美国人的生活有多糟糕? 美国人连朋友都没有
2021-07-28 tangerl 18535
How Bad is American Life? Americans Don’t Even Have Friends Anymore

美国人的生活有多糟糕? 美国人连朋友都没有了

One of the things that I try to teach Americans about is that they’re living in a disintegrating society. When I say that, many think I’m insulting them, or talking down to them. Alas, I’m speaking factually and formally. Let me explain.
Take a look at the chart above. What does it say? A number of things which should never be true in a healthy society.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

People who’ve lived abroad — or people who aren’t Americans — often note the same strange, upsetting feature of American life. It feels remarkably unfriendly. America’s a weirdly hostile, aggressive place. Everyone seems to be an enemy — and I’m not just speaking politically, but in a broader social context.

在国外生活过的人--或者美国以外的人--会经常注意到美国生活中一个奇怪的、令人不安的特点,那就是美国给人感觉非常不友好,美国是一个奇怪的充满敌意和侵略性的地方,每个人似乎都是敌人-- 我说的不只是政治上,而是在更广泛的社会背景下。

Now, Americans, at least the ones who’ve never lived elsewhere, are baffled by this. Aren’t we polite? Aren’t we nice? Kind of, sometimes, on the surface, is the answer. But on deeper levels America’s, a remarkably unfriendly place. Let me give you a few examples.


Simple acts of politeness and friendship are seen as odd in America. Americans don’t treat each other with dignity. My doctor friend once fell down on the subway in a major city…and nobody lifted a finger to help her. In the rest of the world — more or less all of it — that would be a deeply abnormal act. In America, that kind of indifference is completely normal. Who wants to get involved? Weakness is a liability, isn’t it? I can’t afford to be late for work! She’s making me late for work with her weakness! And so on.

在美国,简单的礼貌和友谊在美国被视为奇怪的行为,美国人不尊重彼此,我的医生朋友有一次在一个大城市的地铁上摔倒了...... 没有人伸出一根手指去帮她,在世界其它地方,这会是一种非常不正常的行为,在美国,这种冷漠是完全正常的。

When you go to work in America, it’s totally normal for your boss to shout at you, yell at you, demean you, belittle you. In fact, such things are seen as “teamwork” or “team building” and so on. Corporate culture prizes its little aggressive “hard chargers.” But in the rest of the world — again, more or less all of it, especially the rich world — being treated like this called what it is: abuse. If your boss shouts at you or calls you names in Europe or Canada, you can get them fired, because it’s a grave violation of formal codes and social norms both. In America, you have to take it…and thank them.

事实上,这样的事情被看作是 "团队工作 "或 "团队建设 "等等,企业文化推崇其积极进取的 "硬汉",但在世界其他地方——同样,或多或少可以说是所有的地方,尤其是富裕的世界——被这样对待会被视为:虐待。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

But without a doubt the weirdest feature of American life, the one that makes it so unfriendly, is the one that’s the simplest, but hardest to explain. Americans don’t have friends. They don’t really have relationships at all very much in the way that a healthy society does. That’s what the chart above says. Half of Americans say they don’t even have four close friends. More than 1 in 10 Americans now reports having no close friends at all.

但毫无疑问,美国生活中最怪异的特征---- 使其如此不友好的特征---- 也是最简单但最难解释的特征。

That’s completely bizarre. Totally pathological. That’s a really shocking — yet unsurprising — statistic. People in America don’t even have friends anymore? That’s a feature of living in a collapsing society. It’s very Soviet. Very North Korean. Very Iran. Friendship comes to be a luxury — and a liability. Suspicion, aggression, hostility, and cruelty take over, as life becomes a bitter, brutal battle for self-preservation.


Wierder still, Americans have been acculturated to think that all this — not having basic human relationships — is completely normal. As if reality TV and tweets from some dumb celebrity and porn make up for it. They seem to think not even having friends, which means being unfriendly as a way of life, existing in a society without the most basic of social bonds anymore, is just how life is. It’s not. That’s a story that statistics can only partially tell, though, so let me paint you a picture.


In Paris and Rome, the bistros and piazzas spill over with…friends. People laugh and cheer and smile. They hug each other and embrace and kiss. Life is remarkably social. It’s notably warm. Friendship is what makes life, society, work, every day rituals, go. People exist in this wet and messy and beautiful matrix of sociality. You can’t separate yourself from it. It’s everywhere, the air you breathe. Basic human relationships — the vulnerability, fragility, emotionality of them — abound. People are connected in complex, enduring, deep, and intimate ways, invisible lines cutting through the heart of everything, everywhere. And they like living that way.


America’s completely different. Life is cold. It’s antisocial, asocial. Nobody’s hugging and kissing in the streets — as friends. Those invisible lines don’t connect people. Nobody much seems to feel anything. The smiles are fake and the stares blank. Americans keep their distance from one another, suspicious. They don’t spill out of the bars, really, except at 3AM, dead drunk. They’re not having fun. That European joie de vivre — which is a complex product of a society profoundly rich in social bonds, in friendship, in delight in others’ experiences, in empathy and relationaility, in the emotional wealth and depth and intimacy of living they produce — does not exist in America. All of that wet, messy, warm stuff is a totally foreign, alien concept.


That’s the first thing the chart above says. I’m drawing what some social scientists would call a “normative conclusion.” People should have friends. Why? Because, well, we’re social creatures. Friendship keeps us sane, grounded, anchored. It might seem like a small thing, but as Derrida pointed out, in fact, it’s the basis of a healthy society. Without friendship — aka social bonds — a social has no fabric weaving it together. America’s a disintegrating society in that broad sense. It is coming undone. It’s social fabric has been unravelled.

这就是上面的图表所说的第一件事,我正在得出一些社会科学家称之为 "规范性结论 "的东西:人们应该有朋友。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The second thing the chart above says is that all the above has gotten worse. There’s been a stunning, catastrophic decline in friendship in America — again, the most basic and elemental and powerful of social bonds. In 1990, a third of Americans had 10 or more close friends. Today, just 13 percent do.


Why is that? Because America’s a collapsing society.
Let me give you a bit of context. America’s always been a disconnected society. Americans have always been bad at friendship. You don’t have to think very hard about why. That’s what they’ve been taught, and then they’ve been taught that competition and acquisitiveness and hostility and greed are the best and correct ways to life.


So it’s a hyper individualistic, hyper materialistic society. Money and things matter more than people. People are seen as disposable and expendable, commodities to be traded up in a game of status and sex and power the moment they’re no longer useful, thrilling, exciting. People only really have instrumental value in American life — they’re means, not ends.
But even in that context, what’s happened is really weird and disturbing and strange. Only in genuinely collapsing societies do we see statistics so bleak — people just don’t have friends. Why is that? Well, because friendship becomes both a liability and a luxury. It becomes a luxury that’s unaffordable. As societies collapse, people grow poorer. They don’t have time or money or energy to “invest” in friendship, as an American might say. A European might just say it’s pretty hard to go to the bistro for a three hour lunch when you’re working three jobs and still can’t pay the bills.

随着社会的崩溃,人们变得越来越穷,美国人可能会说,他们没有时间、金钱或精力来 "投资 "友谊,而一个欧洲人可能会说,当你做着三份工作却仍然无法支付账单的时候,就算去小酒馆吃上三个小时的午餐也相当郁闷。

Friendship became a luxury that Americans simply couldn’t afford. America’s a nation of neo-serfs now: people who are indebted for life to billionaires. They never pay off their debts — they die in them. They’re busy working away busily their whole lives long in this weird shell game. What time, energy, money, room, does that leave for friendship? And what emotional space does it leave either?
友谊成了美国人根本负担不起的奢侈品。美国现在是一个新世代农奴国家: 这些人一辈子都欠着亿万富翁的债,他们永远无法还清他们的债务ーー他们在债务中死去,他们在这个诡异的骗局中忙碌地工作一辈子,时间,精力,金钱,空间,这给友谊留下了什么时间、精力、金钱和空间?它还能留下什么情感空间?
That’s why friendship became a liability in America, too. Friendship isn’t just an expensive luxury now. Friends are also something you don’t want. Americans — to the rest of the world — are pathologically suspicious. They don’t seem able to see each other as human beings at all. That’s because they’re made to live in a weird, strange, antisocial way: they have to get up and compete with everyone else for the basics, jobs, healthcare, education, retirement, a little bit of money to pay the bills and put a roof over their heads.


They have to do it over and over again, until they die. There’s no letup, it’s relentless. And there’s no room for mercy, because it really is a fight to the death.
Lose that job? There goes your healthcare? Whoops, now you have to pay some crazy million dollar bill. There goes your house and life savings! Out on the street? Too bad! I guess you die.


When that’s your life, friendship really is a liability. Maybe this friend will impose on you and make you late for work. Maybe that one will call you during a crucial meeting. Maybe this one will take up the time the corporation who owns your life demands. Maybe that one will need a bit of money — and what do you have to give


Let me put that another way. When everyone else is your competitor, rival, adversary, in a contest for the basics of existence — a little money, medicine, food, shelter — the norms of friendship don’t and can’t develop. Instead of the European and Canadian norms of gentleness, humour, dignity, warmth, you get the Americans norms of indifference, enmity, aggression, hostility, cruelty.

让我换一种说法,当其他人都是你的竞争对手、同行、敌人,为了生存的基本需要—— 一点点钱、药品、食物、住所——而竞争时,就不会发展出友谊的标准,也不可能发展出来,与欧洲和加拿大的温柔、幽默、尊严、热情的标准不同,美国的标准是冷漠、侵略、敌意和残忍。

Worse, Americans don’t even get how perverse and backwards such a culture is. They celebrate aggression and hostility as if they were virtues, and look down on gentleness and warmth as forms of weakness. That’s because in American society, materialistic, individualistic, any kind of warmth or gentleness does equal death, or at least comes with a steep price.


But the cost is that Americans live badly, badly stunted lives. They don’t have friends, they don’t have basic human relationships anymore, and not having formed social bonds, they can’t invest in public goods and make a working politics. Americans seem to exist as atoms of appetite, little floating animalcules of rage and greed in this weird, blank matrix of aggression and hostility, and they’re taught and told that’s the way life should be and the only way it can be.


Americans don’t get how bewildering and strange this is, really, at all, to exist in a society where aggression and hostility are norms, but basic human relationships like friendship are punished, sanctioned, prevented, and broken apart, by institutions who want to keep people socially, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually weak and stunted. They’ve only ever lived, most of them, in the baffling paradox of an antisocial society — a place where people are not really allowed to treat each other like human beings. They don’t really grasp the lixs at work, or how deeply abnormal it is to live like this, in this sad, depressed, isolated, disconnected way.


But of course European thinkers have excelled at analysing America this way. Marx would have said that all this is alienation and immiseration. Americans are left so poor, so exploited, by the corporations and billionaires who impoverish them, they don’t even have resources left to invest in the most basic of human relationships.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Derrida and Baudrillard would have followed up and pointed out that without friendship, a society withers. It rips itself apart. People must regard one another as friends in some basic way for a society to survive, after all — or else fascism, authoritarianism and overt militarism take hold.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

All that, of course, is exactly what is happening in America. Just as there’s been a catastrophic collapse in social bonds, beginning with the most basic of human relationships, friendship, so too, paralleling it, there’s been a startling rise in hate. Fanaticism, superstition, violence, brutality, the overt fascism of Trumpism, the authoritarianism of the modern-day GOP. These are flip sides of a coin. Americans are unable to form social bonds anymore, impoverished, desperate, beaten, abandoned, and in the absence of social bonds, all the many forms of hate rise like cancers.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

There’s much more to say on the topic. I could talk about, for example, how “social media” emerged to give Americans fake friends — the junk food equivalent of real relationships — just as genuine bonds were imploding. That certainly helped things along. Still, it’s the larger points you should see.

关于这个话题还有很多可以说,例如,我可以谈谈在真正的亲密关系破裂的时候“社交媒体”是如何出现的,如何给美国人提供虚假的朋友 ( 相比真实的朋友就是垃圾) ,这当然有助于事情的发展,不过,你应该看到的是更重要的观点。

America’s a pathologically unhealthy place to be, to live, to exist.
I don’t think Americans will ever really get how strange it is to live without basic human relationships — but the rest of us should take note. This is how societies die.


Kathryn Dickel
This is not an exclusive American issue. It’s a capitalism issue and thus can be seen in all societies that are practicing of culture centered around money. That being said it is a also s problem in America. As usual I find your writing thought provoking, but too mired in absolutes.


Laura Kobbeman
I moved to Central America to escape America after 67 years. I see exactly what Umair sees and left the christian MAGAs to their hate and bigotry and destruction of everything I hold dear. Christian charity is not necessary if a government provides and cares for its' people. Charity always comes with strings attached anyway. I prefer to watch the implosion from the outside looking in. It is sad because it didn't need to be this way. Just my 2 cents.


Albert Calleros
I am now entirely convinced that Canada has now emerged as a people-friendly society.


Azadehruh Alam
Actually, Iraniansare amonst the most cultured people I have ever met - whatever their politics, their courtesty and hospitality is unmatched; and its through netwroks of friendshps that those in the West survive with senese of self intact.


James Flanagan
Friends? But they aren’t profit centers . . .

朋友 ? 他们又不能创造利润......

Lane Taylor
Wow, I thought I was depressed and drinking too much before I read this. Sadly the liquor store is now closed. I have to say you hit the mark. I hardly make eye contact with people anymore. Anti maskers, anti vaxxers, Q-anon nut bags, gun toting, itchy trigger finger mad muggers, Kool- aid drinking Trump loving death cultists.
Haters who hate based on one's political view. The list goes on ad nauseum.
I am 70 years old and born in America. Raised in the Baptist Church and self educated. I believe what you have related in this piece rings truer than a lot of Americans are able to admit.
Then again, a very sizable number of us are in chronic denial. I mean we believe a psychopath can 'Make America Great Again' and Jesus is coming back. News flash Jesus ain't about to come back. If he did , I truly believe he would dispatch his most vocal and ardent supporters to Hell. Oh wait, they are already there !

反口罩者、反疫苗者、Qanon疯子、持枪者、不扣扳机手指头就发痒的疯狂抢劫者、喝酷爱(Kool- aid,一种饮料)的特朗普死亡崇拜者,基于政治观点的憎恨者,这样的名单不胜枚举。
然后,我们中的相当一部分人长期处于否认状态,我们相信一个精神病患者可以 "让美国再次伟大",而且“耶稣”会回来。

很赞 3