2021-03-15 辽阔天空 5367

Do you like music?


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Vikas Dahiya
Yes, is the answer that you would hear from most of the people when asked whether they love music or not.
Everyone has their own reasons to love music. Some might give you a philosophical answer stating that it heals all the wounds, or it completes me.
Well, to some extent, they are right. Note that these are the people who love the lyrics and have emotionally connected to the songs.
Then there are the ones who love listening to different music according to their moods.
If you are in a party mood, you will obviously love songs with the beat and loud music. If you are sad, then you will listen to sad songs. If you just had your breakup, you will hear that kind of songs.
Everyone is connected to music.
Right from "Good morning teacheeeerrrrr" to humming while bathing you can find the music everywhere.
But it''s quite sad to see that Bollywood is killing real music. SOngs do not give your ears the good feel like the ''90s anymore.


Ankit Banshiwal
Music is my life.
How can I forget it.
Once I may forget my girlfriend but not the music XD
Actually I''m too music lover.
I''m just addicted to it obviously.
I just can''t imagine myself without it.
This is my inner power.
It provides me inner peace and helps in keeping my memory long.
Music is like magic if you feel it.
Thank you


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Steve Hardy
Because it makes me feel emotions and is good for moods and I feel I have enough music to match every mood I could possibly have so Music can alter moods and talk to you in every possible way . Music is a lot like food in that you have certain moods that different kinds can appeal to so I mainly love Rock / Metal some credible Pop artists , some rap and hip hop artists and Pop rock artists . Fave bands are
blx 182 , The Offspring , NOFX , Zebrahead , Metallica , Eminem 1999 - 2005 , Green Day , Less Than Jake , All American Rejects , New Found Glory , Allister , American Hi Fi , Home Grown , The Starting Line , Yellow card , Story of the year , Guns N Roses , Queen , Aero Smith , Nirvana , Ozzy Osbourne , Foo Fighters ,Cypress Hill , Kottonmouth Kings , Avril Lavigne , Paramore , We Are The In Crowd , The Vandals , Guttermouth , The Ataris , Good Charlotte , Simple Plan , The Prodigy , Korn , Limp Bizkit , Wu Tang Clan and Rage Against The Machine.

因为它能让我感觉到情绪,并且对情绪有好处,我觉得我有足够多的音乐来匹配我可能拥有的每一种情绪,所以音乐可以影响情绪,并以各种可能的方式与你交谈。音乐很像食物,因为你有不同种类的特定的情绪可以吸引不同种类的音乐,所以我主要喜欢摇滚或金属乐队,一些厉害的流行艺术家,一些说唱和嘻哈艺术家和流行摇滚艺术家。我最喜欢的是blx 182(眨眼182) , The Offspring(后裔乐队) , NOFX(Nofx乐队) , Zebrahead(斑马头乐队) , Metallica (金属乐队), Eminem 1999 - 2005(1999-2005时期的埃米纳姆) , Green Day (绿日乐队), Less Than Jake , All American Rejects , New Found Glory , Allister , American Hi Fi(Post-Grunge乐团) , Home Grown , The Starting Line , Yellow card(黄色卡片) , Story of the year , Guns N Roses(枪炮与玫瑰乐队) , Queen (皇后乐队), Aero Smith , Nirvana(涅盘乐队) , Ozzy Osbourne(奥齐·奥斯本) , Foo Fighters( 喷火战机乐队 ) ,Cypress Hill , Kottonmouth Kings , Avril Lavigne(艾薇儿·拉维尼) , Paramore , We Are The In Crowd, The Vandals , Guttermouth , The Ataris , Good Charlotte(狂野夏洛特) , Simple Plan(简单计划) , The Prodigy(超凡乐队) , Korn , Limp Bizkit , Wu Tang Clan(武当派) and Rage Against The Machine(愤怒机器乐队).

Pramodh Reddy
i like music.
As, I''m having a unique mentality from my family members and friends
I don''t like cricket and movies and I hate Cricket and filmy freaks
So, i was find a very difficulty in spending my free times when other people are busy in their interests like sports and movies
It is necessary to have a special interest in your life to move you away from your sad situations and depressing movements
So, I choose music
And I started spending my time with music
It helps me to stop my over thinking on a same
Problem for long time and all my free time
Music is like a mental medicine for me

所以,我选择了音乐 ,我开始把时间花在音乐上,这有助于我阻止对同一件事的过度思考,由于长时间堆积的问题和我所有无聊的空闲时间,音乐对我来说就像是一种精神药。

Ken Rowe
I was a kid who’s uncle played and sang really well. He used to practice in his bedroom at my grandparents house and he would let me sit quietly in his room while he practiced.
By the time I was 9 years old my family moved far away and I wasn’t doing so well with the move. I was given a guitar and some music books from my uncle and just latched on for dear life. I never stopped playing.
It took me on different journeys through out my life and helped me to deal with my emotions and love of performing. Music is a passion and part of my heart and soul. I could never live without it, and am convinced I wouldn’t have lived as long as I have without it.


Amelia Paz
1. I do not like the sounds of people chewing, farting, talking excessively, burping, rattling paper or cutlery, tapping or playing with coins or keys, breathing audibly, slamming cupboards and doors and drawers, etc. so backround music masks this.
2. I am transported in time when I hear songs that were released when I was young. I remember where I was, who I was with, and what I was doing.
3. Music can give you energy to clean you entire house! Even if you don''t feel like it, or it can lull you to sleep.
4. The first musice we experience is mothers heartbeat. I think that what the draw to music is all about. To seek out that comfort.
To related to others, to feel emotions, to feel happy, to change my mood.

1. 我不喜欢人们咀嚼、放屁、超大声说话、打嗝、拿纸的卡嗒卡嗒声或餐具、敲打或玩硬币或钥匙、大声呼吸、砰砰的关橱柜、门和抽屉等声音,所以背景音乐可以掩盖住这些。
2. 当我听到年轻时发行的歌曲时,我仿佛置身于时光的传送门中。我记得当时我在哪里,和谁在一起,在做什么。
3. 音乐可以给你动力来打扫你的整个房子!即使你不喜欢,它也能让你顺利入睡。
4. 我们听到过的第一个音乐是母亲的心跳。我认为这就是音乐的魅力所在。让我们去寻求母亲的安慰。

Preethi Ramanathan
We are taught Air ,Water and shelter are the basic neccesities of human. Am surprised why isn’t music?!!
Music is the entity which adds essence to our lives. It is obvious in all the activities we do.Our lives are lit through tunes and some lyrics which enlighten them to be felt.
It is not necessary to literally sit and spend some minutes to enjoy music, paying some attention to the beats that are hidden arround us can even content us.
when you define music, you actually are defining life.


Vincy Varghese
Without music life is a mistake. It is like a beautiful escape from reality which soothes your mind. Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent. Music is my refuge. I could crawl into the space between the notes and curl my back to loneliness.People haven''t always beenthere for me, but music has.


Odette du Toit
Music provides one with an escape from the daily hassles and miseries in life, a chance to fantasize and dream of things and gives one energy. Scientifically speaking, there are findings that support the claim that music actually can motivate or calm you down . I listen to music because it helps me feel better and energizes me.
But everyone has different tastes in music, and seeing as how findings and anecdotes from people suggests different applications for music, it can be anything from a self-help for managing anxiety, to a motivational uplift during exercise .


Amit Mehran
Ofcourse yes!!
Music is the only thing that stays with me when I am sad, alone, depressed, or Happy too.
I like the songs full of beats or strange things. This type of music is really the refreshing one. But I don''t like sad songs because I can''t start my day with sadness.
I have one word for anyone who doesn''t like music ‘Pta nahi kaise jeeye ho yaar.’


Dhananjaysinh Rayjada
No, i dont like music. If i would be liking music then i could not have enjoyed the music or feel the music. Instead i love music and love the feeling attached to song. Music tells me how to behave in certain situation and also tells me how to overcome some sad situations.
Because of song only i think before i talk to anyone.


Ishita Malhotra
Yes !!! I think it is the best thing in the world ..I don''t know about other''s life, but my life is totally incomplete without music. It is the only thing which makes me feel best when I''m in a good mood moreover, relax me when I am going through some critical condition . I just love to listen music in a beautiful scenario of nature..mostly in rainy seasons. It is like I''m able to communicate with myself only due to music.

是的! 我认为音乐是世界上最美好的事物。我不知道别人的生活是怎样的,但是与我而言,若没有音乐,我的生活是完全不完整的。当我心情好的时候,这是唯一能让我感觉更好的事情。此外,当我经历一些危急的情况时,音乐能让我放松。我喜欢在大自然的美景中听音乐。特别是在雨季。似乎我只有通过音乐才能与自己交流。

Karan Shah
Have you ever paid attention to a passing vehicle? When it is approaching, you can listen to the engine roar. You make eye contact with the vehicle, the vehicle passes you, and the engine roars fade away. All this happens, but you don''t notice, that the wind spoke to you. It was music. It doesn''t always have to be melodious. It can sometimes be nature too.
I don''t like music. I love music.


Chandrima Dey
Yes i do!
And iam sure everyone does, music is a healer!
You have music when you''re sad, happy and both!
There was a thing that i came across long back, there was(it''s still there) a certain hospital, across some part of the world where heart patients had a music therapy session on a daily basis. That actually cured many of them!
Isn''t this point enough!? Music is life.


Alexia Natenin Sanon
I Looooooove music in an undescribable way..
It makes me feel better no matter what!!!
It calms me down and makes me feel happy.
I feel free and forget about my worries.
I sing, make music and am learning how to play keyboard! That''s how much I love it.
I wish my school provided a music class… :(


Sayantani Bhattacharjee
This might come as one of the most common answers, but it is what is - in this fast developing world, it is difficult to cope with the surroundings. As an introvert, I often find it difficult to convey my emotions to friends or the people around me. Music acts as a therapy. The genre of the music doesn''t really matter as long as i can connect to the rhythm. The melody, the beats.. Everything has a soothing effect on my mind when I am going through a paryicularly rough day.
It truly takes me to my happy place. :)


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

See Sea, M.S. from University of Science and Technology of China


I do like music,sometimes i like a song for it''s rhythm,lyrics and melody.It can encourage me to realize my dream and never ever give up .
Actually,the music sometimes just like my feelings ,it does strike a chord with mine.So whatever my mood is ,I can always find solace in music.


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