2021-03-15 汤沐之邑 4969

What do you like about yourself?


Kaila Thomas
Seemingly Average College Student
Huh, it’s funny that I haven’t taken much time to think about this, because it’s so much easier for me to think/talk about the things that I don’t. Here are a few things that I like about me:
I see the best in people, no matter what the circumstances may be. Call me gullible, but I really do see the best in people in the first encounter, as times passes, and even if others say bad things about them. Why? Well, I believe who people are are “bad” seem that way on the outside because we never know the details. Everyone is struggling in their lives, and most of the time, people try to save face, even if it’s in the worst ways. I know that there are times in my own life where I feel so shitty, but how many people know that about me? Not many, outside of my family and a few close friends. Realizing this, I like that I’m not quick to judge others because I don’t know it all.
I’m a listener. While I’m horrible at public speaking and talking about myself aloud, I think I’m a great listener. I’m open to hearing how other people feel, and I can empathize with others, even I haven’t experienced certain things before. There’s something really enjoyable to me with one-on-one conversations where I can lend and open ear to someone who needs it.
One of my favorite songs by BTS lyrically is Magic Shop, and these lyrics are what I try to be to others:
“On days where I hate myself for being me, on days where I want to disappear forever
Let's make a door. It's in your heart Open the door and this place will await Magic Shop”
I always strive to be the Magic Shop for someone else when they’re feeling down.

无论在什么情况下,我都看得到人们最好的一面。可以说我是容易上当受骗的,但在第一次见面时,即使别人说了他们不好的事情,我确实看得到人们最好的一面。 为什么呢?嗯,我相信那些外表上看起来之所以是“坏”的人,是因为我们从来不知道细节。每个人都在生活中挣扎,很多时候,哪怕是以最坏的方式,人们都在努力挽回面子。我知道在生活中,有很多时候我感觉很糟糕,但是有多少人知道我的感受呢?除了我的家人和几个亲密的朋友之外,人数并不会有很多。意识到这一点后,我一般先不急着去评判别人,因为自己并不了解别人的全部。

I prefer experiences over tangible items. While it may seem hard to believe to some people, I live my life for the experiences. I like how I look past physical items, like clothing, wanting to buy the most expensive car, house, and other things like that in my life to something that means more to me. In a society that’s in a state of constant reminder of buying more things to seem happy, I’d rather spend my time and money doing things that make me feel alive, like the long walks at night under the stars, the hikes with my family, or having the time with my friends at school, etc.
I’m determined. If I say I’ll do something, it will be done, no matter what the obstacles are. I’ve always seen myself as a pretty average person. I don’t have any special talent that stands out to me, and because of this, I’m motivated to make things happen for myself. I go into goals thinking, “Just try your best and see what happens”, which really translates to “Grind until you make it”. Believe me, I’ve struggled, failed, cried, and felt stagnant in the process of life, but something that I learn as time passes is that you never think that you could do it until you’ve done it.
I have a resting smiling face. I didn’t know this about myself until my sisters told me, but apparently I always look content to others. It may seem weird, but I like that about myself for some reason. It has allowed me to seem more approachable to others to give me a boost in making more friends, it’s pretty reflective of my demeanor overall, and I’d much rather smile than frown.


I’m easily satisfied. Similarly to the things I’ve mentioned previously, it doesn’t take much to make me happy. I don’t need expensive gifts, extravagant parties, or anything unrealistic to satisfy me. I enjoy the little things that illuminate my life, and I’m thankful for being able to recognize that. Listening to my favorite songs, walking outside in the sunshine and under the stars, eating food that my mom cooks for our family, talking to my friends, laughing with my siblings, and more are some of the simple pleasures that make me love my life. They keep me sane and anchor me when I’m feeling at my lowest and become the best version of myself through it all.
I’m introspective. I’m in a constant stand of understanding my limits, my failures, the lessons learn from mistakes, what’s right and wrong to me, and some of the simple but essential nuances to my life. In a buzzing world of tasks, I’ve always liked how I could take a step back from my life and think about just me. I think that it’s important to remember that you’re living for yourself in this world, and life is what you make of it. As time passes and the world is changing, so am I. And I like that I do know myself better that anyone else would.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Emilia Chan
Thank you for the question. I think it's great that you have asked this as it encourages positive thinking and builds on one's self esteem.
Five things I like about myself:


1. I come from a mixture of cultures. I like this about myself because I believe this has led me to be open minded about people. I've enjoyed a fusion of things from this culture mix such as food, places, people, traditions etc. This broadens my understanding of people and helps me understand my world.


2. I'm smart. I am far from a person that blows her own trumpet - those that know me will tell you that. However, I realize that I am good at understanding a wide range of things. I have a curiosity about the world that I try to learn about. Through my life so far I have had to problem solve many types of things. O believe that if I wasn't blessed to be as intelligent as I am, then many outcomes would've been worst for me.


3. I'm a surprise. It has said to many times that I'm not what people have expected me to be. I think my outward appearance and the way I speak leads people into thinking I'm a certain way and like certain things. But, find out that I know about subjects that seem far from the image I present. This tends to be a surprise to people who inevitably become a bit more engaged with me, so I like that.


4. I have a strong sense of morality. Don't get me wrong, I'm no saint, far from perfect. However, it's like I have internal programming where I'm always conscious about my actions. Are they good? Will they would ever effect anyone detrimentally? I suffer guilt terribly if I fall short of doing this. This can only make me a better person right?


5. I'm stronger and more resilient than I realize. All of us go through our difficult times. Unfortunately some more than others. I've learned that life isn't fair and things that shouldn't ever happen do happen - and sometimes to people that deserve it the least. I too have been through hard times. Many times I have felt that I would never get through it, or hadn't wanted to survive. Every time I have. Not without my scars, but with them comes more learning and understanding. I often don't believe I have strength or resilience, but on the occasional moments of reflection, I see how well I have managed and I'm glad it's there pulling me through.

我比我意识到的更坚强更有韧性。 我们都经历了困难时期。 不幸的是,有些人比其他人经历得更多。 我明白了生活是不公平的,本不应该发生的事情有时在最不值得的人身上确实发生了。 我也经历过困难时期。 很多时候,我觉得我永远也熬不过去,或者根本不想活了。每次都有这种情况出现,随之而来的是更积极的学习和理解。我通常不相信自己有力量或韧性,但偶尔反思一下,我会发现自己做得有多好,我很高兴它能帮助我度过难关。

Anwesha Barua
· I love my name - - that simply means to search something. I am still searching though (if you’re wondering).
· I talk a lot. I do. Like one of my friend got so quiet after seeing me talk so much. I can talk about anything and everything at any point. And If I get comfortable with you and I like you on top of that then god should save you - I can rant non-stop.
· I hellbent insolent about my goals and my agenda. I will make sure I achieve what I want and will fight till the end. I will be dedicated till my last breathe.
· I have too much self-respect and ego. That is something I held onto dearly. Similarly if I do something wrong, I will say sorry first. My ego is at the right place.
· I am strict disciplinarian. I always have an agenda regarding things to do, the way to do it. I like to live by certain routine which has helped me a lot in being punctual, organized and well maintained.
· I excessive thinking a lot. Excessive thinking has helped me a lot in not taking the wrong decisions in life. I grateful for that.

我喜欢我的名字,这仅仅意味着搜索一些东西。 我还在寻找中(如果你想知道的话)。
我想得很多。 过度的思考帮助我在生活中避免做出错误的决定,对此我很感激。

I can mask my emotions very well. I generally don’t like to show my emotional vulnerability. If I write something heart felt it doesn't mean I am baring my whole and soul to you. I can still put a facade and appear very normal in front of you as if nothing has happened.
· I am a good listener. I like listening to problems, to stories of people. I can be a shrink to you. (so I have been told). Sit in front of me and I will hear you out, I promise.
· I fit like a glove anywhere, in any situation, place, time. I have absolutely NO adjustment issues and I don’t fret about things too often. Rarely you will me complaining.
· I will compliment you straight to your face If I like something about you. There is no buttering involved in it. Similarly If I don’t like it, I will critique you. I like to put forward my opinion.
· I like appreciating even the smallest thing - the flower or the weather or how blue the sky is! That’s the way it is.
· Though I do have insecurities, I have made peace with the way I am. I manifest in a certain way which may not be appreciated by all but I guess I am not here to please you as well.
· I am narcissistic. I love every bit about myself. I love my smile, I love my short height, how weirdly funny I can be or in general how I am.

我可以很好地掩盖我的情绪,我通常不喜欢表现出情感脆弱的一面。 如果我写了一些心里话,那并不意味着我在向你展示我的全部和灵魂。我仍然可以摆出一副在你面前显得很正常的面孔,好像什么都没发生过。
我是个很好的倾听者。 我喜欢听问题,听人们的故事。 我可以做你的心理医生。 (有人告诉我)。 坐在我面前,我保证会听你说完全部内容。
无论在任何地方、任何地点、任何时间,我都像手套一样合身。我完全不需要做调整,我也不太担心事情。 你很少会让我抱怨。
如果我喜欢你的话,我会当面赞美你。 这件事不会有什么麻烦。 同样,如果我不喜欢,我会批评你。 我喜欢提出我的意见。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Charissa Enget, Mechanical and Energy Engineer. Lived in rural Thailand.


1. I like that I can have fun everywhere. Take me to a party where I don’t know anyone? I’ll make a lot of friends. Need a friend to come with you to work? I’ll entertain myself. Wanna go to the gym? I’ll get really into it. Take me to a convention I have no interest in? I’ll enjoy the experience. I really do make the most of everything and I like that about myself.
2. I like that I’m a Renaissance woman. I learn everything I can. I body build, I crochet, I play every sport, I paint, I’m an engineer, I’m a certified personal trainer, I travel, I live abroad, and I learn new languages. I’m excited to learn and I know a lot of stuff. I can connect with anyone because I have common interests or experiences with everyone I meet.
3. I’m very in control of my emotions. In a fight, I never lose my temper or say anything I don’t mean. I’m never mean or try to hurt anyone. I don’t let others intimidate me. I’m always rational. It’s taken me far.


4. I’m very confident. Sometimes overly confident. Sometimes it embarrasses me when I fail. But my overconfidence means I always do my best, I’m never afraid to try anything, and I always think I have something valuable to add to any situation. I’m always prepared to learn something new by trying and failing. Failing never keeps me from trying again.
5. I listen. My biggest pet peeve is that no one listens anymore, everyone is always talking over each other or waiting for their turn to speak. So, I value it a lot in myself and more when I see it in others. I know how important it is.
6. I’m always trying to improve myself. I analyze the problems in my life and how I could change myself to fix them. I read self-help books for new perspectives. I’m not afraid to ask for advice. I see the life and character I want and I work towards it one step at a time.
7. I like my appearance. I like that I’m almost 6′0 tall. It gave me an advantage in a lot of sports. I think I’m pretty, it gives me a lot of confidence.


Tanushri Sharma
1. I love how I'm comfortable with my own skin. I'm always surrounded by girls who are prettier than me. At some point in my life, I had become very conscious about my looks. But slowly I realized, I AM BEAUTIFUL. I don't know if I look beautiful or not, but I'm. Now I don't care if someone criticizes my body, my hair or my braces. I smile and say to myself, you are beautiful anyway.
2. I like the fact that I enjoy my own company. I can go shopping alone, watch movies alone. I can pretty much do anything alone, without feeling lonely.
3. I respect myself because I've got Ethics. I never lose my senses. For me my morals mean a lot.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

4. I love that I've got dreams and ambitions. I strive hard for them. If I fail, I try again. If I fail again, I try again.
5. I like the fact that I'm straightforward. If I don't like anything, I'll tell you that I don't. If I like something, I'll tell you that I do.
6. I love that I don't hesitate to give compliments. I don't do buttering. But when I actually like something, I tell that to the person and I'm always rewarded with warm smiles for that. I feel good, when someone smiles because of my compliments.
7. I love that howsoever hard the situation is, I never let anyone down. I've never done anything that made my parents ashamed. I've never done anything intentionally that hurt people. I care about feelings of people, as much as I do of mine. If someone cries because of me, you'll immediately see tears falling down from my eyes as well.
8. I love the fact that I'm a strong woman. I've been through a lot but never told anyone about it. Cried whole night looking at walls and woke up as if nothing happened. I've held my tears to fall down a thousand times and cried a lot in private thereafter. I never gave up or complained about my miseries to people. I worked for them. I tried to solve the problem instead of weeping because of them.


9. I don't take my words back. Never. If I've said YES for anything, there are very less chances that I'll say no for it later on. If I've promised you something, come what may, I'll fulfill it.
10. I love the fact that I've got hobbies and passion. Because of them, I've a lot of back-up plans. I won't ever be dependent upon anyone for money. Because of my hobbies, I'll never get bored in my old times. And I'll always have something to brighten up my bad mood.
11. I love the fact that people consider me a good friend, a good sister and a good daughter. They find me trustworthy. I know a lot of secrets of a lot of people in my life whether they are close to me or not and I've kept their secrets as secrets till date. Whenever someone in my life really needs me, I go to them and try my best to help them or to listen to them. However hurtful the advice is, I say what is right for them, to them.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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