2021-04-12 君子冲盈 17163

Debashish Mukhi
1. Sticky Fingers
The physics of the body can be used to trick people's minds. Our bodies are capable of bizarre and bewildering behaviors. Exploring these can be a fun way to confuse your friends and family.
How the Trick Is Done:
This one can be done alone, or with another person. First, you need to clasp your hands together. Not together as though you are praying, but interlock your fingers and bend them, as though you would if you were holding someone's hand.
You then put your two index fingers (forefingers) out straight, leaving a small gap between them (so they are not touching) while keeping your hands clasped together and the rest of your fingers interlocked.
Usually, what you'll find after just a few seconds is that your index fingers will slowly start closing in on each other until, eventually, they touch. This is an automatic response and can only be avoided by purposely making the effort (which is actually more difficult than you would expect).
When asking another person to do this, you can pretend to tie an invisible piece of string around their index fingers, thereby giving them the illusion that you are doing it.
Result: The principle behind how this trick works is ideomotor movement (or ideomotion). The trick works opposite to how you normally position and use your fingers. It confuses your senses and causes a double take.

1. 手指相粘
这个技巧背后的原理是意识运动( 或称意念运动 ),这个把戏的工作原理与你平时定位和使用手指的方式相反,它混淆了你的感官,过后才恍然大悟。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

2. The Pendulum
One common myth is that the gender of an unborn child can be predicted by swinging a pendulum above a pregnant mother's womb. Obviously, this technique would be useless in modern times (even if it did work) because we can now do this with ultrasound. Nevertheless, this same principle can be used to confuse your friends.
How the Trick Is Done:
Make a pendulum by tying a coin or a key to a piece of string.
Assign "yes" to clockwise and "no" to counterclockwise and then ask the pendulum questions. (Of course, all the movements are a result of ideomotion and are carried out subconsciously, but this very same principle could in fact be used to turn the pendulum into a lie detector!)
Simply ask your friend or family member to hold the pendulum and ask them a question, but tell them to only answer it in their mind. If they hold that answer in their mind, the pendulum will usually begin to rotate either clockwise or anti-clockwise based on their answer.
Result: The participant is actually moving the pendulum themselves, they just don't consciously realize it. Real lie detectors work in a similar way. This mind trick is based on ideomotion, meaning that the subject makes motions unconsciously.
Optical Illusion

3. 钟摆陷阱
显然,这种技术在现代社会是没有用的 ( 即使它真的有用 ),因为我们现在可以用超声波来做这件事,尽管如此,这个原理同样可以用来迷惑你的朋友。

3. Visions of Jesus
This one's a pretty cool optical illusion that you can try alone, then try with all your friends. It's also one well worth experiencing.
How the Trick Is Done:
To see this optical illusion, you need the image up above. Notice that there is a line of dots near the middle of the image.
What you need to do is tell someone to focus on and stare at those three dots for between thirty to sixty seconds non-stop.
Once they're done staring at the dots, tell them to close their eyes and put their head back, making sure to keep their eyes firmly shut (but tell them not to strain, or keep them too tight).
Result: Within a few seconds, Jesus will miraculously appear right in front of them! The longer they keep their eyes shut, the more pronounced and detailed the image should become... until it eventually begins to fade away.

3. 耶稣幻象

当他们盯着圆点看完后,告诉他们闭上眼睛,把头向后仰,确保他们的眼睛紧闭 ( 但是告诉他们不要紧张,放松 )。
几秒钟之内,耶稣奇迹般地出现在他们面前!他们闭上眼睛的时间越长,图像就会变得越明显和细节化..... 直到最终消失。

4. Sinking Into the Floor
How the Trick Is Done:
Get your friend to lie face down on the floor with their arms stretched out in front of them. They should remain completely relaxed.
You then lift their forearms up to about your waist level and hold them there for between 30 to 60 seconds.
After that, you slowly begin to lower their arms towards the floor, which makes them feel like they are literally free-falling straight through the floor.
Result: The mind and body are tricked into losing their normal sense of space. The sensation of sinking/falling will not last long, but it will certainly freak them out for a little while. The other participate will become confused as well, calling out just before they think they're going to hit the floor!

秘诀 :

5. Mind-Reading (1)
The "carrot" trick is quite a popular and effective one, but don't question why or how it works. It just does!
How the Trick Is Done:
Write down the word "carrot" on a piece of paper.
Give it to your friend, but tell them not to look at it... yet.
Let them hold on to it so they know there's no cheating going on.
Next, ask them "what's 1+1?" and wait for them to answer.
Ask "what's 2+2?" and wait for them to answer.
Keep going until you get to 8+8.
After they answer, ask them to name a vegetable.

5. 读心术 (一)
“胡萝卜”的把戏是相当流行,也很有效,但不要质疑为什么,也不要质疑它的作用,做就是了 !
秘诀 :
接下来,问他“1 + 1等于几 ?”然后等他们回答。
再问“2 + 2 等于几?”然后等他们回答。
一直到 8 + 8为止 。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Result: 90% of the time they will think of a carrot. They don't realize it, but their answer is already there on the piece of paper you gave them! These mathematical tricks are tools used by mentalists to "read" people's minds. We have two brain functions. When the higher cognitive function is distracted, we revert to a very suggestive state of mind. Some think that this trick works because the counting reminds us of children's books, etc. and carrots are the most common vegetable we learn about as U.S. kids. That said, how exactly it works is frequently under debate.
The narratives we create in our heads are not the same as the formulation of the unconscious mind. Our sense of reality is split and can be easily manipulated.

结果:90% 的人会想到胡萝卜。

6. Mind-Reading (2)
Everyday we deal with numbers and letters. No matter how smart or educated we think we are, these two things can easily be used to confuse us. We spend so much time thinking linearly about numbers and letters that our desire for logic can easily be manipulated.
How the Trick Is Done:
This is quite a popular one. Get someone to think of a number between one and ten.
Once they've sexted, tell them to multiply that number by nine. If they are then thinking of a number with two digits, tell them to add those two digits together.
Then tell them to subtract five.
Next, tell them to assign a letter of the alphabet to that number where A=1, B=2, C=3, etc.
Tell them to think of a country beginning with that letter.
Then ask them to think of an animal using the second letter of the country they are thinking of.
Then tell them to think of the color of that animal.

6. 读心术(二)

Result: You then tell them that they're thinking of a grey elephant from Denmark. (Smarter people can come up with answers which are a little more imaginative. You've got to know your audience.) The math computations your participants are doing here are just intended to confuse their minds. Basically, after all these calculations, you'll get one answer, and that is four.
And then the letter that corresponds to it is D. When you are told to think of any country that begins with that letter, the first one that comes into most of the people's minds is Denmark. From there, you are advised to skip that letter and move to the next one, which leads you to the letter "E."
Now you are told to think of an animal that begins with that letter. The first animal that comes to your mind is an elephant. When you consider its color, you get grey. In conclusion, you have a color grey, the animal elephant, and the country Denmark.

然后你告诉他们:他们想的是一头来自丹麦的灰象 ( 更聪明的人能想出更有想象力的答案,你必须了解你的听众) 。
对应的字母是 D,当你被告知想一个以这个字母开头的国家时,大多数人首先想到的就是丹麦(Denmark)。
从这地方开始,我们建议你跳过这个字母,转到下一个字母,这样就有了字母“ E”。

More Simple and Easy Mind Tricks
Control People With Your Eyes
Do you have any friends who always take the lead when walking? Do they move too fast, or get too bossy when going somewhere? This trick is always a fun one to play.
How the Trick Is Done:
If a person wants to go a certain way, and if they are looking at you, try looking in the opposite direction.
Exaggerate your gait and the speed of your walking to seem like you're in a hurry. This will confuse them further.
Result: Chances are that the person will start walking in the opposite direction, or stand there befuddled.

# 用眼睛控制别人

Confuse People's Hearing
Sound localization is a listener’s ability to identify the origin of a sound in direction and distance. The human auditory system has limited possibilities to determine the distance of a sound source. This one's incredibly easy to pull off!
How the Trick Is Done:
This trick can be performed with three people, one being the subject and the other two being obxts/observers. You will also need a headset connected to routine plastic pipes on either side.
Ask the subject to sit on a chair equidistant between you and the second observer.
Each one of you must hold the pipes from the headset on the corresponding sides and one by one they must speak into the pipes. The subject will rightly tell the direction of the sound.
Now, exchange the pipes and repeat voicing into the pipes. The subject’s brain will get confused and he’ll point in the opposite direction of the sound.
Result: Because this trick messes with inter-aural time differences, exchanging the pipes causes perception by the opposite sided neurons in the brain. That's why the subject will not be able to localize the sound.

# 迷惑人的听觉
秘诀 :
答案 :

Confuse Their Proprioreception or "The Pinocchio Effect"
"The Pinocchio effect" is an illusion that one's nose is growing longer. It is an illusion of proprioception, meaning that the sense of the relative position of one's own parts of the body become confused.
How the Trick Is Done:
This requires two chairs and a blindfold. The person wearing the blindfold should sit in a chair in the rear, staring at the back of the person sitting in the front.
The blindfolded person then reaches around and places his hand on the nose of the other person. At the same time, he should place his other hand on his own nose and begin gently stroking both noses.
After about one minute, more than 50% of the subjects will report that their nose is incredibly long. That's why this trick is called the "Pinocchio Effect."
Result: This trick is meant to confuse proprioreception. The trick always demonstrates how connected people are, how we can so easily take another's feelings on as our own. It also works on our insecurities. Our self-consciousness about our bodies can easily be manipulated.

# "匹诺曹效应"(混淆本体认知)
"匹诺曹效应 "是指一个人的鼻子变长的错觉,这是一种本体感觉的错觉,意思是对自己身体各部位的相对位置的感觉变得混乱。
秘诀 :
大约一分钟后,50%以上的受试者会表示自己的鼻子不可思议地变长了,所以这个把戏被称为 "匹诺曹效应"。

Feel a Phantom Sensation
Using the illusion of a strategically-placed rubber hand to trick the brain, scientists have made the first recordings of the human brain's awareness of its own body.
How the Trick Is Done:
Each volunteer must hide their right hand beneath a table while a rubber hand is placed in front of them at an angle suggesting that the fake hand is part of their body.
Stroke both the rubber hand and the hidden hand simultaneously with a paintbrush.
On average, it takes volunteers about 11 seconds to start experiencing that the rubber hand is their own.
After the experiment, ask volunteers to point towards their right hand. Most will reach in the wrong direction, pointing towards the rubber hand instead.
Result: For a little while, the volunteer will become confused as to which hand is their own. The effect diminishes rapidly, but the trick will almost always work. This confusion happens in the premotor cortex, providing further evidence of the brain's ability for re-adjustment.

# 感受幻觉
秘诀 :
结果 :

Terry Bollinger, Retired Chief Scientist
This trick is not just creepy, it can be scream-out-loud terrifying. Please use caution.
To be precise, it is more of a neural perception trick than a psychological trick. It is a stronger, more repeatable, and multi-person version of the same trick that Aishah Hannan described in another answer, with a couple of twists.

特里 · 博林格,退休首席科学家

I call it The Ghost Tap. If you try it, please be both cautious and ethical. Do not do it to anyone with a relevant medical condition, even if you tell them up front what is really going on. I recommend that you either explain what is really going on (it will still frighten them), or at the very least begin with an up-front disclaimer that no matter what you may say next, this is a magician’s trick, and what they are about to experience is not real.
So here’s The Ghost Tap:

我称之为 "幽灵之舞",

(1) Get some kind of easily triggered flash device, such as a cell phone camera set on flash mode.
(2) Go into a completely dark room, such as a large closet, with a friend or two (or a large mirror if you prefer looking only at yourself).
(3) Wait for at least two minutes until your eyes adjust to the dark.
(4) This part is important: Tell everyone that they must stay absolutely still for what comes next, and then for a couple of minutes afterwards. It is especially important that everyone keep their heads still and their eyes focused on the same spot. Relaxing can accidentally produce the needed stillness (as in the Aishah Hannan version), but the effect is independent of your mental state. It does not matter if you are relaxed, tense, or freaking out. It only matters that you don't move!
(5) With as little motion as possible, click the flash.
(6) The immediate result will be a second or so of a pulsing negative afterimage. Everyone must just stay frozen in place and wait.

1. 找一些容易触发的闪光装置,比如将手机摄像头设置在闪光模式。
2. 和一两个朋友一起进入一个完全黑暗的房间,比如一个大衣橱 ( 如果你喜欢只看自己的话,也可以用一面大镜子代替)。
3. 等待至少两分钟,直到你的眼睛适应了黑暗。
4. 这一步很重要: 告诉每个人,他们必须完全静止不动地等待接下来发生的事情,然后等几分钟。
尤其重要的一点是,每个人都要保持头部不动,眼睛盯着同一个地方,放松,这可以意外地产生所需的静止,但这种效果是独立于你的精神状态的,无论你是放松、紧张还是崩溃,这都不重要,唯一重要的是你不能动 !
5. 尽量减少动作,点击闪光灯。
6. 立即产生的结果是一秒钟左右的脉冲负余像,每个人都必须呆在原地等待。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

(7) Here, finally, is the fun part: Over the next few seconds, if you succeed in staying perfectly still, an exceptionally sharp positive afterimage of the scene will emerge. It will look exactly as if the flash has started glowing again, but this time in a soft, violet, continuous light that erases all color, but clearly and sharply illuminates the scene.
(8) It's all an illusion!
As best I've been able to determine (I have never uncovered any papers on it), this crisp, positive, violet-only afterimage is a neurological afterimage, rather than the more common retinal kind.
That is, the flash leaves a subtle temporary chemical signature on the nerves and possibly brain cells involved in interpreting vision. This signature is likely both very common and quite mild. It is usually ignored by the brain, which is very good at intelligently ignoring deceptive sensory inputs. (It has to be, since if it was not, the result would be either hallucination or psychosis.) However, in the absence of further light plus the complete absence of head or eye motion, that same very smart brain finally decides that the mild signals are real sensory inputs after all. So it decides to present them to our consciousness as real, exceptionally convincing images. Unlike retinal afterimages, these neural afterimages benefit from the full “dressing up” that the brain provides to anything it considers to be fully validated sensory inputs.
(9) The vivid positive afterimage will linger for several seconds, and there are all sorts of fun (and terrifying) games you can play while it is active.

7. 最后,有趣的部分来了:
在接下来的几秒钟里,如果你成功地保持完全静止不动, 一个异常清晰的正片余像就会出现。
8. 这一切都是幻觉!
就我所能确定的 ( 我还没有发现任何有关的论文 ),这种清晰的、正面的、只有紫色的余像是一种神经系统的余像,而不是比较常见的视网膜的那种。
也就是说,闪光灯在神经上留下了一个微妙的、暂时的化学信号,可能还有脑细胞参与了视觉的解读,这种信号可能非常普遍,也相当温和,它通常被大脑忽略,而大脑很擅长聪明地忽略欺骗性的感官输入 ( 大脑必须如此反应,因为如果不是的话,结果要么是幻觉,要么是精神错乱 ),然而,在缺乏进一步的光线和完全没有头部或眼球运动的情况下,聪明的大脑最终决定,温和的信号终究是真正的感管输入,因此,大脑决定将它们作为真实的,异常令人信服的图像呈现给我们的意识。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The other people cannot see you in the dark, but their brains will tell them that you are standing right there, completely immobile just like them. So imagine how they will react if you invisibly reach out and tap them on the shoulder… :)
If and only if you follow magician's brotherhood ethical rules and warn everyone up front that what follows is only a magician's illusion, here's a good magician’s patter (talk to misdirect attention) to use:
“Most folks don’t know this, but some forms of bright flashes also emit a special violet afterglow for a few seconds afterwards. Now, what’s amazing about this afterglow is that ghosts can also see it very clearly, and come rushing to see what is going on. Often they come in so fast that they break through the usual barriers and end up bumping into our world. So, please be ready just in case that happens to you. They mean you no harm, but the bumps from hurrying ghosts can be quite startling.”
So that’s it. Again, this is a delightfully unexpected and creepy effect, but one that is experimentally accessible and firmly based in the realities of both chemistry and neurology. In fact, if someone reading this is looking for a good experimental thesis topic in neurology, this concept of neural afterimages might be a good area to look into. The last time I checked many years ago, it did not seem to be a well-known effect at all.

9. 生动的余像会持续几秒钟,当它处于活动状态时,你可以玩各种各样的有趣 ( 和可怕的 ) 游戏。
所以想象一下,如果你无形地伸出手,拍拍他们的肩膀,他们会是什么反应 ...... : )
如果你遵守魔术师兄弟会的道德规则,并且提前警告所有人接下来的只是魔术师造成的幻觉,这里有一个不错的模板可供使用 (通过说话误导注意力) :
“ 大多数人并不知道这一点,但有些形式的明亮闪光会在几秒钟后发出一种特殊的紫色余辉,这种余晖的神奇之处在于,鬼魂也能很清楚地看到它,它们会赶来看看发生了什么,通常它们来的非常之快,它们突破了通常的障碍,最终闯入了我们的世界,所以,请做好准备,以防万一,它们对你没有恶意,但突如其来的鬼魂可能会让你大吃一惊。”

很赞 4