2021-05-03 yzy86 17612


I remember many years ago seeing a picture of Worker and Kolkhoz Woman

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Sure, people can call it cheesy, propaganda, etc.. But to me, it got me thinking about the status of women in the USSR. Even though women are not as physically strong as men, were they equal in every other aspect in society? It seems like the government wanted women to know they can be a “worker” and not confined to household jobs. And what about women in modern Russia? I have a feeling it has gone in the opposite direction with the rise in social conservative sentiment.


So how were women viewed in Soviet times and how is it different than today?


I don't feel any difference between the current and the Soviet situation.


On one hand the Soviet rule imposed on men and women same rights, and women can take important positions (e.g. most judges in Russia are women), on another hand our culture has strong 'gender-specific expectations' on how and what people should be doing. Nobody forces you to follow it, but it would feel weird if you don't. So women were and are expected to be feminine.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Interesting, so it looks like the traditional female expectations still existed, but it wasn’t emphasized as much during Soviet times, but it still existed nonetheless


It is not "emphasized as much" today either.
It just the position "Do you expect men to be strong?! You're a nazi pig!!!" remains weird and foreign to us.


in soviet movies, women very often represented as hierarchically superior, i.e. directors (служебный роман, москва слезам не верит) or at least as perfectly self-sufficient.



the ussr was indeed among the first states in which women could vote


policy-wise definitely yes. moreover, many men were and some still are infantile and being taken care of by women. this was also depicted in many soviet movies (любовь и голуби).


not quite tbh, as someone pointed out, it was expected to be a good worker, mother and caretaker at once.


Women play a large role in our society. There is a joke about it:
Most of our people are raised by same-sex couples - mom and grandmother.


Only women can choose the way how she will spend her life and many choose householding, why not, it's a decent job.


To understand the Russian women let's look at Kartunkova. She is the most viewed KVN player of the last decade and I've seen the interview with a discussion about why she is so popular. And resume looks like this



everyone recognizes her as his mother, wife, mother-in-law, grandmother, neighbor, etc. This is a collective image of a Russian middle-aged woman.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

So just imagine forcing such a woman to seat home if she doesn't want to =) Or do something she doesn't want=) Women feel like a regular part of society so any encroachment on equality is perceived as barbarism and savagery


It depends on what you mean under conservatism. Usually, it means a tendency to keep past order. Our past is socialistic. The old generation mentality is Stop sitting without work! The factories are idle!.
For Russians: Обколються своими комплюктерами, лучше бы на завод шли!


All factories is idle, only gitarists in country! Go to work, mth fucker!


Our state is very conservative, people too. But not in the way you preserve conservativism in the West.


Soviets saw women as an easy way to increase labor force so USSR pioneered many pro-women measures: paid maternity leave, free daycares. After WWII it wasn’t uncommon for women to hold managerial positions.


That’s still true nowadays, however, the everyday sexism is more common then it used to be in USSR. Many managers think it’s a valid reason not hire a woman because she has kids or just because she’s in ‘fertile’ age. The pay gap is also more prominent than in the West


In fact, everything is very complicated. In Soviet times, women were indeed given equal rights with men and were given even more rights. With all this, in society, an attitude was brought up to a woman as to someone special, beautiful, fragile, etc. A man should help a woman carry heavy bags, should open a door for a woman, should hold a door, etc. In most families, it was and is believed that a woman should work but at the same time should be a mother. In modern society, things have become even more complicated. The post-feminist period has come when some women themselves do not want to be treated like a woman. It is also often found that a woman in the same position is paid less than a man. There was no such thing in the USSR. This appeared with the advent of the market economy. Everything is connected with the fact that, having become pregnant, a woman is legally entitled to maternity leave of at least 1.5 years, as well as with the fact that, as I said, a woman is perceived not only as an employee, but also as a mother, which means that she can often take time off from work to take care of the child or sit with him on sick leave (in Russia, parents have the right to take sick leave if they are caring for a sick child, the duration of sick leave can be up to 14 days or more).


AFAIK either parent can take parental leave to care after a newborn in Russia, not only mother. Same goes for taking sick leave to care for a kid. Just to note, maternity leave is paid by the state and not by the employer so it’s not only about the “market economy”.


The position of a woman is a really weird mix of archaic country-side and orthodox Christian traditions, romantic era chivalric romances and early 20 century feminists’ achievements. OB-GYN at an appointment in local hospital treat women like a piece of meat. The society pushes them towards having kids early and sacrificing education and career. Many women would be happy to return to work as early as possible but for the majority the childcare for babies under 18 months is prohibitively expensive. It’s a long road for all of us


Then again, women who dont want kids are treated differently.


With our pension system, not having children = living off other people's kids income


I’m not sure about Soviet times, but women today still are expected to fit into the traditional gender role. Let men carry things, look pretty, wear make up, care for children etc.
Women can be independent, but it’s still the role of mother and caretaker that’s deeply ingrained.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The part from one of famous russian poems, I don't remember its author, fully represents womens' role in Russia at all: "Коня на скаку остановит, В горящую избу войдет"


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Women were viewed as equals to men so they could get any education and good jobs and there were lots of propaganda posters promoting literacy, education, working and so on for the women. But still there were and still are lots and lots of patriarchal ideas in men’s heads. Still I’d say we had it much better than say US. I feel like we kind of went a bit backwards from there and said patriarchal ideas still didn’t go anywhere plus religion based misogynistic ideas are a thing too. In nowdays Russia there’s of course lots and lots of problems and feminism is a thing for a reason but this soviet legasy makes it much better. I’m really not a fan of USSR but women enpowering is definitely a thing they were doing right.


How about 3 year maternal leave? I wonder if you can get that much in the world now.


That’s quite impressive, i dont think that happens in the US, it’s definitely not a mandate by law. But I think that’s going back to conservative culture. The reason why they get 3 years off is because they are primarily seen as child caretakers rather than a working class citizen


We have an old joke just on this matter: "Feminist women in the West struggle for women's rights, to be able to work in the mines, while in USSR feminists struggle to achieve right to NOT work in the mines!"


Here in Poland I feel that the gender equality that got ingrained in some aspects of life for several decades is one of the good remnants of the Soviet times. Of course I’m not Russian so I can’t speak for the ussr but I feel like the impact it left on other countries also speaks volumes. My grandmothers were born in 1945 and 1938 and they both had respectful lives both as workers and mothers. Not sure about the other but one of them also got a several week long state paid sanatorium holiday every year during which her husband got to stay at home with the kids while they were still young, so it seems to me that she could have much more rest from childcare than a contemporary Polish woman in a 2-income household has...


Russia never went through the transformative process of the counter-culture movements of the 60s/70s that took place in the rest of the world. So they are still kind of stuck in that period, with rigid gender roles, and some pretty archaic societal norms and attitudes. I think the late 80s/90s were especially damaging, since after the unx's collapse the society stepped away from marxism-influenced feminist dogmas, and more towards traditionalism/conservatism. and the cultural landscape had been stagnating since.


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