2021-03-12 辽阔天空 7439
Do you consider yourself pretty?


Louise Blackwood, Dancing for 16 years
I've always been highly praised for my beauty by friends, family and strangers. I've never been the subject to much abuse based on how I look, never been told I'm unattractive in such a way etc, though I have experienced racism. I've always been a magnet, been popular since day one. This has most certainly impacted how I see myself. What we are subjected to at a young age help to mold us.
I'm quite intelligent, very logical. I have a more relaxed personality and don't get off on the attention I receive. Despite my praise I've stayed humble and this is because of the people I'm surrounded by and my own curiosity, open mind and gentle nature.


I know I'm priveliged to have been given the life I have and I'm grateful for it. I try to leave positive impacts on others and love to share my education with others.
I do struggle with it sometimes though. Pros and cons/good and bad will always come together. I tend to attract negative attention just as much as I attract positive attention. This has forced me to learn harsh lessons.
I have insecurities like everyone else. I have days were my confidence is low, self doubt, anxieties. I feel the same pressures from society.


I don't let it get to me, I don't let it ruin my view of myself. I refuse to degrade myself in the ways I'd never do to someone else. I'm aware of the fact that I'm only human. My beauty isn't the most important thing and it isn't what I want my entire life to be about. I want to live how I wish to without regrets. The most important person in my life is me, someone else's opinion means very little.
I think everyone should think well of themselves.We all have such a beautiful uniqueness.
Health and happiness both physically and mentally is what matters! Be kind to yourself, be patient. We're all perfect, we're supposed to be who we are. Treat yourself and others with the utmost respect and leave this world with a smile.


Katarína Nahálková, studies at Masaryk University (2023)


Well, yes I do. But my country and the people around me do not.
I never got the perks attractive people receive until I went to Japan. I have also never had anyone (openly) hit on me/confess their feelings until one year ago when I was 19 and I never received attention for being pretty. I think it might have something to do with the beauty standards in my country, Slovakia. Where I live, tan, “exotic” looking, tall, model-like girls are considered attractive.


But I look nothing like that. I’m very pale, short-ish with light brown hair naturally (now it’s dyed red) and very round features. Until I came to Japan, I felt kinda ugly. But in Japan, I really experienced what is it like to feel pretty. I got random compliments from strangers, got asked if I was a model and all my friends from Japan just stared at me in disbelief when I told them I hadn’t really considered myself pretty before I came there. I had originally thought that they were complimenting me so much just because I was of a different race, but when I learned about the Japanese beauty standards, I came to realise that I really do fit almost all of them and whether I feel pretty or not mostly depends on what’s considered “pretty” in the country I live at the moment.
Eventually, I just decided to live with the mindset that I had when I was in Japan - that I am pretty. I am trying to stop caring whether I am receiving attention for my looks or not and simply trying to love myself.


This is me a couple of months ago, with no makeup (replaced the photo because this one is more recent):


There is already a person in my life that I am in love with. I am not interested in getting to know anyone with a romantic interest, sorry.
To the “you were only pretty because you were a foreigner” comments: Yes, it did play a role in the way people perceived me in Japan, as I mentioned in my answer above. No, it was not the only reason why “I was pretty” there. I know other white foreigners my age, who had a bit different experiences.


I did not, in any way, mean to make my country look bad while writing my answer. I love the place I was born in, no matter what beauty standards there are.
Last but not least: I am considering deleting this answer because I realise that it might sound like I am fishing for compliments. I am not, and I’m not used to this kind of attention. The point of this answer was to express that I chose to live with the mindset I had in Japan, that’s it.


Trina McLain, former Pit Manager at Apache Casino Hotel (2018-2019)


I’ve been pondering this question for a few days now so I have put some thought into it. So I have my favorite iced coffee and threw in an extra shot of espresso to boot. I’ve also been encouraged by a Quoran friend to write on more topics. So this is for you “mate”. It is everly more difficult to open myself up to writing about my personal feelings. I’m a very private person by nature yet outgoing and passionate if you met me on the street. Yes it’s odd or strange or whatever thought crossed your mind as you read this. I’d much rather write on general topics or tell light-hearted stories however I will give it a go.


Do you think you are beautiful?
I’m assuming that you are referring to the physical form of beautiful however I truly believe it’s much more than that which I will explain further down my answer. It’s based on your general perception and perception of one’s self. In short to the question sometimes I do and sometimes I don’t. This is solely based on my perception of myself and not swayed by outside views, opinions or comments. There’s a couple different points I want to make before I elaborate on my short answer.


I’ve read some of the scientific theories to this question based on the symmetry on one’s face and overall body shape. For example women having the curvy hourglass figure is seen by men as a healthy woman for child bearing. A natural instinct. (Perhaps it’s why the very skinny models are not seen as attractive to a lot of men.) Men being broad in the shoulders or having a strong square facial shape is attractive features of men. I’m a straight female but find women very attractive when they are. I’d so kiss Sandra Bullock if I ever got the chance. Everyone has varying individual preferences. I’ve read some Quora answers that in other countries the paler the skin the more attractive you are but in the US it’s the opposite.


I’ve also read some answers to this question by women that without a doubt are physically attractive (beautiful) however answer with “No” almost searching for reassurance and or praising comments stating the obvious. My personal opinion on some of those answers that they are based on shallow narcissistic tendencies which in term makes them very unattractive to me even though physically they are gorgeous. Maybe I read them wrong or over analyzed it. I can assure you this answer comes from nothing of that sort as the internal turmoil in writing this has caused me to eat three packs of Smarties candy.


As a typical average American east-coaster. (My location is important to point out because the west coast girls have better genes and are naturally more attractive than east coasters. Maybe it’s the sun or something special in the Pacific Ocean). Based upon sheer physical beauty I am average, cute you may say. A 6.5 outta 10. I attended beauty school in my early 20’s and through that study had every physical flaw pointed out to me on a regular basis. I’m still traumatized to this day and don’t wear lipstick because my lips are extremely crooked and worse when I speak. Hence why you will NEVER see me do a live chat or video of myself. I’m not a high maintenance gal but do wear make-up and color/hi-light my hair often. Now more so because (OMG I’m going to say this outloud) I have a ton of grey hair. I’m not remotely interested in shopping or being in fashion and hate shoes. I dress in a way that makes me feel professional and comfortable. Can’t go wrong with black and my wardrobe mirrors Dracula’s. I’ve had several positions where the dresscode was either business suits or casual business attire.


I have a 16 y/o daughter that is absolutely beautiful like model material. She’s 6′0, natural auburn hair, fair complected with high cheekbones and a knockout size 4 body. She has a unique look. I’ve taught her to respect herself and that looks aren’t the most important thing. She has a deadly combination of looks, personality and intelligence and that combination will take her much further in life than just looks alone. I would never want her to get caught up in the “Hollywood” ideology of becoming a model or something of that sorts because I believe it’s a very dark world on SO many levels.


Finally I will get back to the explanation of my answer. Natural physical beauty is only a fraction of what is perceived by others that are judging your beauty and what makes you beautiful. Throughout my life I’ve been on a roller coaster of highs and lows. When I am happy and at peace with myself no matter the color of my hair or how fluffy I may or may not be it’s my inner spirit, light or glow. The natural energy or vibrations I exude. In this state I can walk into a room and light it up. (I’ve been told this many times.) You attract what you are. On the flip side when I am depressed or stressed it wears on me and is physically noticeable even though I never change my physical attributes or normal routines. I don’t get the typical comments or stares that I do when I’m in my zen state. I believe in instant connections of energies. It’s not a daily change for me but based more on my general well being of external situations like job, money and overall general living conditions.
I currently am in a low place and it’s manifested into stress and frustration so today I am not beautiful. However I am working towards becoming beautiful once again. I apologize for the length of this answer but wanted to touch on a few points and hopefully you, the reader feel this was written as open, raw, honest and from the heart.


Maria Freedmar, lives in Oklahoma


Thanks for the A2A. Yes and no.
On one level, I am fully aware of my beauty and the power that comes with it. I have used that power to my advantage in social situations. It gave me confidence that enabled me to be more powerful in business. In business, it has been an advantage that I know enabled me to secure certain positions I would not have otherwise. For example, two departments I worked in were for the smart, social, and beautiful people because we could interact with all segments of the company and public and people were instantly drawn to us.
When it comes to men, I can pick and choose and walk away because I know there will be another in a minute. I have been able to be picky because I have options. Not everyone has options.


I do not take my beauty lightly. It is a gift that I did nothing for. I did nothing to deserve this other than be born to a couple that have remarkable genes.
My whole family is beautiful. When I say my whole family, my parents and siblings but also my aunts and uncles and cousins on both sides. We are all remarkably beautiful people. All of us are smart and the majority of us are tall. We struck it rich in the gene pool.
I assumed everyone’s family was as attractive as mine. It wasn’t until I was in high school or college that I started looking at more people’s families and realizing we are rare.


On another level, when I look in the mirror, often, I see none of the beauty that others see. I question their standards of beauty but when so many people from different cities and countries say I am beautiful then somehow they must see something in my personality that I can’t in the mirror that they attribute to my beauty. Sometimes, when I look in the mirror, I see it. It could be when I have zero makeup on and look like I’m in my early 20’s (I’m 48) or when I have makeup on and it all seems to be working that day. Certainly, it’s not every day.
Regardless, I think there is a responsibility that comes with beauty. Sometimes I catch people staring at me. My first thought is that I have something on my face but then I remember. So I smile. This usually causes them to smile. Sometimes we talk. Sometimes they tell me how beautiful they think I am - complete strangers. I think that beautiful people need to be kind and to not be douchebags. After all, it’s pure luck that you look the way you do.


Sonia Camacho
I don't feel pretty nor ugly. I feel healthy and happy with myself so that's why I have good self steem. I think I'm only pretty when I smile. To me, a person’s physicall beauty is determined by their smile or the way their eyes express emotions.
When I lived in Mexico, my home country, I wasn't considered attractive or anything. I was just average. I never got particular attention by boys. Ever.
So when I moved to the USA almost four years ago to study at least high school here, I never thought the amount of male attention I would get. Maybe it has to do with the fact that there's so much diversity of culture, skin colors, body types and types of people that every one can have their own definition of beauty.


I have gotten hit on and approached by many guys all this time. I was surprised because I don't have an hour glass figure, or pretty eyes, or special hair. Then when I asked them why they liked me, most ananswers included that they loved my smile, cheerful personality and my face lol. I never considered my self special in Mexico because the truth is I'm just an average Mexican. Most of friends and Family in Mexico were cheerful, goofy, extroverted, and always laughing. In Mexico you can make a friend in a few seconds and people who barely know you invite u to their parties.I was just like most teenagers in my school. But honestly I have never been depressed. I haven't even felt very sad longer than a few hours. Sadness and negative feelings don't go with me. I'M just a happy person and I don't need much to be happy either.
I think I'm I have a pretty soul. Wen I look at my face, I don't think I'm pretty or ugly. I just see my face as it is because some people might think I'm pretty doesn't mean I am. Every one has their own definition.


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