2021-06-03 汤沐之邑 7489

Do you cry easily?


Erica Duh, Awkward 15 year old girl
I used to cry all the time. I wouldn’t just cry, but I would cry for very long periods of time. Once, when I was in maybe kindergarden, my brother pointed out that me and this other girl had started crying at the same time, but she stopped crying when I was about halfway finished crying. It was weird because I couldn’t stop, and I wasn’t even sure why I was crying anymore.
Now, I only cry when I am extremely frustrated and feel like I do not have any control over my life. This happens very rarely. Usually, I do not show bad emotions, such as anger or sadness. It also only happens when I am alone and when it is late at night, maybe once or twice a year. I occasionally find myself tearing up for emotional reasons or because of physical pain, but this is also rare and my eyes only get sort of wet, no tears.
There are many things that other people cry about that I don’t, so sometimes I wonder if I have feelings. I will occasionally watch movies that are supposed to make me cry, such as Marley and Me or Me Before You, just to make sure that I have feelings. When it doesn’t work I worry. I will also watch YouTube videos that are meant to make people cry, such as really sad commercials in different languages. This can often do the trick. For some reason I also choose to do this late at night, when everyone in the house is asleep and it is just me crying in my dark room.


Dieter Neth, Have lived in Mexico and Switzerland for many years
Yup, I have built near the water, I guess!
Now, I come from a culture that frowns upon men showing emotions and it is common knowledge that “real men don’t cry”. I still remember my father on the phone, back in 1972, having received the news that his Dad had just passed away in Germany,with him being in Switzerland.
I remember the scene se vividly because of the way my father would fight back that little drop of water forming in one of his eyes….
As a man, you never cry, only Italians or other latin folks do so. Not even during funerals. In case you suspect that there might be some rain from your eyes, you wear sunglasses. You do not cry in public, ever.
And that was how I was brought up. I was as cold as ice and as tough as tempered steel when it came to suppress my emotions.


McKayla Kennedy, Now (and forever) studying psychology because humans are weird
I cry very, very, very easily.
Movies make me cry. I warn people about this when we watch movies together— “I am going to cry if there’s anything remotely sad, touching, or even happy. I’m fine, I don’t need to be comforted, that’s just how I enjoy good movies.” Some of them still freak out. Then I’m cry-laughing, sometimes making a noise that can only be described as snorting.
Books make me cry. I can’t read emotional stories, especially about children, in public places.
Music makes me cry. The right sad song can get me teary in no time at all.
Commercials make me cry.
I already started crying over Supermarket Flowers.


Sharvani Musandi, Innocent kid
I'm a cry baby! I have no idea why tears flow down so easily from my eyes. Many times I tried to be strong emotionally but ended up bursting out with tears.
I cry whenever I'm happy, sad, angry, upset, missing someone or something!
Sometimes the reason I cry for are absolutely insane! Lasttime I cried was yesterday and the reason was, I saw a video of one YouTuber where she was exploring Newyork, it was so beautiful that I started crying thinking “when will I visit Newyork?”
And the previous day I cried at my office because my manager rejected my leaves! :(
I cry when I watch any sad ending movies, when my mom yells at me, when my sister doesn't agree to my decisions, when I'm feeling homesick, when I'm feeling lonely, when I'm angry on someone, when I don't get what I want and many more….
I'm the same since my childhood. I still remember the day when I was in 2nd grade, my mom had been to my relatives home for one day, she was about to be back home after few hours I reach home from my school. I cried at my school whole day thinking “why my mom didn't take me with her”
When my friends asked “why are you crying?”
“I’m missing my mom, she went to her relatives home without me”, I said with tears in my eyes.
“How many days she have been?”
“One day, she will be returning today evening itself”
“Then why are you crying?”
“I don't know!” -_-
And specially when someone asks me “Are you crying?” tears start flowing from my eyes!
I actually don't like myself being so sensitive! I hope I'll overcome this someday! :)


Fred Shirley, Physics MSc student, amateur photographer
I find it very difficult to cry alone.
In fact, I cannot remember the last time I cried when I wasn’t in the presence of another person. I just can’t do it; it’s as if I need another person there to give me attention or offer me support in order for me to cry.
So if I’m alone, it’s nearly impossible for me to cry.
If I’m with another person? It’s complicated.
Whilst I despise the whole notion of ‘British Stiff-Upper lip,’ I can’t help but admit that it has been ingrained into me somewhat. As such, I find it very difficult to cry as I’m not very good at making myself vulnerable to people.
There are exceptions, of course. I can cry without holding back in front of my parents, for example.
But it isn’t actually that easy to make me cry. I very rarely cry at books or films. I don’t cry when people die.
That’s not to say I’m not emotionally ‘switched-on.’ I’d say I was. But crying is just not my main method of processing things.
I sometimes wish it was. Crying can be such a release.


Vishak Raman, Still living, still learning. More importantly - still growing.
I can’t cry.
Or at least, I haven’t been able to cry in more than four years.
I couldn’t cry when the love of my life broke up with me. I couldn’t cry when my grandfather passed away. I’ve been frustrated to the point of screaming into a pillow when my lab experiments were failing for weeks on end, but I couldn’t cry.
I found it hard to breathe as I got on the flight that would take me away from India indefinitely. There are songs that bring up memories, literature that tugs at my chest, movies that choke me up but still, the tears will simply not run down my cheeks.
People say it’s not good to “bottle things up”, that you should “let things go, let the tears flow” — and they’re right. It is incredibly draining not being able to cry. I used to wonder if I was just a cold person, that the tears weren’t coming because I didn’t feel enough pain, or maybe wasn’t even capable of feeling that sort of pain.
Had I really loved her? Had I loved my grandfather? Did I care about my work? Did I miss India? Did I care about anything? Hard to tell when I couldn’t cry.
I’ve gotten used to it now, now that I’ve realized I’m not alone — a lot of men can’t cry. We grow up with a pressure not to show emotion and it has a lasting effect on many of us.
So no, I don’t cry easily. I wish I could.


Sharath Joshi, Dreamer, seeker, ambivert, story-teller, a speck of dust!
Although I'm someone who is very sensitive on the inside, I find it extremely uncomfortable when it comes to expressing strong but simple feelings like ecstacy or grief because no words or gestures, at that time, come naturally to me. Just like most of us.
So coming to the question, do I cry easily? No, I don't. In fact I remember almost every instance of crying after I thought I was mature enough, say after the age of 12. Although the reasons and circumstances were very different each time, there was a very disturbing common connection among all those incidents - “helplessness”. I usually get tears in my eyes or I cry when something is happening/happened to someone (usually a dear one) and I can't help. Sure, there could be a lot of other feelings and reasons but the residue that remains is the same everytime. It's been a bitter feeling and subconciously perhaps it has only made it difficult to cry the next time!
On the other hand, when I'm extremely happy I don't do anything crazy to show my happiness and I just give awkward smiles usually which are different from my regular ones I'm told! I'm trying to get off both these habits and try to act normal but hasn't happened so far.


Sam Gupta, learning things the hard way
Well, not these days.
I stress easily, though. I get sleepless nights and acne in the morning. I become plump the next day. But that’s okay I guess. You can’t get everything, right?
I still have no peace within. I am an anxious creature. I still freak out easily.
But things are better now, for me, emotionally.
I used to cry super easily until a few months back.
I guess I have now become emotionally stronger? Maybe a little selfish too?
Not to brag, but I have seen so much in life that rarely anything affects me very deeply now. I know I am still extremely sensitive. But I don’t cry.
Or maybe I just don’t get hurt easily?
But maybe, even though I am sensitive and emotional, I am losing my compassion and empathy? Yeah, I know it sounds all paradox. I don’t really know how to explain this.
But honestly, I am liking this change.
In the past, I have cried for stupidest things.
I still “enjoy” crying though. It feels so light after crying. I feel relaxed. Hormones, lol.
Also, I feel I have started giving myself more importance. I put myself first. I have stopped caring about most people in my life and it’s so stressfree. I feel good. Why didn’t I do this sooner?
Most people don’t deserve your care anyway.
I hope I am only getting smarter. Seems like.


Nic?le Laghuwitz, lives in Rotterdam, South-Holland, Netherlands
I do, and I hate it.
For example, a long time ago I didn’t do my homework, and the teacher gave me a punishment. It meant that I wouldn’t be able to join the class in something fun. I didn’t actually care cause I didn’t like it anyway*. But once I’m out the class, sitting in the hallway, I start crying without knowing why. The tears just came, I didn’t want them to come and I didn’t actually feel sad or happy.
Like that many times after that it happened, I have no clue why there are tears coming out of my eyes and I don’t want them to, but I can’t stop it.
And all that for no reason. While if I have a reason to cry I won’t cry as easily. Like when my grandpa died, I felt very sad but tears didn’t come out.
*The “fun” thing was talking in front of the class for 5 minutes straight without any eh’s and breaks. Then you would be able to pass the round and would head to the next round which meant a new story for 5 minutes. But I’m way too shy to talk to myself for 5 minutes in front of the class. It also was in a circle which you were in the middle. You could say I hated every single time it happened. And you couldn’t say no, you had to participate. It was perfect that I had a reason not to join, because it meant I didn’t pass the round so couldn’t participate in the next rounds either. Lucky me.


Ellen Sassani, People are fascinating.
I cry easily as a result of “art”. A sad movie. A happy movie. A sad song. A happy song. Beautiful music without words. Beautiful words without music.
I cry very seldom as a result of “life”. Disappointment. Argument. Criticism. Pain. Even death.
I don’t know why. Maybe an emotional reaction to art is safer and more manageable, whereas an emotional reaction to life can be more dangerous,


Kashi Diehl
It depends on the situation.
My brain is really strange. It seems to have a switch in it. So that when someone else is there or in earshot, I can't cry.
I literally can't, even if I try my very hardest, my body won't let me. I guess is tried not to cry around others so much I simply can't anymore.
However if I'm alone, it's a different story.
When I'm alone I cry so easily.
I cry for every death in a drama I'm watching. I cry when I feel even a little sad. I cry when I hear nice music and sad music both. I can even make myself cry just by thinking something really sad. Sometimes if I have a bad dream, I wake up crying. Which unfortunately happens a lot nowadays.
It's horribly easy to cry for me when nobody is there.
I would say that I used to cry easily in general. Now I don't know whether to classify myself as crying easily or not.


No!! The biggest truth of my life I can't cry easily.. though thousands of factors break me inside I am unable to cry I wish I could cry and vanish my pain.. I do have a very weak heart stuffed with lots of emotions. Sometimes I feel them lucky who cries ,atleast they have weapon to express heartbreaks and get over it (express not to others but self). Many people think I am strong just because I don't cry but I am the one with the most weak heart. I never show this face to anyone and I too assume I am strong as lots of people get inspired by this attitude of mine..


Matthew Bates, Teacher (2009-present
I cannot remember the last time I cried for emotional reasons. It might be all the way back to some childhood injury (physical or emotional). That includes crying from both ends of the emotional spectrum. I’ve been at two people’s bedsides as they passed away, lost several friends and family members, and been there for the births of my children. No tears.
Did I have emotions? Yes, of course. But those emotions don’t seem to be connected to my tear ducts for some reason.
This isn’t some attempt to be macho either. I don’t care if people see me getting emotional and crying. There’s nothing wrong with crying. It just never happens for me.
Physical pain doesn’t do it for me either. I wince. I curse. I punch walls. But no tears.
My eyes water a lot for other reasons. I know my tear ducts work. Being outside on a windy day will get some tears from me… the wind blows around my glasses and into my eyes. Cutting an onion will do it too.


Guna Raman, former Graduate Apprentice Trainee at Bosch Limited (2018-2019)
I haven’t cried in a while.
Emotion simply doesn’t come to me as easily as it ought to, I guess.
Happy or sad, I simply see it in third person. It’s always from a perspective removed from the situation. As a result, there’s always a feeling that I should be happy/sad, rather than just being happy/sad.
Something happens, my thought process goes “The appropriate response here would be (a) Sadness (b) Happiness”
I never even shed a tear when I saw my grandfather take his last breath in front of me. This was the man who helped raised me and on whose lap I played as child more times than I can count.
On the other hand, I never felt moved (or something like that, you get the idea) when I landed my first job either. I felt more along the lines of “Good job. Now move on to the next thing”.


Ramya Annadurai, Language Lover
Yes! I cry easily at every thing.
I cry when I am happy!!!!
also when I am sad!!!
I cried during school and college farewell.
I cried when my grandmother left us on 28.02.2010.
I cried on the emotional scenes in movies and serials.
I cried on the sad stories posted on Facebook and Quora.
I cried when I see my mom and dad getting old day-by-day.
I cried when I left my home to stay in the hostel.
I cried when my son hugged me tight.
I cried when my son had high fever.
I cry when my son says, “Love you amma”.
I cry when I am unable to express my anger and accused falsely.
I cried badly on my vidaai.
I cried the worst during heart break.
I cry when someone insulted me and spoke badly about my character.
I cry when my parents and sister hurts my beliefs.
I cry when I fail in the exam.


Sydney Jeon, lived in Suwon, South Korea
I cry often and easily
One time I cried because food was so good-
I also cry for other people’s problems- even if they have nothing related to me- I still cry for them.
If one thing went wrong and it really bothers me, I cry to sleep- and wake up with puffy eyes-
I just cry at random points for the most random reason


Emlyn, Emotions let us love.
I have a friend, who I feel like I’ve known forever, who moved out of this state for college. He moved to Iowa
A little while ago, he just came to mind.
And I missed him. And I really wanted a hug.
And I started crying, just like that.
(When I told him what happened, he sent me this: “I will give you the biggest hug when I visit, okay?” I love him to death.)


Evelyn Natalia
Yes. I think i’m an emotional person.
I’m a talkative person and always show the happy side. When i watch sad movies/drama, I cried. When i watch a happy scene i cried also. When i get troubles, sad, or something uncomfortable i’m always keep it for myself. If someone told me my weaknesess i feel sad. My eyes will watery and try to hold my tears. It will end up with crying alone. Its hard for me to look tough.
A lot of little things that made me cry like a baby. I’m easily being hurt. I think its a trouble if i can’t control it for the next few years. How can i be a tough wife or tough mom if I easily to cry ?


Lara Novakov (???? ???????), Curious about human behavior.
According to many people, yes.
I don't cry to everything, but the fact that I am an emotional person means that making me cry is definitely easier than making someone who is not.
Do I like that? Definitely not. Generally, I don't cry in front of people and whenever I am among people and feel like I am going to, I just go somewhere where I can cry alone. Or when it is impossible to find such a place, I try extremely hard to prevent myselffrom crying
Nevertheless, that doesn't prevent people from being extremely rude and downright insulting, as if crying automatically means that you are weak or any other ridiculous label you can find today.
I am a human, I have feelings and yes, I cry. There is nothing shameful about that


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