2021-03-15 cnbsmt 22883

So I'm reading Michael Hart's famous book "The 100", a ranking of the 100 most influential people in history. His top 10:


1 Muhammad 2 Isaac Newton 3 Jesus 4 Buddha 5 Confucius 6 St Paul 7 Tsai Lun 8 Gutenberg 9 Columbus 10 Einstein

1、穆罕默德 2、艾萨克·牛顿 3、耶稣 4、佛祖 5、孔子 6、圣保罗 7、蔡伦 8、古腾堡 9、哥伦布 10、爱因斯坦

I dont have much issue with his top 10, maybe a few adjustments. But the book overall is ridiculous.


He included Beethoven - but left out Brahamagupta, who was the first person to use 0 as a mathematical concept, whose works spread to the Arabs and the rest of the world, the basis of modern mathematics.


He puts Shakespeare in the book (and above Napoleon) but leaves out Muhammad Atalla, who invented the Mosfet , the basis of modern electronics.


He put Michaelangelo in the book, but left out Fritz Harber, without whose fermentation process the world's population would have stayed at 2 billion.


He also could not find a place for Gavrilo Princip - the guy who turned the world upside down, or Tim Berners Lee, though when he made the book theres no way he could have seen the impact of the WWW and a modern printing press.


My top 10. This most likely reflects my own ignorance of other people than anything else. But I'll give my Number 1 and then in no particular order:


1 Muhammad Gavrilo Princip Napoleon Tsai Lun BrahmaGupta Columbus Jesus Einstein Fritz Harber Tim Berners Lee

1、穆罕默德 加夫里洛·普林西普 拿破仑 蔡伦 BrahmaGupta 哥伦布 耶稣 爱因斯坦 弗里茨·哈伯 蒂姆·伯纳斯·李

I put Muhammad as number 1 for the same reason as Hart. He had the most impact in the most number of fields than anyone else in history


1 He was a law giver (Shariah law being 1 of the worlds 3 major legal systems with civil and common law) 2 He was a founder of a major religion (islam) 3 He had economic principles (shariah banking is a £2 trillion industry) 4 He was a successful military commander that conquered a large area (Arabia). The military historian Richard Gabriel makes this point- hes the only military commander people are still dying for. Noone is dying for Alexander the Great etc.


Ghengis Khan was 1 and 2, Karl Marx was 3, Napoleon was 1 and 2, Jesus was 2, Ceasar was 4,1 and 3 (his law on interest not exceeding the original amount which is still used) . Einstein and other inventors impacted the world in a way Muhammad never did (science), but even then, they're still out outumbered 4-1.


I'm not t saying this is definitive, but does anyone else have their own top 10?


He put Michaelangelo in the book, but left out Fritz Harber, without whose fermentation process the world's population would have stayed at 2 billion.
That's a red flag. When the figures who obscurely prevent billions of deaths are left out, the book veers into pop-history.
Norman Borlaug absolutely should be on this list too, a top 10 IMO.
10 Einstein
No way. Not to take away from Einstein, but other physicists were getting close to his discoveries too. However, Euler should be in the top 10 IMO and Gauss should be in the top 100- their theories were more revolutionary for the time period they lived in where as Einstein's would have been cracked within 10 years of his life, tops. Newton is properly placed IMO.
One more slight nitpick, St. Paul should be above Jesus.


You can't really rank people as just "influential": there's too many diffrent circumstances over too wide a time.
Like, do we credit George Washington with everything the US has done simply because he was so heavily involved in how the US started? Do we really count the famous scientists, while ignoring the obscure ones that made their discoveries possible?
Any list just seems too arbitrary.


Well, I'd take out Princip. If I had to choose anyone from that event, it would probably be Ferdinand. He was the most important actor in that moment, even if his act was dying.
I'd also remove Columbus, since someone would have done it eventually. Probably pretty soon.
And I'd remove Napoleon, as the events that lead to his rise to power were arguably more world shattering than his incredible career.


I'd also remove Columbus, since someone would have done it eventually. Probably pretty soon.
wait why


Because if you remove his existence, history doesn't significantly change. Instruments and vessels were getting better and navigators were getting more daring. It was going to happen. If the first settlers cross in 1527 instead you'd still have a very similar outcome. Especially if Spain just paid a different guy to do it.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Only not at all, there is no guarantee it would have been discovered reasonably soon or by the Spanish.
A difference of 30 years and a different national makes all the difference in the historical impact.
If the date of discovery was in 1545 by a Dutch navigator landing in Cuba, followed by Spain staking claim in New York in 1560 would completely alter the way North and South America developed.


World War 1 was just round N+1 of the endless European wars that have been going on for centuries. The nameless guy (Princip) who killed a semi-major nobleman (Ferdinand) whose death caused another couple of guys to stumble into a war (Kaiser Wilhelm, Tsar Nicholas, etc) really doesn't deserve the #2 spot.


This is an interesting post. Thanks for sharing. However, I would take issue with the idea that how many categories a person can fall into determines how influential they are in world history. If a person is influential in only 1 or 2 categories, they can still have theoretically influenced the world more than anyone else.
Regarding the founder of Christianity, whoever it is (I argue it is Jesus, but substitute Paul if you wish) is at least #2 If not #1 most influential. The religion’s impact on the Roman Empire culturally, politically, socially, militarily, and on and on was immense. As a result, the religion became the largest in the world.
While the world’s future does not seem to be set for as much religious influence as our past, the fact remains that religion altered the human experience up to this point more than anything else.


I guess it all depends how you define influential. I'd argue that the top figures on the list ought to be the founding figures of all the world's various religions because a lot of history has been set in motion, at least partially, due to religious influence. So many wars have been fought in the name of one religion or another, such as the Crusades to the Holy Land. So many empires have grown out of efforts to spread various religions, such as Muhammad's Caliphate. Religions have influenced so much of daily life, such as the existence of a weekend starting out as the Babylonians designating one day in every seven as time to spend worshipping the gods (or the Jewish sabbath, if you prefer to think of that idea as the original, the exact origin is unclear) as well as countless traditions around food, clothing, lifetime milestones and so on.


Influence is the key word. Did the person create an ideology? Religious reformers and founders, philosophers, and movement style politicians are the first rung, then folks who laid the path for a discipline like Newton, Freud, or Harvey, and either just above or below this tier the artists who laid out the rules sets like Beethoven, Raphael, and Montaigne. The thing is that they have to have a movement, ideology, or process that is taken as an assumption to be considered influential. So many important people don't have this and people get confused.


As far as the rankings go, "influence" is a tough one to nail down. But I don't hear many people before now saying anything like "Thank goodness for Brahmagupta and that 0!" While definitely important, influence isn't there. Influence is a purely psychological situation, IMO. It requires someone to acknowledge it for it to mean anything. Therefore, someone like Muhammad who is mentioned for all sorts of undertakings is influential, while someone who prevents calamity but is unknown as a reason for action is not influential, that does not diminish their importance one bit. It does however mean that they are not influential. I have read the book, IMO it suffers from a lack of translated sources and skews heavily western, however when someone like Beethoven, these days, is being reproduced the best by Chinese musicians, I can understand why.


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