2021-05-22 yzy86 10712


We've always been very casual about holidays, are not and never have been religious (including my grandparents). Family gatherings do occur but are not forced by peer pressure, they just happen from time to time. We have several countryside homes, so nowadays we mostly meet there and not in our city apartments. Our food is usually quite simple and often includes products from our own gardens, including and especially on holidays.


We are a very close-knit and extended family, I don't know how to explain it but my concept of family extends to the children of my parents' first cousins. Every morning at 6:30 a.m. my great uncle wakes us up with a good morning in our 31-member Whatsapp family group.


Those of us under 35 are atheists, the older ones claim to be Catholics but only go to church for weddings, baptisms and communxs.
The type of jobs is totally varied, although all my relatives under 25 are unemployed, most of them have not yet found their first job and the women in the family have more precarious jobs than the men.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

We don't know what family holidays are all about, none of us can afford to go on holiday for one or two weeks a year because most of us are self-employed. At the most, we go on weekend getaways with our partner, without children.
Every holiday is welcome and a perfect excuse to get the family together, although the most important ones are Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve. On New Year's Eve we can get up to 50 people together including more distant cousins and partners. 2020 has been the first year that we have not been able to get the family together during these days and it has been emotionally awful.


We don't usually give presents to each other (except for the little ones in the family) but when we want to do something nice for someone, the best thing to do is to cook something they like.
Most of us live in the city, although close to our small home town which we visit whenever we get the chance.

(回复)I think this, in general, summarises a lot of Spanish people’s experience. It’s always strange when I try to explain to a foreigner that my mum and dad’s uncles, aunts, cousins…. Are people we tend to have a lot of contact with and that they are part of our concept of family. I think our concept of family is so extended, that sometimes we even consider close friends family too. And I agree, this year has been so difficult emotionally because of the lack of family gatherings which are very important to us. And about food (which people have mentioned in their posts), it’s just an excuse to socialise. Typical Sunday lunches with the family can last hours, and they’re my favourite because you’re just sitting at the table for hours talking, maybe having some coffee after a three course meal…. So I would saying for us is not so much about its nutritional value, but about its social meaning, and of course flavour.

We all have strong opinions (though not necessarily the same ones), we're loud, fairly stubborn and extremely loyal. We are the typical family that will argue with each other but if someone else picks on one of us we will all team up. Despite this our arguments are never serious, we never say anything that hits below the belt and we don't hold grudges against each other.


We're not close with our extended family on either side, and we also don't feel the need to live in each other's pockets - we are spread out across Ireland, England and NI. We don't call often, but we do text most days in the family group chat and arrange to all come home and see each other every other month (pre-Covid).


We are all fairly progressive but enjoy old traditions, so holidays tend to be relaxed and predictable. We don't travel often but we enjoy learning about other cultures and languages.


We all value knowledge, creativity, and most importantly we value community over the individual. All of us would rather put ourselves at a disadvantage if it helps someone else and we go out of our way to help other people whenever we can. We also value perseverance, and a quote we often use is "a [surname] never gives up, victory or death."


We are atheist. My dad is very much a "religion is the opium of the people" type, my mom is more casual but still very atheist and regularly mourns that religion is more prominent in the political landscape than when she was young. If I converted to religion they wouldn't say anything, but probably be dissappointed or think it's just a phase.


We value good food from all over the world a lot, as well as travel.
Everyone but me works in the humanities and everyone writes either for a living or as a side gig (except me, but I plan on doing it).
We are mostly city dwellers, but my brother and I quite romanticize country life because we grew up here. Both mom and dad hated the small towns they came from.


We are also not close to extended family at all, bare like one person. Growing up we were closer to my dad's friends and their kids, than to extended family. We had gatherings, travels, even one Christmas with them. Definitely I feel Denmark is a "family is what you make of it" culture.

我们和大家族一点也不亲近,简直是孑然一身。在我们长大的过程中,相比于大家族,我们和我爸的朋友及其子女还走得更近些。我们会一起聚会、旅行,甚至还和他们共度过一个圣诞节 。我感觉,丹麦绝对是那种“家人是由自己定义的”文化。

Dad’s agnostic, mom doesn’t care about religion but for appearances. We are your somewhere in between middle class family from a tiny town. Our food has to be good and flavorful. I say we’re rather affectionate, cheek kiss here and there, hugs and all that. We keep in touch with family more than with friends. My mom’s sister treats me like I’m hers too. During the summer we have tons of BBQs, sometimes we will go on a trip for fun but nothing too fancy really. Christmas seem to be the biggest holiday of the year for us. I’d say we are not that special tho we have each other, so that’s something.


Both my parents are Catholic but they never go to the church and they never pray, they just believe in God. Me and my two siblings are all atheist.
We often gather with our extended family (aunts, cousins, uncles etc.) a lot more than we do with family's friends, who we very rarely see.
We have a WhatsApp group, where aunts, uncles and cousins are included too.


We keep in touch with relatives who are abroad or in other parts of Italy by WhatsApp or videocalls.
Family activities are usually just visiting other cities.


The most important event of the year is Christmas, where we eat a lot and exchange gifts, usually money (we don't celebrate Christmas in a religious way).
Birthdays are not so important, we just eat a cake but the day is normal, me and my siblings sometimes celebrate with friends, but nothing fancy.
Food is like an art in my house, and my mum is the main artist, she is just too good at cooking, but we all can cook something. We usually put healt over flavor.


My friend descibed us like "your family is always fucking angry, including you", and he's not wrong. We are nice people, who love and care for others, we are really friendly towards anyone, we love guests around and generally being helpful and caring, we are clean and elegeant, almost picturesque... but towards each other, when no stranger sees us, hell breaks lose. Shouting, name calling, you name it, I can imagine it's scarry, and it may sound toxic, but that's just how we handle things, and it's also exhausting to be nice to everyone all day. We don't really mean it anyway, and it's like nothing happened 20 minute after a heated argument with 3 people shouting at each other loudly. We just live like this.


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