2021-03-05 wuhaowsh 13946

A German city has installed a number of pods for homeless people fitted with thermal insulation to sleep in


I live in Montreal, and we’re currently undergoing a curfew due to covid getting out of control - so that means the drop in centres that homeless people were going to also had to close at that time.


Seems ridiculous that the curfew would be enforced against people that have no home to go to.


Almost all homeless shelters have always had in-by out-by timefrxs regardless of current pandemic.
But because of the curfew the in-by time was moved up to when curfew started.
It really wasn’t the fault of the curfew, but more how homeless are treated in general.



原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The problem is that these would be indistinguishable from portable toilets within weeks.
They might be warmer, not sure, but the toilet aspect would be very noticable.


And that's why on every use, a cleaning service is notified.
Also, you'll be woken up by a social worker in the morning if you use them.
To see how they can help you. As nominally there's enough shelter available, as well as social security etc.


These are going to be terrible. Homeless people are going to shit all over the inside of these.


Given that they closed the drop in centers that maybe could have been used overnight, I suspect the government would close these down after curfew as well.


Yeah, I lived up there for a bit and it happens every year, sadly.
I remember being told about that one homeless man who was crying on TV because his dog (best friend) died outside because the home he lived in didn’t accept dogs.
Now, many do accept dogs.
Sometimes, as tragic as these things are, these things have to happen so the people in charge finally wake up and realize the error of their ways. It’s sad we have to learn this way, though.


This issue in this case wasn't curfew, it was a reduced capacity/hours of operation due to an outbreak at the facility. However, we really need to address how fucked up our resources are for homelessness in this country.
Nobody should ever die in a god damn portable toilet freezing to death, if that doesn't piss you off you aren't human. We treat disabled, homeless, and to some extent the elderly (esp in LTC facilities) as sub human and forget about them. They are just forgotten about and neglected.
This pandemic is really just showcasing how bad it is.


Break into homeless shelter for warmth.
Cops come and arrest you.
Go to a warm jail and get free dinner.


since COVID-19 homeless camps have gone up all over. There are tents and trash everywhere, in some neighborhoods. It gets really cold here, so all the homeless have propane tanks (many donated), but over the weekend one exploded and killed a homeless person, which is pretty common.
It's a bad situation in that all of the shelters are full. The city is opening new shelters and clearing out encampments as the shelters open. The strange thing is that despite it being zero degrees outside, they still have to beg and cajole the homeless to go to shelters. Most don't want to because shelters, obviously, have rules (no drugs, cleanliness, and etc).


Well no, the problem with homeless isn't exactly related to the curfew. The problem with homeless is its own thing and people dying during the winter happened and will happen regardless of the curfew.
I remember walking downtown montreal at night 10 years ago. That day, I saw a group of homeless people laying on the ground like a pack of sausage when it was freezing outside. And they were sleeping right next on the side of a church.
There wasn't any curfew at that time but apparently only due to the curfew people realize that homeless sometimes do sleep outside even during winter.


My heart wants to say this is a great idea and it'll keep people safe...but my brain knows they'll fuck them up and they'll be garbage in a month.

我想说的是,这是一个伟大的想法,它将保证人们的安全...... 但我的大脑知道他们会搞砸,一个月后就会变成垃圾。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The problem is that most people treat homelessness as the problem, when in actuality it's just a symptom. Until we start dealing with the underlying mental health of these individuals there will always be a ton of homeless people no matter how many insulated concrete pods you put up. It's like mopping up the floor beneath a leaky pipe.


Aaaand there is piss and shit everywhere.


My first thought was "half hour wait for a £40 cab home at 3am? Forget it mate, I'll just crash in the pod in the park".
Actually, that would be incredibly convenient.


In Aus drunk people would take a dump in them.


Sad but true.
Did you see the reports recently of people complaining because some doctors vaccinated 23 homeless people? How fucking selfish has our society become that that's a cause of anger and not celebration?

你有没有看到最近有人抱怨说一些医生给23个无家可归的人接种疫苗? 我们的社会已经变得多么自私,以至于成为愤怒而不是庆祝的原因?

Homeless people are at a much higher risk of becoming infected due to the lack of sanitary facilities. IMO they should be some of the first people to receive inoculation.


Hmm, nice idea, but how do you decide who gets to stay in them? I feel like 'ownership' would be a massive problem - one homeless person stays there two nights, pops out for the day, comes back to a different homeless person in there and then kicks off because it's 'theirs'


A homeless shelter designed by computer scientists. Interesting


Well that sounds incredibly expensive


of course it costs some euros but if you can bring some people in real job and in therapy if needed than they will pay taxes and social insurance someday and kind of pay it back.


Better than nothing, but why have we abandoned the idea of building affordable housing like we used to do until the 80s in Europe? People have to live without dignity and safety because someone has to profit from real estate.


There is affordable housing. Germany is still building "sozialer Wohnungsbau", even if there could be more of those.
Also regarding homeless people, pretty much anyone who can fill out a few papers will get a home in Germany. The reasons why there are still homeless people in Germany is because they may be too embarrassed, suffer from mental health problem and can't or don't want to "fit in". There still is help for people who aren't able or don't want a home at the moment.
Something like those pods may be a temporary solution for some people as well. Often there are also laws involved about what you're allowed to set up at which place, that's why some cities are testing small homes with wheels. Legally, those don't count as "real estate" or "immovable property", so it's easier to set them up, at least for a while.
Many homeless people often don't even need or want a full home, they mostly just need a place where they're able to safely store the things they own and where they can sleep. Sometimes you need alternative solutions for that.


Oh! I know a younger girl like that. She more or less kind of lived on the street since she was little so even after she got an apartment she felt it was kind of weird.


Sorry, but that's not true and totally off from reality. In reality it's extremely hard for a homeless person in Germany to get a home, it's not just "filling out a few forms".
Different institutions are responsible and they are know to "loose" those papers. There are lawyers that help homeless people to fill out those forms because then they don't get "lost".
Lot's of those people acutally want a home, but they have zero chance of getting one. Even if the government pays for everything it's basically for an alcoholic or otherwise challenged person to get a permanent home. Nobody wants to rent out a flat to a former homeless person, the best they can hope for is a small room in a container for refugees.
It's a pretty little lie that the german state takes care of everyone. They really don't, the reality of homelesssness in germany is disturbing for such a rich country. I would advocate you look what social workers have to say to "just fill out a few forms", you will be suprised.


Nice to hear that Germany is still doing something about that. One thing I noticed is that homes offered for rent in Germany are usually proper homes (they are reasonably sized and well maintained, they have windows etc.). In Rome and Paris they will rent you tiny rooms without windows that are falling apart. Maybe they were a former cellar or attic that should not have been classified as an independent unit in which a person can live according to the law. Germany seems to have maintained basic decency in this regard, I only hope that the situation will not slowly start to resemble what you see in other countries. In Italy people live with their parents well into adulthood and poor foreigners with no relatives can end up on the streets (even some Italians in the recent years). Housing prices have gone up, wages have stagnated and we stopped building affordable housing in big cities, resulting in endless waiting lists to get them.


I'm not sure what the homeless people are like in Germany, but if you knew what homeless people were like in the US, these would be abused, and destroyed by the homeless people.


What a terrible idea- I feel bad for people who end up having to clean those sinboxes out.


I hope they realize that's basically just a lay down toilet.


They are specifically ment to keep people from freezing to death in cold German winter. If you ask me, it's quite a good idea and well worth a try.


Who cleans them? Who burns and rebuilds them weekly? in my town these would be used as bathrooms and drug injection sites. There would be violent fights over the right to use them. Sleeping women and men would be attacked and raped inside. Also a lot of consensual sex. They would be filled with blood and shit in a few days. A lot of homeless in my area are drug addicted with mental health issues. Lots needs to be done to fix homelessness and im in favour of raising taxes to pay for social programs but this tiny band aid is going to cause a lot of problems.

谁收拾?每周都要烧毁和重建它们? 在我的家乡,这些地方将被用作浴室和毒品注射点。为了使用它们的权利会发生暴力斗争。睡觉的女人和男人会在里面被攻击和强奸。还有很多性行为。过不了几天,他们就会被鲜血和粪便填满。在我住的地方,很多无家可归的人都有毒瘾和心理健康问题。解决无家可归问题需要做很多事情,我支持提高税收来支付社会项目,但这个小小的创可贴将会引起很多问题

This just doesn’t seem like a particularly effective solution to me. Surely a shelter is a better option?


A lot of homeless people avoid shelters atm because they are afraid of catching covid. This has led to an increase of people freezing to death on the streets. This is basically a way to fight this problem.


Meanwhile in America we have architecture for the opposite purpose. To prevent homeless people from sleeping on the benches or other things


This is far from perfect but I think it could be an effective short term solution for an area where there are few homeless individuals and there is some sort of program to address the situation in a more permanent way. I think homelessness as an issue is similar to cancer in the sense that if you catch it early and start treatment right away you will generate the best results possible. The longer people are left to languish on the street living in filth the harder it becomes to recover. Humans have great capacity for adapting to their circumstances which is a blessing and a curse. I think a no frills basic shelter should be offered by the government at a low cost or free to individuals or families who have found themselves in a predicament that has recently caused or imminently will cause homelessness. That way you can preserve the "societal functionality" of these individuals leading to better outcomes long term.


This is a pretty bad idea. The intention is really good, but I think execution could be much better. Better to invest the money in building a boarding house with proper facilities, such as bathrooms, and job finding centers on site. Having these pods out in the open is unfortunately just encouraging the homeless to be out more


Instead of constantly trying to apply needless tech gizmo stuff to every social problem, how about we across the developed world simply shell out the cash to give people real housing with dignity?
Be honest: who is this for? Is it for the homeless, or is it for the people who built it to feel better about themselves? Yes, maybe people will use this, but they will use it because despite what people say homelessness is a problem we are failing to deal with everywhere. This stuff is frankly degrading, to treat the homeless like little social experiment hamsters to test out our latest little needless gadgets on, all the while real solutions go underfunded and constantly scorned. For the small minority who choose homelessness over shelters and public housing when they are available, this will not end up being any better. The amount of homeless who choose to rough it in all weather when there is actual well organized alternatives is nil, but in everyone's minds that is the whole lot, because the truth makes us look bad.
Things like this get built because modern society doesn't want to admit that the real solutions is making a fair society and providing systemic help.

说实话: 这是给谁的?是为了那些无家可归的人,还是为了让建造它的人感觉更好?是的,也许人们会使用它,但他们会使用它,因为尽管人们说无家可归是一个问题,但我们在各地都未能解决。坦率地说,这东西是可耻的,把无家可归的人当作小社会实验仓鼠来测试我们最新的毫无必要的小玩意,而真正的解决方案却一直没有得到足够的资金,而且不断遭到蔑视。对于少数人来说,如果有庇护所和公共住房,他们宁愿选择无家可归,最终也不会有任何改善。在有真正有组织的选择的情况下,选择在任何天气中艰难度日的无家可归者的数量为零,但在每个人的心目中,这就是全部,因为真相让我们看起来很糟糕。

What an uncompassionate idea.
Cruel for the people who have to clean these pods smeared with human feces and littered with drug needles, cruel for the taxpayers who are forced to pay for them, most cruel for the "homeless" that you are enabling to sleep in their own piss and filth.
Want to actually fix the homeless problem? Mass-arrest the homeless - sort them out into 3 categories:
1 - The genuinely down-on-their luck, no drug problems, no mental health issues, just no place to turn -- get these people help, get them some hot food & a shower, some job training or put them in contact with relatives. This is maybe 5% of the homeless population.
2 - The drug addicted and mentally ill. Lots of these people are borderline mentally ill, but drugs put them right over the top. Again, get these people help, get them cleaned up and back to being healthy, productive people. This is about 75% of the homeless population.
3 - The bums, Put them to work cleaning up graffiti, trash. Put them in jail & make life very unpleasant for them until they understand that you don't have the right to sleep in parks, commit petty theft, trespass & vandalize for fun. Probably about 20% of the homeless population.

想真正解决无家可归的问题吗? 大规模逮捕无家可归者,将他们分为3类:
1 -真正倒霉的人,没有毒品问题,没有心理健康问题,只是无处求助——让这些人得到帮助,给他们一些热食物和淋浴,给他们一些工作培训或让他们与亲戚联系。这可能占无家可归人口的5%。
2 -吸毒成瘾者和精神病患者。很多人都处于精神疾病的边缘,但药物使他们达到了顶峰。让这些人得到帮助,让他们恢复健康,恢复工作。这大约是无家可归人口的75%。
3 -流浪汉,让他们去清理涂鸦和垃圾。把他们关进监狱,让他们的生活非常不愉快,直到他们明白你没有权利睡在公园里,做小偷小摸的事,非法侵入和搞破坏。这大约占无家可归人口的20%。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Meanwhile in France, the police destroys homeless migrants tents and their belongings, also prevent journalists from documenting the process which is 100% illegal, right now with freezing cold temperatures. It includes men women and kids. I am not an open border guy for pragmatic reasons but I am ashamed of my country.


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