2021-06-11 后羿A射日 19588

FRANCE has made plans to use its presidency of the EU council to block the use of English in EU meetings and boost the importance of the French language.
Emmanuel Macron's government has sought to boost the cultural importance of the French language within the European unx after Britain's departure. France will head the rotating presidency of the EU council in 2022. Now French officials have stated they will conduct key meetings and working groups in French.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

An EU diplomat told the Daily Telegraph that notes from these meetings will be taken in French and translations will not always be provided.
France has also stated it will distribute funding for free French language classes for diplomats who may wish to learn.


It is common for French presidencies of the European Council to insist on the use of French.
However, France is hoping push for French to be the foundation language for EU institutions.
Clement Beaune, France's Europe minister, said in April: “Even though the French language is alive, flourishing, and its teaching is developing around the world, it is at home, within the European institutions, that it suffers.


“In the Commission, in the Council, in the agencies, bodies and administrations, meetings are now too often held in English.
"This has given rise to reports in English, even though this language is now no more than that of two Member States."
Now President Macron has said initiatives to boost French learning across the world and promote plurilingualism is one of his major goals.


French is one of the bloc's three working languages, the other two being English and German.
There are a total of 24 official languages in the EU.
French used to be the dominant language in EU diplomatic circles in the predominantly French-speaking city of Brussels.
However, the expansion of the EU in 2004 to include eastern European countries such as Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic.
This resulted in a decline of the use of French.


The use of English, the most spoken language in Europe, became more commonly used within the corridors of EU institutions in the Brussels.
Within the bloc the importance of speaking English as a second language has been growing over the past few years.


Since Britain left the bloc there are now only two member states that speak English, Ireland and Malta.
The dominance of English as an official language is now at risk.


As of 2020, it has been estimated that 80 percent of European Commission staff speak French as their first, second or third language.
It has been reported that letters sent to the European Commission in English go unanswered.


Speaking to the Daily Telegraph an EU diplomat said: “When a French commissioner receives a letter in English, we wait for the French version before we hand it over to Paris.
“We will speak French during the Council's working groups.
"Some of the working groups do not have translation systems.
"If something has not been understood, on the side-lines of the meeting we will explain it again.
"We are in Brussels, among the European civil servants there is a vast majority that speaks French.”


The French just can’t shake that inferiority complex. It’s still alive and kicking. Good to watch.


Erm der Leyen
Reply to kimboy2
It may be because they really are crushingly inferior.


French ... the language of the coward


Reply to Whitefish
Agreed, but Macron has other uphill battles to fight to promote the use of French. which is slowly dying anyway
The International Language of the Sea is English, and the International language of the Air is English, as are all Air Traffic Controls spoken in English. English is understood almost everywhere in the World but I wouldn't go on holiday, even in Europe, armed only with French as my only Language


English pride
The EU uses Mickey Mouse English so no loss to the English people.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

We drive to the South of Spain annually and stop at hotels along the way. My husband had to help a French lady book in at reception as the Spanish man on the desk could not speak French but could speak English and the French lady could not speak Spanish or English while my husband could speak broken Spanish, French and his native tongue English.
English is the international language if you want to be understood while travelling

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Olly Smith
Reply to Bev570
We were on holiday in Spain. Due to overbooking we ended up in a hotel that was being used by the Spanish for their main holiday, no other English people there. When we tried to hold a conversation there only one person in the group who had some other language and that was fluent German and only a little broken French and English. We got by with my bit of schoolday French and English.


They should all just face facts and start speaking German. French is not an economical language and lacks key engineering words.


Fred Hendon
Reply to TheRicardo
Neither is English!


Comment is free
More nonsense from Beaune. I have spent almost my entire career working for the European Commission. When I started in the mid-1980s, French was almost the only working language. However in those days there were just 12 Member States of which the 9 non-francophone taught French as their main foreign language. Now there are 15 more, less the departed U.K., all of which teach English as their main foreign language. Does Beaune really think say Slovak kids are suddenly going to start learning French? I don’t think so and even if they did it wiuld remake a decade to change language skills in the corridors of Brussels.


Erm der Leyen
Reply to Comment is free
As with Germany. French, no chance.


English is the excepted language of business world wide, with the eu's share of global GDP shrinking and only going in one direction the ever inward looking eu will make itself insignificant with it's protectionist over bureaucratic methods


Lurgy cowards
wouldn't it be funny if they all started speaking Spanish or German, imagine his face addressing the assembly in french and getting replies in dutch


DE rag is a joke
Reply to Lurgy cowards
true, spanish and maybe portugese is more globally spoken so would be a better choice, but the french do have an inferiority complex for us


French will go the way of Latin. English is the language of navigation, science and international commerce. When you have to defend the use of a language, the case is lost.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Good luck with that Macron. The French language is hidebound and always lags behind English, especially when it comes to new words. For example, the French Academy took weeks to decide whether Covid should be masculine or feminine. This is a total irrelevance to an English speaker. It is also noticeable that whenever you hear non English speakers (including the French)talking their own language their sentences will often be interspersed with English words and phrases. No wonder there are around 7 times as many English words as French.


France making the EU even more irrelevant.
Love it.


lla ma dos
The French cannot even understand French. So good luck with that Macron.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I've traveled all over Europe and English is the universal language so good luck with that Macron.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Deluded. A classic case of small man syndrome.


Napoleon tried that as well .. then he got his soldiers out .. and he still lost!


Fred Hendon
Typical of the French. Most continental countries teach English as the first second language and they speak grammatically better English than we, as native English speakers, do. Even the Germans conduct meetings in English in Brussels, but all are simultaneously translated into a whole host, but not all 27 of the European languages.


Bumpy Grollix
Classic sign of absolute desperation at losing the argument entirely !


Billy the Bob
Reply to Bumpy Grollix
Put 'banning English' to a vote in the EU Council if you want another defeat, Monsieur Macron.
Its so funny watching the 'French' hop from one debacle to another, what did Napoleon say? 'Never interrupt your enemy while he is making a mistake'


Michael Dunne
Reply to Bumpy Grollix
He knows white flag speaks any lingo.


French? All sounds like...Hee Haw Hee Haw Hee Haw

法语?法语的发音听起来就像:“嘿-嚯”, “嘿-嚯”

Who cares, we are not in the EU, are you still crying that you let the UK Golden Goose fly off, salty pillocks!


Shouldn’t he be asking the other EU26 for their permission and vote on this matter.?


Does he also want to change the Blue and yellow rag to a white one?


Too late! Nobody in Eastern Europe is ever going to give up using English.


English is a global language and French just isn't.


Not really sure how that will work? Many languages including French use gender terminology to give inanimate obxts a male or female meaning. As we move towards a gender neutral society and with so many gender minority groups, what will be the outcome of this? Surely languages such as French, German and many others will have to have a rethink so they do not cause people to be offended.


Reply to EuSceptic
Entire language construction would have to change. Gender neutral seems to be a protest of certain people who have no sway in their own lives but need to be "something".


Reply to EuSceptic
We are NOT moving to a gender neutral society. That is wishful thinking because a very tiny minority of people. It is silly, it is nonsense and 'he' and 'she' are here to stay. The definition of a woman is totally wholesome and the definition of a man is also rock solid


I know Macron's idiot has said that there are only 2 English speaking countries left in the EU but I'm curious, how many French speaking countries are there.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Olly Smith
Who cares. They won’t understand what’s going on and it will create an even greater mess in the eu. It’s also a kick up the a..e for Ireland too. What’s not to like.


TrickyRci G
Poor mini micron still feeling inadequate


Even this lilliput Napoleon should realise that English is the Lingua Franca and this title cannot be bought or bribed !


I’ve worked in seven countries in Europe and several in other parts of the world, my Indonesian, who speaks English has joined me on my travels at times and is amazed they everybody speaks English,, the only country I had a problem was Spain, I had a mechanical break down with some equipment, the two mechanics who came to fix it for me couldn’t speak English , but they could be speak German, I can a bit, problem solved, the local bar I used in Madrid the bar man spoke very good English, he had lived in Australia, it was English with an Aussie accent, even in France many people I worked with spoke English ,
I met some school kids on a train praticing their English, I joined in and had a fun time with them


True Pom
The EU will now claim the excuse that they didn't understand French when they ignore the dictats from Brussels.


Alexander Carling
Reply to True Pom
The EU has 3 offical lingua franca's (language of business) English, French, and German, and lots of everyday committee stuff is conducted in languages other than English. Secondly, it's a tradition that more stuff is conducted in the language of the country assuming the EU council presidency, for the 6 month of their tenure. Thirdly, I think you'll find that most EU commissioners and diplomatic staff are already pretty conversant in all 3 languages, because it's their job. There is an irony in the fact that Brits endlessly berate migrants for not speaking English in the UK, yet you are complaining that the French don't speak English in France. When the UK was still in the EU, it was in the bottom 4 of countries where their citizens didn't speak another language.


Reply to Alexander Carling
We were on holiday in Italy and stayed for 2 weeks in an apartment in central Florence. As a tourist city many Italians did speak English but almost all of the local stores (bakeries, butchers, fishmongers, small supermarkets etc.) that only cater to Italians frequented, did not.


We used our phrase book and sign language to communicate and both us and the store owners that showed great patience with us enjoyed the experience.
We took a day trip to Assisi and our Italian tour guide spoke 6 languages. I spoke to her and mentioned that I wished that I could speak another language other than English ... she smiled and said, you don't need to as most Europeans are learning English not only at school but by watching English language movies & tv programmes, listening to music and when possible ... listening to British, American, Australian and Canadian tourists.


No matter where you go in the world, English is spoken.
But what do we care whether the eu speak to each other in a dead language - the Spanish has more claim than the French.


He will struggle because English is the language of the internet. Also if you count countries that talk English you have Canada, USA, New Zealand, Australia and they are huge so start counting people and that is going to be a lot of people.


It's really ridiculous to remove English from EU meetings because English is the language that all the 27 nations of the EU have learnt and speak in order to be able to communicate with each other. English is the lingua franca of Europe and that is fact.


frank connor
If they want to replace English with French, THEY the French are in trouble, the German language should replace English if thats the way they feel, The Germans have spent more time in France, The French will allways cowtow to Germany,


The French government and the french elite are embarrassing and living in the past ... as beautiful as the french language is, it has been sidelined as the working language preferred by the World to communicate in and that includes youth, industry, finance and commerce throughout the EU and the scientific. medical and diplomatic language of choice by the likes of the Anglo-sphere but also Communist China, India, Japan and most countries in Europe, Africa and Asia.
Rather sad to watch the french government and elite desperately flailing around against the march of history ... somewhat like King Canute !!!


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