier or not.


When my husband decided to go back to school and was thinking about careers, he looked into becoming a dental hygienist because they make good money and don''t go to school for too long. So I texted my cousin who is a hygienist to ask her a few questions about programs and she told me "Nobody will hire a male hygienist." That made me so angry.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I worked for years at a daycare in the states, and they would NOT allow any male to change any kid''s diaper. Ever.
Now this wasn''t a regulation they were following, my (male) friend worked at another daycare in the same city and there was no such rule there.
It''s insulting as all hell.


In nursing school right now and someone said to me that I was so caring and compassionate for a man.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Have you ever encountered a male HR rep? I haven''t. Office admin type roles are hugely female dominated.
it sounds like there are lots of male HR managers and most of the staff are women. That does sound like a problem. But let''s not forget that not everyone is a manager. When an average man is looking for a job, he might be finding nice comfortable office jobs quite difficult to break into. Meanwhile, a woman with no qualifications having just left school is likely exactly who they''re looking for.


I work for an assisted living facility. There are 3 (me being one of them) men on a staff of 61. I am the maintenance director, the other two men are the head chef and the landscaping director. All 3 of us are in management for our facility which is another topic, BUT, not one male caretaker when about 30% of our residents are men.


i can say for a fact, men are discriminated against in female dominated work spaces in the usa. particularly nursing


Yeah I’m pretty sure this is different in the US. I work in healthcare and afaik we’re in high demand. To specify I’m a nurse assistant and one of the only guys but from lack of male candidates, and they really appreciate when there’s guys working shifts.


Lots of male nurses entering the profession in Canada/USA now, seeing lots more starting nursing school and entering the field every year

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I applied for one of those “usually women” jobs and was told point blank that it didn’t pay enough to support a family, which is why women typically were hired. I said that wasn’t a problem, and when I checked back later they had, in fact, hired a woman. She was probably more qualified, sure, but I found it ridiculous that the interviewer (a woman) would have said that.


I''ve been disqualified for a job explicitly because I was a male. I told the girl that''s illegal and discrimination but she didn''t care.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I am a male bachelor of socialwork, specialized in pedagogy. I have worked in education, childcare and currently in childprotective services. From my experience, males are in high demand in my field and employers will hire men without much hesitation. There is a gaping need for male rolemodels and father figures when working with children and families. And I know I will never have to worry about finding a job.
The country and it''s family structure and culture surrounding upbringing probably have influence over how men are percieved in context of childcare for example, but here in Finland, men and masculinity is definetly appriciated.


You are basically living my life, except I’m in the United States. Like you said, jobs are happy to hire me, but there’s a reason there’s aren’t a lot of guys in these jobs. When I worked at a preschool, I said to have a female coworker take any girls to the bathroom after a parent felt that it was inappropriate for a man to take girls to the bathroom. Mind you, I didn’t wipe there for anything. Literally, walk them to the bathroom. You ever had to tell a kid to hold their pee until you can find another teacher? Because it sucks.


Male nurses are in high demand too. Particularly in America where the majority of the patients are obese and their weight makes them hard to physically move.


I am a 37 year old dude that has just recently realized that what I really want to do is what you do for a living. Any advice to someone going back to college to do that?


I haven’t ever experience discrimination as a male social worker. Though people generally think I’m a woman until they actually meet me as if you change one letter in my name it becomes the female version of said name. It’s always funny when I meet someone and they look so confused for about 10 seconds that a man is greeting them. Love my job though so wouldn’t change anything.


I’ve been told by multiple professors that, because I’m a male, I will have no problem being hired wherever I apply and I will likely make more than my female colleagues. It’s a worldwide issue.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

My husband applied for a substitute teacher position a few years back. The principal told him that if he enrolled in an alternative licensure program they would hire him because there are so few positive male role models who want to work with kids/teenagers.


It’s the complete opposite here in Australia, I also hold a qualification in social science, but was turned over for a female who held no qualification and had little experience. The ceo told me they were always wanting a woman. Weeks later the female who got the job’s hair was falling out as she couldn’t handle the workload. She was still there years later.


I''m a male in medicine. Despite the majority of new doctors being female now, females are still celebrated and encouraged to apply to medical programmes, despite constituting the majority of students and new graduates (for the last decade or so, according to our med school).
Furthermore, I feel the ''culture'' of how men are treated around children and female patients here... We''re seen as prospective predators and we''re constantly reminded about how we need to ''protect ourselves'' by having chaperones. Female students NEVER encounter such dialogue... We''re also bombarded with anecdotes from doctors about males being falsely accused of inappropriate conduct to scare us into, essentially, employing a personal chaperone or totally avoiding female patients all together. I really don''t feel comfortable at times in this career path...


Male nurses are in extremely high demand, I rarely see them get discriminated against.


Because social work as I know in my own home country also had a lack of males, but they have a specific need of male or female fitting into roles for that job. As matching a female work with female clients and male to male is something that is beneficial or even required depending on needs I believe


Funny im a male nurse and I was first pick of all the jobs i applied to. But sexuel harrasment from my female coworker.. Oh yeah i can write a book on that....


Ask your female peers to think about how they would feel if the genders were reversed. Should shut them right up.


There was a male nursing student shadowing one of our female providers. Later, another female staff tells the provider, "He''s cute, you''re lucky to have him following you around all day." Imagine if it was a male staff talking about a female nursing student.


I managed a big gym that had a kids center. I hired a young male because he was active and he could keep up with the older boys that got restless in there and would cause issues. Basically a mob of parents came to me saying they weren’t comfortable, but I told them I couldn’t fire him for being male and that I always scheduled him with a female. They went to corporate and they made me change his position. Funny thing is he moved to front desk.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

That''s interesting. When and where I was considering to do nursing, male applications were given huge priority.
Several reasons. Some patients would respond to an average (larger/stronger) male better. It would look better diversity wise. Staff safety and also heavy lifting.
Those are the professional reasons anyway.


I work in LTC. I know that we have hired male nurses in the past and would do so without hesitation in the future. What I’ve noticed in 10 years of working LTC, is that female patients (most elderly and with dementia) aren’t willing to be cared for by a male. I don’t know if this is common in hospitals but I know it’s common in LTC


I think it’s misleading (at best) to withhold the country this study took place in, especially given Sweden’s status as relatively progressive and forward thinking in many ways.
The anecdotal evidence is an indication that we should be looking at the study and its results more carefully; and the translation of those results to a separate country and separate culture. (I.E do they hold true? Do they not? Why not? Can we control for any factors? Etc.)
There have been numerous (recent) studies conducted in the United States which would indicate that there is still discrimination towards women in the workplace.


Why do they need to specify in the title that the study took place in Sweden? Most articles posted here don''t specify where the study took place in the title. Maybe try reading the article if you want more information on the study. Believe it or not, the universe doesn''t revolve around the US. Just cause you mistakenly assume every study posted is all about the US, and you just so happen to dislike what this study found, doesn''t mean it''s trying to mislead you.
The study specifically is looking at job applications and says nothing about women not facing discrimination, so I don''t know why you''re prattling on about that, but it is really sad watching you try and discredit the article in every possible way just cause it doesn''t fall in line with your views.

为什么他们需要在标题中说明这项研究是在瑞典进行的? 这里发布的大多数文章都没有在标题中说明研究发生的地点。如果你想了解更多关于这项研究的信息,可以试着阅读这篇文章。信不信由你,宇宙并不是围着我们转的。仅仅因为你错误地认为所有发布的研究都是关于美国的,而且你只是碰巧不喜欢这项研究的发现,并不意味着它试图误导你。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Worth noting, this is a study on hiring practices. It does not attempt to examine other factors like, say, are women more frequently harassed or belittled in the workplace? Do they get lower pay? Or any of the other factors of discrimination.
Unfortunately, I''m sure that a bunch of people eager to ignore discrimination are going to snap up the misleading headline as "proof that women have it better" or something to that effect.

值得注意的是,这是一项关于招聘实践的研究。它没有试图考察其他因素,比如,女性在工作场所是否更经常受到骚扰或贬低? 他们的工资低吗?或任何其他歧视因素。

Men are just as discriminated as women. Men from minorities are even more discriminated than women from white background. It''s not always about women.


I am in a female dominated field, library and information science. I feel there is some level of discrimination based on gender.
I also understand it. You’re in a library with an all-female staff, some people may feel uncomfortable bringing a male into that environment.
It sucks, but I feel it whenever I apply for positions and I’m the only male being interviewed, I would be the only male on staff, and then I don’t get a job offer. Yet, I have a PhD, masters, I’m bilingual, have the experience, and I’m a minority.
People act like women can’t discriminate, but they absolutely can. People like to hire others that are similar to them.


Can''t say I''m surprised. Med school graduates are nearly 60% female, yet there is still a large push for more women to become doctors.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I read a letter by a male child carer once. A LOT of people refused to let him even hold their child. Some flat-out said he must be a pedophile. It got so bad he actually resigned from his job.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

My boss literally won’t look at a single resume with a woman’s nameand we work in a male dominated field.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

this reminds me of girl-only and boy-only classrooms. Typically, girls perform better in a single gender classroom while boys do not. Teachers observe girls becoming more supportive of each other and speaking more boldly. Boys have a "I''m the biggest man" contest all year and do not do as well as the girls.


Women even have an advantage sometimes here in Sweden, because employers are basically forced to prioritise hiring women if they currently have no or a low number of women employed, even if male candidates have much better credentials. It''s discrimination to avoid perceived discrimination.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

As a male nurse, my experience is that I am actually favored heavily when applying to jobs. There are very few men I work with. The women who’ve hired me have literally all said “we are happy to have a male co-worker; you bring a different energy.”


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