2021-07-28 yzy86 29715


In general, American culture has an appreciation for the eclectic to a greater extent than others in the Anglosphere - and there is an appreciation for loud, big, shiny, colourful things. This definitely manifests itself in places like Chuck E Cheese. But also even big box stores, or even to an extent in job interviews. I think it is the result of the country's relative abundance throughout history and its impact on risk taking and being intrigued by things that deviate from the norm. But who knows.

(加拿大,阿尔伯塔)总的来说,美国文化赞赏兼收并蓄的程度,要高于英语圈的其他国家,而且还存在一种对响亮的、大的、闪闪发光的、多彩的事物的欣赏。Chuck E Cheese这样的地方绝对能证明这一点。也包括大卖场,而且在某种程度上,在面试中都有所体现。我想,这是这个国家在其整个历史进程上相对丰裕的结果,以及它热衷于冒险和偏离常规的事物带来的影响。谁知道呢。
(译注:Chuck E Cheese为美国的亲子娱乐中心和餐厅连锁店)

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Because we're here to party.


Started with the Boston Tea Party and just KEPT ON PARTYING, MAAAAAAAAN!


We ain't here for a long time; we're here for a good time.


In my experience, a lot of US culture comes from asking "Why not?" rather than "Why?"
If it makes someone happy why not do it? We only have one life, we might as well make the most of it.


That and "live and let live" is much more applicable in the US than in Europe. I've spent time in western Europe and my god the time they spend criticizing other people and what they do rather than just letting things be.


Yeah, America's great chill out was a large wave of immigrants from the not yet united German states


Yep. Lutherans from Germany and Catholics from Ireland, Northern, and Eastern Europe really changed the religious makeup of this country in ways which made the culture a lot more live and let live.


Which is why we have a harder time passing social welfare stuff. Live and let live leads to a country with less community and therefore less empathy towards others. If you can do whatever you want without any say from me then it's harder for "me" to want to pay to support your actions that lead to financial difficulty.


A) We're fairly unpretentious and not as concerned with dignity or maintaining class appearances. So we don't mind things that are corny crowd-pleasers. It also means we aren't as afraid to look like assholes, which has its upsides and, I don't need to say, its downsides. It means we get dunking booths at school fundraiser fairs - which are awesome - but it also means we get people walking around shopping centers in their pajamas.

1)我们是相当朴实的人,对于追求尊贵或是维持特定阶级的外表没有那么上心。所以我们并不介意那些人们喜闻乐见的老套玩意儿。这就意味着我们并不害怕自己看上去像个混蛋,这么做自有其好处,也有其不言自明的坏处。这也意味着我们在学校的募捐活动中会有落水乐(dunking booth),这玩意儿超爽的,但也意味着我们会有一些穿着睡衣逛购物中心的人。

(译注:dunking booth为一种游戏装置,以球击中红心,笼中人就会掉进水里)

B) We lack a sense of ingrained tradition, because we come from many backgrounds. So we are sort of culturally prepared to accept the new, because we have no common shared past to anchor us to the old.


Brilliant answer and thank you so much for explaining so succinctly. I think you're so right, with this lack of ingrained tradition that comes with living in an old country like England. I think this is one of America's strengths. For example there's a funny video on YT of someone in Florence or Naples delivering Pizzas to Italians who have ordered takeaways. Before dropping them off, they put some pineapples on the top of the pizza. Pretty much every single Italian was fucking FURIOUS! Some of them actually attacked the delivery man. It was mad! I guess there's a sense of do whatever the fuck you want in the States with a complete lack of snobbery.


I have no idea why. But I know in America bright colors and such are about advertising. Also if you can get the kids to want it, then parents will often buy it.


They're meant to get your attention so you spend your money with them. We have so many choices for any given thing that we live in an attention economy.


Not to mention, all of our buildings a very new. Compared to Europe which has very strict building codes and older buildings, compared to our less strict more modern country.


We’re well aware that the British revel in misery, balk at the idea of being outwardly cheery, and condition their children from a young age for a life of dull and gray sadness.


I blame the weather.
Ironically the Brits buy lots of convertibles compared to the rest of Europe.


When you have sunshine, and it's rare, you'll want to make the most of it.


I had a friend move up here from Georgia. He asked me why everyone is always outdoors all spring and through the summer.
"The park is always full and everyone is at the lake and beach."
Told him by January he would understand.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I remember my first summer up there from Texas wearing a Northface jacket while watching little Seattlings play enthusiastically in an unheated pool.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Seattle gets almost 2200 hours of sunshine a year where most of central/Western Europe is stuck at 1600 hours a year and places like Scotland and Ireland only 1400.
Seattle would be considered nice and sunny to us.


I think a big distinction is that Americans are happy for other people's happiness. It's not perfectly true, some people here are sons-o-bitches. But a lot more of us see success and rather than think "they got my piece of the pie", we think "that's great!" You want to go be a goof-ball and play and laugh too loud? That sounds like fun!

(乔治亚州)我觉得有一个很大的区别,即美国人会为别人的幸福而高兴。这并不是百分之百属实,我们这里确实有一部分人是婊子养的。但在我们中间,能看到别人成功的人还是多得多,他们不会生出这样的想法, “他们抢了我那块蛋糕”,我们的想法是“这好棒啊!” 你想当个呆瓜,玩玩乐乐,还笑得太大声?这听上去很好玩哦!

A couple of reasons. The US is HUGE! we have a lot more room to make things really big and exciting. Major metropolitan cities in post war US had thousands of people who spent their career in advertising and researched all of the ways to intice people to spend their new expendable income. Post war Europe and the rest of the world were in shambles, so the US had an advantage. They figured out psychology for the benefit of capitalism, which turns out to be, that people like things that are exciting, bright, colorful, over the top, and larger than life. It's proven by the world's obsession with American culture.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Bc America has balls and takes chances. We live life on the edge (literally day to day, you gotta be careful out there lol) and let our nuts hang! EU is bland, boring, and pragmatic. Albeit, their hills and rural farm lands are vastly superior in terms of relaxation and beauty. You guys need to learn how to party. Everything doesn't have to be so serious all the time. I couldn't imagine trying to have any fun their but then again, with the way America is portrayed overseas, I'm sure plenty would say the same about here.


Because the only color we brought to Normandy in 1944 was Olive Drab. We kept all the rest for ourselves.


The most optimistic people left Europe for the US.


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