2021-03-04 兰陵笑笑生 6848

What is that one healthy habit that has changed your life?


Siim Land, A self-empowered being. How to achieve self-mastery in my book: goo.gl/hsHrx3
I’m interested in optimizing my physical and mental performance, I’m constantly trying out different things. Here are my best experiences.
Effortless fat loss, mental clarity, improved longevity and well-being.
This is a huge productivity hack and one of the few ways scientists know to increase life span.
I’ve been doing it for 5–6 years and I’v never considered going back to a regular way of eating.
At first, I started off with fasting for 16 hours and eating within an 8 hour window with 2 meals. Then I switched over to one meal a day (OMAD) and it’s been even better.
Exposure to cold increases brown fat (the healthy one), which can be converted straight into energy. It can’t happen with regular white fat (the bad one).
There are other benefits, such as more energy, reduced inflammation, better sleep, improved ability to deal with stress and increased courage. LOVE IT, Wim Hof style.
I take cold showers every morning to get a surging boost of vigor but I get into an ice bath or do winter swimming whenever I can.


Basically, a low carb high fat diet, in which your body starts burning fat and ketones as its primary fuel source, instead of glucose.
The ketogenic diet mimics the physiology of fasting and has similar benefits. Mental clarity (your brain actually prefers ketones over sugar), zero hunger, easy fat loss and better biomarkers.
Keto is the best diet for optimal cognitive performance, diabetics, overweight people, endurance athletes and people wanting to live a healthy lifestyle. I’ve been doing it for 2,5 years and I’m not planning to stop.
The most commonly used performance enhancing drinks in the world - COFFEE. Yes, there are immense health benefits to drinking coffee (fat loss, brain power, productivity, reduced blood sugar etc).
However, most people are addicted to caffeine and have built tolerance to it. That’s why they need to drink coffee right after waking up and continue doing it throughout the day.
To gain all the empowering benefits of coffee without the downside, you have to drink it when your natural cortisol levels are lower. It happens between 09:30 AM - 12 AM; and 01:30 PM - 03:00 PM.

#3 生酮膳食

Surprising, yes.
It’s a philosophy that teaches a person that the only thing you can control in life is your own mind and attitude.
Stoics have practices, such as fasting, negative visualization, deliberately experiencing discomfort, practicing gratitude and remembrance of death.
It sounds dark and stark, but in reality it will make you healthier and happier.
For instance, stoicism forces you to occasionally give up the pleasures of life so that you wouldn’t start to take them for granted and to keep yourself on point.
Check out my YouTube channel for videos on all of these topics!

#5 禁欲主义/斯多葛派(对痛苦或困难能默默承受或泰然处之)

Jinxing Shao, lives in Hangzhou
1.Concentrate On Eating
When you are eating, you can close your eyes and taste the sweet, sour, bitter, salty flavors on your tongue, chew the food very slowly, trying to tell the difference between the spicy potato chips and the spicy curry, the sweet cheese from the sweet oatmeal.
You're gonna love eating alone.
Chips can be chewed with your front teeth, and the cracking can be rhythmic.
Carefully distinguish the food’s temperature, dry and wet, soft and hard, and its blend of several flavors.
Without realizing it, you never know how far the sensory sensitivity can affect the human brain.
2. Exercise Ciliary Muscles
When your eyes are tired, look away (at least 5 meters away) for a few seconds, then quickly look at the tip of your nose for a few more seconds. Repeat this for 3-5 minutes, then close your eyes for a rest. This exercise can fully stretch the lens, relieve eye fatigue and increase eye flexibility. You can do this three to four times a day.
3. Eliminate Drowsiness
Press down hard on your knees or push your elbows against the arms of your chair. This can promote blood circulation and make people more sensitive.

2. 锻炼睫状肌
3. 消除睡意

4. Curb Your Appetite
Every two weeks I go on a light fasting, eating only bananas, drinking honey, milk, and porridge, which makes my body feel very relaxed.
5. Focus On Your Breathing
Close your eyes. Focus your breathing. Inhale and exhale silently in your mind. When you find yourself a little distracted, refocus on your breathing. This repetitive attention training turns on high-speed patterns in the prefrontal cortex, which stabilizes areas of the brain that deal with stress and impulsivity.
6. Feel The Pain
One of my college teachers once said to me,
it is better to suffer a little pain every day than to suffer a great pain all at once.
Like Yoga, it's a little painful at first, but slowly as the body is stretched and blood circulates well, one's state of being is also elevated.
Previous studies have also shown those with a greater sense of self-worth may be more likely to withstand pain.

4. 抑制你的食欲
5. 专注于你的呼吸
6. 感受痛苦

Maniesha Bhatotia
I can not stress enough on Mindful eating. I love eating food alone. People often ask me if they can join and I straight away (politely though) say no. The day you learn to eat mindfully, you will start noticing change in your physical and mental being. I request everyone reading this comment to do themselves a small favor and during those 10–15 minutes of food time please keep your phone away and TV off. Even if you are sitting with a bunch of friends, avoid chit chatting until you finish your food. Overeating and under-eating are serious problems.


Fernando Ortega
I relate to the last one, a little bit of pain and discomfort everyday can lead to greater mental toughness, not just physical discomfort but mental as well, along with mindfulness of that discomfort. I love the aftermath of a very gruesome workout session, where even when I can't push my own body weight anymore I can feel which muscles are giving up, and how small adjustments change that. Long runs that get extremely boring (sometimes they are fun), with no music at all, it's just you, the surroundings and the constant feeling of wanting to stop but you keep going and apease your mind with your own thoughts.
Once it all stops the mind feels at ease and a little bit more flexible.
I often sleep on my couch, and without a blanket, during some cold nights I just grab a jacket and curl in a ball, sometimes out of laziness but some out of seeking just a sliver of discomfort while still managing to sleep. Because of this (at least I give it credit) I can sleep great on planes, buses, sitting on a chair or on a hammock with my arms crossed holding a single position for hours.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Nikesh Trivedi
Very good information. Thanks for sharing this. I just bookmarked this answer and I am going to try this.


Quora User
Definitely taking the time to eat, to chew, to smell and be present in the moment. Not chewing not enough is responsible for bad digestion. Did you know, that one of the first sign of Alzheimer if the loss of smell and taste? It can happens sometimes decades before you actually start having Alzheimer. Apparently, scientists now think that taking the time to eat, smell, taste, would greatly prevent from this illness.


Michał Stawicki, A guy who changed his life and helps others to do the same.
Doing a series of pushups every day.
I started this discipline to lose weight.
I didn’t. In fact, I was gaining pounds each year. Nonetheless my fitness performace increased significantly and I learned the value of perseverance.
Before my life transformation, a good chunk of my personal philosophy was the belief that not much depends on my actions. I was afraid that my efforts to get more out of life would be in vain. I would work my ass off just to get exhausted. My dreams couldn’t come true.
Reading The Slight Edge I reminded myself of the instances where I did something consistently and got the results. It wasn’t a massive action, but it was focused and stretched over a long period of time.
I did one series of pushups every day for a few years and I extended my limits. I was eventually able to do more than 120 consecutive pushups.


This realization has shaken my small world
Something clicked in my head. My personal philosophy shifted into “time plus effort equals results.”
I developed tiny disciplines, which I practiced consistently: tracking my expenses, tracking my calorie intake, writing, speed-reading. I observed some results almost immediately.
Within a month, I was reading almost 50 percent faster.
In seven months, I reached my dream weight.
Those rapid results kept me going with the disciplines I couldn’t have believed would have ever brought me results.
Like making money on my own. In the last 3 years I earned from 11% to 50% of my salary from my writing.


Because of my new disciplines, in the last several years my life has totally changed.
Everything in my life got better. Those several things are just a top of an iceberg. I was interviewed on podcasts. I was invited to joint-ventures with other authors. I coached over 100 people one on one. I have working relationships with millionaires.
I broke over 200 personal fitness records, developed dozens of daily habits, doubled my income, started a book advertising business, liberated my wife from a day job, and published 16 books sharing how I achieved all the above.
Even immeasurable areas of my life, like spirituality, got better. I'm a poor judge of myself, but my brothers and sisters from the church community that I've been attending for over a decade testify that I changed. I pray a lot more than I did seven years ago.
And it all started from one small habit of doing a consecutive series of pushups every morning.


Yesayas Taslim, B.Sc Biochemistry, University of Reading (2023)
Sleeping when my body tells me to.
Back then, especially on holidays, I would force myself to stay up until 1am as it would make me feel as if I’m making use of my holiday to the fullest despite being sleepy by 9pm. I eventually find that it’s not good for my sleeping pattern and so I eventually decided to just let my body sleep by the time I feel like I need to rest and not force myself to work overnight which maintains my healthy sleeping pattern a lot.


Having a 30-minute morning walk
My lifestyle can be seen as very similar to most people around me, such as staying in doors, sitting all day long, commuting in transportation, long stress days. I find a 30-minute morning walk to be a good therapy from all the stress and pressure, as it allows me to clear my mind and enjoy the morning fresh air. It also helped me to get as much sunlight as possible. I don’t have to do it everyday though, just on the times when I feel that I need some personal relaxation. I end up feeling happier and refreshed throughout the day.
Making a grocery list
Making a list of the things I need forced me to only purchase the things I need instead of the things I want. It is very easy to get distracted with other things in the grocery store that you might not need, hence a grocery list acts as a guidance for you to not spend your money on the things that you do not need.


Having a nutritious breakfast everyday
Back then, I used to have sugary cereal for breakfast everyday, and sometimes skip it all up. Well, what happens is that 2–3 hours later, I began to feel the sugar crash and less-concentrated in the middle of class, which results in being sluggish. That just makes me more unproductive. I then start to switch things up and have a nutritious / filling breakfast, may it be oats, or eggs with toast. It’s seriously life changing, I feel very energized up to lunch, being more focused and more productive. Yes, I have to wake up earlier to prepare the meal, but it’s definitely worth it.
Checking on google maps before going to an appointment.
I used to have this mindset of ‘going 45 minutes before the appointment time if it’s within the city, and 1 hour 30 minutes if it’s out of the city’ That sometimes worked for me but not all the time. Traffic is very unpredictable and there are several times that I end up being too early or being too late. Nowadays, I tend to check google maps for the time it takes to reach point A to point B, which really helped me a lot to reach the destination right on time.


, Medical Person at Chitwan Medical College
Be Monica Geller.
After leaving my home to a hostel for higher studies years back I felt I was going to experience life differently, like to wake up at the time I want, to skip dinner or eat whenever I want or wash my clothes the day I want to, no external pressure of mom to do this and that.
Lived a few years with that pattern. well as far as my studies were going great, I didn't see any issue with my disorganized and messy room. I used to organize but occasionally. I watched friends when I was in undergraduate loved it but still thinking Monica is sick with cleaning. How would someone be addicted to cleaning? Then slowly and gradually my I started changing.
landing to a job in a standard clinic, where everyone should be organized and the environment should super clean and attractive. They trained us in how to do simple nail polishing avoiding exaggerated details, smell nice, be polite, smile and so on. Even they suggested to us not to eat momos in case if we accidentally burped in front of customers or patients it will be embarrassing. Slowly I started being organized personally too.
Now I had to clean everything right away I find it dirty or washable. I started to put clothes, materials or books in very order and a particular manner and I am loving it. Now I totally related to Monica Geller. This way you feel you uplifted, you keep things in the right order in life and also make it easier to find stuff.


Richard Givens
, lives in South Carolina (1999-present)
Answered February 28, 2021
Vegetable sometimes…. seriously.
Several years ago I had a physical and my doctor asked me about my diet. And I was honest with him and told him that it was FAR from perfect. He asked about vegetables and again, I was honest and told him that I really didn’t like them. So he grumbled something that I don’t remember about the importance of a healthy diet, and especially vegetables… Sure. Ok.
But my cholesterol was also on the borderline. Not high enough to worry about, but getting close..
But I got started thinking about what he said.. I didn’t disagree with any of it, and I had no excuses. But I really am not crazy about vegetables though… So I bought a juicer and tried that for a while. But it turns out juicing is a pain in the ass.. It takes a LOT of vegetables to make one glass of juice, and then you have the leftover pulp to dispose of.
So I said fuck it and just stated grinding them up in the blender. Very quick, very easy, no waste because you drink it all, and you’re getting a lot of vegetables down.
Then I came back a year later for another physical, and my cholesterol had lowered enough to where he commented on it and asked me how I did it.
That’s been around 5–6 years ago and I still drink them.. not every morning, but maybe three times a week. And I’ve actually grown to like them lol.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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