2021-03-13 yzy86 29947

两位美国人为来自纽约市布鲁克林区Meat Hook肉店的屠夫Ben Turley和Brent Young,探访了纽约市曼哈顿西区Decoy餐馆的亚裔大厨Jeo Ng(学艺于香港),所用鸭只为5.5斤-6.5斤的加拿大鸭子

1、This guy just made duck tacos with pico de gallo, this would sell like cocaine in mexico.

这家伙就这样烹制出了加上了pico de gallo的墨西哥鸭肉卷饼,这玩意儿要是拿去墨西哥卖,会和可卡因一样火。

(译注:图为pico de gallo,也就是萨尔萨酱,传统上是由切碎的番茄、洋葱和塞拉诺辣椒以及盐,青柠汁和香菜制成的)

Duck is typically pretty expensive. Otherwise it would be more readily available.


2、What a generous man. Unlike most , the chef actually revealed almost all his secrets in making the perfect peking duck, even going into detail. Really educational.


Yeah, very delicious looking duck recipe. but who would make it at home anyway.


It's one thing to show the steps, but there's decades of experience and technique that can't be copied.


That's because no one is going to give 24 hrs into cooking a duck .


This is not traditional at all...


3、As I eat my Hot Pocket while watching the Perking Duck, I now know what my dog feels when he eats his food while watching me eat my hot pocket.

我一边吃我的hot pocket(即芝士肉馅派,为微波炉食品),一边在看这只北京烤鸭,我现在明白我家狗狗一边吃着狗粮一边看我吃热腾腾的hot pocket是什么感受了。

4、Biff looks like he's wearing a one piece women's bathing suit.


Was about to comment this as well


5、I'm taking my self out on a date to enjoy this magic.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

6、In the restaurant that Ive worked in, there's a few more extra steps. Especially at the finishing touch which is to hold the duck over a wok filled with hot oil then using a ladel to pour the oil over it.


7、I actually like to dip the outer and VERY crispy layer of the duck skin on Osmanthus sugar. It tastes so good.


8、Invite me for a dinner and u can serve me that leftover meat the chef didnt put in the plate i will still be Very happy


9、Joe reminds me of Jack Ma. Just that he’s a little darker and more street.


10、Props to the first guy who experimented with blowing air into the carcass.


He was caught doing something he shouldn’t have to a duck carcass and BOOM! Peking Duk

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

11、Why is there so much raw duck hanging next to and touching hanging cooked duck?


Duck is not a germ bomb like chicken is that's why you can eat it slightly pink.


12、Is it me or the hanging ducks expression just like " Heeeyyyyyyyy"


13、I'm sitting at home with no food, torturing myself by watching this.


14、That looks DUCKING amazing!!!


15、They all look so happy - the ducks I mean!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

16、I like that, he deserve an award. He tells every information why they do and its purpose.
Now, I have reason to hunt down ducks of my neighbor.


17、I went to this restaurant last month. I'm still dreaming about it now. Amazing!


18、No secrets, all the way to time and temp! That’s amazing.
What a cool chef


19、Anyone else think the duck would explode when he filled it with air?


20、That’s the worst Beijing duck I have ever seen. I was born and raised in Beijing, so trust me.


21、It might be good but honestly it cannot compare to the way Peking duck are made in traditional way along with sugarcane husk for smoky flavor.


22、Duck it's 15 - 20 % meat after cooking I like Peking Chiken


23、'the jowl is more expensive than the meat'
Smiles in whole animal butcher


24、맛있겠다 !!!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

25、Can I have some of that roasted duck fat please!!


26、You call it Peking duck

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

27、Quote of the episode: "thats the first time I've pumped air into the carcass of a duck" what other carcasses have they pumped full of air?


It's pretty much common to pump air right beneath the skin of carcasses, it helps to separate it from the body. I've done it once to a deer and I know several people doing it to pigs.


28、this made me search : where can i get Peking duck near me


29、I'm a meat cutter and I approve this show


30、I remember ordering this from the chinese resturent every once in a while at my dorm, best food I ever has besides my moms enchiladas and sushi


31、I've never had Peking duck. I dont even know if I like duck. But it looks soooo good!


32、I think everyone was waiting for the duck to explode. LOL


33、He didn’t mention some key ingredients such as what sauce did he put it in the duck after the salt and how long in the oven. Listen carefully


34、Wow he teachings like my chef at class. Awesome.


35、OMG! 50 years ago when they keep blowing into duck to make the skin crispy can you imagine how many blow jobbers they have to hire.


36、Watching this on an empty stomach was a mistake...


37、Damn I need those skins




39、Always wondered what type of oven was used. Thanks.


You could actually use your home oven. Just make sure you have a drip pan, a hanger and a whole duck.


40、You can really find everything in New York.


yeah pretty much u can find any types of drug


The thing is tho NYC doesnt have anything. It all has to get shipped and trucked in. So the best place to be would be at the duck farm in canada.


You are so wrong long island used to be duck island, cause there were so many duck farms on long island. But a lot has closed but the one remaining farm supplies 90% of ny chinese restaurants it's called Crescent Duck Farm


41、When you realise that even the duck full of air had ABS and you dont.......


42、One of my favorite dishes.
In my town I can get the whole duck for $20.


43、I eat meat and love pecking duck. But somehow I don’t know why I feel sad while watching this duck being cooked


44、I am drooling like a Pavlov dog right now,...And I have NO way to satiate my craving,.....But ,...soon.


45、WAIT A MINUTE....No gloves


46、Point out a mistake in the videos. Peking Duck comes from Beijing, which in the old days called Peking. However, this dish initially comes from Nanjing, which is the south part of China. Nanjing used to be the capital of china 600 years ago, the emperor at that time decide to move the money to Beijing. The emperor at that time loves this type of duck dish, So when he moved to the capital, he brought a group of ducks. Also he bring this dish to Beijing, from then on, it is called piking duck.


47、I need to throw up


48、Younger brother of Jack Ma....


49、It pains me to see they're not saving all that duck fat


50、that duck oven cost £1.5k my dad has got one :)


51、The final duck roll is totally not authentic, but man it looks tasty


52、In Vietnam country is easy to do the businesses more than U.S country. You don't have the house even though you are restaurant owner. You can live right your restaurant other rooms. That can saves money for you. If you have mistake ex rats go around in your restaurant that is ok .but law in U.S country you could be closed the door of your restaurant or sued from customers.

在越南做生意会比美国简单。就算你是餐馆老板 ,你也不一定要有一栋房子。你可以住在你餐馆的其他房间里。这样你就能省钱。如果你出了错,搞得餐馆里老鼠满地跑,也是没啥问题的。但如果按照美国的法律,可能你的馆子就得关门,或是被顾客告上法庭。

53、One duck only has one jaw and 2 legs killed me


54、For the chef... amazing man.
Those two men...they were making faces even when he was explaining. Rude and no respect !


55、0:36 why does it have to look at me like that tho.....


If you can’t accept that your food came from a living animal who didn’t want to die, then you might want to seriously consider not eating it


56、Not even close to the best Peking Duck IMO, the skin has to be crispy af. And that pancake...


57、This is cruel, pls be vegetarian. Never


58、What do they do with all the duck fat?


59、This is far from a real peking duck.. The restaurant has zero chance of survival in China if this served as the main dish.


60、Pray to god some flesh eating alien civilization dont finds us, this woulbe our grim future lol


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