2021-04-01 龟兔赛跑 9303
What do you like most about this world?


Vjekoslav Nemec Master's Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb

Vjekoslav Nemec 萨格勒布大学电气工程和计算学院电气工程硕士

1 Playing a good chess game
Once in a while, I have that „game“.
A game where I know the opening well. A game where I know „what to do in the position“. A game where I discover ideas with ease, where I calculate well and where I manage to convert my advantage without any problems, for a change.


A game where everything seems to fall into place. Myself in the „zone“ basically from the beginning to the very end.
Games such as this one are incredibly satisfying. Managing to combine your memory, creativity and brain power in order to outplay your opponents is extremely pleasurable.
During the four or five hours, you immerse yourself completely in the matters happening over-the-board and nothing can make a chessplayer happier than the realization it was all not in vain.
If only such games happened more often…


2 Having an intellectual conversation
If I would have to describe my favourite type of social gathering, it would probably be some sort of book club, where a number of highly intelligent people and myself discuss complex topics and ideas.
There is nothing more stimulating and interesting than having a deep and intellectual conversation about a deep and meaningful topic. Conversation where both sides rack their brains, explore different concepts and try to comprehend something new. Conversations where you have to think all the time and after which you definitely learn something in the end.

如果我必须描述一下我最喜欢的社交聚会,那可能是某种读书俱乐部,让一些非常聪明的人和我一起讨论复杂的话题和想法 。

Conversations that have become somewhat of a forgotten activity nowadays. Perhaps the very fact they are so rare is the main reason why I find them so interesting and fun.
Now, don't get me wrong, I definitely hope I am not one of those intellectual elitists who think everyone should be going around with a handful of Nietzsche books and discuss existentialism and nihilism and whatnots and not concern themselves with puny affairs of ordinary humans.


I definitely like banter and small talk and intimacy and emotional connection and sharing problems and simply listening to each other without introducing some higher concepts.
But I do think we humans have become somewhat lazy and our measures of success in life somewhat – shallow.
But that is a topic for another day.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

3 Inventing a creative/silly joke
As those of you misfortunate enough to read my answers might have realized by now, I am incredibly fond of toilet humour.
I get a huge dopamine rush whenever I invent some stupid punch line, silly word play or some unexpected humorous lix between something completely unrelated.
In real life, I often think of something in the middle of the conversation and literally feel the warmth and excitement going through my body. It immediately evokes my inner child. I get this „kid-done-something-wrong-and-got-caught“ expression and feel the physical urge to spit the joke out immediately, much to the irritation of the person I am talking to.


Laughter, and a sense of humour, is incredibly important to me. I literally can't hang out with people who are too serious or who can't laugh at similar jokes.
For me, a sense of humour is probably the most important trait of a romantic partner.
Naturally, there are moments when I overdo it.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

But I have zero regrets.
I've recently watched Ricky Gervais' new stand up show Humanity, where he said he and his brother always adhered to the following principle:
„If you think it is funny, you say it.“
If I had a life motto, that would be the one.


Jordan Allen Salesperson, cereal lover

Jordan Allen 推销员,谷物爱好者。

I love their seemingly outstanding curiosity for the world. The way their ears perk up and the face of confusion they have at a toy that doesn't make sense to them.
The unadulterated enthusiasm they have for life every day. The unconditional love they have for you every time you walk through the door.


The way music can make you go through the level of emotion in 5 minutes or less that it takes movies 2 hours or more to develop.
I love how it can put me in the best of moods and love how it can make me relate to those feeling down. I love that there's some kind of internal science to what makes music sound good to me and what makes it sound bad and everyone's equation is a little different.


It's great that there's people who you can just sit down and do nothing with. You don't have to do anything for them to like you. You didn't have to go out with them the last time they invited you out, you don't have to just talk about the things they like, you can be you and whether they like it or not they'll still love you.


Going through challenging your body till you feel like you're going to collapse. Pushing through your legs burning and your lungs feeling like they've shrunk down to the size of peas.
The wave of euphoria you get when you stand tall at the end of it is mind-blowing.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Getting to know people.
There's something fantastic about the way people's mind works. No two minds are the same but there's so many things that are different.
It's wonderful when you ask someone a highly personal, emotional question and they give you a real answer. There's something so raw about it. You suddenly know something about them almost no one else does, and they chose to share it.


Being in the zone.
There are times in life where everything connects and flows just so perfectly and smoothly.
The strokes of your keyboard strike so crisply. You hear the click clack of each button you press perfectly developing into exactly what you wanted to write.
The feeling of each strike against pads as you throw a combination when training martial arts.
The clarity in your head when you're speaking


What do I like most about this world?
I like everything, the big things, the little things, they're so incredible and I have no idea how they ever became so perfect.


Sanjay Verma, The Wandering Bohemian

Sanjay Verma 流浪的波西米亚人

“The most beautiful thing about this world, is of course, the world itself”
Most of you would know this quote from the movie Cast Away with Tom Hanks ,but actually it's a quote from the American poet Wallace Stevens.
I guess I bring it up because I believe a lot of happiness and beauty lies in one’s observation of nature and the physical world around us. It can be a truly powerful force and I know personally, in times of my life where I have been down, I’ve been lifted up through being more observant of the environment around me. Whether it be enjoying walks by the streets, beaches, a drive through the villages or a conversation with a stranger.

我之所以提出它,是因为我相信人们对自然和周围自然世界的观察会带来很多幸福和美丽。 这可能是一种真正强大的力量,我个人知道,在我一生中遭受挫折的时刻,我通过加强对周围的环境观察而倍受鼓舞。 无论是在街上漫步,沙滩漫步,驾车穿越村庄还是与陌生人交谈,都可以感受到。

We live in such a breathtaking environment that is full of magic and wonder. Although we can feel intense sadness, profound happiness can be just around the corner. One step away. One thought away. One kiss away. Sources for joy are literally everywhere, one just has to overlook all of the negative things trying to cover them up.
Every person is a unique being shaped by the infinite amount of variables that our Earth-bound existences offer us. Every human being is living a life as vivid & as complex as yours with their own flaws, miseries, aspirations, dreams, secrets. Every man and woman holds inside themselves a story so infinitely interesting that it could never be told completely in a film, book or conversation.


The Earth is a museum and we all are the art within it. Study all of the art regardless of its shape, color or texture and you will gain a greater understanding of the museum.
One of my favorite things to do is to walk down a busy street without headphones and just observe the happenings around me. Sometimes I will observe the architecture above the awnings of the shops, try to notice things I have never seen before. I will listen to the languages and tone of the people around me. I suppose it is kind of what the Buddhists refer to mindfulness, and what I like to think of as a meditation along the path. I think human creation is just as inspiring as the natural world, so I always try to incorporate both into my walks.
We live in a amazing world. It is ever-pervading and impossible to miss unless your eyes are closed.


Rajat Ubhaykar
That there are so many different ways to look at the world and our place in it. That even though we inhabit the same physical space, in our minds, we live in separate worlds. That the world as we see it is coloured by the 'spectacles' we don.
The Geopolitical Lens: This I believe is the cold, brutal reality of the world. The world of intrigue, of secret treaties, of bloody wars and lately, of nuclear weapons. The world of power.
The Artistic Lens: Just listen to 'What a Wonderful World' and you'll know what I mean. This is the world of beauty, of green grass and blue skies, a world brimming with love and pain.

艺术视角:只要听“多么美好的世界”,你就会明白我的意思。 这就是美丽的世界,拥有绿草和蓝天,一个充满爱和痛苦的世界。

The Biological Lens: The world as an agglomeration of living and non-living things, of cells and protozoa and white blood cells. This is the world of Darwin's evolution and natural sextion. The most perceptibly unifying view of the world. There's nothing changing that.
The Historical Lens: A dynamic and humbling view of the world. We know we're bound to repeat our mistakes, that we will suffer for the mistakes of our ancestors and that we will fuck up the coming generation. Makes one realize that the past is a foreign country.


The Anthropological Lens: To paraphrase David Foster Wallace, a worldview that attempts to answer "what it means to be a fucking human being". A worldview that encompasses the origins of morality, religion, marriage, family and everything that we deem important in our society.
The Physical Lens: The most ambitious of all worldviews. The world of atoms, wave-particle dualities and The Big Bang. The crowning achievement of human intellect and an earth-shattering revelation for the pious.
These views are not mutually contradictory and there certainly are other ways too. That's what makes the world such an exciting place to live in. All you need to change your world is some perspective!


The world is filled with amazing and wonderful things but let me just mention few of them.
1. Having to know that someone is always there for you no matter what. This feeling somehow remove your fear that what will happen if i get failed and therefore you give your 100% in any given task.
2. Another best thing in the world is mother ( i think for almost all of us) . I mean she is just everything for me in this world. few days back i was sitting with her and having a chat and suddenly i noticed two or three strands of white hair on her scalp and that whole day i was just reviving all my childhood memories and the less and less time i have with her


3. Another best thing in this world is the wisdom that your father gives you by all his experience, all the situation he faced in his life. earlier i used to ignore all his talks when i was a teenage but now i know nothing is more precious than those talks .. I remember few days back he told me that he used to do labour work somewhere as a servant in his young age .. And told me whatever happens in your life just earn your bread with hardwork even if you have to stay hungry just stay but never ever become someone servant and lose your respect..
4. Another best thing in the world is getting to know that you are capable of doing everything you want. Nothing is stopping you except you. Trust me its one of the best feeling.
5. Another best thing in the world is nature, i mean just look at it , it is something that can refresh you within some seconds . i personally love to stay near nature and live a life as simple as i can …


Urvashi Chandra
1. You are strong, confident and a person who never cries. You are holding everything in, going through a crazy chaotic life. You still manage to keep that beautiful smile on your face all the time. But then, you see that one person and lose every bit of calm you were holding on to. And you pour yourself. You cry your heart out and you put that shield down, because you feel safe. The feeling of that person is one of the best things in the world.
2. All your life you saw a dream. That one particular scene in your mind you couldn't shake, the visual that drove you all your life. Then one day, after the whole hustle, you realise that dream, you stand there, smiling with the feeling of respect for yourself, and the feeling of gratitude towards life.
3. The feeling of eating the food that can give you multiple foodgasms.


4. You are going on a trip, you can feel the slight coldness of the wind in your hair, you can see the scenery synchronising with your playlist and you can see all your worries leaving behind with the passing road. That thrill of unpredictability of the unknown.
5. After finishing a difficult day when you enter the house and you smell something delicious that Maa is cooking. That warmth of love.
6. When you start losing hope and see people stop believing in you slowly, you see only one man with reassuring eyes, doing everything for you, believing in you, unconditionally! The silent love of Father.


7. The infinite bond you feel in the hugs of the people you love even when you meet them after a long gap.
8. Throwing your worst at someone, and still seeing them loving you with everything that they have. The security of that patient love.
9. You open your inbox to check mails, and you find a very long Thank you note from someone you were trying to help. That feeling is the best, never forget that feeling, that's what makes you YOU!


You're talking to yourself in this answer, just to remind yourself again and again everytime you see it, that life is wonderful and you are blessed.
Be kind to yourself before anyone else, read this answer when you lose hope.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Aaysha Web
If I only talk about myself, then I like the most in the world connecting people .To connect with people is my happiest and favorite thing in the world.
I like it most because i want That wherever I go people know me there I have created a good relationship with Them so that they are happy to meet me.


Creating a good relationship with any unknown person is also a great art in my Eyes it is the most wonderful thing in the world in which you connect with People and build a good relationship, there is a different happiness in it .
Making a good relationship in a while without knowing anybody is a beautiful Feeling of the world, The most beautiful feeling in it is that you are so good a Person that people are happy to meet.
I think walking in every city is not a big deal, but in that city you know someone Or not this is a big thing to make new friends and understand their cultures is the Most favorite thing in my world.

在我看来,与任何一个不知名的人建立良好的关系也是一门伟大的艺术,这是世界上最美妙的事情,你可以与人联系,建立良好的关系 这是一种与众不同的幸福。

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