2021-05-31 辽阔天空 9434

How lonely are you?


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Answered March 31, 2018
I haven’t spoken to another person my age in a little over 4 years now. I’ve been outside a total of 12 (yes, I keep count) times this year, with the majority being important things such as hospitals or financial. I have one friend (two if you count his younger sibling), although I haven't seen him in over a year and a half, and we’ve drifted apart - he simply has different tasks that occupy his time.
I can go weeks without even speaking a single word. I can’t look another person in the eye for more than a few seconds, often letting my eyes wander to their general area or to the side. I feign being tired so that they won’t notice that I simply don't understand how to communicate with another member of my species.
I’ve become a very private person too, because of my loneliness. Any information about me is held close to heart, and hesitantly given out. I’ve become paranoid of other people and their potential machinations, to an almost unhealthy degree. Depression is almost a guarantee; but of course, I won’t go to a professional. No need to burden others with my demons.
Perhaps that’s pride talking. my pride is all that I have left.
It becomes a weight, almost. An invisible burden on my chest that brings my emotions down with it. I feel confused, uneasy, impatient…I feel like I'm a spectator to my own life.
Sometimes I feel sad, and I feel my facial muscles fall into what I think is a sad or sombre expression. But when I look in the mirror… all that I see is blank. There is next to no emotion present, and all that can be gleamed is indifference and perhaps apathy. Even when I actively feel sad… I can’t express it.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

There are days when I think it would be best to let it all out, to weep away my sorrows and build anew. But the waterworks never come. I put on a sad movie, sad music, think about dying family members and all that-
-but I can’t. I’ve bottled it up for so long I’ve forgotten how to cry.
They start. Small little pricks in my eyes, little globes of water… but that’s it. That’s the extent of it. They never run, and once I wipe them away, they’re gone, and I'm just left feeling tired yet restless.
The worst part is my heart - metaphorically speaking. I feel like I’ve been living in stasis for years, ever since I first lost touch with others. I sometimes act like I would four years ago, and find myself loathing that childishness, that innocence.
I’ve forgotten what it’s like to be happy.
I don't know. I honestly, truly don't know anymore. It’s been so long I can’t recall what it feels like to be so overjoyed, to feel warm in the embrace of another, to get excited for something. All I feel is a strange hollowness in my bones. A void in my heart, one that consumes any light inside it.
I play games often. I hear people in game chat talking and joking with one another, but I never join in. I don't want to ruin it for them. I'm nowhere near as articulate as my writing; I fumble words, use the wrong ones, speak too lowly or loudly. So I just stand in the shadows, hoping not to be seen even though I so desperately want to reach out, but know it’s not my place.


I used to have social anxiety, almost cripplingly so… but now, all I feel is apathy. I'm not scared anymore, I just don't care enough. I don't fear death, and should it come for me one day, I know my time’s up and walk with the hooded reaper to the next life, and take solace in one as lonely as I.
I once considered suicide. Only idly though, and never with intent to follow through (more of a ‘I wonder if I did this’ kind of thought). I’ve lived for this long, I can live for many more, even if it's in suffering. Plus I don't want to burden others with my death.
You know the ‘funniest’ part of it all? Back before my isolation began, I once wished I could be stoic. You know, the cool-come-edgy emotionless guy who doesn't give a crap. There must be a genie around here somewhere with a sick sense of humour, or perhaps this is the cost for such a wish. I got my wish, but the cost was more than I ever knew.
I don't consider this a bad life though. I consider it a usual one. Some have it much worse than I; my situation is nowhere near as bad. I'm not on the poverty line, or struggling to feed a family, or working two jobs to support my kid(s). I just sit here, in my room, alone. Four years have passed, yet it feels like only a few months.
My sense of time is utterly gone. I don't keep track of the month, the week, the day. My life revolves around a two-day existence. First day is showering, the second is not. That is it. I won’t know what month it is until several days into said month.
I don't write this to garner sympathy. Or maybe I am, subconsciously. I don't know - and that’s the worst part. Even in this hollow shell of me, the only thing I have left to fear is the unknown. Probably what built upon my paranoia.
Raise your hand to the sky.
That’s what it feels like to try and connect; so close, yet oh so far. A wanton desire forever unquenched, and one that I, perhaps, don't deserve.
Thank you for reading. Perhaps this was a bit of a vent, but thank you regardless.


upxed May 3
I am so terrifyingly lonely.
I am a married 25 year old woman. As a child, I was invisible. No one cared about what I had to say, what I was thinking or even what I was doing. My proudest moments went unrecognised and unappreciated, which slowly turned me into someone who was never good enough. Who will never be good enough, no matter what I do. My life was dedicated to pleasing others, constantly trying to attain recognition, to be seen, heard. This was my coping strategy and I lived like that for a long time.
Then, I gave birth to my child. Consequently, I was hit very hard with postnatal depression. Once you fall into depression, it is so so hard to climb out.. and then of course you are even more lonely because no one wants to be around a broody person all day… and so the cycle continues..
In other words, the crap finally hit the fan.
I became withdrawn and agitated with unbearable mood swings. I closed up into myself and refused to let anyone in, least of all those closest to me.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Anyone who hasn’t been through depression cannot begin to understand what you are going through - and that’s about everyone I know. My husband. My family. My colleagues. Needless to say, I have no friends. No one understands me, I have no one to talk to.
I am so terrifyingly lonely.
But I do believe that ‘what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger’. I need to look out for myself and take care of myself. If I do that, and persevere through this, I will come out so much stronger. At the end of the day, the only person who really cares about me… is me. There’s great comfort in coming to terms with that. After all, husbands can divorce you, parents can disown you and children can abandon you. Let’s not even start with friends…
So even if I’ve had a hard day, and no one understands me, and I feel like I’m going to break into a million pieces, I know that I still have me. I open up my journal and I start to write to myself.. I let it all out.. Then I take my journal, curl up and I hug it close to me… indirectly hugging myself.


I believe that with self love, I can conquer my feeling of loneliness and isolation. If I learn to love myself, realise that I don’t have to be invisible, that I am worthy of recognition, I can build my confidence. By doing so, I hope to become more attractive in the eyes of my peers.
Because confidence is really attractive.
Im taking baby steps, but one day, I hope I will get there.
Thanks for letting me share!
EDIT: Wow! Over 25,000 views and over 500 Upvotes! Thanks everyone for reading and interacting! I’ve written some other answers on Quora, but never a personal one.. This kind of reaction makes me think that maybe one day, I will have the courage to proudly open up to the world, not just about my successes, but about my weaknesses too…


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

shwin Saxena, studied at The University of Texas at Dallas (2018)
Answered July 8, 2018
I moved to California recently, where I was welcomed by my roommate in a lovely house. But I never knew my life is going to change in that instant, when I saw her. She was also a flatmate, living opposite to our room. She was different and unusual in every way. The way she saw me, I felt numb. After all, I was lost in that unimaginable moment.
I shook my hands with her. I was nervous. But she smiled back and I felt comfortable with her. She had beautiful eyes behind those specs and I couldn’t get my eyes off her. She was driving me crazy in our first meeting.
Finally I shifted with my baggage the next day. I had no keys, when she opened the door for me. I stood there for sometime, when I witness her. She looked even more beautiful that day. She offered me help and I was falling for her every instant after she cared for me. But I was too shy.
Few days, we kept greeting and thanking each other at small-small things like picking up each others package. But I was too nervous to initiate a conversation with her. But she felt different. So one day, I took initiative.
We always happened to see each other during cooking or filling water in the kitchen. So when I came downstairs, I saw her cooking. When she saw me coming towards her, she smiled back. I responded the same way. But by then, I wasn’t feeling the same way as before. I became conscious as I was juggling with so many thoughts. I had prepared my conversation beforehand already, but I couldn’t even say a word and I left in a hurry. I was really upset that day with myself.


After few days of eating outside, I thought of cooking inside home. Meanwhile, I felt like serving her too . She felt happy and thanked me when I kept food for her. And we started talking. While coming back from office, I used to eagerly wait for her and we used to talk a lot. I was loving her company after all. But I never knew that I was falling for her too.
One afternoon, I was busy in cooking when I saw her coming but she was disturbed and felt sick. She was having cold and fever. I was concerned about her, but she filled water and left without saying a word. She was affecting me every now and then and so, I thought of making her a coffee. I always used to prefer her calling and texting before knocking her door as I thought she might feel uncomfortable. But I was overthinking anyways. I did the same but I couldn’t receive any reply after repeatedly knocking her door too. I couldn’t focus further on my cooking. I threw the coffee away in disappointment.
After sometime, I heard someone coming downstairs and I saw her.
She: Hey. I am really sorry. I slept off. What happened?
Now I felt comfortable and relived when I saw her. But she wasn’t okay.
Me: I made a coffee for you. I will bring you in sometime. Please wait for sometime.


She smiled back and thanked me. I saw her smiling beautifully after so many days and I started preparing coffee again. I rushed towards her room and this time, I knocked her door and served her. My day never took off when I couldn’t witness her beautiful presence, before I leave for office. But fortunately, somehow, I always happened to see her. Her smile and beautiful eyes were magical.
One day, I was leaving for office and I thought of keeping the food for her too. I always preferred her texting as always.
Me: I have kept some food in a container in fridge for you. Please have it whenever you feel like.
I couldn’t get response that instant and I was again tensed and stressed out. I kept checking but it was in vain. After sometime,
She: Hey. I really liked the gesture, but I preferred to cook food myself and so, you don’t have to cook food for myself. Thanks anyways.


I couldn’t believe what she sent. I felt numb and silent that instant. Maybe, I was expecting a lot from her. I couldn’t control my emotions and I stopped myself to responding her further. I never knew what was affecting me so much. She was just a flatmate and she had a right to do whatever she prefers. But I couldn’t understand this hypothesis. This time, I never felt like going home and I wanted to stay the whole day at office. But I had no choice. Maybe I was too nervous to talk to her now. I was overthinking. I felt if something had changed amongst us. Maybe, she might have felt differently now about me. I was really anxious and started making conclusions unnecessarily.
After few days, I couldn’t talk to her or greet her. I stopped cooking too now. I was feeling suffocated in silence as we were not talking as before. And so, I stopped taking initiatives and I even stopped texting her. But somehow, it was affecting my work too at office. I couldn’t focus and I started bashing at my friends and loved ones unexpectedly somehow. I never knew what had happened, but I knew one thing, that I really wanted to get out of this mess. I stopped caring for things, I used to do before.


One day, I couldn’t control my emotions and started crying while talking to my mom. I never had bad intentions after all. She was a good friend of mine and so I couldn’t stop myself than narrating everything. Because it was affecting my other relations too. My mom listened to me.
Mom: You are a good person and always caring. But during these times, we always forget that someone, whom you are caring for, is comfortable or ready too. Undoubtedly, she is a nice girl and respecting a girl is always your priority. The problem is not that you cared for someone so much or you had some bad intentions. Never underestimate yourself in situations like this. Always be thankful to God that you have been given a gift to cherish or make someones lives beautiful after all. You think and care about someone so much. No one will be against you. Never. Mark my word. But expecting too much from someone, you hardly knew makes it a lot tougher. Sometimes, even I am not comfortable of taking gestures from someone, so does that make me bad? Never. If you respect yourself for whatever change you bring in someones life, respect the same way when someone express her feelings. And I am glad you took your time to think about this and show your vulnerabilities. This is part of your life. But overcoming these challenges makes you a better person every now and then. Don’t stop learning. You keep serving people as always. But at the same time, keep your expectations aside. At last, I want to say I am so proud of you. You did your job very well.


I never knew I would have a conversation ever with my mom about a girl. Maybe I never took an initiative. I couldn’t sleep properly for few days as I was seeking so many answers. But after I talked to my mom, I felt relived and slept off.
The next day, somehow, I felt confident when I woke up. It was a beautiful day after all. I was focussed now and I was back on track. I was smiling and laughing at small-small things for now. After all, I was glad and grateful to God for having this beautiful life.
After all, no one has any bad intentions. She never stopped talking to me. Later, she took an initiative and responded me very well. And we were back on track. In moments like this, we get out of control and hurt our loved ones unexpectedly. But its better to take sometime off and think about what needs to be done. Because losing your loved ones is not always an option. You can’t control situations like this, but you can stick to your plan and do things for them selflessly because whenever you go to bed, you will always sleep well that you made someones smile beautifully and you will smile back then.


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