2021-04-01 汤沐之邑 5148

What are the 10 things you love to do & why?


Anmoldeep Singh
1. Meditation:- It’s been 4 years since I’ve been practising meditation techniques seriously and I do it on a daily basis for atleast 2 hours. It has indeed opened up my mind to new things and I’ve got clarity in my life.
2. Reading:- Reading has always been my passion since childhood earlier it was reading English school books, later on, my interest got shifted to fiction and now I enjoy reading Non-fiction especially the self-help genre. I read daily for atleast an hour and due to this, I’m able to uncover the hidden corners of my imagination power.
3. Writing:- I’m a freelance writer now, so writing is something I do as a daily task and I enjoy doing that, I think on paper. I’m an engineer by profession but writer by choice.
4. Deep conversation:- I love talking about life, spirituality and meditation, small talk don’t excite me anymore and I love communicating with my kind of people(People with whom I resonate)
5. Self-talk:- I love talking to myself, people often find me talking in air and sometimes my parents think that I’m gone mad but I like exploring my own thoughts and that is why I talk to myself.

冥想:我认真练习冥想技术已有4年了,我每天至少练习2个小时。 它确实让我对新事物敞开了胸怀,而且我的生活也变得清晰起来。

6. Working out/running:- I love running especially the feeling that I get after sweating, it just makes me feel confident and in this way, I burn my stress of the day, I like being hard with myself.
7. I love listening to music:- I love all genre of music, I don’t have any particular type of playlist, it totally depends on my mood, it just helps me explore the various aspects of life and also the emotions of human beings.
8. Collecting sneakers:- I’m a huge sneaker fan, wearing a sneaker makes me confident. No matter what kind of clothes am wearing, I just need to wear sneakers in order to become confident in my outlook.
9. Playing with dogs:- I’m a dog lover and playing with them is the number 1 remedy to burn stress, and believe me they will never disappoint you.
10. Listening to stories:- I love listening to stories, I love listening to people, the kind of experience they have, what is their opinion of life, how do they look at life and everything.


Aparajito Bhattacharya (অপরাজিত ভট্টাচার্য্য)
I have always been an introvert, a curious one. I like to observe and learn new things. So, most of my favourite activities generally involve only me. The following are just some of them-
· I love taking long walks in the mornings: Not a jog, not in a park. In the streets, along the riverside, in my town. The morning air, the calm flow of the river, the rays of the morning sun glittering on the murky water, the smell of wet silt and seasonal flowers. Ocassionally, a sudden detour through the narrow lanes and into a quiet corner of an unfamiliar neighbourhood. Sitting on the riverside to rest my tired feet. Sometimes walking along with a close friend or two, catching up on each other's recent activities. Also, taking a small camera along for another favourite hobby which is…

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

· Birdwatching: Most people tend to think all the diversity in wildlife can be seen in the forest or around the countryside. Avid urban birdwatchers know better. Morning is the best time to observe and marvel at the diversity of bird life a concrete jungle can sustain only with the help of some decent gardens. Just finding the right spots is all it takes. My long walks give me the chance to look for and document birds all along the riverside, right around the edges and into the heart of the busy town. The amazing variety among the various species and the incredible diversity in their behaviour never fails to make my morning better. I have waited for hours every morning day after day in the same spot only to catch a glimpse of a particular bird. The best thing about birdwatching is that it is a complete experience in itself. One can spend some time in peace among nature.
· I love to read: Not really curriculum stuff. I have always been an avid reader, books are one of the most important things for keeping my mental calm. Science or fiction, throw me anything, I'll be ready to sink in. Quora now consists a major part of my reading material.


· I like travelling on the suburban railway: During the quiet and lazy midday or a bit late at night. Not in the mornings and evenings when it's too crowded to even breathe. Just sit in a corner and gaze out of the window, enjoy the scene outside or maybe focus on a book I am carrying. I love observing strangers, being the fly on the wall, look at their journeys, activities, trying to figure out their stories. Ocassionally, a stranger would strike up a conversation. Watching the peddlers going about their daily busines, learning their stories from fellow passengers. Learning about the old man who sells a variety of pens, dressed in a neat shirt and tie, he used to work at a company that was shut down over a decade ago, forcing him to take up this profession. The woman who takes her autistic son and daughter to school every day. People of all ages, gender and profession. Of course there are rude people, but they do not make the journey any less interesting. I love to find out about other people's ideas, their views about the world, about life. I am amazed how different their ideas can be and still not conflict or contradict with each other. The views can be so similar athough there might not be any connection between them. It makes me think that our morals, our ideals, our beliefs are often not the result of civilizaton or culture, passed down along generations. It is much more fundamental- an instinct, a strong one.


L Aj, Currently works at nowhere yet

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

This is a cool question, I reckon I’m going to go by a weekly basis of things I like to do rather than a daily one because there’ll be more to talk about:
· I love to watch movies and T.V series - well, doesn’t almost everyone?
· I love to listen to music and I love to lie in bed and find new songs to listen to - I do this more than I do anything else to be honest. I just lie in bed and stare at the ceiling and listen to music really loudly.
· I like to go out with my friends and go to the shops and just walk about without buying anything - My friends and I have gone out multiple times in situations where neither of us have a single penny and we still go to the shops. We still have a great time walking about and talking; even if we can’t buy anything.
· I love to go to school - yup, you read that right, I love to go to school I mean the learning part is alright but that’s not why I love going to school. It’s more because I enjoy being around the people there since I would probably not hang out with them outside of school because we’re not that close but I love having a good laugh with them. Even the teachers are amazing and really nice.
· I love food. - this had to be on the list because… well… food…


· I love to go onto Quora - I spend nearly all of my time on this app and I learn so much from it. It’s also great for advice on things.
· I like to sleep - of course, everyone needs sleep but I genuinely find it fun. The dreaming part anyway because I lucid dream a lot so I’m basically free to do whatever I want.
· I like to put makeup on just to take it off - I have a really good makeup remover and it’s really satisfying seeing all of my makeup come off really easily. I can’t do makeup to save my life to be honest.
· I love googling - literally, I go on google and I research stuff like the Great Pyramids of Giza, when they were built, when celebrities were born, strange facts about things around me and I love to go on instagram and find one of those pages that posts weird facts and read through thousands of them. I find it really interesting and fun and it’s a great way to learn new things without being bored. Time passes by so quickly when I do it.
By the way, I changed from ‘like’ to ‘love’ based on how much I actually rank those things compared to others. Obviously I have other things that I like to do but I’ve listed the things that I do most.
Thanks for the request Fazal Dhanani!


Deidre Brown
1.Get my grandsons as much as I can.
They are funny and love to sit on my lap and they can be little boogers but they make me laugh at what they do. ( I laugh quietly where they don’t know I am laughing. )
2. I love doing volunteer work.
I have met so many nice people doing that and I like being able to help if I can.
3. Camping.
It gets me outdoors and around nature and other people and places.
4. Hanging with my friends.
I happen to be blessed with many good friends that don’t have to be drunk to have a good time.
5. Doing crafts.
I enjoy making things. Doesn’t matter if i am re-purposing things or making things, oil painting, taking pictures.
6. Taking pictures.
I am not a pro but I think you need photos to show history and family genes. I look at my younger grandson and I remember a picture of my ex at that age and they look exactly alike. The same goes for his father and one that came over on the boat. I also love to think about the stories that can come from old homesteads and barns.

做工艺品。我喜欢做东西。 不管我是重新布置事物还是做东西,画油画或者拍照都可以。

7. Go hear local bands play.
I like to show my support and take my grandsons.
8. Listen to Motown and music of the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s.
After that it all changed I don’t like the songs that keep repeating the same things over and over. Don’t care for rap. Have no idea who the rock singers are anymore because most of the ones like I listen to are now on the country stations and country isn’t country anymore.
9. Playing games on the computer.
Keeps my brain thinking. I like the ones that you name that tune and puzzle, card games.
10. Watching my favorite shows and comedy.
I know they aren’t all real but some of the stuff they come up with just kills me. Makes me wonder what they were on to come up with it. Which goes along with comedy.


Mayuri Hake
Boy, I could go on and on for the things I love doing!
Food-wise- Trying to learn how to cook or bake something new, eating something new or something I love to eat, catching constant whiffs of popcorn from halfway across the room and just breathing in the goodness, decorating cakes, making a smoothie and having it turn out just right, looking for new restaurants to eat at in a new city or town, and the list really goes on!
Music-wise- putting your YouTube music Playlist on shuffle and hearing the best songs first, playing the violin without hearing it screech (I’ve just begun learning how to play it), playing a song on the Piano and not making any mistakes, listening (watching too) to friends playing the piano, putting on the radio and a good song pops up, and so on!
School-wise- finishing a test early or just on time, carrying a light backpack home, eating lunch with friends, and so on!
Home-wise- coming home, not having any chores to do, and doing nothing!


Friend-wise- planning a hangout and it works (!!!), laughing with friends, enjoying the simple things in life together, seeing them smile, etc!
Family-wise- picking a gift for a loved one, eating together as a family, and overall being with family!
Relationship-wise- hanging out with my loved one after not seeing them for so long, having calls that last till one of us must sleep, texting them whenever, romantic actions (holding hands with them, kissing, enjoying being carried, etc), and enjoying looking back at all of my fond memories with them and the ones yet to come!
Anime-wise/manga-wise - finding the perfect one to watch or read, the feeling of when you finish a good anime or manga, etc.
Plant-wise- taking care of my plants, watching them grow, naming them (yes I name them), looking or getting new plants (yay!!!), etc.
And the list goes on. But who has time to list everything they love doing? And last but not least, being weird.
“Whether it’s the cats or the people, it’s the weirdos that make life interesting!”


Sindhu Mahadevan, living, learning and enjoying!
I enjoy short walks…not strenuous and sweaty, but casual and stimulating.
I live for childlike wonder….at a chipmunk’s full, puffed out cheeks, a deer that suddenly emerges...
I am always up for a stimulating debate…matters of great significance, topics that evoke passion…
I am a devotee of simple conversation…free of theme, flowing freely and meandering, independent of the need for structure.
I love a perfect cup of tea…with someone that can enjoy a comforting silence…
I find peace in reading…with a snack, a warm bowl of soup!
I absolutely love writing, fiercely typing away…almost chasing words that threaten to disappear around corners of newly forming thoughts…
I relish sitting on the patio, watching it rain….
I purr in soft, warm blankets…and the luxury of sleeping an extra few minutes
I succumb willingly to a good movie…which lingers in my mind for days…
I have a heart that melts while playing with dogs that pass by me…filling an empty spot that only a dog can!


I love giving a thoughtful gift….and watching the innocent joy of the recipient telling me my effort was worthwhile.
I enjoy cooking,….and agonizing over its perfection!
I love visiting artsy stores…..full of beautiful furniture and art that though I do not own, make me feel part of a different, colorful world.
I derive inexplicable satisfaction from arranging documents…sorted by parameters that even I can’t recount when I re-organize them…
I have fun getting to know strangers….and relating to their experiences and opinions…
I enjoy a lovely brunch…where I’ll splurge on the rare cup of coffee.
I lovingly recollect hugs….and the sentiments behind them!
I cherish the freedom of being myself with my closest friends, laughing with abandon…and laughing some more, thinking about how silly the whole thing is!
I enjoy gardening…and lovingly touching tiny fruits that are starting to form.
I take delight listening my friends, in hushed tones, telling me a secret….thrilled in the fact that I should not be knowing!
I indulge in the silky smoothness of white chocolate….
I take thrill in pushing aside all the many, many important things that I need to get done….to do the thing I really want to….
I rejoice in a day, without an agenda.


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