2021-07-29 tangerl 26682
How did humans imagine the universe during the Ancient and Middle Ages?
Jul 22


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Image by NASA comparing the Fra Mauro map, 1459 with a satellite image of the world. NASA notes the map was remarkably accurate for the time, despite the limitations.

图片来源: 维基共享资源

HHave you ever wondered how ancient explorers travelled to a new country? Because of a lack of accurate calculations, understanding of map making, also known as cartography, was at a primitive stage. Humans did not know how vast their planet was. Often, a country’s borders appeared to encompass the entire universe.


As cultures traded knowledge and trade expanded, so did the art and science of mapmaking. On the world map, we identified cultures that had never been encountered before. The equator, tropics, and North and South Poles were all located.


In the 15th century, the age of discovery began. However, prior to the age of discovery, the frontiers of nations and their territories were not properly defined.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Maps began by describing mythical regions, such as the Babylonian World Map, and became increasingly detailed over time, assisting explorers in finding alternative routes. Let us look at ten world maps before the age of discovery, which tell us a story of human exploration.


I took Christopher Columbus’ voyage to the Americas in 1492 as the starting point for the Age of Discovery. Though there had been world journeys prior to 1492, such as Chinese admiral Zheng He’s explorations, Christopher Columbus’ voyage sparked a worldwide interest in discovering new territories.
As a result, using 1492 as a reference point appears to be justified.

我把克里斯托弗·哥伦布1492年对美洲的航行作为 "发现时代 "的起点,尽管在1492年之前已经有过世界航行,比如中国的郑和将军的探险之旅,但克里斯托弗·哥伦布的航行激发了世界范围内发现新领土的兴趣。

Babylonian map of the world (6th century BCE)

巴比伦世界地图 (公元前6世纪)

巴比伦世界地图,已知最古老的地图 图片来源: 维基共享资源

The Babylonian world map, which dates from the sixth century BCE, is the oldest found map. The reconstructed map depicts Babylon on the Euphrates River’s banks, surrounded by a circular continent. A “bitter river” or an ocean encircles the kingdoms of Assyria and Urartu (modern Armenia). It depicted the city of Babylon and the Euphrates River as rectangles. You’ll notice circles surrounding the rectangles. These represent the cities of Assyria and Susa.

巴比伦世界地图可以追溯到前6世纪,是迄今发现的最早的地图,重绘后的地图描绘了幼发拉底河两岸的巴比伦,周围环绕着一个圆形的大陆,一条 "苦河 " 或者一片海洋环绕着亚述和乌拉尔图王国(现代的亚美尼亚),它把巴比伦城和幼发拉底河描绘成长方形,你可以注意到矩形周围的圆圈,这些城市代表亚述和苏萨城(古波斯城市)。

There are eight outlying places drawn as triangles, with details for five of them surviving. According to the Babylonians, these were places beyond human settlement and contain mystical descxtions. The third region, for example, is a spot where “winged birds cannot reach.” In the fourth region, “the light is brighter than the sun and the stars,” whereas in the fifth region, “the sun cannot reach,” resulting in total darkness.


Eratosthenes’ world map (276- 194 BCE)



World map according to Eratosthenes, 19th century reconstruction. Image source: Wikimedia Commons

埃拉托色尼世界地图,19世纪重绘 图片来源: 维基共享资源

The exploits of Alexander the Great in Persia and India offered valuable information to Greek polymath Eratosthenes( 276–194 BCE). Prior to him, Europeans did not know how big Asia was. They had a clearer understanding of its vastness now.

亚历山大大帝在波斯和印度的发现为希腊博学者埃拉托色尼 ( Eratosthenes,公元前276-194年) 提供了有价值的信息,在他之前,欧洲人不知道亚洲有多大,他们现在对它的广阔有了更清楚的了解。

Eratosthenes was the first geographer to incorporate medians and parallels into his world map. This shows that he was fully aware of the Earth’s spherical nature. The map was more accurate than its predecessors and helped with a better understanding of Asia and Africa. Africa was known as Libya in ancient times.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Strabo’s world map (64 BCE- 24 CE)

斯特拉波世界地图(公元前64年 -24年)
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Strabo’s world map from his notable work Geographica. Image source:

斯特拉波的世界地图 来自他的著名作品《地理》图片来源:维基共享资源
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Strabo’s 17-volume Geographica was one of the most well-researched publications in the ancient world. It documented the history of people and locations all across the earth.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Strabo cited Eratosthenes’ and astronomer Hipparchus’ writings for their mathematical expertise, but he considered his comprehensive descxtive method was better suited to understanding geography.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Strabo included a map of Europe in Geographica. His descxtions of different regions were used to rebuild the map of the entire world as shown above.


Ptolemy’s world map ( c.150 CE)


Oldest surviving map of the world according to Ptolemy, dating to 14th century. Image source:

图片来源: 维基共享资源

Ptolemy’s world map, drawn around 150 CE, was the first to employ a mathematical approach to cartography. For centuries after his death, world maps were created using the ideas devised by him.


Ptolemy, or Claudius Ptolemaeus, was a Greek polymath who lived in Alexandria, Egypt. He wrote the Geography, an eight-volume treatise that comprised mathematically calculated descxtions of locations around the world.Original Ptolemy maps have not survived to this day, and the oldest maps based on his drawings were discovered in the 13th century Byzantine Empire.


Ptolemy’s map was exceptional back in those days, including depictions of far-flung countries previously unknown to Europeans. Iceland and Korea were two examples of countries that he identified using geometric projections of latitudes and longitudes. India was shown between the rivers Indus and Ganges, albeit with a reduced peninsula. This was the first time a European cartographer presented an approximation of the Indian subcontinent’s size.


The accuracy was amazing for the time, yet Ptolemy made some obvious mistakes, such as depicting the Indian Ocean as a sea. The map helps in understanding the extent of Roman trade with India and China, although China is not included on the map. Roman trading ports were shown extensively in the map.


Tabula Peutingeriana: All roads lead to Rome (4th century CE)

波伊廷格地图: 条条大路通罗马 (公元4世纪)

Part of the Tabula Peutingeriana covering the Dalmatian coast, Adriatic sea, southern Italy and the North African coast. Image source: Wikimedia Commons.

图片来源: 维基共享资源

The Tabula Peutingernia was an illustrated map of the Roman Empire’s roadways. Historians claim the map was created by the Roman general Agrippa during Emperor Augustus’ reign. But no original records of the map from Augustus’ reign were found. But there are strong hints in the map to suggest it was commissioned during Augustus’ reign ( 31 BCE- 14 CE). Konrad Peutinger, a 16th-century German scholar, restored the map, and it is named after him.

波伊廷格地图一幅绘罗马帝国道路的地图,历史学家声称,这幅地图是罗马将军阿格里帕在奥古斯都大帝统治时期绘制的,但是没有发现奥古斯都统治时期地图的原始记录,地图上有很强的线索表明它是在奥古斯都统治时期(公元前31-14年) 委托绘制的,16世纪的德国学者康拉德 · 佩廷格尔修复了这张地图,并以他的名字命名。

The map depicts Europe, Asia (including the Middle East, Persia, and India), and North Africa. It includes the city of Pompeii, which was destroyed by Mount Vesuvius’ volcanic explosion in 79 CE. It shows a temple of Augustus at the coastal city of Muziris, which was on the Malabar Coast of the Indian state of Kerala. These are the strongest indicators that the map was much older than its accepted date of 4th century CE.
The Tabula Peutingernia was a one-of-a-kind representation of the world map that was intended for travelers and included itineraries for places along Roman highways.


The T and O map by Isidore of Seville ( c 636 CE)


Diagram of the T-O world map from 12th century copy of Etymologiae. Image source: Wikimedia Commons.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Isidore of Seville, a Spanish scholar and clergyman, created the T and O world map, also known as the Isidorian world map, in the 7th century. The map divides the world into three sections along the letter T, with Asia, Europe, and Africa portrayed as continents. In his work, Etymology, Isidore explains the map as follows:

西班牙学者、牧师伊西多尔(Isidore of Seville)在7世纪绘制了T-O世界地图,也被称为伊西多尔世界地图,地图沿着字母 T 将世界分为三个部分,亚洲、欧洲和非洲被描绘成大陆,在他的著作《词源学》一书中,伊西多尔对这幅地图的解释如下:

“The [inhabited] mass of solid land is called round after the roundness of a circle, because it is like a wheel […] Because of this, the Ocean flowing around it is contained in a circular limit, and it is divided in three parts, one part being called Asia, the second Europe, and the third Africa.”
— Etymologiae, chapter 14, de terra et partibus.

“有人居住的大片固体陆地被称为‘圆’,因为它就像一个轮子...... 围绕着它流动的海洋被包含在一个圆形的极限中,它被分成三部分,一部分被称为亚洲,第二个部分是欧洲和第三个部分是非洲。”

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Isidore of Seville believed the Earth was round, and his descxtions covered just half of the globe, maybe the known inhabited areas of the world at the time to cartographers.


Mahmud al-Kashgari’s world map (1072)

马哈茂德·喀什噶里世界地图 (1072年)

Mahmud al Kashgari’s world map from his book Diwan Lughat al-Turk. Image source:Wikimedia Commons.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

In his book the Compendium of the Languages of the Turks, Uyghur scholar Mahmud-al Kashgari created a different world map than the ones made by Europeans. This world map was more Asia-centric, with Balasagun, a former Sogadian metropolis in contemporary Kyrgyzstan, at its centre. In contrast European maps had Jerusalem as the center of the Earth, probably due to its religious significance.


The Caspian Sea is in the north, China and Japan are in the east, Iraq, Armenia, and Egypt are in the west, Hindustan (Northern India) and Kashmir are in the south according to al-Kashgari’s map.
The map’s red lines depict mountain ranges, while the blue lines represent rivers.

根据马哈茂德·喀什噶里地图,里海在北部,中国和日本在东部,伊拉克、亚美尼亚和埃及在西部,印度斯坦(印度北部) 和克什米尔在南部。

Tabula Rogeriana (1154)

Tabula Rogeriana地图(1154年)

Reconstruction of Al-Idrisi’s world map by German cartographer Konrad Miller. Image source:Al-Idrisi:Wikimedia Commons

图片来源: 维基共享

During his service to King of Sicily Roger II, Moroccan geographer Muhammad al-Idrisi created one of the most accurate maps of the time, the Tabula Rogeriana. To expand on the knowledge of Africa, the Far East, and the Indian Ocean, al-Idirisi combined the information compiled by Greek, Roman cartographers, as well as descxtions of the world by Arab traders.

在为西西里国王罗杰二世服务期间,摩洛哥地理学家穆罕默德·伊德里西创造了当时最精确的地图之一——Tabula Rogeriana,为了扩展对非洲、远东和印度洋的了解,穆罕默德·伊德里西将希腊、罗马制图师编纂的资料以及阿拉伯商人对世界的描述结合起来。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

He also interviewed European travelers and compiled their responses to explain the people’s politics, climate, and culture. Al-Idrisi covers seven climate zones in his book. The calculation of the Earth’s circumference was quite precise for the time, with an error of 10% of the actual value.
The map is still considered one of the most important maps of all time.

他还采访了一些欧洲旅行者,并收集了他们的回答,以解释当地的政治、气候和文化,穆罕默德·伊德里西在他的书中涵盖了七个气候区,地球周长的计算在当时是相当精确的,误差为实际值的10% 。

Da Ming Hunyi Tu ( c 1389)
China’s Da Ming Hun Yi Tu world map. Image sourceWikimedia Commons.

大明混一图 (公元1389年)
图片来源: 维基共享

The Da Ming Hunyi Tu, or the Amalgamated Map of the Ming Empire, is the world’s oldest surviving map from the Far East. The Chinese Ming Empire takes up most of the map. It showed Japan and Korea as larger than India.

大明混一图 ,或称明帝国混合地图,是世界上现存最古老的远东地图,中国明朝占据了地图的大部分,这幅地图中日本和韩国比印度大。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Africa is depicted as quite small compared to its true boundaries, but it was one of the first maps to display the Cape of Good Hope, Africa’s tip. This became significant later in history when navigators realized it was possible to go to Asia from Europe by circumnavigating the Cape of Good Hope.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Fra Mauro World Map (1459)
The Fra Mauro World Map, 1459. Image source : Wikimedia Commons

弗拉 · 毛罗世界地图(1459年)
图片来源: 维基共享

The Fra Mauro map, created by the Venetian monk and geographer Fra Mauro, is often regarded as the pinnacle of medi cartography. The map was the most precise global map made prior to the beginning of the Age of Discovery.

由威尼斯僧侣和地理学家弗拉 · 毛罗绘制的弗拉毛罗地图,通常被认为是中世纪制图学的顶峰,这张地图是地理大发现时代开始之前制作的最精确的全球地图

When Mauro created his world map, it was the largest map in the world. There are four spheres in each corner of the map.
It depicted the Earth as a globe, with the tropics of Capricorn and Cancer, the Equator, the North Pole, and the South Pole in the upper left corner. Moving clockwise, we can find the garden of Eden at the top right. The solar system, adapted from Ptolemy’s depiction of the universe, can be found in the bottom right of the map. Finally, the four elements earth, fire, wind, and water are shown in the bottom left corner.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Mauro, when creating the map, disregarded several established conventions. He did not show Jerusalem as the centre of the universe. European charts placed the East on top of the map, whereas Arab maps placed the South on top. North was at the top of Ptolemy’s map. Mauro positioned the South on top of the global map based on nautical calculations of the period.
Mauro’s observations were based on current scientific understanding, and he was not afraid to challenge preconceived assumptions.


The early maps from ancient and medi period provided valuable information and helped shape the science of cartography. These maps were used by future generations of explorers to navigate around the world.


Christopher Columbus was one such adventurer who tried to find a short route to China. Contrary to popular belief he did not set out to prove the Earth was Round. We can see from this story European and Middle Eastern scholars already understood that Earth was round. Despite that, the myth is propagated till this date. Read the story below which debunks the Flat Earth and other middle ages myths.


Simon Duits
Some amazing material in there! Thanks for sharing.

有一些东西很惊人! 谢谢你的分享。

Sajjad Choudhury
It's amazing how advanced some of these maps were for their time!

令人惊叹,其中一些地图在当时是多么先进 !

Jack O’Neal
Great article it’s hard to imagine that the ancient had a view of the world but it’s also interesting to to realize how few p pole saw these maps


Scott Trotter
I wish more people read this!


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