2021-04-13 yzy86 24048

1、Coffee though I'm not sure if I'd call it a "culture".


You consume highest coffee per capita but just drink casually ?


From what I can tell, yes. At least my gf and her family just drink filter coffee. But they drink a lot of it. I live with my gf now and she easily makes coffee 4-5 times a day.


I'd say dito for Sweden. Sure, we drink a shitload of it, but no one's particularly passionate about their coffee consumption. We just pour whatever coffee that happens to be available down our throats in ridiculous amounts.


2、Definitely coffee. Espresso in particular.


When I bought my house, for the first month I didn't have a kitchen because of covid delays. I had my fridge delivered early, then I had a couple of boxes acting as makeshift cabinets, a microwave and a single-zone induction stove from IKEA. I still HAD to go get a coffee machine because, no matter how shitty my kitchen was, I could not bear the thought of not offering a coffee to friends who would come see the new house, or to the workers who were coming often to deliver furniture.


I feel you. The same thing here. I even have a coffee maker in my truck. If someone comes to my house and I don't offer a coffee it could be disrespectful even. And the same at the end of lunch or dinner.


3、Certainly coffee. Viennese coffee houses are a culture of their own. Dying out, unfortunately. Many are just tourist traps these days.


4、I'd say it leans more towards coffee, but I personally am an extreme tea enjoyer


Definitely a coffee culture, but with tea coming in a strong second place.
I drink tea every day. You can find like... Lipton (shudder) in Carrefour, and sometimes Yorkshire Tea or PG Tipps. There are some good tea places though!

我每天都饮茶。你能在家乐福里找到立顿,有时候还会有Yorkshire Tea或PG Tipps(均为英国品牌)。但也有一些相当不错的茶馆!

I agree it leans more towards coffee but I would add it's not a culture like it would be in Italy. If we are talking about culture lixed to a beverage we only qualify for beer.


5、I'd say going out for coffee is waaay more common than tea, especially with all the new and hip coffee bars popping up in main cities. Also in the office, having a cuppa coffee is the norm. That being said, the prence of fresh mint tea and ginger tea has also increased enormously. Personally I'm more of a tea drinker, as are a lot of my friends. Drinking coffee makes me nervous, though I love the taste.


Almost all my Dutchie friends in Brussels are heavy (and I mean heavy) rooibos drinkers.


6、Definetly tea. We consume the highest amount of tea in the world.
We also have a coffee culture that came from Ottoman times but our tea culture is way bigger.


funnily enough, I've more heard of the turkish coffee than turkish tea. Probably because the turkish coffee making is more unique


The opposite for me. Can't go to twice to the same shop owned by a turk without being offered tea.


Because we don't promote our tea much. It is really basic we add nothing to it. Just plain boiled tea leaves.
But we promote our coffee well. It has distinct bitterness


Tea replaced coffee in Turkish culture because it is cheaper and grown locally. It is a thing that Republic introduced as a new crop to grow as part of "making Turkey better" phase in 20s and 30s. Coffee was already a special thing.


I love that costumers are offered Turkish apple tea in stores. Everytime i go shopping for clothes in Alanya, they always offer me tea


Yes offering tea is a custom. Almost every restourant offer a free cup of tea after the meal.


Ironically we actually grow tea, so cultura do chá might literally mean the tea crops.


8、Traditionally tea for sure. We have 2 major producers (Barrys & Lyons) with most households being loyal to one. My mother would drink about 10 cups of tea every day.
Coffee has become a lot more popular in the last couple of decades though.


Hard to say in Ireland. I feel that coffee is more of a social/work beverage, but you would be more likely to be offered tea in someone's house.


Most of the Irish drink buckets of tea at home and you will be judged on your choice of tea. It's either Barry's or Lyon's and it will generally indicate where you come from.


Could never subscribe to the teabag rubbish myself. It's a cup of tea!


9、Overwhelmingly coffee culture. Tea here is just bad bag tea


10、definitively coffee culture. Tea is common, but it's no the kind of thing we're fond of in France.


I'd add that while coffee is a regular drink drank by everyone, tea is usually more seen as something for english people, or rich/precious people. Except the bubble tea which is for teenagers.


11、Coffee culture for sure, it's what everyone will have to fika. Personally I hate coffee tho...



I hate coffee too, but people always look at me weird when I say I want tea instead, like I just committed a terrible crime.


12、Mostly coffee culture except for the north, especially northern Frisia. No one drinks more tea per capita than the Frisians.


13、Nowadays, definately coffee. 20+ year ago, definately herbal tea.


14、My parents will get through around four cups of tea a day and they can't function without it.


15、Tea culture. Coffee has become popular, but there's no culture associated with drinking it.


16、Greece: coffee, definitely. It's what you order out, and its what you serve guests.
Tea is an alternative, and chamomile tea in particular is a popular home remedy when someone is sick.


17、Ireland - tea culture. I think we drink more per capita population that the British, in fact.


18、Tea is by far more popular than coffee in Ireland. Go to anyone's house and tea will be offered. There's a good few indigenous tea processers (Barry's, Bewley's, Robert Robert's) along with the Lyons brand, which used to be made in Dublin but is now made by Unilever in England.

(爱尔兰)在爱尔兰,茶的受欢迎程度远超咖啡。去到任何一个人的家里,都会给你上茶。爱尔兰本土有好几家茶叶加工商(Barry, Bewley, Robert Robert),再加上Lyons牌,这个牌子的茶叶以前是放在都柏林生产的,但现在是由联合利华公司在英格兰生产的。

There's much more of a culture around tea and everyone has there own idea to what constitutes the perfect cup of tea.


Coffee is growing in popularity, but tea is still holding its own. There isn't a big tradition of tea houses in Ireland, so if you are out and about, I'd guess it's be more common to order a coffee in a café. A majority of houses would have a coffee plunger or some other piece of equipment for making coffee. Every house has a teapot.

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19、Coffee by far.
Tea is something I associate with old people or sick people.


20、The only good Habsburgs and turks did to this country was the coffee culture in Budapest


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