2021-05-17 汤沐之邑 5885

How old are you?


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Habib,?Physician, Goofball, and All Around Nerd.
I will be turning 32 next month.
It’s a good age. I don’t feel old, except when I talk to teenagers half my age and remember things I used to do when I was their age, and it dawns on me that I didn’t realize just how long ago those things were until I started talking to them.
Or when I think back on the fact that I made many comments on those funny kids who were never alive in the 1900s… and that wasn’t all that long ago, only it was 16 years ago, and those kids are almost adults now.
It’s so weird because… I used to be 3 years old, you know? Three! I remember that. I remember visiting Brazil. I remember my friend Diego and the fact that we communicated, he in Portuguese, I in French, and that it somehow worked. I remember stuffing my sister’s steak in my mouth as she watched, incredulous.
I remember my BMX bike, and how I had a hard time riding it. I remember going to visit my ancestral village and falling in a dry well, 12 meters deep. I remember crying. I remember the villagers rescuing me. I remember receiving IV fluids for the first time.?The year was 1992… a quarter century ago.


I remember visiting Ghana in 1996 and thinking that it had overtaken my native Ivory Coast in economic development. That was 21 years ago!
I remember visiting the US for the first time at age 13. I remember going to Culver’s and eating their?frites en zigzag.?I remember being in Madison, Wisconsin. A woman 27 years old had been hired to be our English tutor. Her name was Jennifer Eck… oh, how I wish I knew where she is today. We were in love with her, with all the passion an adolescent heart can devote to the obxt of an unattainable infatuation. The year was 1999! Many of my Quora friends were not even born yet…?not even born yet!!!
I remember moving to the US 2 years later, struggling to understand as people spoke in English, incessantly asking them to repeat what they had said, my accent heavily laden with the inflections of my French language. That was 16 years ago.
I remember graduating from high school in 2003!?Kathryn Steenburgh?was an infant…?an infant!
I remember graduating from college in 2007 and working as a nurse.
I remember the elation I felt at Obama’s election. I was 22.
I remember starting med school and wondering whether my medical training would ever end. That was 7 years ago…
None of that feels far. And yet, I look older. And when I try to jump or run without warming up, my body lets me know that I am no longer 24, let alone 17.
I’m not yet old enough to wish I were younger. But I am older than I used to be.


Jason Anthony,?Animal lover/boxing fan/armchair philosopher
Born on 08.18.74, so that makes me 43 and a half years old.
Overall, I feel pretty much the same as I always did, although I do feel smarter and more aware now at 43 than I did at say 23. Intellectually, I feel as if I could overwhelm my younger self.
And physically I still feel as if I am at or near prime physical levels; I haven’t noticed any perceptible physical declines in terms of strength, fitness, or endurance. I still pretty much workout and train the same as I did when I was 23 or 33 — with no obvious signs of impairment. I have been a gym rat for the last 25 years, and my workouts have always been rather vigorous and heavy, and I train just as heavily today as I did then, mixing both high-intensity cardio with moderate-to-heavy weight lifting.
The only major problem I have is a bad hip that is going to need to be replaced soon (likely later this year). I had surgery on my hip at age 13, and the hip never healed properly, so over the years the hip has slowly degraded and become arthritic. Now, according to x-rays, my right hip is almost bone-on-bone (not quite there yet, but it’s awfully close), so it’s getting to be time to have the joint replaced.
Fortunately for me, I still do not have much hip pain from my bad hip. As bad as my hip is, I have very little actual hip pain, but I do have a lot of hip stiffness and limited mobility, which causes a lot of problems, namely lower back pain and lower leg pain. My hip issues cause pain in other areas of my body due to faulty hip biomechanics, and that is a major pain in the ass! But the lack of mobility is the biggest issue: I just can’t move very well, and my ability to bend and stoop and twist and pivot is seriously impaired. So, even though physically I still feel strong and able, my lack of physical flexibility and mobility makes me often times feel much older than I really am.
That’s my story at age 43.


Elena Ledoux
I'm going to be 40 this year.
I feel like I've lived several lives already. First, as a soviet child. I was?oktyabryonok?and wore a tiny pin with star and baby Lenin. Then?pioner?and wore red silk necktie. We watched propaganda news on all 3 channels of our tube. And eventually watched it all fall apart, live.
Then I've lived as an Uzbek young woman. Emerging, brand new state. No one knows what's going on. There were no textbooks for history of our country in the college I attended. That period was somewhat interesting because of all uncertainties, like deciding which alphabet is going to be used. Or, what's going to happen politically and economically as we were starting from scratch.
Then I lived as a poor American. Welfare. Not being certain if your debit card will go through at the grocery store register. You learn more about car parts and what can go wrong with them than you ever thought you would. As well as get used to coping with toothaches and perpetually avoiding your landlords for being late on rent.


My next life was as a young American lawyer. Sitting in a room full of people far more competent than I was. Learning this new world. Having my own office with an ocean view! I still remember crossing the road downtown Honolulu, wearing a nice suit and high heels, I felt on top of the world!
Afterwards I've lived as a stay-at-home mom and a nomad. Seeing the world with my kids and husband was as amazing as it sounds. We lived as locals, so got a really good taste for living as Europeans. Slower and more beautiful life. Buying the freshest produce from Proven?al street market. Spending an afternoon admiring Matisse…
My current life is as entrepreneur. Learning something new every day. Motivating people to perform to their best level. Doing everything from scrubbing toilets to figuring out accounting software and FaceBook ads. Now building a new venture with my matcha energy shots for moms. It's endlessly fascinating.
After all of this, I feel like if there's chance for me to try yet another life, I probably will take it. Life feels richer and fuller. It's more stressful and sometimes I feel like I'm 120 years old. But, I can't imagine it any other way.


Nancy N. Wilson,?former Development Officer at Sedona Arts Center (2007-2010)
I just turned 81, which is a blessing and a curse. In spite of recently dealing with 18 months of health challenges due to a fall that shattered my left wrist and cracked a vertebrae, I am now in relatively good health.
I am back at work and almost back to a fully functional life. I purposefully lost 40 pounds by eliminating sweets from my diet, getting enough protein and watching my calorie intake. I also walk 3000 to 4000 steps a day. You may think, that’s not many steps. However if you consider the fact that 5 months ago I was wearing a back brace and could barely walk at all, it is significant.
To sum it up - that is the blessing! I have been very fortunate to have lived a long life with very few health challenges - and a good mind that has served me well.
Now for the curse. What do you do with your life when you are 81? My children are all adults living their own lives.
Even though I’m mentally healthy with a mind that still works extremely well, I am essentially unemployable


It’s also difficult to socialize in a society that has no use for elderly people. You start to become invisible somewhere around 60. I am so invisible that no one in my life - including my family and people at work have noticed that I lost weight.
I have worked in my current position for almost two years and until recently people only spoke to me if I started the conversation and even their responses were very curt. Finally, there is one young man who actually talks to me on a regular basis; but, it’s still very lonely,
Then, there is the question of what to do if I can’t work and can’t live by myself - and then, I outlive the small savings I have?
Where do I go? I can’t live with any of my children and I have no other family. Do I become a bag lady?
It is daunting to face a future that has no future.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Godfrey McDonnell
What age are you?
Quel age avez vous?
How long have you been here?
None of these are questions I would ask my dog or wall paper. Both of them may be looking old and shabby the dog being the scruffier and shabier of the two.
I drive an old car that is not the same age as my dog or as old as my wall paper or as old as the fossils I carry around in the trunk of my old car.
It's funny how quickly some things become?old and break down or fail completely. Not so funny when you are relying on them to get the job done for you. Especially if you are somewhat at their mercy in the sky, on or under the ocean, in or out of space, up a mountain or walking down the street.
It's odd to be a bio-exception by birth and mighty convenient to know how it is that I and all of us happen to be here. In our own way we are like the snake who throughout it's life span is forever replacing a worn out, ill-fitting, useless dead skin for a new one.
We do this at our cellular level of existence without the startling grace and obvious trail and transformation the snake displays.


Living isn't growing older. You may consider you have aged considerably since you first arrived a long time ago depending on what's your idea of a long time ago? The fossils are forever arguing it out n the boot; over who's the oldest about and their carbon dating results. Let them it's what fossils do we; argue all day.
Old age should be banned just like the freedom of speech.
The smartest and wisest person I have ever met said to me quite recently " It's OK to think anything this or that. It's not OK to say it though."
So when you see me early in the morning after a bender with a gruesome shadow of debauchery on my face what you think I look like and what you say to me are words to choose most carefully. Freedom of thought, freedom of expression.
So when I'm asked, How Old are you? My reply is always and has always been for many a year since I discovered how much like the snake I am and we all are.
I’m not old at all.?DOB 1958.


Ove Bepari,?Volunteer at CCA - Turtle Conservation Center, Bhawal National Park, Gazipur (2020-present)
Okay, it’s not the kind of questions I usually answer but I’m going to answer this because there’s been some ha-na about my age among family and friends.
My actual age is exactly?20years5months1days20years5months1days?[2nd Nov, 2017]. I came to earth on 1st June, 1997. But my academic transcxts says I was born in Oct of 1996. The reason behind this complexity is, in Bangladesh, a child can’t get admitted into a govt. primary school until s/he is 6. I was 4 and my parents got me admitted into a local govt. primary school lying to the teachers that I was 6.
This led me to many complexities later. Every classmate I ever had was older than me. Some senior girls by age was junior to me by the class I was studying.
Later on, thus, still, I can’t generate feeling for junior girls, I had many crushes, and all of them are seniors, and being an INTJ, I liked maturity more and used have crush on mature girls more.
Ironically, every mature girl I have connected to, loved the fact that a junior guy likes her, but didn’t let me in on her warm heart thinking, well, it’s just a kid, kids do this, he’ll get better later on anyway, *sigh*. Ironically, that makes me like them more.
Another problem arose when I got admitted into a Polytechnic institute. Usually, everyone goes to uni after 12 years of studying here, but on a typical Polytechnic system, it takes 14 years of studying to go to a uni.
I could expect to get out of uni by 2018, now its 2021 because of polytechnic jam?. Still, no complains.
Now, I want everyone on social media who asked my age to know that I never lied about my age, yeah, I did look like a kid, I still do but from academic point of view I might have been your senior and If I said so, It wasn’t lying. You shouldn’t have unfriended me, xD.

我的实际年龄正好 20年5个月1天(今天是2017年11月2日)。我于1997年6月1日来到地球。但我的成绩单上说我出生于1996年10月。这种复杂性背后的原因是,在孟加拉国,一个孩子只有6岁才能被政府小学录取。我4岁,父母让我进入当地一所公立小学,对老师撒谎说我6岁。

I'm eight.
My attention span is nonexistent. I do everything I can to be happy. I go out and play every chance I get. I try to not have a worry in the world, because all I wanna do is play tag and hide and seek. I eat ice cream and cookies and touch trees.
Today I was at work and all I did was feel up a tree. I wanted to climb it but my coworker said it was unstable and I would fall and die. So I just looked at the pretty plum blossoms instead. I wanted to take a flower for myself but it was too high for me to get to.
I'm waiting for more of the trees to bloom with flowers so the hummingbirds come back. Oh, and today I saw a lot of geese too! They gawked as they flew around! Gawk! Gawk! Birdies are fun. I wanna have a birdy.
Maybe I should go on Twitter now so I can play with a blue bird. Do you like blue birds? I like blue birds. I wanna eat pizza. I love pizza. Pizza is totally yummy. It makes me happy. The more cheese, the yummier!
I'm going home now so I can play video games. I downloaded this game on my iPad. It's called Kitties. You get to put these little kitties on a ship and they shoot at things. Kitties are so cute. Meow meow. Meow meow. I wanna puppy! A big white puppy! One that sheds everywhere so I can gather up all the shedded hair and toss it around like snow. Then I can finally play in the snow!
Yay I never wanna grow up!
Oh, my id says I was born in 1984. I guess I'm just an eight year old kid stuck in a twenty nine year old guy's body. :p


Janin Lyndovsky
Hi Manish and thanks for the A2A :)
Looking at the date of my birthday shown in my passport I am 43 years old this year. Nonetheless nobody believes me if I use this number as my age. People say about me: "You can't be older than 35. You have the spirit of a 20 years old and the wisdom of a healthy 90 years old."
People often tell me that I am wise well beyond my years. Oh well, I am definitely not risk averse, therefore I take any chances life gives me to see where they lead. And in this way I learn a lot and gather plenty of experiences, and I guess this is what people call wisdom.
Except of having all the usual experiences people born in a communistic country have (including experiencing martial law) and going through 4 years of bullying during my high-school (that taught me how to survive on my own, without having any friends), I also emigrated twice on my own, had near-death experiences including dying twice (yes, I went through 'the tunnel'), at some point I lost everything what was important to me and what gave sense to my life, however I managed to rebuild my life from nothing. I also traveled quite a bit and this gave me better understanding of life and people. All my experiences definitely changed my perception of life and the world and I guess it's why I am very optimistic and cheerful (the spirit of 20 years old) and 'wise beyond my years'


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