2021-03-04 翻译熊 14409

What would happen if all apes suddenly gained human intelligence?


Cesar Alcaraz, lives in Houston, TX
Honestly… I can only speculate on what would happen, but I can safely bet that something like this would be one of the most insane things ever. A species (or multiple species) like Man arising would be almost otherworldly.
I’m pretty sure a lot of people are gonna start rioting and be pretty pissed at the concept, they’ll proclaim that “They are a threat to us”.

Cesar Alcaraz住在德克萨斯州休斯顿

Of course, the apes themselves would start out as hunter-gatherers just like their human counterparts did during the Ice Age. And would be evolving and progressing from there.
Though at the end of the day, I’m not quite sure what the end result will be honestly. And I’m not even certain if things would ever be the same afterwards. I just hope that it goes the best possible direction for both us and them… and to the world in general.


Taelor Pickel
They would probably create a movement of sorts— some more brutal, others more like Martin Luther King Jr. Funny to think of an MLK Jr version of an ape. Orangutans would get along the most with humans, Chimpanzees would get along the least, as Gorillas are morally grey.


Cesar Alcaraz
Well… due to their heightened intelligence, chimps won't be nearly as aggressive as they were before, they'll be able to think clearly and rationally and will no longer rely on Primal instinct. Same with the other apes.


Abhigna Vijjapurapu
Who knows, they may just be easily angered. After all, some people are much more aggressive than others, but that doesn’t make them dumber or less civilized.


Garrett Stock
Just like how humans are rational and peaceable,


Mark D Waver
I think that intelligence and aggression aren’t mutually exclusive.


Jerry Hu
Bonobos would get along with humans even better. They're practically ape hippies


Taelor Pickel
Forgot about them lol.


Loic Jonet
“ funny to think of an MLK jr version of an ape". ??? Really?. Cm'on use your imagination


Taelor Pickel
Abraham Lincoln Ape.


Jacob Stai
Though at the end of the day, I’m not quite sure what the end result will be honestly.
Given that the idea is that the apes would have human intelligence, not superhuman, it would be pretty much like the birth of any other nation, except that it would be accentuated because of the whole “different species” thing.
If you want a humans-only model of how human intelligence responded historically to initial conditions of enslavement, look up the history of the Maroon communities of the New World. Most Maroon communities eventually became integrated into colonial nations, simply because their own actions proved that they were savvy, intelligent players that it was expedient to make treaties with, and because once their own fates were secured, it became expedient for them themselves to integrate with the larger society for their own protection. Some of the Maroon treaties are still in force to this day in post-colonial nations such as Suriname.

如果你想要一个人类专属的模型,了解人类智能在历史上是如何对奴役的初始条件做出反应的,那就去查一下新世界的栗色社区(the Maroon communities)的历史吧。大多数栗色社区最终融入了殖民国家,单纯是因为他们自己的行动证明了他们是有悟性的,是可以与之达成协议的聪明的玩家。因为一旦他们自己的命运得到保障,他们就会为了保护自己而融入更大的社会。在苏里南(位于南美洲东北部)等后殖民国家,《栗色条约》的一些条款至今仍然有效。

In our case, given that apes are a truly-different species, with little capacity to vocalize spoken human language, it seems likely that wild and escaped apes would simply establish independent communities, and would focus their efforts simply on maintaining their own independence, rather than risking their own lives by actively taking and holding territory from a foe that would be numerically, scientifically, and technologically-superior. The end result would be a few minor ape polities, which would evolve into formal autonomous regions within existing human nations, which would in turn evolve into subpopulations within multicultural human societies. The end result would be something more like Star Wars or Star Trek than Planet of the Apes. There would probably be a genocide of some populations of apes at some point.
I imagine orangutans would be the quickest to integrate themselves into human societies, followed by bonobos, and chimps, with gorillas largely maintaining independence.


Vladislav Davydov
Its estimated that there is 500.000 apes left in the planet. They wouldn’t be any treat to humanity because they are heavily outnumbered and it would take them 100s of years to compete with any countrys infrastructure in weapons, hospitals and so on. I see 2 scenarios.
They would get heavily discriminated as black people was long time ago. They would be forced into slave labour around the globe and so on and we would see wars and holocausts, it would possible end in a sort of extinction.
We would try to integrate them into our society with apes-right activist among humans and they would function as low-class citizens with few exceptions. Discrimination would still be a big problem, and we would see them trying to get their own contry or state where they will rule among themself.

1. 他们会像很久以前的黑人一样受到严重歧视。他们会被迫在世界各地做奴隶等等。我们会看到战争和大屠杀,他们可能会以灭绝告终。
2. 我们会试着把他们融入我们的社会,让他们成为人类中的猿类维权分子,他们会像低等级公民一样,只有少数能例外。歧视仍将是一个大问题,我们将看到他们试图建立自己的国家或联邦,在那里他们将自己统治。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Taelor Pickel
Number two is far and away more likely.


ukesh Reddy
This seems very possible, well said, apes would eventually be integrated into mainstream society I think


Alejandro Sills
In order for apes to have human-like intelligence, they would essentially have to be humans. A Scientific American magazine I once had argued that our diet and environment millions of years ago shaped our physiology. Other ape species experienced different environmental pressures that shaped their physiologies and consequent capabilities.
In human ancestors’ cases, the whipsawing climate in places where they lived forced them to travel further for their food and explore new food sources, including meat. This created a sextion pressure for greater stamina, which is relevant to our greater exercise requirements compared to other apes. We also shed our thick fur to endure the heat better and enable us to sweat more efficiently when chasing prey.


Our increased meat consumption helped our brains grow and contribute to greater intelligence. Plus, our discovery of fire enabled us to stay awake for longer into the sunset period, perhaps giving us more time to socialize and develop our language skills.
Therefore, giving apes human intelligence is not a simple matter of spraying an aerosolized biological agent over them. Our histories are a far more potent shaper of our natures than any fictional substance.


Abhigna Vijjapurapu
Realistically, the wild ones would just go through their stone ages faster than they are now, and the ones in zoos would probably try to figure out ways to escape. Chimps might end up just shredding the handlers and getting the keys, while gorillas might try to just intimidate us into letting them out. Chimps would be a threat, and seeing as they won’t have many weapons or infrastructure, or language to coordinate, they’ll be taken out fairly quickly unless they learn to control their aggression. The same might go for other apes, as despite being fairly safe compared to chimps, we would probably lock them up just to be safe.


Johan Grönwall
They’d kill themselves. They have no ability to speak and so to express their intelligence. No common language. No opposable thumbs to make advanced weapons with. They’d kill a few humans, get killed in large numbers by us, realize they are outnumbered, be offered menial jobs that requires no language skills, slide into despair and finally kill themselves by jumping off Empire State Building.


Roberto Rayo
Imagine apes becoming theists. They would be like we're the new chosen people. And people would become atheists. But god created us in his image. It would be a very interesting world to live in.


Nathan Hutton
If apes did that and took over successfully, that would prove every major religion was false, which could be a huge victory for atheism.


Tomaž Vargazon, Practicing atheist
Oh, we all know what would happen. We’ve been there. We’d do some consensual interbreeding first but this planet is too small for both of us. One of us would have to go, only this time we have a technological edge of 40,000 years plus we outnumber them ~10,000 to one.
I’d say we’re slightly favored to win.

Tomaž Vargazon无神论者


Tudor Reece
What!? It’s not even scientifically settled whether Neanderthals were a separate species or not. There’s still debate over whether they may have been just as smart as us.
They weren’t clever apes. They were basically just another type of human. There’s no evidence they ever fought each other to Neanderthal extinction.
A fantasy picture doesn’t make any kind of point at all.
I’d rather post this skull reconstruction…

什么! ?甚至连尼安德特人是否是一个独立的物种都没有科学上的定论。关于他们是否和我们一样聪明,至今仍有争议。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I’ve seen dudes who look like this. And yes, there is evidence that they could well have had light skin, eyes, and hair before Sapiens ever did.
A recent investigation which created thousands of simulations, based on the data we have on both species/subspecies, gave results which strongly suggested that Eurasian Neanderthals just couldn’t compete with the relentless, torrential waves of Sapiens coming out of Africa.
To me it makes sense. African warmth and resources were far more favourable for Sapiens populations to boom. Eurasia was a tough, cold place to multiply in.


Nor Reza
Imagine if space travel becomes a reality and colonisation of other planets would become feasible.
There's a possibility a group of homo sapiens from our planet going to go colonise other planets would eventually evolve into other new human sub-species.


Tomaž Vargazon
Not possibility, certainty.


John Guzman
Only if we don't kill ourselves first and they somehow have compatible DNA


J H Park
I think it means the colonizers will be isolated from the rest of us, evolving into a new species


Terence McQuillan
I remember reading the end of a short story, the background of which was that humanity had spread to the stars, gradually expanding in both directions around the Galactic habitable zone (there was no FTL travel). Eventually, a human exploration ship on the other side of the galaxy encounters the first ever alien species… only to find the aliens are actually humans explorers from the other direction.


Steven Michael
This is somewhat the implications of the show and book series “The Expanse” people living in lower gravity asteroids and planets get way taller and some can't even be on earth anymore because the gravitaty is too painful


Sue Carver
I always imagine a sci-fi story where we do that, then the two planets lose contact for centuries. One day, one shows up at the other’s planet and they don’t realize that they’re related because they look and act so different from each other.


Jesus Merchan-Reina
you would need a lot more than mere centuries. Native Austrslians have been heregor over 40,000 years and they still look like us, have the same intelligence, etc. At least over 100,000 years at a minimum for evolution to start showing.


Grzegorz Borowiak
I’m not a biologist, but AFAIK, interbreeding between humans and any apes is impossible.


Tomaž Vargazon
So is apes obtaining human-level intelligence overnight. But it is true it would be less interbreeding and more friends with benefits kind of thing.


Nathan Gamble
I don’t think it’s ever been definitively confirmed one way or the other due to ethical/legal/religious concerns about the sort of tests that would be required in order to know that conclusively.
We have a different number of chromosomes to the other great apes, but it’s still hypothetically possible that we could reproduce with them, resulting in infertile offspring akin to mules.


Cameron Fiddes
If I recall correctly, it is theoretically possible for people to produce infertile offspring with a couple very closely related species of primates. But it’s considered absurdly unethical amongst scientists and so will never be tested.
After all, there’s many good reasons to worry that the offspring would end up absorbing the worst qualities of both their parent species, developing severe learning disabilities and other sorts of life-derailing mental illnesses, experience stunted or otherwise problematic puberty and growth, or experience horrifying prejudice from several members of both their parent species. The last one in particular is seen as so likely to happen that scientists tend to apply Occam’s Razor and just assume that bigotry against part-human hybrids is inevitable.
It’s so strongly stigmatized amongst the people who have the skills to attempt making hybrids of humans that next to nobody would even consider trying such a thing for real, let alone funding or providing equipment for it. And anybody who does try is, at best, basically guaranteed a one-way trip to prison.

毕竟,我们有很多理由担心后代最终会吸收双亲物种最糟糕的特质,出现严重的学习障碍和其他影响生活的精神疾病,经历发育不良或其他问题性的青春期和成长,或者经历来自双亲物种的可怕的偏见。尤其是最后一种情况,被认为极有可能发生,以至于科学家们倾向于使用“奥卡姆剃刀”(Occam 's Razor)。

David Eliezer
I’m not a biologist either, and I think consensual interbreeding with apes is really impossible.


Eris Yumi
Didn’t humans (Homo sapiens) breed with Neanderthals when they first appeared?


Nathan Gamble
True, but modern humans are much more closely related to neanderthals (who are often considered to be a subspecies of homo sapiens) than we are to other modern species of apes, so the chance that we would be able to interbreed with (for example) chimpanzees or gorillas is much lower (though not strictly impossible).


Eris Yumi
If we play with OP’s theory and those apes would evolve enough to be a challenge to humans, would that bring them to a closer evolutionary point, enough for cross-species breeding?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Sabrina Moar
Probably not. Intelligence, which is subjective, comes solely from the mental capacity. The ability to breed depends on the chromosomes of the parents, and if they are able to align. I don't believe there is a species of ape left that we have not speciated enough from that producing offspring outside of a laboratory would be possible.
The more they and we evolve, the further we'll speciate, becoming ever increasingly difficult.


Benedikt Donat
Closely related species can often interbreed (e.g. lions with tigers, horses with donkeys, wolves with dogs, or homo sapiens with homo neanderthalensis), even though depending on the case their offspring might be infertile. But that does not mean that the same applies for species that are evolutionary further apart.


Christian Wray
I’m not a biologist and I think we non-biologists should just stay out of it


Jerry Rattanong
There are some sick freaks out there that will try


Kameron Jones
I read somewhere that there actually wasn't much fighting between homo sapiens and neanderthals odds are we probably couldn't tell each other apart and thought they were funny looking homo sapiens


Tomaž Vargazon
Up to 60% of all males at the time died violently. Prehistory makes the Eastern Front of WW2 look tame by comparison.
But I guess it’s possible we just thought they were funny other people and did not actively seek to fight them over others.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Sıla Okur
Knowing what humans are like, we probably looked at them, found them funny, and decided to kill them because of it.


Kameron Jones
That is probably the most likely think to have happened actually now that I think about it

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Robert Jones
Homo Sapiens and Neanderthals are both humans.


Andrew Chang
The neantherthals probably had issues working with each other as part of a larger group compared to Sapiens. This is a theory put up by Yuval Harari in his book Sapiens on why the Neantherthals did not manage to remain distinct as a group or survive. They probably lacked the ability to imagine a future as part of a larger imaginary group like members of a country/ nation.

这是Yuval Harari在他的《智人》(Sapiens)一书中提出的一个理论,解释了为什么尼安德特人不能作为一个群体保持独立或生存下来。

Dragos Rugescu
As opposed to Cro Magnon which lacked that till about, oh, I dunno, a couple hundred years ago?
It's probably something slightly more prosaic like:
1) neanderthals expended more energy to do anything, including walk. This made them energy inefficient and unable to compete in game hunting.
2) Some sort of biological fertility advantage in Cro-Magnon.
Both of these are attested.

这与Cro Magnon的理论相反,可能是一些更平淡无奇的原因,比如:
1. 尼安德特人做任何事情都需要消耗更多的能量,包括走路。这使得它们的能源效率低下,无法在狩猎中竞争。

Nathan Gamble
There’s also the point that neanderthals’ shoulders were less well adapted for throwing, which made hunting and fighting more difficult and dangerous.
It was probably a combination of factors.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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