2021-03-15 jiangye111 9344
People from poor UK areas more likely to be high-risk online gamblers
-Campaigners renew call for affordability checks, which they say would not curb most gamblers’ freedoms


(People from deprived areas were also more likely to have lost money on virtual slot machines.)


People in deprived areas are more likely to use online casinos and place risky long-odds bets, according to a study that found gambling firms make the vast majority of their money from the 5% of accounts that rack up the biggest losses.


Researchers from the University of Liverpool and the National Centre for Social Research found that most gambling accounts lost relatively modest sums, but that firms make at least 70% of their revenues from the biggest losers.


In sports betting, that proportion rises to 86%, with people in deprived areas more likely to go for longer-odds wagers with a lower prospect of success.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Gamblers from the poorest areas were also more likely to lose money in online casinos, which the study found presented a particular risk of high-intensity play despite lower overall losses across all players.


Nine out of ten online casino accounts either won money or lost less than £500 over the course of a year, but 164,000 lost more than £500 during a single session of play, and 47,000 people lost more than £5,000 in a year.


This group was disproportionately likely to come from deprived areas and to have lost their money on virtual slot machines, which carry a higher rate of addiction than most other gambling products.


Slots accounted for more than half of losses above £5,000 and 70% of sessions where someone played for three hours without a break.


More than 14,000 accounts did this three times during the year, often at a rapid pace, although in practice this could have been a smaller number of people doing so more often, as the study could not factor in users holding various accounts.


Three-quarters of slot accounts had “spun” the machines more than 30 times in a minute at some point. The maximum spin speed is set to be reduced to 24 times a minute.


“This all reaffirms my thoughts that those most vulnerable are groomed and exploited by an industry entirely motivated by profit,” said the Labour MP Carolyn Harris, who chairs a cross-party group advocating gambling reform.


“We saw it with the clustering of bookies in deprived areas, when the FOBTs were a huge money-maker,” she said. “We are seeing it now with online. How can we trust this industry to self-regulate when they have repeatedly shown themselves to be predatory and merciless in their pursuit of profit?”


Campaigners for tighter affordability checks on gamblers said the study showed that such restrictions would not curb most people’s freedoms.


Of accounts used to bet on sport, 85% lost less than £200, while 90% of gaming accounts either won money or lost less than £500 over the course of a year.


“This confirms what we have known for a long time, that the vast majority of online gambling profits are coming from people losing more than they can afford,” said Matt Zarb-Cousin of the Campaign for Fairer Gambling. “Affordability checks introduced for losses equivalent to £100 a month would apply to fewer than 5% of gamblers.”


The Betting & Gaming Council, the industry lobby group, said gambling firms had improved controls since the study was undertaken. “There is growing evidence that recent improvements in standards are now starting to have an impact,” it said.


With little to no opportunities to grow economically, it stands to reason people quite literally bet what little they have to improve their lives.


heresyourhardwarechundering from a sedentary position
It's also specifically targeted to them, bookies locate resources in poor areas, around pubs etc. They know who they are going to be making their buck from.


merryman1Boris Johnson's illegitimate children
Watch the adverts on TV for it as well, its quite shocking how they try to frx it almost like an investment sometimes? Like playing a game to win because you have some kind of special skill or knowledge that you're going to exploit to win big, and not y'know, literally a gamble. I could write a lot on this but to keep short its really worrying how normalized that kind of contradiction seems to have become? Like many people can no longer tell the difference or something?


Well depending on what it is, that is correct to an extent.
If you're betting on football and know enough about the teams to take an educated guess, it's not entirely random.


It’s an industry that needs its customers to lose money for them to make money ...can’t think of another industry as conflicted as this
Even Marlboro don’t actually want their clients to get cancer, they’d much rather they didn’t to keep buying more cigs


Not only that they are constantly tempting you into it. Can't go one ad break without a bloody gambling advert. The emails always offer you "free bets" to entice you in. It's a predatory buisness that should have similar rules to tobacco no advertising no promotions nothing.
Now I'm lucky in the way I'm not addicted and I keep to my spending limits so a tenner a weekend to put on multiple bets mainly to pass the weekends.


I've got an addictive personality but gambling has never interested me or been much of a problem for me.
I mean I spend the odd quid on scratchcards but who doesn't or if I'm bored and see a slot machine in a pub I might put a cheeky fiver in. But that's about it.


Buying the odd scratch card isn't that big of a deal. I've done it, my mum's done it, get one in a birthday card as a bonus etc. So long as it's not meant to be a way to make money, then a little gamble isn't a problem. It is nice to imagine winning, the same as doing the lottery.
The problem arises when people start thinking they'll win if they keep spending. The ones who buy an entire reel of scratch cards and stuff like that. But the majority of people aren't like that.


Betting shops are everywhere in poorer areas. And then people wonder why those on low income are more likely to be addicted to gambling.. I wonder why.


People always presume that 'whales' in games are rich people who can afford to spend thousands on a game.
The fact is that almost anyone has the potential to spend thousands on online gambling (casino or online games), whether they are rich or poor, unemployed or minimum wage. It's a simple of matter of spending whatever cash comes in and dealing with the resulting consequences of those actions later.
The problem is, if you are on benefits and you are spending thousands on online gambling, it has a devastating consequence for you and your family. These people obviously realise the damage they are causing, but the compulsion to gamble is often caused by deep-set mental health problems. The fact that these companies are making a substantial proportion of their profit from individuals with mental illness, and not just rich people, does mean that it should be much more tightly regulated. This isn't a matter of 'allowing people to do whatever they want with their cash'. This is a matter of stopping an abusive industry that is capitalizing on, and creating, misery across the country.
There are so often children or other vulnerable individuals at the heart of this addiction problem.


Online gambling should be banned. The games are designed to be psychologically addictive by experts in the field. At least with slot machines there are other people around and things to distract you, people stuck at home particularly on their own are really vulnerable. At the very least advertising should be banned, free starter money should be banned, the minimum stake lowered by a significant amount and the time between games greatly increased.


Then people will just go to unregulated sites
It will not stop them gambling

然后人们就会去不受监管的网站 这不会阻止他们赌博

I know right, making murder illegal didn't stop people killing each other :-(


If you are doing it for the benefit of the gamblers surely their welfare is at the front of your mind ?
Their welfare says regulated gambling


At the very least advertising should be banned, free starter money should be banned, the minimum stake lowered by a significant amount and the time between games greatly increased.


I gamble thousands a month but also make a net profit of around £1,000 a month. I used the lockdown time wisely! Gambling plays a big part in some people's lives, it's about the only excitement you can get. Not everyone wants to watch shite on tv or meditate. A minority of individuals have a problem with gambling, but the exception should not make the rule. For what it's worth gambling companies have become much, much more responsible in recent years about protecting problem gamblers, there are many more safety nets around now. Otherwise the industry provides pleasure for many, calls to ban it completely are excessive. Not surprising the left wants to restrict our lives ever more though.


The gambling industry is parasitic and a net loss for society. It needs to be severely reigned in.


Nope, people pay for enjoyment and fun. Everyone going in to gamble knows the odds are stacked against them. Give people freedom to choose.


This is patently bollocks if you have any understanding of the industry or the psychology of gambling.


It's written everywhere that gambling comes with risks. Let people be adults and decide for themselves.


The wealthy gamble too, it's just that just when they lose gambling on the stock market the poor lose their jobs and homes instead of them.


Poorer areas on average have lower income.
Lower income on average is due to less education.
Less education on average leads to stupider decisions.
The cycle continues.


People from poor areas have tendencies that keep them living in poor areas.


Someone with everything to lose utterly fails to understand people who have nothing to lose


When you are poor there is no point in saving, you struggle enough make enough to make ends meet, and if you could save a little bit; why even bother saving <£500 a year, when that could be put into a chance of winning big.
the logic stands that they are more likely to win a decent life with bets and gambling than they are through working.


ThatFlyingScotsmanCynicism Party
Franchised online gambling is potentially the most predatory and degenerate business in human history. It needs to be 100% abolished.


What do you mean by franchised here?


[–]ThatFlyingScotsmanCynicism Party
Meaning these large national corporations that have enough power to be able to fandangle betting odds to maximise their intake.
Local betting is much less of a problem because of the scale, and the lack of any sort of influence over the odds.


Gambling companies should be banned from all advertising, online and on tv, immediately. I’ve seen what gambling addictions do to people, and it’s horrific.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

As much as I kind of agree, the last thing we want is for gambling to be pushed underground. It’s dangerous.
Much better to regulate it properly, ban advertising and get help to those who need. Oh ye and tax the living shit out of the companies and their executives. Bastards.


Gambling companies already pay their fair share of tax in the UK. For example, bet365, the largest in the UK, pays their fair share of corporate tax and the owner pays her self in salary so that she pays income tax too. The largest tax payer in the UK.
Not sure how much more tax you want them to pay. Gambling companies aren't amazing, but attacking their tax contributions just shows you're not informed.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I don’t doubt that they pay tax. I know they do. The only reason they don’t dodge tax is because they operate in a highly exploitative market, and failing to pay tax would give the government no reason to allow them to continue operating.
I’m not saying they should start paying tax, I’m saying they should pay even MORE tax imo.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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