2021-04-02 龟兔赛跑 6710

What do you like most about this world?


Ambuj Kumar
This is not a complex question… For me the best thing in world is family and friends.
Family supports you always whenever you are in difficulties. Whenever I meet my parents I think like a emperor. My sisters always bring smile on my face. My brother is a nice gift of God to me because the encouragement style of my bhaiya is just awesome. He backs me in every situation. I think the family is the best thing of the world.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

And the friends..who can make you happy . I am a lucky person who have some ffriends those understand me , encourage me ,make me realize that I am important. One thing I want to mention strongly that people think “a boy and a girl never will be friends” but they are wrong in my condition I have a couple of female friends. One of them is really a kind hearted who understands me better than myself yeah her name is Juhi Maltiyar . She is very important for me .

还有那些能让你快乐的朋友。我是一个幸运的人,有一些了解我、鼓励我的朋友,他们让我意识到我是重要的。我想强调的一点是,人们认为“男孩子和女孩子永远不会成为朋友”,可我觉得他们的说法是错误的。我有几个女性朋友,其中一个真的很善良,她比我更了解我。是的,她叫尤希·马尔蒂亚尔, 一个对我来说是十分重要的人。

In my opinion if you have these both things(family&friends) you are luckiest one and you have to be thankful to God ever…
One wish I want to make here . May God always care of my family and also my friends.
Thanks for asking this question.
Thanks for reading it.

我想在这里许个愿。 愿上帝永远照顾我的家人和我的朋友。

1. Nature, greenery and water
2. People who love to keep these(Nature, greenery and water) as they are(clean)
3. Civilized people(who treat whole country as their home)
4. Eating food(I eat less but i want more items)


5. Being lazy by choice
6. skip bath at least one day over the weekend(weather not permitting that)
7. workout, well shaped body(i have already)
8. sleeping for long hours(these days i’m able to sleep for 10hrs only, after that as usual feeling hungry )


9. kids, i can play with them so much, i will become monkey while playing with kids(i play with my nephews as if i’m also 10–12 years old)
10. bad people getting punished, this gives me so much peace
11. Myself
12. singing, even after knowing I’m not blessed with a good voice. (i will sing when I’m in my room)


Darth Zador
Believe it or not the thing i like best about this world …. is you … you make me laugh uncontrollably, you cause me to cry with laughter, you make my sides hurt from laughing so hard. Have you ever smiled so much the your face starts to hurt…
That’s what you do to me. You create in me a feeling of comfort and security that can only come from the warmth of your embrace. Your likes, your views, the social media make up of our hollow lives … the constant entertainment on some portable glossy glass screen.


you people are the best thing about this world, our people are the most beautiful thing about this world, and you people are what i love most about this world. As evil as some of us are and as hateful and malicious as we can be, i still adore you above all else. You, the man who sees a child with no shoes, you take yours off and humbly donate your shoes to a stranger that has nothing.
The woman who intentioanlly gives food to those who cant afford it, or the person who opens their home and it becomes a shelter for battered women and orphans. You are what i love most about this world.


I love you that pas it forward, i love you that show random acts of kindness … when the world burns down the only thing that will endure is the Love we have for one another … The thing i love most about this worold is the love its shown me while ive been here for a meager 32 years … the joy its given me, the chances to fuck up and rebound without major consequences … This world is marvelous … you you my dear, you are what i love most about this world. you and your smile….


Sam Kaplan
Waking up on the morning next to my wife.
1. It means I get to start another day on this planet. I am now, shockingly to me, 71 years old. The remaining days are scarcer so more valuable—uhh, even if you are 20, the number is limited, right?
2. It means I will not spend the day alone. I will have support for the challenges; I have a built-in party to celebrate the the small victories that give life a special sweetness


3. I will enjoy the touch of a woman, on my body, in our home, and on my life, granting me a feeling of belonging that I would not otherwise enjoy, for I am a solitary person, the perennial outsider on the margin even when others draw me in.
Nothing else in the world comes close.


Lynda Appell
First of all one of my most favorite things are Quora queries where there is no correct or incorrect answer. This question is certainly one of them . Other favorite things is listening to many types of music from Bach to Rock including particularly especially blues, rockabilly, Latino/a artists and other genres.
I have the love and support of my sister and other female friends. I recite poems with them, and sometimes I read my own poems.
I also like flea markets and thrift stores, which make me feel great.I suppose you figured I love bargains. Because that includes cheap shops like Burlington Coat Factory, but you'll understand how I feel when you go.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I like watching Trevor Noah's Daily Show and Colbert's Anti-Rump. These are great. I especially like watching TV. I like Jason Ax's sexy bow legs. My favorite websites are as follows: FactCheck.org websites (non-partisan news inquiry from the University of Pennsylvania) rottentomatos.com websites, I like their RT meters,non-profit websites mediabiascheck, Here you can see the views of most people's websites.
I like the feeling of using glue-like lotion on my dry skin, which can smell lavender and relax slowly. ..


Mourya Krishna
Every human is accepted for what he/she is. The world is affluent with
resources and ideas. If people were considered players, then the world
is a stage that is totally unbiased. It gives equal opportunities to
people. There are some who recognize these and create a world within
the world and at the same time there are those who live in a world
designed by others.
The happier lot are the people who have been able to create their own
worlds. This world is a result of courage, diligence, persistence and
innovation displayed by those individuals.

每个人都因其自身而被接受。这个世界充满了资源和想法,如果人们被认为是玩家,那么这个世界是一个完全没有偏见的平台。它给予人们平等的机会。有些人认识到了这些东西,并在世界之外创造了另一个世界 ,同时也有些人会生活在一个由别人设计的世界里。

On the contrary, the ones who complain are the ones who are living in
a world created by others and are constantly complaining and looking
for a way out. This world is more dangerous because it is a breeding
ground for envy, anger, contempt, doubt, frustration and stress.
In short, the world in its original form is unbiased and abundant with
opportunities. What really matters is how an individual wants to act -
is he/she ready to conquer it or just be content with the world
designed by others and sail along?


1.Reading. I love reading books when i feel lonely or depressed,it makes me feel like that i am not alone and i feel kind of relax after reading a lot .It is such a profitabale thing because we only use a little money to buy the author's thoughts that may have been written for many years.Therefore,everytime i read i feel i have earned a lot of money.
2.Exercising. I love running and playing badminton so much.I love the feeling when i sweat a lot , it seem as if i can do everthing i want.I always talk to myself:if i can run for such a long time,what else of diffculities that i can’t get over?

读书。 每当我感到孤独或沮丧的时候,我都喜欢看书,这让我觉得我不是一个人,读了很多书后我会感到有点放松。 这是一件有利可图的事情,因为我们只用很少的钱去买作者可能写了很多年的思想。因此,每次我读书的时候,我都觉得我赚了很多钱。

3.Learning English.I recite new words everyday ,and i feel my mind keep active while learning new language.I get to see another culture another world, which makes me so excited.
I am a Chinese student,this is my first time writing this.Hope you can like it. Rectify my mistakes if you can see this answer.Thank you!

学英语。 我每天背诵新单词,我觉得我的头脑在学习新语言的时候会保持活跃。我看到了另一种文化,另一个世界,这让我很兴奋。
我是一名中国学生,这是我第一次写这个,希望你能喜欢。如果你能看到这个答案,有错误可以纠正。 谢谢你!

Shyam Sundar, studied at Anna University, Tamil Nadu, India
According to me the best things are learning and making money. Actually maybe I have some complex that maybe I did not utilise my potential to the full extent that just makes me to go mad and explore everything and make the most of everything. Invest time in learning, invest its result in making money, again invest that money to learn more and repeat this cycle. As of now I just know this. Maybe later on if I have more responsibilities and other stuff in life I might venture into other stuff.


Actually I never thought I would love to play keyboard or piano. Learning this recently has been an important change in my life. My mom being mostly related and interested in music, I had such interests. Even I was the one who used to drop my sister in a singing class in young age. Parents thought she might be talented in it. I spent most of the time mocking her in singing and I never even tried learning at that time. Later I felt I should have started learning it very early which would have speeden up my learning in everything else.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Ryan Landrum
My planet has alot of this stuff I'm addicted to, its called oxygen and my planet does a great job of keeping the concentration constant in the atmosphere.
My Planet has this awesome stuff that I'm also addicted to. Its called water and I love it, not only does it make up most of my planet's surface but it also makes up most of my body. I love the way water acts on my planet, I can ski on its solid form, snorkel in its liquid form and steam myself in its gas form.


My planet has this awesome quirk where its inside is made of molten iron and as it rotates it generates a massive magnetic field that keeps my planet from roasting due to heavy radiation.
My planet is a nice size, with a decent amount of gravity to suite my daily needs.
My planet is so sweet because it is in a beautiful neighboorhood, we've got lovely mars and jupiter exquisite venus and neptune to gaze in wonder at. And our neighboorhood is not crowded at all, we've never even seen any neighboors.
My planet is cool, you should visit it sometime.


Ankita Srivastava
1. I was in my cab on my way home. I passed my and my ex’s favourite dining place. I just looked at it and you know what ? I don’t miss him anymore and looking at that place makes me feel nothing. It’s just another good restaurant. Getting over someone you thought you can’t live without is one of the best things ever.
2. After a while, I called my friend. We haven't spoken for years, but I found that our relationship is still the same, and I' m glad some people haven't changed as they used to.


Kiran Nagaraj, BE Electronics and Communication Engineering, Visvesvaraya Technological University
Favorite thing about this Earth…
To be exact, it will be a very unique, very amazing place, I would say home.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The place where I would like to spend my whole life out. It's just not my home it's my world. I have grown and those memories and those things which reminds me of my past or I just say as the best ever time I have spent with my loved ones.It's all so beautiful and happy.
Life itself is a gift we should make use to create​ a wonderful living.


Have a plan and live your life with all your happiness. Take care of your loveable person and find some time to spend it with the nature around.
Nature is the best medicine for everything that u should have to experience before you say goodbye to this mesmerising creation.


Kurt Schaffner
In psychology, Abraham Maslow, Albert Bandura, and other prominent psychologists invented a pyramid of wellness (happiness). Basically, everyone goes through different stages in life as they climb the “ladder” of happiness. However, for him/her to be truly happy he/she must complete each stage.
If the stage isn’t completed the individual cannot move on and will be stuck. The ultimate goal is to reach “oneness,” or what I call inner oneness, which is a natural balance between body and mind.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Once you reach this stage, everything is calm and it’s a feeling as though nothing can’t be accomplished. It took me many years to reach oneness but I am so glad I did because I am a better person now than I have ever been.
Therefore, the best thing in the world for me was reaching oneness because it has brought me much happiness and joy and most importantly inner peace.


Fenil Shah
This world or Earth is a huge place. There are lot of things i can point out but, I will only touch the one i think i like most.
1. Ocean : The oceans of this planet are vast and almost impossible to explore by single human being. The amount of things it stores inside is out of this world. From Small fished to Blue whale…. Human has not been able to go the deepest point of the ocean and that creates curiosity of what could we find down there.

海洋 :这个星球的海洋是巨大的,几乎不可能由一个人就探索完成。它在里面储存东西的数量超出了这个世界,从小鱼到蓝鲸。人类一直无法到达海洋的最深处,这就产生了我们在那里能找到什么的好奇心。

2. Human : Human is the most intelligent species on the face of the earth. It fascinates me how we came from living in a cave to apartments. Travelling across continents from boats to travelling across continents using airplanes.
3. Mothers : It is very astonishing that mother’s in every culture has same attitude when it comes to their kids. They are loving, protective and caring.

人类 : 人类是地球上最聪明的物种。让我着迷的是我们是如何从住在山洞里到住到公寓里的。如何从船上穿越大陆到用飞机穿越大陆。
母亲 : 非常令人惊讶的是,在每种文化里,母亲对孩子的态度都是一样的。他们是爱,是保护,是关心。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

4. Father : Fathers are normally the role model of a son. 95% of kids have always wanted to be like their father.They have spent nights sleeping hungry but, always providing food for his kid.
5. Culture : This is one of the best thing about this planet. We have so many cultures and i don’t think i have explored even fraction of it. The different varieties of food would not have been possible if it wasn’t for different cultures.
So, This is my list! hope you guys like it.

父亲 : 父亲通常是儿子的榜样。95%的孩子一直想成为他们的父亲那样的人。他们哪怕晚上饿着肚子睡觉,也要为他的孩子提供食物。
文化 : 这是这个星球上最好的事情之一。我们有如此多的文化,我想我甚至没有探索过其中的一部分。如果没有不同的文化,不同种类的食物也就不可能存在。

Sean Kernan
1. Laughing so hard that my stomach hurts. It doesn’t happen often. Probably less than once a year. But when it does, it’s magic.
2. Quiet time. When you use a few hours of alone time to decompress, you get a great feeling of immersing yourself in your hobbies and feeling slow life. Quiet time can keep your mind clear and pull you back from being influenced by the outside world.


Shreya Badonia
1. Instant sleep: The feeling when the moment you get into bed, and your head is clear and you fall asleep within a few minutes is the best thing ever. You don’t waste time in contemplation or waiting for sleep to come.
2. First bite: You’re starving, you take the first bite and you feel alive all over again.
3. Peace of mind: The thing I like the most is when your head is clear, there’s no background scene running in your mind. You’re at peace with your life and there’s nothing holding you back.

瞬间睡眠 : 当你上床的那一刻,还是头脑清晰,过了几分钟内就睡着了的感觉,是有史以来最好的。你不会浪费时间沉思或者等待睡眠的到来。
第一口 :当你饿了,吃到第一口食物的时候,你会感觉又活过来了。
安心 : 我最喜欢的一件事,就是脑子清醒的时候,脑子里没有东西乱转。你的生活会感觉很平静,没有什么能阻挡你。

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