2021-06-06 不如狗 14203

As a mentally ill person, how can I deal with the fact that I will never truly be normal?


Jesse Bressitsky
My suggestion would be that you just let go of the concept of “normal” when it comes to people. “Normal” is just a collection of traits that is most commonly shared among us that doesn’t actually accurately depict any particular individual.


None of us are really “normal” to the extent that we have features that are not common among other people. However, to the extent that we are all HUMAN we are much more alike than different.


While I can pass for “normal”, it is basically just a veneer that I maintain to get by. Anyone who knows much about me knows that I’m further from that ambiguous ideal than most people, but I’m ok with it for 2 reasons: 1. I have yet to know anyone who meets the standard of being “normal”, if you really look into their life. 2. Despite my issues, I like who I am at the core of my being, and I consider my problems to be unfortunate defects that I picked up that in no way define who I am.

虽然我可以被当作“正常”,但那基本上只是我维持以应付的一种假象。任何了解我的人都知道,我比大多数人都更远离那个模棱两可的完美,但我对此没有意见,原因有二: 1. 如果你真正了解他们的生活,我还没有认识任何符合“正常”标准的人。2. 尽管我有这些问题,我还是喜欢本质上的我,我认为我的问题是不幸的缺陷,这些缺陷并不能定义我是谁。

That’s why I’m suggesting that you don’t worry about not being “normal” due to mental disorders. Even though I don’t know you, I feel reasonably safe saying that you would probably not meet the standard of “normal”, even without your mental issues, simply because it is a contrived, imaginary standard that doesn’t exist in the real world.

这就是为什么我建议你不要担心因为精神障碍而变得不“正常”。 即使我不认识你,我也有理由放心地说,即使你没有精神问题,你可能也达不到“正常”的标准,因为这是一个虚构的标准,在现实世界中并不存在。

I think we (all of us) just need to accept the fact that we’re not perfect (or even normal) and focus on doing the best we can with what we have (flaws and all).


Don’t waste your time comparing your life to other people’s, because you don’t have enough information to make a fair comparison. You only know what they WANT you to know about them, and who wants you to know about all of their flaws, defects, illnesses, and countless personal issues?


Sara Kjeldsen
Be kind to yourself. I think one of the most important things to understand is that nothing, no one, will be truly normal. Some people have a low tolerance for stress or bad moods and it can send them into a spiral of self-hatred. It’s okay to be who you are and it’s also okay to seek help. We all need it sometimes.


Have you sought therapy? I know CBT is the best known therapy out there to help with depression, anxiety, PTSD, etc. If you find a great therapist who really gets you, this can be a really therapeutic experience to help you heal and grow. Holistic remedies can also help. A healthy diet and excercise help LOADS with depression.

你有没有接受过心理治疗? 我知道认知行为疗法是最著名的治疗方法,可以帮助治疗抑郁,焦虑,创伤后应激障碍等。如果你找到了一个真正了解你的治疗师,这将是一次真正的治疗经历,帮助你治愈和成长。健康的饮食和锻炼有助于减轻抑郁。

I’ve gone from a mood of about 1/10 to a 10/10 just from going for a run. It’s really important that you take good care of yourself. Trust me, there’s people who will think you’re great. Our uniqueness is what makes us special (in the good way). Promise.


Annika Maxwell
There's no such thing as normal. There is only healthy/unhealthy and typical/nontypical. You, like me, are neurodivergent. There is nothing wrong with that, it's just a malfunction or difference of the brain meat or electrical patterns. Brain meat can malfunction or be differently formed even more easily that heart, lung, or liver meat, but we recognize those problems/challenges just fine and don't tell people they're bad just because of them. Brain meat issues are just the same.


So, you cope by going to a psychologist, get as informed as you can about what your condition is and how you can manage it, and then follow their advice. Do the mantras and stuff. Take the meds if you need them. It's all worth it.


There is no such thing as a “normal" brain, and you don't have to have any other brain than your own to not only live a good and fulfilling life, but to deserve one.


Julie Belstene
First of all, you would have to define “normal”. I don’t know of too many “normal” people and they aren’t even mentally ill. I’ve had a mental illness since I was 18 and now I’m in my mid-50’s. I totally consider myself to be more “normal” than some people. Why? Because some people just are totally out there and don’t realize some things. I’ve always told people that it would be a good idea if every single person could experience being on a mental health/behavior unit for a month for an uation and treatment. Do you know why? Because, I’m going to guess that at least 75% of the population would walk out of there with some type of verifiable diagnosis whether it would be depression, anxiety, narcissism, a personality disorder, etc… Many people just don’t seek help for their mental issues, but the strong ones do, the ones who want to improve themselves or perhaps were down and out for a bit and needed some extra help and weren’t afraid to admit it. I’ll always consider myself “normal” compared to some people.

首先,你必须定义“正常”。 我不知道有多少“正常”的人,他们甚至没有精神疾病。我从18岁起就患有精神疾病,现在我已经50多岁了。我完全认为自己比某些人更“正常”。为什么?因为有些人只是表象,没有意识到一些事情。我总是告诉人们,如果每个人都能经历一个月的精神健康/行为单元的评估和治疗,是一个很好的主意。你知道为什么吗?因为,我猜至少有75%的人会带着某种可确诊的诊断离开那里,比如抑郁、焦虑、自恋、人格障碍等等。很多人对自己的精神问题不寻求帮助,那些想要提升自己的,或者可能是落魄了一点,需要一些额外的帮助,而且不害怕承认这一点的人会这么做。与某些人相比,我总是认为自己是“正常”的。

Christine Cajigas
Have you ever thought of your self as a unique person? I had an absolutely amazing job. Until one night I was trying to flee my abuser. I ended up falling 10+ feet. That fall set the pace for the rest of my life. In fact other men thought it was ok to abuse me too. All in all I have made it through 27 years of domestic abuse and 3 near fatal attempts on my life. I am 60 years old right now. And even though I have a heck of a fight trying to please my body everyday from severe chronic pain. I still find that I'm good enough to breathe the same air as the wealthy, the middle class and the poor. One pant leg at a time.

你是否曾认为自己是一个独一无二的人? 我有一份非常棒的工作。直到有一天晚上我想逃离虐待我的人。我从十多英尺高的地方摔了下来。那一摔为我的余生定下了步调。事实上,其他人也认为虐待我是可以的。总而言之,我经历了27年的家暴和3次生命中近乎致命的尝试。我现在60岁了。尽管我每天都在努力让自己的身体从严重的慢性疼痛中恢复过来。我仍然觉得自己可以和富人、中产阶级和穷人呼吸同样的空气。每次穿一条裤腿。

So, find something your good at and excellent at it. You just let me known what it us your going to be doing and I'll be your first and all time follower. Because to me, being a follower doesn't make me a wanna be. It makes me a student. And no matter how old I get. I'm willing to learn. Good luck teach!


Segan Nufus
I am sorry you feel you will never be normal. Some of that may be genetic, out of your control as different ethnic backgrounds experience more mental illness than others.


As long as the system is so overloaded and broken, it might be best to seek alternative medicine and therapy.


I wish you goodluck and hope you can obtain a bit of peace.


Anne DiPrizio
No such thing as normal. Don't let our toxic patriarchal greedy sick capitalist society make you feel bad. You're great. There are evil billionaires and murderous government leaders making $ off making us hate/fear each other/ourselves. Find your community of like-minded independent thinkers, creatives, music lovers, artist, philosopher dreamers. Solidarity, friend.


Sheryl Barnes
There is no normal. Be you and stop caring what people think about it. Have unconditional self-acceptance. You're as worthy of happiness as anyone else.


Eli Kreiselmeier
There’s no easy way to accept that there’s something wrong with you, other than just accepting it. This is the body you were given, whatever reason it may be, and you have to accept it. There’s just no other choice. Unless you want to live in misery, you have to be okay with the fact that some people are built differently and you just happen to be one of them.
I hope you get help and start to feel better soon.


I will never be like everybody. Is it a problem?
I find new idea, new solution, everything you think that it s normal, I must write each step… I am extremely slow
Whereas several highly clever, smart ( ++ smart than me) people Don t find.


Nick Trebue
You don’t need to be normal there is no such thing but you do need to understand the rules of the civilization that you live in and be able to adhere to them or you will suffer the consequences, other than that normal is a guess.


John Mills
Two things- your a Mentally Ill person- and you'll never be normal- who told you that? Yourself— or someone else ?

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Recovering after a mental illness is about starting a new normal . We all experience different things and that makes us a different person . Take your illness as something like that.


Michael Romeo
Just like there are people that are better looking, richer, smarter, sicker, you have to accept your limitations like all people.


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