2021-03-08 Kira_Yoshikage 16685

Billionaires are buying up farmland at a.... concerning rate


Billionaires are basically slowly buying up all resources and means of production, from food, to farmland, to GMOs, and robotics, AI, vaccines, and fossil fuels and travel option for the elite (private jets).


They want everything commodified and he poor to own nothing.


I think they’re winning

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

They already won. This is the victory lap.


Have they won? There are enough examples in history that when the rich push to far, and the poor have no prospects for the future and nothing to lose they will eventually take things into their own hands. I’m not advocating for anything just saying history repeats itself.


Well at no point before this point could the very rich simply drone bomb the poor into submission. So, maybe they have won.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Only thing I can say in response to that is we’ve been using drones to bomb people in Afghanistan for close to 19 years and they still haven’t given up. Imagine how people would react here when video started going around of the aftermath of a drone attack.


People here don’t even react when video surfaces of police attack innocents.


Americans are fat and entertained. Afghanis are not.


Some people reacted last summer. The numbers of people engaging in direct action will only increase as conditions worsen.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Yea. The crazy thing about America is guns. Like when the poor revolt in the U.S against the rich eventually those will come out. That's what the billionaires don't understand. The french built guillotines. U.S. citizens will probably use guns .

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I don't advocate violence. Don't wish it upon anyone. But the rich are playing a risky game now . During a pandemic the rich showed no empathy towards people who were in despair.


It is no coincidence that both the BLM movement and the whole Capital riot occured so close to each other. The working class is divided on these issues but they are extremely angry at the rich. They just haven't realized it. Once something occurs that unites both sides that thought they were seperate. Game over.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I'm not for or against violence as a concept- I'm certainly all for it in certain aspects- but I'd note- violence is always an answer. Not necessarily the right one, not even necessarily a good one- but when there are no other answers acceptable it's the only one left.


The truth is that our system is already inherently violent- property ownership at its root is maintained through violence. Massive inequality is maintained through violence. Without violence or the understood threat of it- you wouldn't be able to deny people the medications they need to survive, or the homes their families live in, or other essentials. Without violence- direct, or somewhere down the line, people wouldn't accept being robbed of their dignity.


There's a violence inherent in the threat of evictions or homelessness, or in the blocking off of food or even the land required to grow it from those who require it. There's violence in the squeezing out of debts and the profiteering off of necessary goods. There's violence in maintaining the corrupt system and ensuring the working class, minorities, and so on continue to be disenfranchised.


That's not even going into the most horrifying facets of capitalist violence outside our "imperial cores" - where said violence manifests itself with bombs, extremism, slavery, genocide, and worse.


The rich have been violent this entire time- capitalism as a system is quite frankly not possible of mercy or humane behavior so much as it is of making a pretense at it- whatever is needed to allow business to continue as usual.


Our rich have oceans of blood on their hands, and that's the truth. The continually shed blood of protesters- of indigenous peoples in the west but also in developing (exploited) countries; of people dying, in our countries and abroad- from exposure, starvation, preventable medical conditions, cut corners and health and safety violations, and so on- is all on their hands.


There can be no tolerance for intolerance- and similarly, nonviolence can only be the answer so long as it remains a mutual understanding. Even MLK and Gandhi, the most intentionally misrepresented (IMO) pacifists- recognized and wrote of essentially this.


There can't be peace while food is being withheld from people who are starving, medicine from people who are ill, there can't be peace when basic human dignity and respect itself is not a given. Eventually IMO- well, both sides of the working class and presumed "middle class" will realize it. Maybe our species will keel over before that, and definitely fascism will be capitalism's last stand against actual equity and equality- as it always has been- but the social contract our societies are allegedly founded upon have been proven as the empty lies and promises to all but the most privileged, sheltered and delusional.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Thats why everything is by design to keep groups fighting each other. Media, entertainment, news religion. All of it designed to fracture, blur and obfuscate the clarity needed to act. We are played like fiddles and its surprisingly easy to do.


This is why the government is funneling military equipment to the police. When the guns come out its going to be bad. Don't forget that Portland was also a testing ground for deploying the military to control the population. The billionaires know we have guns they are well aware of the issue. That's why they spend billions of dollars on lobbying and greasing palms. When the people in America finally rise up it will be met with swift and decisive military action. They will label us terrorists and charge us with treason.


Plus we have tons of mass shootings even when everything is more or less fine. Now imagine instead of a school, they go to a trendy brunch spot or the Gucci store or whereever it is the rich hang out.


Looking at past modes of pure production can't help us too much here. The indoctrination of industrial capitalism is the perfect abuse system. Were likely to get some concession (a la post great depression) and be set back on track. Worker solidarity in the US is at an all time low. I think a possible saving grace we might have is when cost of labor and extraction in the exploited countries begins to reach comparable levels to the US.


India just had the biggest worker strike in history. If allow the exploited countries realize they don't need this shit from us and can subsist on their own, we'll most likely need to bring the work back to the US. It will probably be a lot harder to turn a blind eye to the abuse when it's back in our front lawn.


Even if the poor take up arms against the rich, the poor will lose. The interconnectedness and volume of today's system of production means if you disrupt the flow of production you will not get it back to it's former capacity in a timely manner. For food production it means a lot of people will starve before food is plentiful again. Just as in nearly every war, a lot of people suffer from the disruption of production.


You guys and your guns..... Seriously.


Here's a perspective from outside the USA. The arch individualism that you have over there is a bigger barrier to meaningful resistance than lack of guns anywhere else. Real armies (or well regulated militias) are effective when they are disciplined, ie when there is a culture of collectivism. The fantasy that libertarians in the US have of standing there alone with a AR15 in either hand and blatting away at uncle Sam, or the corporations, or black people, or whoever, is just that - a fever dream fantasy. Even if you had bigger guns (which you won't) a well disciplined force would still outmanuever you.


Added to that, from a collapse perspective, when the shit hits the fan there's going to be several million paranoid psychotics wandering the streets armed to the teeth. I know that for sure I'd rather be in Europe during a breakdown of law and order. If I was living in the US and expecting imminent collapse I'd be campaigning for gun control HARD to get as many weapons off the street as possible. Saying that, I'd probably bury something in my back garden though, lol.


>Saying that, I'd probably bury something in my back garden though, lol.


"Guns for me, not for thee" is exactly what US gun control boils down to in effect. A lot of restrictions are either so easy to circumvent that they are meaningless, or can be bought their way past . If it's the latter, then the gun control legislation is in effect control over poor people owning guns and nothing else, which to me is absolutely despicable. Gun control advocates also like to conveniently ignore/forget that the history of gun control in the US from the 60s on began as targeting arms in the hands of minorities, especially the Black Panthers (1968 Mulberry Act in CA), and in practice even when the legislation isn't codified to target poor and minorities, in practice it disproportionately affects poor and minorities.


A lot of US gun culture is toxic as shit and I do agree with much of what you have to say in your first paragraph. But it irks me to no end to see gun control advocacy as a solution being proposed from non-Americans because it's a non-solution. Right wing crazies are already obsessed with visions of the ATF breaking down their door coming for their student slayer 5000 and fantasies of killing government agents/soldiers/becoming badass Hollywood-style vigilantes. Pushing gun control, *especially* when you don't know the first thing about firearms, feeds that and drives reasonable and responsible gun owners, who would otherwise be open to Leftist discourse, to the Republican party.




That's actually goddamned terrifying.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Imagine all of your food being owned by some of the worst human beings on the planet.


Planning to control the food supply.


Uh, they already do.


were actually reverting to feudalism right in front of our eyes except this time our lords will be Elon Bezos and the waltons


We allowed the return of the gilded age robber barons and monopolies, now we're watching in real time as they return us to a feudal state.


242,000 acres doesn't seem like all that much for someone with that kind of money.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

what's the big deal?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Yeah, the US has like 900M acres of farmland in total. So that would be like... 0.027%.


Much alarming, such wow.


Yeah, just ignore the uptrends, think about absolute numbers.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It's not as if more multimillionaires are going to start doing this. And it's not as if Gates himself might massively increase his holdings.


There are 600 billionaires in the US. If every one of them just bought what Gates bought, ~12% of all farmland would be the personal possession of billionaires.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

There are 18,000,000 millionaires in the US. What happens when they start aping this?


A single person (1/320 000 000) owning 1/4000th of all farmland is quite a lot. If all land was divided equally this would be the land of 86,000 people.


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