2021-03-09 龟兔赛跑 10628

Would you rather be rich in a third world country or poor in America assuming you can't move?


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

T erence Kenneth John Nunis
It is always better to be wealthy, no matter where you are. As long as you have wealth, you have options and opportunities. Poverty robs people of that. One assumption in this question is that being in the US is somehow desirable. That may have been true in the 1950s, and 1960s, when the US lead the world in standard of living. Those times have long passed. In terms of crime ,medical care, education, infrastructure development, and every other major indicator outside weapons development, the US is like a developing nation, not a developed one.
Secondly, the Third World refers to nations that did not officially side with the US and her allies, the First World; and the Soviet unx and her allies, the Second World. This term is a legacy from the Cold War era. Nowadays, many people mistakenly use the term to refer to developing countries, which is itself, a somewhat nebulous term. There are “Third World” nations such as Singapore which have a standard of living that far outstrips the US. There are “Third World” nations such as the UAE, Qatar and Oman that are wealthier than the US per capital GDP.
Even were we to consider the latter meaning of Third World, as a synonym to “developing countries”, to be poor in America is hardly better than being poor in the “Third World”, in places like Rwanda, China or Malaysia, where there are better opportunities for socioeconomic advancement, where gun violence is not at theater level and where medical care is actually reasonably affordable.

无论你在哪里,富有总是更好的。 只要你有财富,你就有选择和机会。 贫穷剥夺了人们的权利。关于这个问题的一个假设是,在美国的话,生活在某种程度上是可取的。这可能在20世纪50年代和60年代都是真的,当时美国的生活水平一直领先于世界。那些时代已经过去很久了。在犯罪、医疗保健、教育等方面以及在基础设施发展和武器发展以外的每一个主要指标上,美国就像一个发展中国家,而不是一个发达国家。
第二,第三世界是指那些没有正式站在美国及其盟国第一世界一边的国家;苏联及其盟国第二世界一边的国家。这个词是冷战时期遗留下来的。现如今,许多人错误地用这个词来指发展中国家,这本身就是一个有点模糊的术语。新加坡等“第三世界”国家的生活水平要远远超过美国。 阿联酋、卡塔尔和阿曼等“第三世界”国家的人均GDP都比美国富裕。

Allen Lobo, Corporate finance, former physician & research physicist

Allen Lobo,公司财务,前医生和研究物理学家

Poor in America.
Or in any liberal developed nation for that matter, whether in the West or outside of it.
Before I proceed with explaining why, please allow me to be as clear as I possibly can that I take this question as the choice being put specifically to me (i.e. “Would you rather X or Y…” as opposed to “Is it better in general to be X or Y”).
I cannot speak for all persons, merely for myself.
This matters because each person is born under a unique set of circumstances and hence their prospects and choices, would understandably be different.


Three broad categories in which we all vary - natural talent, lottery of birth (i.e. family, class level, nation) and blind luck. Now since luck by its very nature is an intangible, it cannot be factored in (either favorably or adversely). So I’ll focus on the other two.
I was born with an exceptional amount of the first and a mixed quantity of the second (as for luck, I’d reckon that chance has been kinder to me than for most others).
I grew up in a lower-middle class household in India, but had a very loving and supportive family (and still do). Lower middle-class in India when I grew up in the 80s and 90s would hands down be considered to be decidedly worse than even poor in America in material terms.
To give you some sense of it, I was raised in a tiny apartment, one 300 square foot room for four people. We had space for only one bed for two, no gadgets like vacuum cleaners, washing machines or microwaves, no heating or cooling, no vacations out of town, no more than two toys and two sets of new clothes a year, we ate meat just once a week. That was pretty much all of my childhood until the age of 14.

给你一点感觉,我是在一个小公寓里长大的,一个300平方英尺的房间,可以住四个人。我们只有一张双人床的空间,没有吸尘器、洗衣机或微波炉之类的小玩意,没有暖气或制冷,不能外出度假,一年里面不超过两个玩具和两套新衣服,我们每周只吃一次肉。 那几乎是我14岁之前的童年。

But I consider it to have been an immensely happy period of my life.
It isn’t some romanticizing, there were solid reasons why I was fortunate despite all of the above.
I had no dearth of love or attention from my parents (and a solid amount of disciplining as well), a little sister who plainly adored me, plenty of friends, I did very well in school .
Relative poverty matters.
Some might consider this arrogant, but if I could rise from poor in a poor nation to upper middle class in the richest nation on earth, I’ll bet fair money that I would have had an easier time doing the same starting out in a rich nation from that same station in terms of wealth.
Let me put it in another way. The West (Americans specifically) paid for my education and even living expenses in full and I wasn’t even a citizen from their nation. You actually then think I would have been accorded any worse if I had actually been born here?


Give a man three things - talent, ambition and a loving family.
You can then put him in most places of the planet as you please, I swear he’ll find a way to make a fist of it. And if he cannot do it in that place, he will find a way somehow to get to another place where he can exploit his abilities.
This isn’t just the case with me but also played out in similar fashion with the two men I love the most - my closest friend and my father. The first who is now a lieutenant colonel grew straight-up in the slums of Mumbai, not in even a shoebox like I did (because at least I lived in one made of brick unlike him).
As for the second, my father grew up in far greater privation. Raised in a remote village in the 50s and 60s in conditions which would make people in the West think that I was plainly making shit up if I were to describe those conditions which are but one generation away among my ancestors.
As bare bones as my childhood might seem to Westerners, I had far more in material terms than Dad who grew up with no electricity, no plumbing, no running water, no electronics (except for a radio), no doctors. Not little or scarce quantities of those, I mean nothing of any of those. Which even the poor in the West could take for granted even in those times.

然后您可以随心所欲地将他放到地球上的大多数地方,我发誓他会找到一种方法来握紧他的拳头。 而且,如果他不能在那个地方做到这一点,他将会找到某种方式前往另一个可以发挥自己才能的地方。

He too cherishes his childhood, but he made a fist of it. My little sister and I have then built up on that foundation which that man laid down with such mettle.
Just so you know I’m hardly some kind of exception in that regard!
But then what about the other option - being rich in a poor nation?
There most certainly are some serious advantages to be had from the “rich person” part of that equation. But also some significant disadvantages to be had from the “poor nation” part of it.
The key thing to understand here is that the advantages are not of much consequence to me, but the disadvantages matter a lot to me.
The advantages largely boil down to two things (as other answers mention here very correctly) -
1. Access to cheap human labor.
2. Ability to flout the law.
As for the cheap labor part, the utility would be marginal for me. I’ve been living on my own and taking care of myself since I was sixteen. I’m used to it by now. Sure it would be nice to be able to hire someone but the fact is that modern gadgets make those things easy in my eyes at any rate.
As for abusing the law, I don’t care for that either. I see no need for it and I don’t like living in places like that because that is always a double-edged sword.

他也很珍惜自己的童年,可是他为此握紧了拳头。 然后,我和我的妹妹就建立在了他如此勇敢地奠定的基础之上。

Which brings me to the disadvantages.
No matter how rich you may be in a poor nation, you still have to deal with such things as pollution, lack of infrastructure and corrupt officials. When I visit Mumbai (the place of my birth) every couple of years or so, I see expensive cars still having to drive through narrow streets in thick traffic through thickly polluted air. You can’t just escape all of that. You still need to bribe officials not to get special treatment but even to have them do their regular job (though things are better now than they once were at least in some offices).
No amount of wealth is going to insulate you from all of those things.
Not unless you wall yourself off in some kind of tiny gated community and who the hell wants to live like that? I certainly don’t. I like people, I like being around them, I would hate living in such a proverbial cage of gold, limited in interaction with just a tiny sliver of the population at large.
But the more pernicious part is that while as a rich person you can abuse the law, there are always those above you who can abuse you.
If I am a well-to-do businessman, I could beat my house servant and pay the police. And in the same way the local politician can also have me beaten or rape my wife and pay the police.


If a man who is significantly more powerful than you wants something you have, he will take it. The police and courts will not only be of no recourse, but the former might even aid him.
In the jungle, every predator is also prey to another above it in the food chain.
The frog swallows up the fly, the serpent eats the frog, the mongoose tears up the serpent, the wolf devours the mongoose and the tiger then kills the wolf.
Pick your station then as both predator and prey.
You think that corruption will only work for you and never against you?
Even if you’re not corrupt, you will always need to be watchful unless you’re something like a big politician or super-rich businessman.
In places like Mumbai even if you are rich you’re targeted by the local Mafia.
And unlike the U.S. where the Mafia doesn’t mess with you as a private businessman unless you first go to them, that is not the case there. Here’s the best part - even with such unsavory matters as extortion, the Mafia model in say New York City is “Pay us and we’ll guarantee you won’t be harmed by us or anyone else.” They have their turfs divided clearly. In Mumbai the model is “Pay us and the only thing we guarantee is that we won’t harm you. But you’re still fair game for any other gangs!”


There was a time in Mumbai when I was growing up in the early 90s, where the Mafia would simply go to very expensive car dealerships and look up the list of recent buyers and straight away start calling down that list to extort money. Very efficient really, it was a criminal kind of ‘sales cold calls’. Let alone businessmen, property developers and movie producers, they even started choosing doctors.
No, I would prefer not to live like that.
Wealth can be downright dangerous in such circumstances, especially if you are a law-abiding citizen.
Of course on balance it is vastly better to be rich than poor, especially in a developing nation. But in terms of your own safety from being predated upon the powerful (especially corrupt and even criminal politicians), it is often not nearly as good as even that of a middle-class citizen in the West. I suspect that it won’t be any different whether in Lagos, Caracas, Cairo or Manila.
I know I’ll get crap from some Indians for saying all of the above. And let me not overstate the case. India has come a long way since when I was raised there in the 80s and 90s. And she is still head and shoulders above many other nations. She has a free press, a people who predominantly follow a very tolerant and I daresay wise faith (Hinduism) and a reasonably good life in material terms by global standards for her upper-middle and upper classes.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

But I’m being asked to make a straight up comparison here in the way I would play it between the choices. Never mind that many will take this as my passing judgment on the choices in general (which as I said is neither the nature of the question nor of my answer).
There are also other such considerations as how I think that the poor in America are not screwed as much for lack of material as they are for being born into broken homes. Yes, that is a crippling blow by fortune. But as I have said, the gods smiled on me very generously in that key aspect and continue to do so. If we now start taking away all personal characteristics outside of the two precise factors explicitly put into play (i.e. nation/location and wealth status), then of course all bets are off, and it’s a total crapshoot.
This then is not even a matter of that proverbial choice between being “king in hell versus the doorkeeper in heaven”.
The point is that I would choose the latter precisely because men of my stripe won’t stay limited as doorkeepers for long.


Jazz Francesca, Just a frugal Filipino. My pups are Texans and Cowboys.
If it means that I have a roof over my head, food, a few clothes and access to the internet? Then, being poor in America is the absolute way to go!
In general, in America, I get treated with respect due to me being naturally polite and without being succumbed to the entitlement/victim mentality. I am also quite resourceful and frugal.
Hence, being poor in America has worked and would always work for me; it is not to say that I enjoy being poor, but the comparison to where I came from does not even come close.
The bottom line is, I am not into worldly things. Naturally and if anything too much material things do not provide comfort. They are clutter and I have plenty that I am trying to discard.
On top of that, I have turned into a master of my household—thanks to an old aunt who treated me like a servant (without pay). I enjoy organizing and cleaning my house, and I have gotten used to picking after my beloved pups.

最重要的是,我不喜欢世俗的事物。 自然地,如果有太多物质,这些东西也无法提供舒适感。 他们很杂乱,我有很多我想抛弃的东西。
除此之外,我已经变成了家里的主人,这多亏了一位老阿姨,她像仆人一样对待我,并且没有报酬哦。 我喜欢整理和打扫我的房子,已经习惯了照顾我心爱的小狗。

Whereas in the Philippines, where I grew up, rich people are treated like gods while poor people are treated like a doormat; that is my recollection.
I would need to hire different maids to run different errands, and quite frankly, I am never comfortable with the idea, though I understand they need a job.
Being rich in the Philippines means I would be exposed to corrupt politicians, homeless babies/dogs, other internal clashes among residents—just a few of many sad things happening in most third world countries.
And without the intervention of some sort, going beyond a poverty line is not going to happen anytime soon.
Being rich there and (with the way my head spins) I would be forced to intervene. And I dislike politics for the most part. My safety would be a concern if I ever interfere with the wrong person. And that is not what I want.
I mainly do not want to see dogs roaming around the streets especially now that I have become hyper-sensitive. It would break me down, both mentally and physically. No doubt!
However, if guaranteed that I can set-up organizations by working with trustworthy people and advocating for homeless and dogs —spay-neuter in particular, and without fearing for my life (some relatives and otherwise), then, there may be a possibility of consideration.
Otherwise, I would remain in my comfort zone somewhere in my lovely state of Texas. And I am okay with that.


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