2021-08-05 凌☆♂宇 10246


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I don't know if I can talk about anti-intellectualism in the United States, but I can talk about why intellectualism is so prent in Europe. In this way, maybe the question is answered.
What Europe does have that the United States does not, is physical evidence of human intelligence that dates back hundreds or even thousands of years.
Have you ever seen a Roman statue? They are incredible: so lifelike that they show the veins, bones and muscles beneath the skin. The clothing of the marble statue is so real. These figures are so beautiful, so majestic, it seems like the best of human beings, and it inspires anyone who looks at them.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

How about an old amphitheater, with rows of stone seats, set up correctly to maximize sound quality. How do those people understand sound waves and amplification? How do they accomplish these designs, and how do they maximize their sound quality?
Or an 1800-year-old bridge, spanning a riverbed, with repeated perfect arches, all built without the mechanical principles we take for granted. How did they cut each stone to the same size and then put it together so that it would still stand after nearly two thousand years?
What do you think when you're standing in a medi cathedral with ceilings so high beyond belief that almost no detail can be seen? How did the workers carve such intricate and precise patterns on the stone? How did they design them to be so huge, so structurally strong? How do they erect columns and spikes 200 feet in the air without a crane?


When you stand inside or next to something wonderful from the ancient world, it does two things. First of all, it's inspiring because you can see how incredible human achievement is. It provides an example that will make you want to try harder. Second, it humbles the ego, because you realize that you're just an ordinary person in a long, long time, when there were so many talented, so smart, so capable people before you came along.
Think about it. Long ago, people had nothing but time. They don't have a TV, they don't have many books, they don't have magazines, they don't have almost any board games. They can only devote a lot of time to their respective fields, which is obvious when you go to any museum and look at paintings. Those paintings were not put together in a week, they took months or even years, and were based on years and years of practice.


With these examples in front of you, it is impossible not to have the deepest respect for human intelligence. We may be very imperfect creatures, but we can achieve incredible perfection.
Another thing to consider when thinking about European intellectualism is that such societies developed long before the industrial Revolution, which by comparison was a blx of an eye. Therefore, the previous society did not derive happiness from material possessions, or at least not many people did. Thus, people of that time found happiness in family, tradition, culture, creativity and various pursuits that fully developed the human mind.
What's more, living in one place for a long time, they will see development and progress. Engineering, water, Bridges, and scientific inventions. They will be surprised by what they find, because it will improve their lives, and they will be able to tell the next generation about the past and the impact of these discoveries. This will constantly reinforce respect for wisdom.


Finally, I was deeply impressed by the way Christianity was introduced and developed in the United States. It seems more intense and emotional than the European version. Emotion is the opposite of careful thought. Europeans are generally conservative and tend to think before they act. Evidence matters: things are observed, judged, and acted upon. This is inherited from the clear and complex thinking of the ancient Greeks, who developed higher mathematics, philosophy, science, and the art of persuasion through considered arguments.
The reverse is also true: quick action and emotion are the enemies of careful thought. It takes time to think carefully. Analysis takes time. Intellectualism takes time. The new Americans arrived on the Continent with enormous resources, but they also had to compete with countless others, fighting for their share without thinking.


What's interesting about America is how many people fall into cults. In Europe, religious authority was based on beautiful churches, cathedrals, ancient texts, embroidered robes and intricate carvings. Man may rise high in the church, but it is nothing compared with these enduring miracles. In The United States, none of this exists, and the authority of the church must reside only in one leader. For those who want power, it is clearly possible to establish religious groups of their own. There is no established religious hierarchy, and it is not governed by the Pope or the government. So no one can challenge their control. If they really wanted to dominate and exploit this closed community, they could.


And the last thing this type of leader wants is careful, critical thinking. They foment fear, create dependency and aggression, and suppress independent thinking.
One of my relatives, an economist who has lived and worked in the United States, says that when an American television show wants to introduce an economist, it chooses a white-toothed, smooth and optimistic American economist over a calm, cautious and rational European economist.
I asked why, and his descxtion was that American audiences would rather see upbeat faces, positive stories, than realistic facts.
I think it's a very interesting story.


Ironically, you begin to get your answer just by reading these responses…
Typical Quora answer so far: “Anti-intellectualism is much more prent on the left.”
This isn’t even remotely true, but the fact that so many people could drive about anti-intellectualism and arrive at a copy-and-paste rant about liberals.
Reagan, Bush II, and especially Trump have really cultivated the image of the well-meaning, proactive, “tough guy” idiot. The “man of the people” who actually isn’t at all, but they stumble and fumble and misspell and misspeak and Trump even eats KFC (on his private jet) so aren’t they something? Wouldn’t you rather have a beer with president?—Even if it is non-alcoholic since he’s a recovering alcoholic and druggie since his days as a student at Yale where he attended solely because he’s the son of a POTUS and grandson of a senator. How relatable!


Al Gore, John Kerry, Obama, Hillary, etc. are all seen as dorky Uber-nerds who lack “common sense” and need to get out of “pie in the sky” classroom theory to have some real world business know-how. Bill Burr even had a rant where he talked about how he liked that Bush and Trump were dumb, and Obama seemed like a “nerd” asking the teacher for more homework.
That’s why so many in this country didn’t see a problem with Trump knowing absolutely nothing relevant to being POTUS and having no government experience, up against an ex-Secretary of State, Senator, and FLOTUS. [To be completely fair, Bill Clinton, Bush II, and Obama also had much less experience than the people they ran against the first time. And America seems to have a disdain for highly qualified Presidents.]


In their minds, Trump’s lack of experience or knowledge was a good thing. And even now that we can see the concrete results of a POTUS who knows nothing about Science, actively calls Coronavirus “a hoax,” refuses to command the federal government for a coordinated response, and pumps bogus miracle cures that might cause liver damage and almost certainly don’t cure CV…even NOW, we still see his core support has barely shifted.
Anti-intellectualism in this country exists because it is a center right nation—possibly the most conservative among industrial powers—and “liberal” has become synonymous with “college campus,” “academic,” “academia,” “lawyer,” “journalist,” “government worker,” “scientist,” “secular,” “anti-American,” and “expert.” And in times this polarized, anything seen as against conservatism or Trump is now bad or criticized as anti-intellectualism.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I think there are many reasons for this, but none of the answers I've read have mentioned this.
In order to understand the present, you have to look back. We are the result of immigrants and pioneers of the past. The American population is mainly from European losers, rich people, educated people, none of them emigrate because they are content with the status quo. Those who emigrated (often forced, for example as prisoners or the urban poor sent to the colonies as indentured servants) had to work constantly just to survive. So they continued the way of life of the European underclass. This gives them a "practical" mindset, they want to learn what will help them survive, not to be An Aristotelian.


These unfortunate people are very practical, which leads to contempt for "useless" knowledge. At the turn of the 19th century, Alexis de Toqueville was struck by Americans' anti-intellectualism and their devotion to "practical" knowledge: people are taught farm or factory skills from an early age. Further evidence is that there were not many schools: the wealthy learned to read and write mainly at home or in church (Sunday school), requiring only reading the Bible and doing simple arithmetic. It is not an oversight that education is not even mentioned in the Constitution, but it is considered unimportant to society as a whole.
In the United States, cultural interest becomes entertainment. Have you ever noticed how many doctors in the United States are now not "American" (for generations)? Where would you find a child who fits the definition of "American"? They are learning (if they are learning at all) acting, filmmaking and marketing -- all areas that allow them to make quick money or entertain themselves without requiring them to learn and remember a tightly integrated knowledge base. They don't study organic chemistry or cell biology or anthropology or anything that requires discipline and hard work. This kind of study is boring and not suitable for the real "American".

这些不幸的人非常实际,这导致了对“无用”知识的蔑视。19世纪初,亚历克西斯·德·托克维尔(Alexis de Toqueville)被美国人的反智主义和他们对“实用”知识的忠诚所震撼:人们从小就是在学习农场或工厂作坊的技能。更多的证据是,学校的数量并不多:有钱人主要是在家里或教堂(主日学校)学习阅读和写作,只要求读《圣经》和做简单的算术。就连宪法中都没有提到教育,这并不是一种疏忽,而是人们认为教育对整个社会不重要。

It's in Americans' cultural DNA to want instant (easy) answers and instant gratification. American business has given them something like this: happiness comes from new skin care products or new clothes, not achievement. Advertising has also done a great disservice to the American mind: over-simplifying, lying, creating envy and resentment, lack of thinking and conspiracy theories.
I have spent my entire career as a university teacher, and the biggest task is to get students to value learning, to get them to master a subject regardless of its complexity, "practicality" or monetary value. In the United States, we have great schools and universities. We have a highly educated elite who do the research and creation that makes our civilization and the wisdom of the world. These are the people who give us our reputation as a developed country. Thank God, because without them we would be third world. Because in the third world, your life depends on hard work, not asking silly questions like why something is the way it is. That's not the world I want...


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