2021-06-02 cnbsmt 16631

As a brit i've always been confused with some americans identifying as Anglo-Saxon.. How exactly are they Anglo Saxon? considering Anglo Saxons are not really a racial group at all in the UK


how can one claim 'anglo saxon' heritage?

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

British people are mix of all their invaders

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Celtic, roman, Germanic, Viking, Norman


it seems odd that they would focus on this singular group of Germanic settlers


It's used more like a political term. The Victorian historians of England had a hard on for Anglo Saxons. They looked back at pre-Norman England as some ideal political state with elected kings. Then the Normans came along & imposed feudal tyranny. In this telling the Victorians saw the next centuries as a struggle to reassert Anglo Saxon political principles of accountability & elections against Norman tyranny with big events like the Magna Carta as part of this tradition of Anglo Saxon resistance.
This theory was pretty much accepted across the board in England in the Victorian period & so infected the US who looked at their constitution as a follow up to the Magna Carta & so some frxd themselves as following that tradition. There is also a religious aspect, it's usually always referring to a Protestant.
As others have pointed out there is a racial element to it. Probably it was always there in the Victorian England telling but I don't think it's controversial to say some circles in the US it has been used to distinguish between other "white" immigrants that entered the US on mass such as Italians, Irish.


It's worth noting that this phenomenon was broadly present throughout Europe. As nation-states tried to more sharply define national identity during the 19th century they frequently pulled deep from their history to do so (to an extent of misrepresenting or even fictionalizing it). So the French for instance would more heavily pull on their "Gaelic" heritage and subsequent romanization despite the "Franks" themselves being essentially a more recent splinter from the main Germanic group.
In that context references to an "Anglo-Saxon" heritage was simultaneously a way to differentiate Britain from the mainland and their upper classes Norman heritage as well as reinforce English supremacy amongst their Celtic subjects (Ireland, Scotland, Wales).

在这种背景下,提及“盎格鲁-撒克逊” 传承,既是将不列颠与欧洲大陆和诺曼人传承区分开来的一种方法,也是要巩固英格兰在他们的凯尔特臣民(爱尔兰、苏格兰、威尔士)中的优势地位。

What’s funny is that the a lot Victorian nobles in America who idolizes the Anglo-Saxons were probably the descendants of the Normans who subjugated them.


And calling yourself ethnically “English” might sound unpatriotic to an American considering the war of independence?

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Fun fact: Irish, Italian and Swedish immigrants to the US weren’t considered white at the time!


Nor where the Germans or Slavs/Poles.


these days it's mostly racists who identify as "Anglo-Saxon." they're low-key saying they're Aryan


Which is another misnomered one. Aryans came from the Indian subcontinent, but everyone now thinks of them as blonde Germans.


It's not a misnomer the nazis literally believed the aryans of the indian subcontinent were ancient nords.


I really don't think thats particularly accurate. W.A.S.P. is a pretty common term, and plenty of people consider themselves Anglo-Saxon just because thats the term they've always heard used to describe the group they belong to, and don't have any racist subtext to using it at all.

我并不认为这些说法是准确的。W.A.S.P.【即White Anglo-Saxon Protestant,白人盎格鲁-撒克逊新教徒,原义是指美国的新教上流社会】是一个相当常见的词,很多人之所以认为自己是盎格鲁撒克逊人,是因为他们一直听到这个词用被来形容他们所属的群体,根本没有任何种族主义的含义。

Anglo-Saxon has been co-opted by the racist and the political right which are ultimately becoming one in the same in the U.S.


I mean, that's just not true. The fact that many racists identify as Anglo-Saxon isn't the same as most people that identify as Anglo-Saxon being racists.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Victoria was of the house of Hanover, no ? Angles and Saxons were Germanic tribes. The biggest ethnical group of the USA, correct me if I'm wrong are the germans. Looks like an attempt from those germans to eradicate the Celtic, scandinavian or french heritage of the UK.


In America (at least in my experience) the simple idea of "Anglo Saxon" isn't really what people identify with.
Americans who would claim an identity in that vein tend to draw stronger ties to maybe "English" heritage, but more so they tend to call attention to "original colonial" ties.
But, as the Mcmanus pointed out above, "Protestant" comes into play too, though ironically, actually being Protestant doesn't have much to do with it (you could be Baptist, or non-denominational, or completely non-religious, doesn't matter). What matters is that its just part of the descxtor of that "Original colonist, pilgrim profile."
And thus the term"WASP" (n) or "WASPy" (adj) an arguably derisive or pejorative acronym for "white, Anglo Saxon, Protestant" that is really meant to express that someone/someone's family is the white, with no notable aspect of minority or immigrant flavor to them, and often the term is meant to carry a connotation of some "privileged" status. I.e., they come from "the right kind" of upper middle class suburban family and are treated as such.

因此,“WASP”(名词)和“WASPy”(形容词)可以说是“白人、盎格鲁撒克逊人、新教徒” 的嘲讽或贬义的首字母缩略,真正的意思是表达某人或某人的家族是白人,没有明显的少数民族外表,而且这个词通常意味着带有某种“特权”地位的内涵。也就是说,他们是来自中产阶级上层家族,并有着对等的待遇。

I don’t think it has as much to do with actual ethnic heritage as it did with class and racial struggles between established, ethnically English persons in places like Boston and New York during the waves of immigration in the 19th and early 20th centuries. WASP became a pejorative for the image of wealthy, ascot-wearing people who were legacies at Ivy League universities because their families built their wealth in the 1830s and summered in posh places while the lower classes worked in factories.

我认为这与种族传承没有太大关系,而是与19 世纪到 20 世纪早期移民潮中波士顿、纽约等地的老牌英国人之间的阶级、种族斗争有关。WASP是常春藤盟校出身、打着领结、富人形象的贬损,因为他们的家族在1830年代积累了财富,在豪华的地方避暑,而下层阶级则在工厂里工作。

I've literally never heard anyone self identity as an Anglo-Saxon or as a WASP. It's more something people say about other people than something people say about themselves. At least that's been the case for the past 50 years.


Exactly what I was thinking. I've never met anyone who identified this way growing up in a 98% 'white' area. I think this is more often something some people are accused of identifying as, along with those implications.


I have. In America people just think it means white, but the right kind of white.
Most recent was a dude I worked with, very dark skinned, family was from Mexico but he insisted that he was "Spanish". He referred to himself as "Anglo Saxon" to me a few times.
When I asked him "I thought you were Spanish" he said "Spanish people can be white". Dude looked like a cross between a Pima Indian who spent his days in the sun and a Berber who spent his days in the sun. This is America.


I've never seen someone self-identify as ethnically Anglo-Saxon, however I have seen people talk (positively) about Anglo-Saxon heritage, culture, values, and things like that.


American here: I have never in my 74 years Ever heard anyone refer to themselves as anglo saxon.

我是美国人, 74年来,我从未听过有人自称盎格鲁撒克逊人。

You seriously haven't heard the term WASP? That's from your generation!


It was more of a 19th Century/Early 20th Century English thing to talk about "Anglo-Saxons". You can see plenty of references to it in the literature of the time.
It disappeared after WW II when the whole racial superiority thing suddenly got unfashionable.

谈论“盎格鲁-撒克逊” 更像是19世纪或20世纪早期的英国事物。你可以在当时的文献中看到很多参考资料。

French-speakers often use « Anglo-Saxon » to mean the English-speaking world in general. They are quite surprised when I explain that it’s a racial term. I remember laughing when I saw Colin Powell (an Afro-American general during the Gulf war) being described as Anglo-Saxon on French TV.

说法语的人经常使用“盎格鲁撒克逊” 来指代英语世界。当我向他们解释这是一个种族术语时,他们很惊讶。我记得,当我在法国电视上看到科林·鲍威尔(海湾战争期间的一位非裔美国将军) 被描述为盎格鲁-撒克逊人时,我笑了。

Angles and Saxons were distinct peoples. They invasions you mentioned didn't happen simultaneously, and did not impact each part of Britain equally. Not all modern Britons are a mix of all above, like.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Yeah that always struck me as a funny two groups to mix. They came at the same time, but were very different. The Saxons were west Germanic, larger in population and more hierarchical, and the Angles were Suebic, more rural, remote, and “Primitive”. They kinda merged later, but you’re right- They’re not the same.


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