2021-05-06 不如狗 8547

How do I live like a student forever?


Sarin Sulahian
I have been thinking about this and how people want to stay students forever. I believe it is hard going into the real world after finishing university when you’ve been a student basically your whole life. I also found out that some people continue doing master’s, Ph.D., or even two master's degrees, only to stay a student and avoid real life. But, at one point, we cannot stay students and have to face it. Although, one can always stay a student by self-learning and engaging themselves in online webinars/ courses/discussions. There is always a place to learn, but not always in the traditional way! :)


Ask Kaali
For you to be a student forever, you will have to accept a teacher who guides you for this lifetime. So far you have a teacher to take examples from and learn, you will remain a student unless you have gained all the knowledge that the Universe poses.


You might think, who will want to be a teacher for your lifetime. And I would say Nature. The nature that we thrive on can be the best teacher you have ever seen in any life. A teacher that will lead you not by words, but by examples. The only difficulty is that you will have to be a really good student to learn from the Universal Expert. Like you would do in any of your interesting classes, you will have to be a good listener and a great observer. Try fetching one lesson on each passing day from your Teacher Nature and in no time you will start enjoying this learning. This will keep your curiosity for learning up and high while making you a student forever.

你可能会想,谁愿意做一辈子的老师呢? 我会说是大自然。我们赖以成长的大自然可能是你所见过的最好的老师。一个不是用言语而是用实例来引导你的老师。唯一的困难是,你必须是一个足够好的学生,才能这个向全能的专家学习。就像你在任何一门有趣的课上做的那样,你必须是一个好的倾听者和一个伟大的观察者。试着每天从你的大自然老师那里感受一节课,很快你就会开始享受这种学习。这将保持你对学习的好奇心,同时使你永远是一个学生。

Apart from nature, assume every person you meet to be your teacher. Observe and listen to every word and action that comes to you from all the possible directions and you will keep learning and growing. To all those times when you are actively listening and observing, you will remain a student.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

John Campton
Constantly involve yourself with learning throughout your life. I’m not sure about “forever” since we can’t live forever.


Mason Hayat
You can’t. As a matter of fact you simply can’t live forever, let alone being a student forever.


I would say to always remain curious and open to anything that comes your way, take what you can from it and discard the rest.


Krish Ravishankar
the real question is “Do you want to?” If yes - then that’s the life for you. If not you can change that any time.


Richard Carson
Go to school idiot

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Gustaf Johansson
I surpassed my profs 6 years ago. No reason to go back to school.


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