2021-05-25 辽阔天空 8583

How much money do Uber drivers make?


Peter Ashlock,I drove a taxi in San Francisco from 1973 to 1987, I now drive for Uber

Peter Ashlock 1973年到1987年,我在旧金山开出租车。现在我是一名优步司机。

I can only give my own perception based on my own experiences. I have a certain advantage in that I once drove a cab in San Francisco for more ten years, between 1973 and 1987. My experience is influenced by that past. Now I drive an Uber X after two years as a black car Uber driver.


I currently receive a little less than $1500 a week for my five eight to nine hour nights. I do not pay into Social Security or Medicaid or anything other than my income tax. Perhaps I should, but my income is stretched so tight I am very conservative. I put aside around $900 a month toward income tax and to generate a modest amount of savings. Last year the taxes were $4700 and at tax time I only had saved $300 so I increased the amount I save.


I have had to replace the brakes in my car twice since the first of the year, needless to say I get my oil changed more often than ordinarily, and I had to replace the tires on the one year old car I bought to drive as an UberX last November. That cost around $600 earlier this year. So despite the appearance of generating close to $6000 a month, I too pay for the car, around $275 a month, $800 a month in gas, oil changes every two months or so, car washes every week or two, brake replacements, and of course my car insurance and so on. I'd guess that the gross income of nearly $72,000 I seem to be able to generate is in reality closer to an actual net of $45,000.


I have not done the math. This is an obscenely expensive city, Uber started here and is doing what it can to contribute to the frenzy, but their PR is typical of tech start ups, full of glib self aggrandizing statements and bloated claims about how they're making a better driver experience.blah blah blah. The ads on the sides of the buses now that they will guarantee $5000 in your first month. I can tell you from experience that you need to be prepared to work for probably at least 50 hours a week especially if you are new to the job and even more so if you are new to the city.


All the hot air is from a bunch of programmers who have never driven a cab, much less an Uber, and know absolutely nothing of the realities faced by drivers. They assume that their great god of "data" will tell them everything they need to know and that anything that can't be quantified that way doesn't count.


Last night I spoke to an angry Uber driver who claimed he made $2000 a week by driving 16 hours a day. I mentioned that I thought this was dangerous and unhealthy and he said he "took a break" in the middle of his efforts. To me this is a really foolish thing to do. He works nearly twice as many hours as I do to make $500 a week more than I do.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Ezaz Shaikh,?MBA from Glyndwr University London

Ezaz Shaikh 伦敦格林德沃大学工商管理硕士

City?drivers mostly?earn?more than rural friends. To some degree, this is a straightforward factor of urban expansion.
It costs more to work together in Brooklyn than in Cohoes.?Uber drivers?in?New York City?normal $29.34 per trip, contrasted with $10.99 in Chicago and $14.36 in Phoenix.
Overall it depends on where you are?driving in the US?as different?cities?have their own charge rate and benefits.


There are some cities who are always packed with passengers and the chance of earning well turn high whereas some other places it can be a little different than that.
But at the same time, it’s about how many passengers you can get whereas sometimes drivers have to drive with their vacant car.


How Uber drivers get paid and what are the options
Uber drivers?have a couple of choices accessible for payouts. These are set that you get inside the which is enabling them to pick whatever method they want in their installment as default.
There are right now a couple of installment choices, with every one intended to make sure that it can be easy as well as s suit driver’s needs.
However every alternative has its advantages and disadvantages, drivers should pick the technique that works best for them.


1. Uber Instant Pay
As the name proposes, drivers can consider this option to get their cash when a ride is finished. With Instant Pay, you may experience a few errors that happen occasionally or the rate is lower than the bank.
However, talking about general, there are few things which can block or slow down the money getting process which includes:


?California Bank and Trust
?First National Bank of Omaha
?Webster Bank
?Bank of New York Mellon
?Silicon Valley Bank
?Northern Trust
Instant payments could be perfect for drivers with financial tension before payday.Drivers that lean toward this strategy may get to their money up to five times each day, yet a little expense of $0.50 is connected each time.


Setting up Your Instant Pay
To set up this method, go to the “Income” tab in the application and tap Instant Pay. Here, you get the option where either you can add the individual one or one issued from?Uber.
Once you do that, you may choose the amount that you want to withdraw from the funds you have in your account.


Well, the last step is to click ‘Exchange Now’ and the cash will store onto the card account on record. Also, do Remember, not all cards are qualified for Instant Pay.


Uber Debit Card: why you need it?
Drivers that don’t have a platinum card may agree to accept an Uber Debit Card. This card is issued through Go Bank. If you are going for this card, then you can hope to get your new card within seven days.


Not just that there are a few advantages that you get for utilizing an Uber Debit Card. Well, it includes no transfer, overdraft, month to month or NSF expenses, etc.
Apart from that, you don’t even need the minimum balance requirement as well. Also, whenever Instant Pay is used with an Uber Debit Card, you will get your money to withdraw much faster than ever.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

2. Direct Deposit
This option is one of the most recommended methods and requires minimal measure of work and bother to set up. It’s trusty, dependable, and hassle-free. Direct Deposit is simple to handle and to set up which need some understanding before you set the account of yours.


Setting Up Your Direct Deposit
To set up your account in Direct Deposit you are going to follow a few steps which are easy and can be done within few minutes. However for understanding it a better way, here are the points for you


?Make sure you have the routing as well as the account number from your bank close by
?Next is, Sign in?Uber.
?After that tap on the “Banking” tab
?Tap the option “bank account details”, at that point you will get the “edit” option
?Enter your name, information regarding tax, account and routing numbers and other mentioned banking data
?Check the box you get for identity confirmation
?Once you are done with that, Tap “Submit”


After completing the steps, the payments will be issued to drivers by means of direct deposit each Thursday.


Jeffrey Thompson
Average profit after expenses:
$18,250?per year as a?full time?driver?(40 hrs/week)?or?$14,144?per year as a?part time?driver?(20 hrs/Week).
Let me prove it:


Let’s go over numbers to get a better idea of the actual profit, assuming I am going to drive full-time. I have the option of getting let’s say a 2012 Mazda CX-9 Grand Touring for $15,000 with 70,000 miles. I anticipate this car lasting 130,000 miles and will require probably $4000-$10,000 in maintenance to last that many miles. I am assuming that it will last me a long time with little repairs assuming I do a good job of maintaining the vehicle with routine oil changes and assuming the previous owner did a good job of maintaining the vehicle. I will at least need to get new tires once. This should last me 2 years of driving.

让我们根据数据更好地了解实际利润。假设我要当全职司机,我可以选择购买一辆2012年的马自达CX 9大旅行车,价格为15,000美元,行驶里程为70,000英里。我预测这辆车能行驶13万英里,不过我可能需要花费4000-10000美元的维护费才能达到这个里程。假设它能让我使用很长时间,在例行换油时我把它保养得很好,以及前任车主把它保养得很好,那么除了换一次新轮胎,我基本不用修它。可是哪怕这样,我也得先开两年别的车才能赚够这笔钱。

Let’s assume 40 hours driving per week. I am going to be taking Uber X, and Uber XL rides. (I will likely be driving for both platforms to maximize my income.) I will likely be averaging $150 per day. There will be days I make $120, and days that I make upwards of $300-$400. Winter driving will increase my income, but also increase the safety risk. I will also have to purchase snow tires which will add an additional $1000 expense. So we will keep the average daily income at $150.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Let’s do some numbers! 5 days driving per week, at $150 a day comes to $750 per week. 52 weeks per year and that comes to $39,000 per year. 2 years of driving makes $78,000. Not that bad for driving people around, right? But we are forgetting expenses . . .


Each week we average 1250 miles. At 20 mpg that’s $187.50 per week on average. Total gas expenses over 2 years comes to be $19,500. So let’s subtract $15,000 for the cost of the car, $19,500 for gasoline, and let’s assume we got lucky and maintenance only came to $6,000. $1000 for the snow tires. Total expenses comes to $41,500. If we subtract the expenses from the income we get $36,500 added to the bank over a 2 year period of time! That’s an extra $350 in the bank per week after expenses. If you drove 80 hours per week then you’d double the income but you’d have to replace the vehicle after a year.


So how much did you actually make per hour after driving for 2 years at 40 hours per week? $8.75 per hour.
Driving full time as a rideshare driver isn’t exactly lucrative. It makes a lot more sense driving part time because we can get rid of the up front cost of the vehicle since you already own the vehicle. Yes ,drive your own vehicle to shorten vehicle lifebut you would already be doing most of the maintenance so less of those expenses is directly related to rideshare driving. So we can easily get rid of the cost of the vehicle and just leave the cost of the maintenance. That means that at 40 hours per week you’d be adding $500 to your bank account per week instead of just $350. As a part time job picking your own hours, driving during surges and peak hours, you can also change the daily average from $150 to $200 easily. You might only be driving Friday and Saturday night, or during snow storms,but you will appropriately increase the daily driving time, thus increase the daily income, doing so can extend the use time of the car


Let’s assume part time driver. 20 hours per week. $200 daily average. Over 4 years that’d be $83,200. You pay for the car through your other income or full time job. Total expenses for the 4 years comes to be $26,500 which means an added $14,175 per year to the bank, or $272 per week ($13.60 per hour). As supplemental income, an extra $1180 per month isn’t that bad.


For the above examples, I assume the taxes are properly declared each year and the mileage is accurately recorded, assuming 65, 000 miles annually, minus $ 37, 700 and some additional charges such as buying a dashboard camera, or charging cable, which are not much, and overall, the revenue is substantial.


I've been driving for Uber for close to 8 months. The first 2 months it was pretty good. I netted about $12-$15/hr driving late at night. Then Uber started taking $1 off every fare and cut rates by 20%. All the mileage you put on your car makes it hardly worth going out anymore. You give a lot of short rides for, what comes out to $2.40 each, after Uber takes their cut. That doesn't even take into account the $10 a week they deduct for the phone. Then you have to deduct gas and car expense. You basically give the ride for free. Uber uses drivers and their cars for their own profit and wipes their ass with them because they know that more suckers are signing up to drive every day.


I have to be anonymous with my comment because if you say anything negative about Uber, you will be deactivated permanently. All the stuff you read on the Internet about the sleazy, underhanded tactics used by Uber are ALL true.They lie about everything. The CEO is a greedy scumbag and probably a psycopath. He will do anything he has to in order to get the monopoly on the taxi industry.


I drive only at surge times on Fri and Sat nights. It's the only time it it worth driving. You can make the bucks on surges. Unfortunatly, only a few hours a week have surge pricing. Plus you have to be in the right area, at the right time.
While I was reading some of these comments about all the money they make, it had me laughing. The chic who gave up her hair salon to drive for Uber had me rolling on the floor. I don't know if they are liars or just stupid. You will find out soon enough that it is all bullshit.


Gary Brents
It really depends on the driver. I had several thought about working in the morning and coming home at noon and at that time I could earn $ 500 to $ 1, 400 a week. Also influenced by the ride you accept and your area, if you live in an area that is not too many people, would you like to walk out of your area and go elsewhere


I usually like to carry passengers locally first before going to crowded places. Go to these bustling spots, I set a destination home, carrying passengers to go to this destination.
I have also worked throughout the day, not coming home by noon. I have made anywhere from $350.00 a week, to upwards of $2300.00 a week.


On the down side, I will tell you that I have had times (days) where I made very little money (less than $50.00 a day). These periods will come and go, but if you work hard, the amounts will average out over the span of a week or month; so be prepared for some real “downer” days and even weeks.


I usually tell new Drivers, to expect to lose money, or rather make very little money, until they learn the system and become comfortable with the platforms you are driving on. Once you find a few little tricks of the trade, you will see a drastic over-all increase in earnings. I also tell them to find out the most productive times in your area; as well as the most productive areas to be in, to make the money you wish to make.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Keep in mind that just because you make $100.00, on one day, it does not mean you made $100.00. What you make, should take into account the expenses that you have to pay. So, if Fuel costs you $30.00, and you made only $100.00, you actually only made $70.00, minus the cost of insurances.


I will share with you, that it may take you about a couple of months to establish a budget, to account for your Over-head expenses properly. In some cases longer. If you do not budget for your Car Washes, vehicle maintenance, tires, insurances, and Fuel, you will feel like you are not making enough to continue; thus you will become frustrated .


I hope this gives you a little insight as to what you can make, and what you will have to spend on, while you are driving for either Uber .


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