2021-03-17 cnbsmt 20110

With so many empires having come and gone throughout history why are they all seemingly doomed to fall at some point? Is it over expansion, financial, declining military, gradual erosion by enemies, or a combination of everything? And did the people that formed and led these empires know that it wouldn’t last forever and that their job while ruling was to make sure the empire didn’t completely fall on their watch?


The Roman Empire lasted for a cool 1000 years.
It's not that empires fail, it's just that to continue to exist is a hell of a task for any nation.
Nations fall, unxs dissolve and monarchies die out. China breaks, becomes whole again just to fragment again.
For comparison, the United States is only 240 odd years old now. The Soviets didn't even survive a century.
Germany unified a few times in a single century under 4 different governments.


Another question is what exactly counts as the rise and fall of an empire.
The classical Roman Empire lasted for about ~450 years between the ascension of Augustus in the first century to the supposed "fall" in the mid 400s AD. The Eastern Roman Empire lasted about 1,100 years between Constantine moving to the capital to Constantinople in 330 to its fall in the 1400s. Or the Eastern Roman Empire lasted 1000 years between the formal and permanent administrative division from the Western half after the death of Theodosius in 395 to the fall of Constantinople in the 1400s.
Even though both Eastern and Western halves were Roman, I'm thinking we should count them as separate empires because they eventually had separate governments and separate administrative systems.


Roman has an Empire before the ascension of Augustus though by the end of the first Punic wars it has its first province and by the end of the 2nd it has an extensive imperial territory. You do not need to have a sole ruler to have an Empire.
I think about whether you count the later Eastern empire depends how you want to measure it. For me its mostly about a continuation of sovereignty and self determination and the Eastern Roman empire is certainly a direct continuation of the Roman state as much as the Western half was its not like the East is an offshoot.


Before Augustus it was the Roman republic you don’t need a emperor but for example the British empire even though it had a king not a emperor it was still ruled by a monarchy


Its complex. The UK domestically was basically run between Parliament and the monarch from around the restoration with the monarch taking less and less of a role in government until the late Georgian era where they were more a head of state than a head of government.
The British monarchs were crowned Empror\\\\\\\\Empress of India from after the mutiny.
But an empire does not need a monarch named an Emperor. The French Empire and the British Empire were run by parliamentary governments with universal suffrage for decades after WWI but clearly were empires.


I think the British used empire more or less because they wanted to be seen as the succours to the Roman Empire same as the Holy Roman Empire witch was just a alliance of states so not really a empire


With so many empires having come and gone throughout history why are they all seemingly doomed to fall at some point?
For the same reason why any rock you see will eventually devolve into sand and rubble. For the same reason our sun will go nova and destroy the entire solar system eventually.
Order requires constant energy input. Entropy always wins in the end.
It is as true in physics as it is true the politics.


Fundamentally, I think it’s chance, complexity, chaos, whatever you want to call it. Every empire exists in a certain natural and social “ecology”. All the events and twists and turns in the world eventually randomly create an environment the empire can’t survive in. Common specific causes are conquest, environmental disaster, revolution, and provinces breaking away. Wait long enough and eventually one will happen.
Empires often seem to end up victims of their own success. Because they’re so powerful, they have a huge impact on the world, including lots of unintended consequences. Empires tend to both use up all available resources and to cause their neighbors to level up enough to become real threats. I suspect there are also parallels with “disruptive innovation” in platform economics — an empire is a kind of platform, after all. In historical writing I’ve seen it called “advantages of backwardness”. Sometimes it happens that the backward nation has special characteristics that make it much more able to take advantage of a new material or social technology.


earthquakes, famines, droughts, etc.. occur. Rising and falling governments and groups of humans is inevitable. Change is inevitable.


Well what do you consider the “fall” of an empire to be? It is often a combination of things, including internal struggles and crisis (like famines, droughts, social issues, etc), external threats and invaders, plagues, cultural shifts, conquered lands achieving their own independence, loss of militaristic influence, the loss of a leader who knew how to keep the empire together well, and more.


What doesn't fall? Even mountains fall some day. Even the universe will fall some day.
An empire can be seen as a society that siphons resources from other places to their core. So it can be said that the core artificially gets more resources than it normally would by the existence of the empire. This is why the fall of an empire is more dramatic than a non-empire society.


An empire is based on the expanding control of trade routes in order to finance the machinery of empire in order to expand trade routes and on and on, so it's a cyclical system at it's core. If something happens to those trade routes, if they are devastated by war, resources run out, changes in the flow or demand of goods, etc. then the empire can no longer pay for itself and collapses under it's own weight.
The Roman Empire couldn't pay for all those civil wars. The Mongol Empire was more about looting than trading. The Ottoman Empire was too slow to modernize. The English Empire didn't survive the economic disruption of WWII. Nor did the French. The Soviet Empire couldn't fund itself without international trade. The US Empire will collapse when the petroleum runs low.
And that will probably be the last empire. China is working on building it's trade routes but more on a partnership model, not a domination one. I think we can safely say the days of empires are long gone.


Empires never really fell. The political and military structure fell, yes, but as long as a people have a strong cultural unity they will always come back together. Look at China - because of their cultural unity, they were always able to come back together. So in a way, empires do stand 'forever'. It's the legacy and the culture that remains, not the original political structure.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

A lot of people like to refer to Rome or maybe the Soviets which are great examples. However, how about the collapse of the Bronze age. That is by far, (from my understanding), this was a destruction of the known world, in their eyes at least. I mean you had 50 years of earthquakes, Famine that stretched for hundreds maybe even thousands of miles, Massive revolts and migration from powerful cities at the time due the former, and wave of peoples that were completely alien to the powers at that time known as the 'Sea Peoples'.
Just a massive domino effect honestly that can destroy empires.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Two major things - Events and Succession.
For the latter, succession is the path to civil war, and also to taking what is strong and letting it become hollowed out by years of bad leadership that is based on birth rather than merit. From 235-284 AD, the Roman Empire was riven by almost constant civil wars and at one point broke into three completely separate empires before it was finally reunited - but it was never the same after this half-century of conflict, especially in the West.
Events are things like plagues, mass migrations, revolutions, the rise of regional rivals, and technological progress.
Again, to go with Rome, many of its wounds were self-inflicted, but a series of plagues and of mass migrations from Asia also strained the Empire; this combined with some poor succession and weak leaders led to a string of catastrophes.
The Eastern Empire finally fell in part due to developments in gunpowder, as well as Turkic migrations into Anatolia - and was critically weakened when, due to a succession crisis, one of the claimants to the throne invited in the crusaders, who ended up getting into the city by having friends on the inside and then just sacked the place.


On your question about whether people knew these empires wouldn't last-
I suspect people have always questioned the status quo- even today there's a lot of speculation today about the ending of an 'American Age' to be replaced by a 'Chinese Age'. I imagine the Romans or the Aztecs knew that everything they built could have been destroyed or eclipsed by another civilisation.
I definitely read some letters from monks writing about how the Fall of Constantinople was heralding the destruction of the Holy Roman Empire and Christendom generally. I reckon there have always been prophesies of impending doom!


Basic system theory. Most "empires" were created by the drive to attain resources: land, mineral, labor. At the start, those flow freely back to the conquering nation. However, in order to maintain stability, increase efficiency, and prevent revolts, the conquering nation needs to install all sort of infrastructure and bureaucratic systems. Those all require energy. As time goes on, the energy/resources required to maintain those systems starts to equal the energy/resourced being extracted and the "empire" reaches a state of diminishing returns, which eventually leads to cutting spending in the conquered countries, which then leads to revolts. Putting down a revolt requires massive amount of energy and resources in the form of military action/garrisons. Eventually it costs more to maintain the "colony'/area of influence than it is worth.
This is particularly true if the economic system of the imperial nation is based primarily on conquest. The empire cannot grow, and then cannot sustain, without conquering more and more nations and extracting more and more resources. In addition to the logistical difficulties inherent in constant expansion, this too always results in a point of diminishing returns.
Eventually the empire either retreats and retrenches or collpases under its own weight.


Given enough time, everything ends. Massive cities are abandoned or razed, populations move in response to famines and droughts, and local power structures either change or collapse or both. You can successfully weather that change for a thousand years, but the one time you fail can be the end.


If you want the most general, sweeping element it's because an empire is a system of exploitation based on one group having an advantage based on superior use of force relative to the groups it exploits. These advantages never last forever and their decay/change is where and how the process of an empire falling tends to manifest in real time.
The nature of that exploitation and that advantage vary heavily and there's no one size fits all element here.
And some systems fit into the local geography and culture well enough that they never truly die. See: China.


You can only grow so big before you start to fail. The size of the empires growth is limited by technology and food.
Stretching to far out is the reason most empires collapsed. Unless you have fiercely loyal rulers for the outer reaches of your empire, the further you go from your central seat of power the weaker your empire, control, and laws become.
If you spend too much effort and resources reinforcing the outskirts of your empire then you will fall from internal disputes, as people starve and the rich become poor as your empire funnels money outwards.
You could argue then, that a smaller empire would last longer. True, that's probably the case. But then you risk being swallowed by larger empire. In today's age, the general rule of law and order has created a tenuous peace between nations. World order is always always on the cusp of absolute failure.
This is the longest stretch of time the world has ever gone withouta "global" conflict.


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