2021-05-03 辽阔天空 6498

What are you banned from? Why?


Franklin Veaux, Small business owner, sexuality educator, writer

Franklin Veaux, 小企业主,性教育家,作家

So let me tell you the story of a secret government plot. It's an interesting story, I promise.
I sell a computer sex game called Onyx from one of my Web sites. Well, I say sell...it's a free game, 2-6 players, tons of fun. You can register the game to unlock higher levels. I've been selling it since 1996 or so.
A couple years ago, I was banned by my credit card merchant account underwriter, Best Payment Solutions. I'd been with them for more than ten years with only one complaint, a rather impressive record--but they told me they were canceling my account. Not to worry, though--they'd been bought by another merchant services provider, Vantiv, and they'd just reopen my account with their parent company if I filled out some forms.
I filled out the forms and waited. Then I got a call from my account manager. "We can't open a new account for you," they said.
"Why not?" I said.
"Risk reasons," they said.
"What risk reasons?" I said. "I'm in the lowest risk tier you guys have. I have a long history with you. What's going on?"
"We can't talk about it. We can't give you any more information," they said. "Goodbye."

几年前,我被我的信用卡商户账户保险商Best Payment Solutions禁用了。我和他们合作十多年了,只有过一次投诉,这是一个相当令人瞩目的记录——但现在他们告诉我他们要注销我的账户。不过,不用担心——它们已经被另一家商业服务提供商万提夫(Vantiv)收购了,如果我填写一些表格的话,它们就会重新开设我在它们母公司的账户。

I had to scramble to find a new merchant account underwriter, and my Web site was out of commission for a month. I finally found a new company. They asked me why I was changing account underwriters. I told them the story.
"Ah," they said. "Operation Choke Point. Don't sweat it. We'll give you an account."
"What the hell is Operation Choke Point?" I said. "That sounds like something from the scxt of a particularly badly written Hollywood B movie starring Wesley Snipes." (Okay, I didn't say the last part, I just thought it.)
So it turns out that the US Justice Department ran this thing called Operation Choke Point for a couple of years. The goal? Pressure banks and credit card companies into shutting off bank and payment services to businesses that were legal, but considered "undesirable."


“Operation Choke Point”
There was a list of business categories that were targeted: escort services, payday loan places, porn sellers, porn performers, and so on. I guess the sex game qualified me as a "porn business" or something. (There's no porn in the game, but it is a sex game, so I reckon to a government bureaucrat that's close enough.)
Crucially, the folks responsible for Operation Choke Point miscalculated. They made a critical error: they included gun resellers on the list of "undesirable businesses." Gun merchants who suddenly found themselves without banking services complained to their representatives, who (this being the country it is) launched an investigation.
When it was discovered that yes, the Justice Department was indeed pressuring banks to stop providing banking services to gun dealers, there was a howl of fury from the Right that would have shaken Lucifer from the deepest, darkest pit. This was exactly the sort of malfeasance a certain breed of American citizen is always on hair-trigger alx for; oh my, we do love our guns here in ‘Murica.
The Justice Department quickly issued a "clarification" that the directive to choke off financial services to undesirable merchants wasn't reeeeeaaaallly a directive to, you know, choke off financial services to undesirable merchants, and the whole thing quietly disappeared, save for some furious op-eds in a handful of newspapers.
To this day, I firmly believe that the reason Republican Party didn't raise a much bigger stink over it (think Benghazi) is that they were pissed about the gun thing, sure, but they actually agreed with the rest of it--you know, going after the evil sellers of adult stuff that has to do with sex. I don't for a second think they would have had my back had Operation Choke Point been aimed only at adult businesses.
But, you know, whatever.


Jakub Handlíř, lives in Prague

Jakub Handlíř,住在布拉格

I got banned from the Britske listy (Czech newspaper) Facebook page.
As for an explanation.
Britské listy (Britské listy 16.5. 2016) is a Czech internet newspaper through it isn’t a newspaper per se since even though it bring some daily news most of the articles are essays about various topic. The newspaper was founded by its current editor in chief Jan Culik (a professor in Glasgow university) who is - just like the newspaper - a typical modern leftie who adores Sanders and hates everything right from him.
It’s not exactly my political opinion but I’ve read - and still reading - the newspaper because it bring an original view on things. And also the articles on it are really good and have mostly a high quality. So I also commented on the article on the newspaper’s Facebook page mostly arguing against the admins since I though they were narrow minded.
Also what you must know is that currently many newspapers and people in the Czech Republic are very much against the immigrants which is a stance that the Britske listy criticize as immoral, racist etc.

Britské listy (Britské listy 16.5. 2016)是一份捷克互联网报纸,尽管它也会刊登一些日常新闻,但本身不是一份报纸,它的大多数文章都是有关于各种主题的。该报由现任主编简·库利克(格拉斯哥大学教授)创办,他和该报一样,是典型的现代左派,崇拜桑德斯,讨厌右派的一切。

Another thing is that there is another Czech internet newspapers called Parlamentni Listy which is very popular and also very anti-immigrant.
But to the point: one day an article appeared in Britske listy with a title which was something like “Unlike in the Czech Republic the Scottish employees investigate racist statements of their employees on the web.” The article was about a Czech doctor who works in a Glasgow hospital and who wrote an article to the Parlamentni listy describing how bad the immigrant patients are. As a result of this the Glasgow hospital was investigating him.
However when I checked the former Scottish article - published in some minor left-wing Scottish newspaper - it was written there that the person who pointed out the doctor’s article to the Scottish hospital was Jan Culik himself.
Basically this Jan Culik reported this to the Scottish hospital, the entire affair got into the Scottish press whose article Culik took and made an article into his own newspaper in order to promote his political view that anti-immigrant statements on web should be punished.
So I wrote on the Facebook page that I though that Culik created this affair so he could write an article in Britske listy which promoted his own political stance and that I find it absolutely immoral.
The next day I was banned from the Britske listy Facebook page.

另一件事是,还有另一家捷克互联网报纸叫做Parlamentni Listy,它很受欢迎,也很反对移民。
所以我在脸书的网页上写道,我认为库利克制造了这件事,这样他就可以在Britské listy上发表一篇文章,宣传他自己的政治立场,我认为这是很不道德的。
第二天,我被禁止访问Britske listy的脸书页面了。

Michael Dickens, former Driver at Uber

迈克尔·狄更斯(Michael Dickens),以前是优步的司机
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I was banned from a site much like this one, only much much worse…
I was banned from the abomination that is Yahoo! Answers
I was answering a question where the asker had an issue with their computer and needed to reinstall the OS (Windows XP Home IIRC), the problem was the asker didn’t have the original OEM restoration disc that came with the computer, neither did they have an OEM (or retail for that matter) OS install CD
Before I continue, I should mention that since XP, Microsoft implemented a License Activation/Registration System, in which the License key is married/matched with the hardware configuration and the motherboard’s chipset credentials (this is why if you replace hardware to many times, you have to reactivate to stay “Genuine”), this was done by sending the hardware details and the License key either online to Microsoft, or by transferring alphanumeric codes over the phone via a toll free number
What this means is, the CD and the data on it were technically free (legally), you just paid for the license to legally use it, it just seemed like you paid for the CD as it was bundled in the sleeve that contained the License key sticker (Okay, maybe some of that cost paid for the pennies worth of plastic the CD was made of and the cardboard used for the packaging), point is it’s not piracy unless you use a key crack (which did/does exist and is highly illegal)

我所回答的问题的发问者说他们的电脑有问题,需要重新安装操作系统(如果我没记错的话,是Windows XP家庭版),问题在于发问者的电脑没有原来的OEM恢复光盘,也没有原始设备制造商(或者零售也一样)的操作系统安装光盘。

Ok, so back to the story…
I answered saying that the asker could go to one of many torrenting websites out there and download the Windows XP Home OEM torrent magnet along with the BitTorrent client (or any other torrent client), and download the ISO from that, burn the ISO to CD and boot from it as usual, then when asked, type the License key from the sticker on their case (the one matched to the hardware inside the case the sticker is on) and Activate as usual
I even put a disclaimer in my answer saying that the torrent will include a Readme file containing a pirated License key, and explicitly not to use it, and instead to use the legal License key affixed to their case
I posted and proofread my answer and went about my way, looking up and answering more questions

我回答说,提问者可以去一个种子网站,下载Windows XP家庭版原始设备制造商种子和BitTorrent客户端(或任何其他种子客户端),从那里下载ISO,将ISO刻录到光盘上,并像往常一样从那里启动,然后当被询问时,从他们的外壳上的标签(与外壳内的硬件匹配的标签)输入许可证密钥,并像往常一样激活。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

One day, I went to log into Yahoo! Answers to read and answer more questions, and found out I couldn’t log on
Did I type in the wrong account name/email?… Nope
Did I type in the wrong password?… Nope
Is there a connection issue, site down, something?… Nope
Well, I was banned of course, but why?
I check my email (my Yahoo! Mail of course, I have already transitioned to Gmail by this point, but still checked both) and sure enough I got an email saying I was banned because of that specific answer, because the content was reported for promoting piracy, and thus against their ToS
Even with my disclaimer, pointing out it was in fact not piracy, and why it wasn’t, some idiot still reported me because “Downloading in and of itself is piracy… Right?”
Now I would understand if I posted a lix to a particular torrent, or if I mentioned a particular torrent site, but I didn’t lix or post anything
What’s even worse is Yahoo! Answers’ reporting system is completely automated, there is no human (Yahoo! Employee) intervention, submit a report and Bam! Instalbanned


Oh, but there’s a glimmer of hope… I can Appeal
So I do just that, I write an Appeal stating my side and the fact, and that what I posted did not violate their ToS whatsoever
So Yahoo! unbanned my Answers account, right?… Nope!
Instead they sent an “apologetic” reply saying that my appeal didn’t go through as my answer still violated their ToS, at least they said why, right?… Again, nope!
Then I later found out I was actually lucky
Yeah, I lucked out, only my Answers account was banned, some other members who were wrongfully banned from Answers got their entire Yahoo! account banned
No access to Flickr, no access to Geocities (I think it still existed then), and imagine this, AT&T subscribers even lost access to their service features (like U-verse Web Remote), and the worst of it all…. No access to Yahoo! Mail
Joke’s on them though, now Yahoo! Answers is nothing more than a meme (or a source to many memes that is), it’s a joke, it’s less credible than Wikipedia (at least Wikipedia is somewhat credible), the likeliness you can get a trustworthy and reliable answer is pretty nill
And when I say Yahoo! Answers is nothing more than a meme, I’m not kidding
How Is Babby Formed?
The one Yahoo meme that perfectly represents the faltering company

无法访问相册,无法访问雅虎地球村(当时我认为它仍然存在),想象一下,美国电信的用户甚至失去了对其服务功能(如U-verse Web Remote)的访问权限,而最糟糕的是无法访问雅虎邮箱。

Sawan Tank, Civil Engineer | Student of Life | Tech-savvy

Sawan Tank,土木工程师,学生,精通技术

Cyber Cafe
Yes, I have been banned from visiting a particular cyber cafe in my Hometown.
This phenomenon occurred 7 years ago when speedy internet was rarely available and I used to visit cyber cafe for downloading movies, softwares, songs and videos.
The Cyber Cafe owner had a side business of selling his downloaded movies, songs, videos from ADMIN PC. He was charging ₹15 for copying two movies into customer’s pendrive/memory card. While internet surfing charge was ₹20/hr.
I used to make a list of urls of download lixs in notepad in advance from home.
When my time starts in Cafe, I used to paste the lixs directly from notepad to chrome to start files downloading instantly. This reduce wastage of precious time. I even used Internet Download Manager to maximize my downloading speed, which in result decreased other user's speed.
Note: I had to install IDM everytime as the PC had protection software which dexe new files/softwares at each restart. Hard work :)
All these things were fine till now.
I found downloading movies was so time consuming and I was totally free while these things download. So, I wanted to have other way around.
As the PC's in Cafe were connected by LAN including ADMIN PC, I have shared that folder in which owner used to keep those movies when he was not in Cafe.
Job done.
My one hour was now completely satisfying. I got plenty of entertainment resource. I just copy movies and video songs to my Pendrive for free while others were paying for it outside.
Within one hour, I used to download new things and additionally copy movies from ADMIN PC .
All these things were going fine till few months, but one day owner saw me copying movies from that shared folder.
I was calmly asked not to visit his Cyber Cafe again.


Nick Todorovski, lives in Australia

Nick Todorovski,住在澳大利亚

I am banned from a Facebook Group called Foxbook
This group is about foxes which I love which is why I joined it.
I love foxes and I hate the hunting of native species, invasive is another matter.
Anyway a member posted a article about how the state of Victoria and how they were offering money to hunters to killed foxes.
Since pretty much most of the members of this group were from the UK and me being from Australia I filled them in on why they were doing this.
I mentioned how foxes are a threat to our native wildlife and a threat to farmers which is why the state government of Victoria did this.
Few Hours later I cant gain access.
But I do wonder if they would’ve done this if say they had an invasive species that a apex predator like the gray wolf.
The gray wolf would cause havoc on the native fox population as well as badgers, hedgehogs, and other wildlife.


Fun Fact: many who are against hunting of foxes in australia will just go if the farmer wants to protect live stock they should install fences.
While this is true, it will cost millions for a farmer to do this and it would need to be done each year as well in some places as the annual bushfires go through a lot of farmland and those bushfires will just destroy those fences and not many UK people realize how big australia is.
The Area of the entire UK is 242,495 km² or (93,628 mi²)
The Area of the state of Victoria is 237,629 km² or 91,749 mi²
So what 2,000mi² smaller than an entire country.
About 53% of victoria is farmland which is still a huge amount when you think about it.
And this is in one state alone
So no, our farmers cant even afford fencing to prevent their livestock from crossing on to the road where they can be killed by a roadtrain, let alone keep out foxes


Henry Rausch, former Commander at United States Navy (1983-2005)


Mongolia. At least, the US ambassador kicked me out of it, never tried to get back so am not sure if the ban still holds.
I was installing satellite terminals there for an entity of the US government. The embassy assigned me a “minder”, a young woman, Mongolian national, very well connected politically. She was always on my case but I managed well enough with my crew, first in the capital Ulanbataar, then in a remote site in the Gobi Altai. It was there, at the end of the second installation, that I finally lost it and dressed her down verbally. Big mistake. We had flown in on a decrepit Russian aircraft and my Mongolian work crew was terrified of flying so we drove an old Russian jeep, 3 days, in the dead of winter, back to Ulanbataar. My minder had flown back and had had 3 days to make quite a case against me. As it happened, she was the daughter of the Mongolian ambassador to a very rich country. When I get back I was hit with these allegations, talk of charges, etc. It looked pretty bad for me. The only card I has to play was that the US government was up to some pretty illicit activity and I bet they didn't want it to be made public. So I wrote an apology to the ambassador, honestly apologizing for my actions, but explaining my side of it, and how the minder had jeopardized my crew's safety. I ended it with a kicker: I was happy to leave the country but if the embassy wanted to pursue anything further, I would welcome an open enquiry addressing all facets of the program, in a publuc forum. My bet paid off. I didn't know half of what they were up to but I was sure they did not want it made public. After I submitted the letter I had a meeting with the deputy ambassador that went like this:
“Then get the hell of of my country.”


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