你喜欢猫吗?为什么?( 下)
2021-03-26 汤沐之邑 7400

Do you like cats? Why?


Joseph Carl Allen, I have been an animal lover and student for over 50 years.


This is a tough question, especially given that there is no practical definition of the word „love. “ I do love my cats, however, so I will give it a try.
My father hated cats. He had grown up on a farm and the big barn cats always scratched him when he tried to pick them up. As a good son, I hated cats too. We were “dog people”. When I was 23, I bought an old farmhouse with a major problem. My girlfriend said, “Get a cat!” I replied with all the standard “dog person” prejudices against cats and tried every other possibility before finally getting a cat. The problem was gone within a few months. So my first reason for loving cats is:


1.They are useful.
I know that love and utility are not usually put together, but why not? Love is not just subjective. I was finally able to sleep because the squirrels and rats were not having all-night parties in my attic(it's all thanks to the cat).
The little hunter became a big hunter and began to grow on me. Soon he was sharing the bed with my girlfriend, my Golden Retriever and me. This brings me to reason 2:


2.Cats love to cuddle.
They cuddle differently than dogs, but they do love human (and dog) contact. I have a picture of a very jet-lagged and exhausted me in bed with a 64 Kg Landseer and 2 cats cuddled as close as they could get. When I can't sleep, one of my cats always cuddles next to me and starts to purr. I pet its luxurious fur and fall asleep instantly.
I had quickly become a cat-lover and kept getting more. I discovered that:


3.Cats have very diverse personalities.
The word “person”-ality is misleading. We love to anthropomorphize our pets, but cats really have “cat”-alities. Many people consider cats to be unpredictable. Cat to cat they are, but any given cat has a clearly defined set of personal traits and behaviors. I have had roughly 40 cats in my life and no 2 were even vaguely similar. Dogs have personalities too, but they vary in a much smaller window. A mother cat and 2 of her babies lived with us for 12 years. The 3 could not have been more different although they grew up under the same conditions.

许多人认为猫是不可预测的。猫对猫是这样的,但任何一只猫都有一套明确定义的一系列个 体特征和行为。我这辈子养过大约40只猫,其中有两只甚至有点相似。狗也有不同的个性,但它们的变化时间范围要小得多。一只母猫和她的两个孩子和我们一起生活了12年。这三只猫虽然在相同的条件下长大,但却截然不同。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

4.Cats own YOU.
There is a saying in German that roughly translated says, “Dogs have masters and cats have employees.” This is, of course, anthropomorphism and cat lovers hate it when I say this, but there is truth here. Research has shown that cats have become domesticated because they consider humans to be part of their territory. You are their “property”. Wild cats also have a complex social system that helped them integrate into the human community. All the same they were never really domesticated like dogs or horses. They are with us because they “want” to be. That wildness puts some people off, but I “love” it.


5.Cats do not take shit from anything.
My cats and dog always got along extremely well, but if one of my cats got in a tussle with a neighbor dog, I always put my money on the cat. My current cat has lived on 4 continents and thus hates cages. She is tiny and skinny so you would think that an 85-Kg man could easily get her into a cage to go to the vet. She bloodies me seriously every time and 50% of the attempts fail. She is usually too smart to trick. Her name is “Kuscheljägerin” (Cuddle Huntress) and she has brought home rabbits that weighed more than she does. That first cat I mentioned (Hobie) used to bring home live rattlesnakes. That would have been okay, except that he loved to twirl them around and throw them into the air. Watch out for flying rattlesnakes!


6.Cats are hilarious to watch.
Given the popularity of cat videos on the web, this needs little explanation. Laughter brings joy.
7.Cats are super-athletes.
They are able to leap tall kitchen cabinets in a single bound. They are faster than a speeding mouse Evolution has made them into the perfect hunter.
8.Cats are vocal
Cats have 10 times the vocalizations that dogs have and all are vocal. About every 3rd cat is a “talker” and every 10th is a “storyteller”. Kuscheljägerin talks (actually complains) to us constantly, but she used to tell stories to our now deceased Landseer. It was hilarious to watch this tiny kitty “telling stories” to a 64 Kg dog. The dog´s nose was bigger than the cat. The dog seemed to understand and often looked at me and did the dog equivalent of rolling her eyes. Cats do not possess a language in the human sense, but they can definitely make themselves understood.


9.And then there is that part of love that some of the best human minds have been trying to explain for at least 5000 years…I just do. :)
Barbara Powrie, Observations of people after teaching for over 50 years
I’ve always loved cats from childhood however my father didn’t want the cat in the house . My mother and I used to sneak him in the house but it was an outdoor cat.
we never took the cat to the vet cause we were poor and we were ignorant.
when I was on my own someone said I won a door prize .The door prize was a Siamese cat .
This cat and I bonded immediately.
i personally think the cat was starving for attention and I was so flattered to think a cat could love me so much.
long story short, the cat eventually died of leukemia.
we (my husband and I) let the cat be indoor and outdoor which is probably why she got sick.
Since then I did not have any pets because I was a single parent with a stressful job.
I knew better than to take on more responsibility than I could imagine.


One day my daughter (she was 16) asked me “ if you could have any pet, what would you have?”
i said a Siamese cat.
well guess what my Xmas present was.
i was furious at first because I thought we were just having a hypothetical conversation.
it did not take long for me to fall in love with this cat.
im now an old lady who has 4 indoor cats and 4 outdoor cats and a colony of feral cats in my front yard.
the outdoor backyard cats have a very comfortable porch for winters and cold weather.
My biggest concern now is should I predecease my cats what will happen to them.
I’m 72. My indoor cats will be cared for by my daughter but the semi social backyard cats are gonna be hard to surrender.
My older friends have stopped owning pets but I haven’t learned my lesson.
I do know I will not take in anymore cats because it is a lot of work caring for them and that’s not including vet bills.
p.s. I should add that there is a person who pays for spay and neuter fees for the feral cats and ships me free food every two weeks.
I could not afford this if it were not for her generosity.


Kelyna Gannaway, ER scribe, aspiring PA/MD, medical nerd, animal lover
My cat is a little boy Russian Blue about 8 months old that we rescued from a shelter after he was found abandoned in the street with his brothers and sisters. I had never had a cat before. In fact, I hated cats. But my grandpa had recently died and he loved cats, so I wanted one to name it after him. Thus, Milton.
Milton is a unique cat. For the past 6 months, he has been raised by 2 dogs. He chases after anything that moves, cuddles with you, and has a great personality.
When I wake up in the morning and walk past him, he’ll get up on his hind legs and lightly try to pounce on me. When I walk by the bar and he’s laying on it, he’ll pat me on the arm. When I’m sitting on the couch and my long hair is over the side, he’ll grab it and bite on it. He lives to harass me, but it’s just so stinkin’ cute!
I’v never met a cat with so much attitude. When we yell “MILTON!” because he knocked something over, he answers with a big “meow” as if he were saying “what?!”. We always joke that he talks back to us.
Perhaps my favorite thing he does, that I just noticed recently, was making these cute little chirping noises before he tries to pounce on a fly.
Everything this little guy does makes me smile and brings me great joy and that is why this once a cat hater, now loves her cat!

弥尔顿是一只很独特的猫。 在过去的6个月中,它被2只狗抚养长大。 它追赶任何在动的东西,拥抱你,并且有着很棒的个性。

Athena Galaxy, Studied at the University of Life and Sarcasm
I love that they are care- free little ass holes. I have 9 of them, but I'll just share about 2. Maya and Bob.
I'm on a long car trip so this will give me something to do as I travel. That being said, please excuse my typos as I bump around the interstate in the passenger seat.
Maya is a fluffy seal point with blue eyes. She is colored just like Grumpy Cat. She is my favorite of the 9. I’ve had her since she was 2 weeks old. She was from a feral momma cat that died. Anyway, she is 11 years old now and VERY spoiled.
Maya is demanding. She bosses me around like a slave. As soon as she poops she finds me and meows until I remove the stinky from her box. If I take too long she takes something of mine and covers her poop with it. This obxt can be anything from a sock, piece of paper, underwear or one of my nice scarves — whatever she can find and drag to the box. It's very annoying and I'm not sure if she is trying to be clean or spiteful that Im taking too long to handle her demands.
If I'm in the shower she sits on the tub and meows until I get so annoyed I cut my shower short and cater to her needs. She must also drink from whatever cup I am drinking from, or the toilet. I have 2 Chihuahuas and she refuses to share their water bowl. I do not appreciate her drinking from my cup because she cleans her butt all day. I have to keep a book or my phone on my cup to deter her.

Athena Galaxy,讽刺地说,曾经就读于人生大学

She also drools. She will sit on my chest while I'm asleep and drool on my face. By the time you wake up and realize she's on you is about the same time a drop of drool lands in your mouth. Yuk! NOT a great way to wake up.
My cat Bob was a feral tom cat I trapped and fixed. He is a very rough and mean looking cat, the sort you would imagine living in a junk yard. He has become a very lovable but spoiled guy since hes was trapped and fixed. He's a very large short haired orange cat. He weighed 16 pounds the last time I weighed him and he's very strong. He sticks his paws under the door when he is hungry and has worked off part of the door paneling with his paw! I told my husband the door was warping from the weather when he noticed it. That's a total lie. It's Bob. 3 years ago this cat was barely 4 pounds, afraid of people, half starved . Now he's too fat, spoiled and demanding like the others!


Betsy Wise, Founder/Christian Blogger at WritingForJESUS.com
I just came across something I wrote about our two cats, now in kitty heaven, which explains why I love, not like, cats.
Why Cats Rule Cat People
Cats can pretty much walk in and out of an owner’s life at will, depending on their mood. Cats have an uncanny ability to know how to control cat people and get what they want.


Cats Show Affection When They Want to
Granted, there is a full range of cat personalities. Our two cats, Mr. Kitty and Little Kitty (yeah, I know as cat people we could improve on choosing names) are completely different.Little Kitty is nonchalant about affection until we say her name – then she literally falls at our feet. Cat people love attention.


Cats Are There For The Food
Both cats have a ritual about getting fed. Food can already be in the bowl for Mr. Kitty, yet he has this routine in order to be happy (I know it’s the repetition that’s driving him). As a cat, he thinks feeding has to be done the same way each time. I go to the pantry, get the bag of food, walk to the door as I stumble over him, he rushes to the bowl waiting for me to pour the cat food, and then he dives in. Little Kitty just waits until someone feeds her. Cat people love seeing their animals happy.


Cats Like To Sleep In The Same Place
I moved Little Kitty’s bed to another room based on a furniture change. She was dazed for a couple of days until she figured out that the guest bedroom digs looked better. She has taken over the room. Mr. Kitty first has to sleep on our bed, then he crawls between the wall and the headboard for a really good sleep. These two really don’t change where they prefer to sleep. Cat people love to see contended cats.


Cats Can Be Trained To Go Outside
Both of our cats prefer living outside since we are in a rural area but they like to come inside for part of the day. Mr. Kitty, the elder cat, trained himself when it came time for a whiz. If his cat people are sleeping, he pounces on our feet to wake us up. If that doesn’t work, he meows very loudly. Then he kind of grunts when his cat people get up in the middle of the night and open the door (like what is our problem). Mr. Kitty taught Little Kitty how to do this; however, she has more class and just sits at the door with a polite meow. As cat people, we never taught either one to do this.


Cats Look Right Through You
Cats think they have superior intelligence and sometimes we think they do. Even though they are animals, they know more than we realize. I remember watching a true story on T.V. where a cat saved an infant’s life. The cat was in the room with the infant child and a baby monitor. The child stopped breathing, the cat knew it and started meowing very loudly into the monitor. The child’s life was saved.
Both of our cats walked onto our property and became ours or we became theirs. This love story continues as Mr. Kitty and Little Kitty rule their cat people.
I miss both cats very much. They kept us on our toes and made us laugh.


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