2021-05-16 不如狗 30313

What food can't Chinese people eat?


Junjie Wei
Chinese people is a huge concept. There are so many people and peoples who are so different.


There is Zhuang people and Korean people who love to have dogs as dinner. There is Uighur who loves mutton. There are people from Guangdong who can’t live without sea food.


Take my family as an example. My dad, who is Zhuang people, used to eat dogs when he was in Guangxi. But not anymore. My mom is from Guangdong and she loves sea food and sushi. And they both love to eat some kind of bugs (I don’t know how to translate the name).


However, my mom finds eating dogs disgusting and scary. And my parents both find fast food unpleasant to eat. Besides, they never eat medium rare steaks because they consider raw food disgusting and inedible. As for me, I even find sea food inedible because I can’t stand the smell. Not to mention dogs or bugs. I also hate some vegetables but I love all fruits. And I like medium steaks and some fast food.


Altogether, almost everything can be eaten in my family. But can you say the expression that my family eat everything is accurate?


This applies to Chinese people. It may be new to you but Chinese people are very diverse. It would be meaningless to say what they eat or not. Just like when I say Americans don’t eat dogs, it would be excluding many Korean Americans because dogs are their traditional food.


All in all, I would say Chinese people eat all kinds of food because they are too diverse. And that can apply to people of other nations.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Dave C.J. Kim
Dairy. with the exception of a sext few regions and people groups where dairy products are a traditional food, most people in China born before 80’s and/or grew up eating traditional local cuisines would not touch dairy in any shape or form. This is has changed dramatically. Dairy is everywhere and widely consumed by those who aren’t lactose-intolerant (which isn’t as prent as y’all white folks like to think).


Raw dishes. Forget sashimis, sushi with raw fish, steak tartar, cured meats, ceviche, gravlax, or any dish in which the meat isn’t cooked. Most Chinese people will not touch them and will absolutely freak out thinking it will kill you. I know cured meats like prosciutto, gravlax, and the likes of those are technically “cooked” but to them if it hasn’t been put in a pot over fire then it’s raw and unsafe for consumption. In certain regions (mostly southern) this mentality can extend to leafy vegetables as well. Veg that we usually eat raw and fresh would be cooked, and that is the only acceptable way for humans to consume them. Various types of leafy greens, cucumbers, lettuce, radishes would all be cooked in various ways.


Maikay Poh
Nothing, really. At one stage, it was dairy and dairy products because many Chinese were lactose intolerant as they were weaned off milk early in life plus milk spoiled easily without refrigeration, so eating dairy products caused diarrhea. But nowadays, with the advent of refrigeration and more children drinking milk all through childhood and the proliferation of pizza and ice cream as dessert treats, this problem has largely gone away.


Yodall Lim
This is a stupid question actually. Every culture does not limit anything. It is just the personalty of the person. You might hear stories about Chinese love eating dogs but it is just an area because those people had no food from droughts and just had to eat them. Some of them also still do because maybe they are poor worthy just felt like it. You know this world contain very funny people.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Ward Chartier
In addition to lactose intolerance, many people in Asia metabolize alcohol at a slower rate than Western people. The result is flushed faces and quicker to be under the influence.


Vendy Lim
“The Chinese eat everything with four legs, except tables, and everything that flies except airplanes.”
Cantonese cuisine


Tieyi Zhang
Mostly raw meat.


Oscar Wright
They eat everything


Tim Brown
Your question has a faulty premise. Food, be definition, is anything you can eat that has nutritional value. Therefore, nothing that can be considered food cannot be eaten!


Kevin Solonzguyz
You name it , they eat it, and Maybe tables and chairs is the only thing they try not to eat beside that anything is a fair game.


Oliver Harris
Poisonous food.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Bo Sun
The same food you can’t eat.


Justin Boulton
Dinosaurs & Unicorns


Arina Nam Jin Kim
Most raw things


Henry Gordon
They can eat whatever they want to eat but most choose to eat chinese and or Korean


Tsun Ning Wah
We eat everything with 4 legs except a table.


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