如果你用时间机器把一个3万年前的现代人婴儿带回现在,用现代的方式抚养他,会发生什么? 它能做和这个时期出生的人类完全一样的事情吗?
2021-03-05 翻译熊 17979

What would happen if you brought an anatomically modern human baby from 30,000 years ago back to this time with a time machine, and raised it in a modern way? Would it be able to do the exact same things as a human born in this time?

如果你用时间机器把一个3万年前的现代人婴儿带回现在,用现代的方式抚养他,会发生什么? 它能做和这个时期出生的人类完全一样的事情吗?

Muhammed Borhanuddin, A history addict
In January 1880, an expedition led by Mourice Vidal Portman, a British Indian government administrator, landed on North Sentinel Island of Andaman. There would live a small tribe, entirely primitive and still naked. If we would say that was a lifestyle of 30,000 years back, it would not be an overstatement. They were completely away from the touch of modern humans and their modern living. (And as we know, they are living the same way until today).
However, this expedition team kidnapped a group of six tribesmen that included an elderly couple and four children. They were taken to Port Blair— the closest city populated by either modern humans or tribes that long lived in touch of modern humans.
Unexpectedly, the entire group of six sickened rapidly and the elderly couple died in a few days. Anticipating the same fate, Portman returned the children to the island.

Muhammed Borhanuddin, 历史迷
1880年1月,由英属印度政府官员Mourice Vidal Portman率领的一支探险队在安达曼岛的北森提纳岛(North Sentinel Island)登陆。那里住着一个小部落,完全原始,仍然赤身裸体。如果我们说那是3万年前的生活方式,那一点也不夸张。他们完全脱离了现代人和现代生活的影响。并且正如我们所知,直到今天,他们的生活方式都是一样的。


Xane Feng
ALL babies need to build up their immune system against the pathogens in their environment. That’s why you should never expose a newborn to crowds or unsanitary conditions.
Breastfeeding will greatly improve a baby’s chances of fighting off disease, as the breast milk contains antibodies that can fight off infection.
So if you give the paleolithic baby to a lactating mother to breastfeed, he or she would have a pretty good chance of growing into a normal adult.


Roger Kinnard
that is why we vaccinate children.
Your answer is correct.


Ben Fall
Though this is true to an extent, it's also very true that the native Americans and more isolated people of Africa and Oceania lacked immunities too many diseases that Europeans, North Africans, and West Asians could handle better.


Selleck Man
It’s because of the closer relationships and contact with animals and themselves. These diseases some groups had no immunities to but also the same can be said about some Arab and European groups when they died of tropical diseases that Africans Asians and Oceania has.


Ben Fall
Right, but that's not really connected to breastfeeding, to my knowledge, aside from maybe the baby gets the immunities too said diseases from the mother. But if the mother has no immunity the baby won't get any from her.


Lynita Otero
Well, thank the Lord that those people who were returned did not infect the tribe and wipe them out


Adam Wu
One can only speculate if those returned children DID trigger a serious epidemic upon their return. There’s a reason for the Sentinelese’ famous hostility towards outsiders, and there is no record of that hostility from prior to this incident.


Joshua Demaray
It's a good idea but I think the simplest idea would be true. They took 2 elders and killed them, in the eyes of the tribe, also they kidnapped the kids. If someone kidnapped your parents and your children and later just returned the children, infected or in perfect health, wouldn't you be overtly hostile?


Adam Wu
If it was JUST a violation against individuals or even a single family, or even a family that was highly prominent in the community like the chief’s family itself, I would not expect the hostility to last this long. I mean elders get killed and children kidnapped almost routinely in human history. The fact that the children got RETURNED at all actually usually benign compared to the average. Maintaining a policy of such extreme hostile isolationism requires a sustained cultural effort with extensive indoctrination of every subsequent generation and significant effort expended on enforcement. It’s the kind of thing a human society would rarely bother doing unless it perceived an existential threat, not just to a few individuals or even an important family, but to the whole community.


David Mandić
They might have incorporated this hostility into their belief system and folklore. In that case, it wouldn’t be a problem to stick to it and pass it on.


Joshua Demaray
I hear you on that but I think you are looking at it from a point of view that is non existent in that type of culture. I think they are a collective family. Sure there are different biological “families" but I think in those type of cultures family was an all encompassing idea. It takes a village to raise a child. I believe in ancient times that was real. To survive everyone had to play a part so every “individual" was vitally important. If you take my family and in doing so decrease my chances of survival I'm going to want to kill you and anyone who looks like or associates with you. With no TV, radio or other fast moving distractions and the only form of entertainment is story telling, just imagine how demonized the people were after some years of blurred memories, exaggeration and fermented hate passed down.


Daniel Aldrich
An excellent and extremely intelligent observation. I'm thinking you are extremely likely to be absolutely correct.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Rob Schoufour
Wasn't some missionary killed by the Jawara tribe last year? I thought some islands are protected and against the law to visit just for the reasons you mentioned.


Jennifer Quail
Well, partially to prevent disease, partially because as that missionary found out, they have zero problem killing anyone who comes on the island. (Which means unfortunately we don’t know much about lifespans or inbreeding or all the things it would be interesting to study in a successfully-isolated population like that, but they’re pretty clear about not wanting visitors.)


Lynita Otero
What would you expect though? This expedition kidnaps them, one or more die from this kidnapping, etc. Yeah, it was 1880-a long time ago-but this incident is, I’m SURE still part of their own folklore.
“The monsters who came and took our People away”.


Tao Sue Vang
It’s equally probable that the person we snatched from 30,000 years ago might have a virus or disease which we modern humans may never have been exposed to, too! The person could wipe us all out. Serves us right though, kidnapping and all.

同样有可能的是,3万年前被我们抢走的那个人可能也有一种我们现代人从未接触过的病毒或疾病! 这个人可能会把我们都消灭掉。

Janice Jones
Yes, I remember that story VIVIDLY - very SAD indeed. But it is times like this that the EVIL of governments around the world are SPOUTING, that I just wished I had been BORN into that tribe on the Sentinel island.


Abdul Moiz Qureshi
You have no idea of their attitudes regarding sex, about women, their rates of infant deaths, about their average lifespan, or about their possible distasteful rituals.
For example, there was (edit 05/01/20: is, they don't do this anymore though) a tribe in the Amazon where boys had to fellate older men as rite of passage into manhood.
Quite a few societies have practiced infanticide.
Some societies engage in cannibalism.
So, would you be okay, living in a society on a small island, where you have no air conditioning, poor sanitation, have to use the toilet behind bushes, have worms in your stomach, have a primitive justice system, possibly a second class citizen to the males, not be able to vote, have the majority of your children die in infancy, much more shabby clothes, an infection from a cut possibly being deadly, etc, etc?


Coralie Koonce
And you would be satisfied, because it is the way your ancestors lived, and you have no knowledge of other ways. Don’t assume that these people have no system of consensus decision-making—councils of elders, maybe. I myself have lived without air conditioning (in Florida and San Diego). Many children were dying in infancy in the U.S. 100 years ago, before antibiotics. Hookworm was endemic in the South. People did have various herbs to treat infections.
The point is, while here and now we have various comforts and conveniences. So whose culture is better?


James Stewart, DDS Dentistry & Microbiology, Physics, Biochmeistrty Literature, Nutrition, Hypnosis, University of Southern …
The other answers appear to be obsessed with the human immune system. I will address what I believe your question is.
The difference between a human from 30,000 years ago and today is trivial. There is a lot of variation between modern individuals, with 7 billion examples. Modern American natives succumbed to modern European diseases, and many modern European travelers succumbed to Asian diseases from 1200–1600. And the great plagues traveled from Asia on ship and land routes via infected fleas. So…
The child is vaccinated like any other child. If not treated as “special” or “different”, the child would learn to crawl, walk, talk, go to school, and well, get a job, get married and so forth. I suppose the child could be a Neanderthal, in which case, if male, he would be an unstoppable NFL linebacker or quarterback. If Cro-Magnon, then I guess he would have to make do like the rest of us. If Asian, well she would be talented with the violin? And so much for stereotypes. Like today, there were many different socially, genetically, and geographically diverse peoples.
The child would not be dumber than their modern counterparts, unless he just happened to be dumb. I hope you would intend some sextion process before bringing the child (voluntarily with the parents permission) to the present. After all, it would take a lot of effort to build the time machine.

这个(3万年前的)孩子会和其他孩子一样接种疫苗。如果不被视为“特殊”或“不同”,孩子就会学习爬行、走路、说话、上学,然后找到一份工作、结婚等等。我认为这个孩子可能是一个尼安德特人,在这种情况下,如果他是男性,他将成为不可阻挡的NFL后卫或四分卫。如果是克鲁马努人,我想他就得像我们其他人一样凑合着过了。如果是亚洲人,她会有小提琴天赋吗? 这里有很多刻板印象啦。和今天一样,当时也有许多社会、基因和地理上各地不同的民族。

Mats Andersson, Translator (1991-present)
Yee….es. Within some limits.
This child comes from before the Neolithic revolution. No agriculture. We have evolved since to better digest cereals and starch; the child might be considered to suffer from mild celiac disease and require a gluten-free diet.
Also, our immune systems have evolved quite a bit since then. The child is likely to contract every disease you ever saw, a few you never heard of, and might not get life-long immunity to all of them.
Intellectually, you would be extremely unlikely to spot any difference. Behaviour, famously, does not fossilise well, so we can’t know for certain, but there is no reason to believe they didn’t have exactly the same mental faculties as we do.
The child would possibly become a top athlete; we don’t quite understand why, but our earliest written accounts describe very matter-of-factly feats of strength and stamina that modern humans can’t copy.

Mats Andersson, 译者 (1991-至今)

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Rupert Baines
Also ability to metabolise alcohol and milk


David Weiser
Methinks the earliest written accounts may be exaggerating.


Xander Backus
Maybe, but thousands of years ago there was a much stronger evolutionary pressure focused on physical capacity, so it's quite likely that people were, on average, faster and stronger back in a time when speed, strength, and stamina were more important.


Roy Wilson
So if we had a time machine, we should bring back a LOT of babies and upgrade the gene pool.


Seraphina Lim
lol, but apparently we need fast coders not fast runners now


Jay Vasinton
Sure, but what if they weren't? We have a more sedentary lifestyle, those humans wouldn't sit for long in the day, but agriculture has brought us our current lifestyle.


David Weiser
He was implying that they mention feats completely impossible today, even by fit people. There are still lots of people who don't live sedentary lifestyles, in fact modern athletes and soldiers have crsfted diets and training regimes specifically designed to make them fit and strong beyond anything the ancients had. I have no doubt people were more physically fit on average back then, but the answer implied that ancient humans may have been inherently biologically superior.


Xander Backus
Your strength and speed are the result of your lifestyle and genetics. While professional athletes have more ready access to nutrients than ancient humans, they also come from physically inferior genetic stock, since strength, speed, and stamina were sexted more heavily in the distant past.


Ron Hollis
It would die. There are many diseases that modern humans are immune to be cause they are the survivors of plagues etc that regularly killed of large numbers of people. The child would have none of the immunities we take for granted.


Kevin Johnston
I have a feeling those feats of strength come mainly from living in a fairly harsh environment that demanded a ton of physical labor. Modern humans just don't do that much physical labor. When's the last time you lifted more than 50 lbs because you had to? Most people won't be able to answer that.
I've met a few older gentlemen who worked with their hands for their entire lives doing things like baling hay. Those guys are ridiculously, abnormally strong.
Or maybe they're normally strong and we're all the weaklings.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Ranbir Kaur
Any farmer and anyone building houses etc. will lift 25kg with ease. Any nurse has to do the same. 25kg isn't much really, a 6 year old child will weigh as much, and be occasionally picked up by his parents. LOL, i have to pick up my son ever so often.


Brett Watters
Ignoring all the time paradoxes… nothing. You’d have a normal human baby.
Homo-sapiens go back at least 100,000 years and many suspect up to 200,000 or slightly more. There would be few generic differences between modern humans and someone from 30,000 years ago. Child would have the same brain size, learning potential, physical abilities, etc. The only big issues would be:
Pathogens. Are they carrying something nasty and specifically… is their immune system able to deal with common viruses and diseases floating around today. They might need some vaccines and/or
Nutrition. Likely any baby from paleo times is going to have issues in terms of vitamins, minerals, etc. simply as the mother might not have had a good diet or been subject to diseases or injuries. Most ancient humans were small due to bone issues, poor diets, etc. Average human height and weight went up fairly steadily since the 1700s. Much of that could be offset by a good diet and supplements, but if the mother was in poor enough condition… entirely possible of brain or other organs having issues at birth which might not be correctable after birth.


Ray Trent
The biggest potential issue I can see is epigenetics. We really don’t understand very well yet how the environment in the womb and very early life impacts the expression of genes, except to say that they do.
But we do know that malnutrition and exposure to toxic materials (not all of which are exclusively modern) during pregnancy have negative consequences on children, including their brain function.
There are some indications that the father’s health and exposure to carcinogens and the like can impact his sperm as well.
Parasites and diseases may also have some impact on the outcome of pregnancies.
But it’s very likely that if you brought forward a mated pair of humans from that time, “cleaned them up” to modern standards of nutrition and health, and they produced a baby, that it would be statistically “normal” in nearly all ways.
Might be gluten and/or lactose intolerant, as those tolerances are pretty recently evolved. And as others have pointed out, diseases and our immunities have evolved a fair bit, so they might get sick a lot.


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