2021-05-30 辽阔天空 9028

How lonely are you?


Nitin Singh, Furniture Designer at IKEA
Answered September 13, 2018
I am male of 28 years old and I live in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia working in a MNC as software developer.
I stay alone in a flat because I dont like the company of people and I find solitude in staying alone.
I usually work from 11am-8pm, 5 days a week.
I smoke everyday and dont drink, only sometimes when I am in some office party.
Everyday I talk to my mom once a day for 15-30 mins.
Other than that I dont have anyone to talk to. I have/had friends but everyone is busy in life because of marriage or girlfriends.
Everyday I check my WhatsApp to see if someone messaged me but no one does except my mom and work related stuff.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Its like,I am living in a Jungle in isolation with no one to talk to. There are many animals around but I dont understand them and neither do they.
On weekends I dont go anywhere and stay at home, those days I am completely silent as no one is there to talk to.
I dont go to vacations as well when there are so many beautiful places all around because I dont like to see people anymore until I absolutely need to, I dont hate people but I like to be alone because the void created in heart for so many years has shattered it completely and maybe beyond repair.
Everyday I come back from office, drop my bags, freshen up and play games on my computer because gaming helps me to forget the feeling of loneliness or alienation. I find solace in the virtual world when I feel threatened by reality.
I sleep for 9 hours a day as well which I never did before (2-3 years back), because it helps me to cut out myself from real world for few hours.


I see people posting pictures with their girlfriends or exotic vacation pics, and though I dont get jealous and happy for them, but i ask God everyday why u left me with nothing ? I never hurt anyone, neither did I do anything wrong to anyone.
It makes me feel like I have no reason to wake up in morning and go to work, I have 0 motivation because money was never one for me and never will be.
I feel like I am living on this earth as a Human without a soul which is either dead or turned so cold that I dont feel it anymore.
I am more robot than the actual robots themselves with a little bit better Artificial Intelligence.
Everyday I am limping on life to carry myself to the next day and find meaning to it.


I hope tomorrow will be better and everyday I get disappointed , that today is same as yesterday and will not change anytime soon.
From the outside I am a very jolly person and people at work love the attitude that I am always making fun here and there.
But the outlook of me on the outside is the makeup I wear everyday so as no one notices the pain inside.
I dont want people to sympathize with me so I hide it from rest of the world and even my parents.
I have not told this to anyone before today but I felt like answering this question so I did.
After all this I keep positive and try to focus on my work.
I am is a state of life where loneliness and depression hits the most.
I feel how it would feel if I would had a friend and if she/he listens to whatever I had to say and i listen to him/her.
But some things in life we can never have and some things are never meant to be ours.


I tried to prevent myself from caring and writing an answer for this question as I am not a regular user of Quora but I guess even after getting used to loneliness and isolation after years of experience, amazingly I still have some desires left deep within me which make me want to share my story with other people. Damn you human brain, you're so hard to figure out!
Okay, so a severe case of loneliness here. And let me start by saying how glad it makes me feel to see the 100+ answers to this question and I think may be at least 10% of these people will be able to relate with the extent of my relationship with loneliness. I am not a special or an unusual example in any sense and could easily attest to most of the things mentioned in some of the other answers here which I just went through, except that may be I find a sharper version of some in my life and have a couple of things to add.
Introduction. I am almost 28 year old, a straight male. I do not suffer from any social anxiety, or a documented disorder which would prevent me from normal interactions in any situation (and trust me I have done my research). I don't exactly know what's wrong with me and only reason I could offer is that I am too different from most people and too indifferent to care about it, especially now and at this age.


Just to give you a taste of what my life is like, I have been living alone for many years now. The only people I know and communicate with in any capacity are work friends, or rather colleagues. Outside this circle, I have conversed with my parents, siblings and may be 3 other “friends” in the whole of last year. I don't recall the last time my phone rang with a non marketing call. But all these things are pretty normal in any lonely person's life and there is nothing new about mine.
What I will instead describe here are mostly the psychological effects and tribulations that it entails, and again, apologies in advance if these have been shared before. I have been in this state for more than 4 years now with few short laps of human contact here and there (more on that as I go on), which in retrospect might only have exacerbated the pain of an otherwise consistent lifestyle. And as any discussion on loneliness is incomplete without the mention of relationship, I would say I have none, and never had one with the exception of a couple short lived flings constituting those aforementioned companionship experiences.


Time. The biggest and most crucial factor in the extremities of loneliness is the factor of time. And granted, I may not have yet experienced extraordinary lengths of time that some of the other responders here have, I still have gone through many phases and changed a whole lot during this period. The thing about humans is that we are pathologically social beings, to the point of almost non-existence in complete isolation (true for most of us). Our personalities, and our memories shape in the way they do because they contain the element of company in them. Having spent most of my 20s in moderate to extreme isolation, I can feel the difference between my childhood memories and those from last few years. The latter are only revived in brain with a distinct vacuousness, as if they are soulless and the only parts that shine among them are the ones which contain the presence of someone else. As a matter of fact, most of my alone memories and experiences I created can be washed out by one tinge of a powerful remembrance that includes another human being. The way it affects me is subtle. Years go by and I don't "fully" realize I have really lived a life. So strictly speaking, it becomes less of an existence than that of a normal human being.
Emotions. Emotions are hardest and most unpredictable part to achieve control over. I have gone through very miserable cycles of utter despair, heartbreak, depression and insomnia before arriving at a point where tears have become hard to bring about. And given my lonely existence, other psychological afflictions like emotional vulnerabilities, predilection to romanticism, lower confidence, premature attachment, many insecurities etc. are difficult to avoid and have been an integral part of my personality. But this question is not about that and I will spare all the details. The key takeaway is that lonely people are more susceptible to emotional breakdowns and experience higher degree of pains from break-ups and other strains in relationships. I am no exception to that.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Phases. Here's where it gets interesting. When I started this journey I was a novice, and utterly clueless of what lay ahead in future. I was thrown into a situation where inevitably I was forced to live a life that I have never wanted or anticipated. I started with zero experience in this and can now dare to call myself an expert on loneliness, but that doesn't mean I still don't learn a lot about it or about myself everyday. The next few lines are very specific to me and don't generalize well to loners unlike most of my other descxtion. The first phase was of getting used to the new circumstances, and it was easiest of all since it still consisted of my leftover remains from years before and a struggle and hope. The next phase was filled with heavy disappointment caused by failures from former stage and a long period of bereavement for an unrequited love, extreme episodes of depression and the onset of desperation for companionship. The third and very long phase was the peak of this desperation and a sort of final attempt to achieve the normalcy through multiple efforts for securing love or engaging in other social activities which resulted into partial but temporary success. The fourth phase (in so far) has been the acceptance of fate, avoidance of triggers, masking of feelings, and an overall emotional frigidity. And ironically, the closest I have come to feeling "happy" in all these years has been in the current phase.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Changes. Chronic loneliness changes you, at primitive biological level. And I say this not just because I sense it or have experienced it but also because research in neuroscience has shown the occurrences of physical changes in our brains long after we step into adulthood, and possibly lifelong. I still adapt myself everyday to new waves of loneliness and sometimes hard earned lessons need repeated reminding to be fully learnt and put in practice. I have heard that being lonely and single only gets harder as one gets older. So far I have only heard this, but there is little I can do other than mentally preparing myself for the future.
Summary. Life means very different thing to me than to most people. It's less of a pursuit and more of a curiosity and challenge for me. What started out as a mild and later excruciating pain that I wanted to get immediately rid of, has turned into something deep, something meaningful. Loneliness is my most reliable companion now, as it never leaves me alone. I am not depressed anymore, lost may be, but not wallowing in constant agony. And it's only the beginning but I like to think that the worst part of this experience, getting accustomed to it, is over. I am very likely wrong in believing that this was the worst part but making my peace with living this way was crossing of a big hurdle for me. I know that having been made by the genes which are wired for attachment and intimate alliance with someone from the same species, though I can never claim victory over loneliness, it can be soothed and adapted towards an ultimate acceptance. Besides, I am still living in a functioning breathing society of humans, not in a forest, and hopefully the silent passive company of others will be enough consolation for me to survive!
Thank you for your attention.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

upxed January 7, 2019
Hi there! this is my first answer on Quora and am quite excited. I am writing this anonymously as I do not want my sibling, who is on Quora, to know my situation.
I am 31, male , single and have never been in a relationship. I live with my parents and I feel am extremely blessed to have them.I am an extreme introvert by nature and I take time to make friends. So, how lonely am I? To answer this, I need to confess that I have never thought I could feel so lonely in my life. I have few friends and all of them are quite busy with their life. I hardly speak to them, as all of them are married , have families and are busy with their lives.
I have a 10 to 7 job which am happy with. My daily routine would be this.
Get up at 7,freshen up, exercise for 30 mins, bath, have breakfast and leave for work.
I have few good friends at office, whom I am very close to and whom I share my personal stuff with. I come back home by 9, have dinner and sleep by 11.I have dexed my Facebook profile and hardly get any personal messages on WhatsApp and I started keeping my phone at a distance over the weekends.


I have been feeling lonely since few months and gave up making new friends. I feel I am going through a bout of depression and trying to come out of it. I started to learn to live alone and enjoy the solitude. All this started two years ago because of a condition that I got diagnosed with. There's something called peripheral neuropathy(PN - Had never heard of this all my life) which I am fighting with now. There is serious lack of awareness on this and the doctors are clueless if you are non diabetic and have PN. This condition involves excruciating pain in your feet and hands which could become unbearable at times. Pain is the toughest thing to handle and my body started adapting to this pain now.The cause in my case was diagnosed to be probably B12 deficiency and this was after an year of suffering as all the neurologists I met never got me tested for it. So, I had started getting the probable correct treatment after an year and this could mean the damage that's caused to the peripheral nerves could be irreversible to some extent. To give you all an idea, there are more than hundred types of peripheral neuropathy where there can be more than 20 causes and in 50% of the cases, the cause cannot be found(Idiopathic). Its been 8 months since I started this treatment and I could notice a bit of improvement and I hope I will get more better. The treatment regimen even with the B12 deficiency is highly uncertain, means, not the same regimen works for everyone.
So, what am I doing to avoid feeling lonely. I started reading books, watching TV series(Am in love with Downton Abbey which am currently watching), started travelling Solo(Been to a different country last month), planning to start writing(I just began!) and would start learning Guitar next month. I have also started designing a webpage where I want to create awareness on PN with B12D.
Final words here, I did not exactly let my family know the physical pain that I am going through. I do not want to see the pain in their eyes. I am going to fight this out and will never give up.


Answered July 25, 2018
I AM EXTREMELY LONELY in my marriage. And I don't know whether this is because of cultural differences.
I am married to a person from another culture. I am Asian and my husband is European. We were vacationing in my home country. I was pregnant while we were on vacation. He was supposed to leave earlier than me back to Sweden. So when we went to the doctor in my home country and found out that the fetus' heartbeat stopped and I was going to miscarry anytime soon, I felt so sad and depressed.
He was about to leave the next day. I wanted him to change his ticket and stay longer with me as I needed him. But he said he couldn't. He had this schedule with his ex (he was supposed to have the children with him that week). He has always been afraid of his ex. She uses him. Whenever she has an emergency, she sends their children to him and he takes them with no question. But when I was going through this terrible time he could not be with me because his fear for his ex is more than his love for me.


So he went back to Sweden and the next thing he does is go to a party with his kids and cousins. I felt so alone and sad as I was bleeding terribly and was in pain. I felt so lonely.
Although I felt so sad, I couldn't do anything about it. I was helpless.
Then something else happened. I was supposed to go back to Sweden on the 6th of August. He calls me and tells me to come after two weeks (17th August) because his children will be there till then. He gave me money for a D&C if I was having any complications. But since it came out naturally, I didn't use that money. He asked me to use that money to come later.
He didn't want me to be around his kids when I was grieving. I really needed him and was looking forward to seeing him again on the 6th but he was more concerned about his children. He tries to say otherwise but deep down I know the real reason. He keeps asking me to come back later although I tell him I prefer coming earlier
This has happened before. Last Christmas, I needed to have an abortion for medical reasons at 14 weeks as the fetus was dying and I did not want to carry a dead child. It was during Christmas. I told him I am depressed and too sad that I don't want to see any Christmas decorations in the house. But the more he overdid it as he did not want to make his kids feel bad in any way because of what had happened. They even went to my mother-in-law's place to have a Christmas party for the kids and his brother's family while I was crying alone at home.
So this is why I feel so alone Especially the fact that he wants me to come later so that it won't distrupted his children in anyway makes me so sad and depressed. AND ALONE!
Thank you for reading!


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