2021-03-16 翻译熊 37474

Why haven’t we found civilizations older than 7–8 thousand years when homo sapiens evolved around 200 000 years ago?


Susanna Viljanen, works at Aalto University
Because there haven’t been any.
For the vast majority of its existence, Homo sapiens lived in small tribes with approximately 150 members. This amount is known as Dunbar's number, and it sets the upper limit for size of the human society in its natural state.
Humans are deeply genetically programmed to treat anyone outside their tribe as rivals and competitors, and to exterminate them. The natural state of humankind is endemic warfare.
The Dunbar number is a profound limit, and it effectively prevents the rise of civilization. Heck, it even prevents the adoption of agriculture! As long is there is no method on making humans acting against their biological programming and their selfish interests and not treating anyone coming from outside as an enemy, there is no way for adoption of agriculture nor evolution of civilization, and humans are doomed to remain as hunter-gatherers.

Susanna Viljanen, 在阿尔托大学工作
在智人存在的绝大多数时间里,都生活在大约150人的小部落中。这个数字被称为邓巴数/150定律(Dunbar's number),它设定了人类社会在自然状态下规模的上限。

The only way to exceed the Dunbar number for human population size is religion. This step cannot be taken before the cultural evolution produces Proto-Polytheism, which is the profound step from Animism to organized religion.
The profound revolution was rise of Proto-Polytheism, which superseded the tribal Animism, this may sound trivial but it isn’t. Psychohistory explains this well( See Early infanticidal childrearing - Wikipedia.) the tribal societies live in a state not unlike schizophrenia, seeing hostiles everywhere, whether they be humans, animals, or spirits. The rise of Proto-Polytheism makes the distinction between the living and the lifeless, between the subjective and obxtive and enables larger societies than 150 members.


This religious revolution happened during the Neolithic and Chalcolithic periods, and it can be affirmed by archaeology.
This is also reflected in the myths, every Polytheist society has a myth of titanomachia, a war where the new (Polytheist) deities supersede the old, usually evil (Animist) deities beginning a new era for humans.
It also coincides with the adoption of agriculture. Large societies can organize themselves on distribution of labour and have greater productivity by agriculture and pasturelands. The same area of land can now feed far more humans than it would in a hunter-gatherer society.
This evolution has been quick. First comes Proto-Polytheism, and then comes larger societies, Then comes agriculture, and food surpluses, They allow some of the people not getting involved in direct production of food, which in turn allow even larger societies and states.
Finally the civilizations emerge, but that is another story.


Tudor Reece
Neatly put. Thanks


Amarsanaa Narmandakh
Earth has a 4.5 billion years of history. Complex life arose only 540 million years ago. Mammals first appeared 300 mln years ago and first primates appeared 55 mln years ago. Homo erectus appeared 2 mln years ago and Homo sapiens appeared 300k years ago.Recent out of Africa migration happened 50–70k years ago.Agriculture started 11k years ago,Sumer civilization started 5.5k years ago, Scientific Revolution took 400 years ago, and Industrial Revolution started 260 years ago etc
What do we see from it? Acceleration. 5.5k years of complex civilization history is tiny part of human history.

直立人出现在200万年前,智人出现在30万年前。最近的走出非洲的迁徙发生在5 - 7万年前。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Kieron Nelson
I'm not sure your evidence warrants your conclusion that things are accelerating. One thing I noticed is that the distinctions between each phase you mention get drastically smaller for each succeeding phase. Yes, civilisation hasn't been around for very long, but your 0phases are by no means apples to apples.


Nic Harvard
I find it interesting that you set Dunbar at 150.
Most folk put it at two to three times that.
I put it an order of magnitude lower at between 15–30
You have to be able to not only know the status of your relationship with each of these people, you have to have a really good idea of each person’s with every other one.
Factorial sequences don’t add up quite as fast as logarithmic ones, but still… very quickly somewhere between 15–30 the brain has to stop doing this.
And then people become cartoons. Caricatures
And as you say, unless you have a functioning religion which allows living in larger groups, those caricatures very quickly become the enemy, other, and prey.


Susanna Viljanen
Anyone who ever has been in the military, will immediately notice the number.
It is the size of a company - the basic unit. It has stayed the same for centuries. See Dunbar's number: Why we can only maintain 150 relationships. This number was first proposed in the 1990s by Robin Dunbar, who found a correlation between primate brain size and average social group size.
By using the average human brain size and extrapolating from the results of primates, he proposed that humans can comfortably maintain 150 stable relationships.
See the Wikipedia article Dunbar's number - Wikipedia

这是一个公司的规模——基本单位。几个世纪以来,它一直保持不变。参见《邓巴数/150定律:为什么我们只能维持150段关系》。这个数字最早是由罗宾·邓巴(Robin Dunbar)在20世纪90年代提出的,他发现灵长类动物的大脑大小与平均社会群体大小之间存在相关性。

Nic Harvard
I agree totally on your assessment just not on the number.
In fact, the brighter and more communication oriented people are … the more it seems to drop


Martin Ivers
Agriculture was simply impossible because of the low CO2 levels.
The last time they were at roughly modern pre-industrial niveau, was some 180.000 years ago, which happens to be the time since when anatomical modern H. sapiens is around.
When the conditions became feasible around 8.000 years ago, agriculture, and shortly thereafter civilization appeared multiple times independently, in a process of convergent evolution, which shows humans figure it out pretty quickly when the conditions are right. (Wheat and barley in the fertile crecent, rice in China, taro in New Guinea, teosinthe and later corn in Mexico, various millets and tubers in Africa).
Demeter, who gave mankind the first grain of wheat, was the daughter of Chronos and Rhea. She owes her existence to the Greek titanomachia


Binh Hoang
Thank you for explaining the Dunbar limit and how religion plays a role. I always wonder why the tech tree in the Sid Mier Civilization game(s) had researching different Religion levels as a requirement to advance your civilization. You explained it very clearly!


Martin Ivers
I’m sorry but — while this is fascinating, you don’t actually answer the question. The question is about the when? the transition happened, and why then? H. sapiens has been around somewhere from 200.000 years by the largest estimates to around 30.000 by the lowest. Yet the premise of the question is civilizations are 8.000 years old at most (Let’s not argue over a few thousand years here. The beginnings of civilization occupy a relatively narrow length of time, in any case). Why did the transition happen then? That’s the question.
And that obviously implies: what caused it?
Or is your hypotheses the developement from animism to proto-polytheism just takes a certain, more or less constant, amount of time, and that in different places isolated from each other and different in every aspect?
It’s the terrestrial version of the Fermi paradox, really.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Chetan Vit
The “when” is neatly addressed by the probable explanation of climate change. The development of agriculture and sedentaritism coincided more or less with the end of the last Ice Age. And before the last Ice Age, there were no animals yet with sufficiently developed neo cortices to allow the emergence of complex society.


Kelly B. Reid, lives in Chicago
One very plausible theory has to do with how and why the last Ice Age ended. Until recently, it was assumed that the ice caps melted gradually as a result of a slowly warming climate. However, new research shows strong evidence that something much more sudden happened.
See the citations below for substantiating evidence, but here’s the short version. Twice a year, we pass through a ring of debris that came from a dead comet. In fact, if you went out on a clear night in early November, you might have seen some of these bits of debris in the form of shooting stars. This is the Taurid meteor stream, and it happens like clockwork every spring and fall.
Shooting stars happen when small debris hits the earth’s atmosphere and ignite as a result of the friction. When the debris is small enough, it burns away completely. When it’s bigger, then you have things like airbursts and surface impacts. Airbursts happen when the obxt detonates in the atmosphere. Impacts happen when the obxt, obviously, hits the surface of the planet.
You can see an example of an airburst in action during the Chelyabinsk meteor event, in which the shockwave from the detonation caused significant damage.

Kelly B. Reid, 住在芝加哥

Comets are generally made up of things like ice, rather than thick chunks of heavy rock. So, getting hit by fragments of one is more akin to a shotgun blast than a rifle bullet (which is analogous to an iron meteorite). And since it takes the planet a few days to pass through this cloud, an unlucky path could mean a series of bombardments.
According to a number of scientists (see citations), this is exactly what happened. A demarcating layer called the ‘black mat’ is found in the geological record across a wide swath of the earth. Before this layer are things like Mammoths and the other megafaunta that went extinct. After it? None. This is similar to the abrupt marker found at the K-T Boundary that marks the end of the dinosaurs.
In addition, there are a number of impact proxies (things that tell us we got hit with something very fast and hot) in this layer. The angle of impact was northwest-to-southeast, which would have been a direct hit on the Cordilleran and Laurentide ice sheets of North America and a less direct hit on the European ice caps.

根据一些科学家的说法,这正是发生的事情。在地球上一大片区域的地质记录中发现了一种称为“黑垫(black mat)”的划界层。在这一层之前是猛犸象和其他灭绝的大型动物。其后?一个也没有。这与在K-T边界发现的标志恐龙终结的突然标记相似。

That’s a big dip and it lasted for a thousand years. It seems plausible to correlate these two events given that their times match up almost precisely, and celestial impacts are often correlated with sunlight-blocking ejecta (also known as ‘dirt kicked up into the air’).
There’s yet a third piece of evidence that completes the puzzle. Meltwater Pulse 1a is a recorded rise in sea level due to a large influx of fresh water into the world’s oceans. And it happened around 13,000 years ago.


So, what’s all this got to do with humans? Well, we’re really not sure what was going on before this, because just about anything in the path of the three phenomena described above would be utterly obliterated.
Anything in the blast radius of one of the air bursts or impacts would have been ignited and burned to ashes. These impacts ignited entire continents’ worth of biomass (trees, plants, etc).
Anything in the path of the torrents of water would have been ground into fine dust. If it can cut basalt and granite like a hot knife through butter, anything manmade wouldn’t stand a chance.
Finally, and most crucially, sea level rise. Most civilizations, advanced or primitive, build on coastlines. Take a look at where that would have been pre- and post-melt:


Look how much more land there is in northern Europe and between Alaska and Russia; the “land bridge” you hear about was almost a thousand miles wide. That’s basically a small continent’s worth of land! Also pay attention to southeast Asia, where Indonesia is not a chain of islands, but a single landmass.
Anything that survived the impact blasts and the scouring waters would have been drowned by the rapidly rising oceans.
So, in “short”, the reason we haven’t found any great detailed evidence is that anything before about 13,000 years ago was either burnt to cinders, ground to dust, or drowned beneath 400 feet of ocean water.

在所有这些混乱之后,无论曾经存在什么文明,都必须从头开始,从长达千年的“核冬天”开始(见上面的温度图表)。然而,像哥贝克力特皮(Golbekli Tepi)这样的遗址,经碳测定可追溯到12000年前,显示出的复杂程度远远超出了所谓的“简单的狩猎采集者”的能力,这可能被证明是一个很好的起点,可以用来调查我们作为一个物种是否在受到来自外太空的突然袭击之前,已经走得更远了。链接略

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Adam Wu, Evolutionary neurosurgeon
To start a civilization you need to have a large food surplus, which frees up the majority of your people to specialize in doing things other than food production. To get this kind of food surplus by hunting and gathering you would need a kind of edenic environment that does not exist on planet Earth. The only other way of obtaining such food surpluses is by farming. But even with early farming you can only produce the needed levels of food surplus in a very narrow range of favorable environmental conditions.
You also need a certain minimum population density, or you simply do not have enough people on the ground to run a civilization.

Adam Wu,神经外科医生

When our species first appeared 200,000 years ago, the earth was in the middle of the last glaciation of the last ice age. As far as we know, there were very few places on the planet, if any at all, that could have supported civilization-supporting farming during that period. The harsh environmental conditions (even well away from the glaciers, the world was much drier than it is today, because so much fresh water is locked into the ice sheets) also meant that human populations remained very small, and grew only slowly, if at all, and the needed population densities that would support a civilization probably were not reached. Indeed, with low population densities, hunter gathering is likely a superior way of life on a per person basis than early farming based civilization. Fossil evidence shows us that late neolithic hunter gatherers were on average taller, stronger, healthier, and lived longer lives, than the early farmers of the first known civilizations. What we know of the political systems employed in hunter gatherer societies suggests that individual hunter gatherers also on average had more freedom and autonomy, and greater overall equality between individuals, than the societies of the first civilizations. There would have been little incentive for individuals to choose to adopt civilization over hunter gathering, when population density is low.


There is also the great genetic bottleneck event about 70,000 years ago, possibly lixed to the eruption of the Toba supervolcano, during which the human population dropped to maybe just a few thousand people worldwide. It would have taken some time for populations to recover from that event.
Only after the ice age ended and the current interglacial began, about 20,000 to 12,000 years ago, would the environmental conditions arise that would allow for the type of farming that can support civilizations. And only after the interglacial began, with its milder conditions, could human populations grow to the point where hunter-gathering starts to become insufficient at providing enough food for the increased number of mouths, and the consequences of population pressure (famine, territorial conflict, etc) start making early farming and civilization a more appealing option for some previously hunter-gathering societies to think about adopting.

此外,7万年前还存在种群瓶颈事件,可能与多巴超级火山(Toba supervolcano)爆发有关,在那期间,全球人口下降到可能只有几千人。从那次事件中恢复过来需要一段时间。

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