2023-05-29 cnbsmt 4277
Living in Northern Ireland and living in a area with salty old twats with bided views against the British, I’m curious as to how far back the Irish-British conflict goes
Can anyone input on this regard?


I think ever since the Anglo-Norman invasion of Ireland in 1169. Yep thats a long time back


Further than that. There's evidence of raiding and settlement back and forth all the way back to the roman era.


That depends on whether you count those people as “English”.


True, but then english wasn't part of the question as such.


Note that the Picts and the Britons were [EDIT] generally thought not to be distinct peoples.

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Not nearly as distinct as they both were from subsequent invading Romans, Saxons, Danish and Normans.

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There's a genetic divide roughly between the eastern "Anglo-Saxon" half of the British Isles and the western "Celtic" side that has its origins in the last glacial maximum of the ice age. The eastern side --and again, this is more of a tendency than a hard and fast rule-- has genetic origins from an ice-age refuge north of the Black Sea, whereas the western side --again, not a hard and fast rule-- has genetic origins from an ice-age refuge in the western Mediterranean. Complicating the picture are the various cultural features that have been superimposed on the two populations over the course of thousands of years --things like language and religion, etc-- but the vast majority of British and Irish people are descended from these two ancient populations and not from later invaders as was once imagined.
Anyhow, this division has always existed and it's plausible that it's been a line of conflict since prehistoric times. In any event, it's definitely the case that the two populations have a turbulent history of interactions.

不列颠群岛东部的“盎格鲁-撒克逊人” 和西部的“凯尔特人”之间存在着一定的遗传差异,后者起源于冰河时代的最后一个冰期。东部的基因起源于黑海北部的冰河期避难所,而西部的基因起源于地中海西部的冰河期避难所。复杂的是数千年来这两个民族所具有的各种文化特征——如语言和宗教等,但绝大多数不列颠人和爱尔兰人都是这两个古老民族的后裔,而不是曾经想象的后来入侵者的后裔。

People have mentioned the Norman invasions in the 1100's, but I think a lot of the strong sectarian animosity nowadays goes back to Cromwell's invasion of Ireland during the war of the three kingdoms, which was the first explicitly protestant attempt at eradication of Catholicism in the country.

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There was also the Plantation of Ulster in the early 1600s by both English and Scottish settlers.
It's the reason that present-day Northern Ireland is so divided.


From earlier through to later.
And the Tudor invasions before that, with the Flight of the Barons Earls (I blame two Old Fashioneds for this).
And numerous laws enforced through to the 1700s to early 1800s, which oppressed Irish people in everything from food to jobs to worship to marriage to where they could live.
Cromwell indeed, and later the Battle of the Boyne.
And famines where the plantation system most Irish were trapped in did not help, one more famous than the rest, where a third of Ireland died despite supposedly being part of the richest country in the world.
And uprisings from 1798 through the Fenians to the Easter Rising... and the responses to them.
And then of course the Troubles.
So honestly not sure which of this was the ‘most’ influential, since it’s been a long chain of all of the above.


Imagine a wealthy country being unable/willing to extend their wealth to their poor. Good job we've learnt from history


thats because the wealthy nation forced the poorer one to continue to export its food products. Ireland produced more than enough food locally to feed themselves, even with the Blight, had their British overlords allowed them to keep it. Instead, Irish exports of food to Britain were at record highs during the Famine. Its why many scholars (and a lot of the Irish population) today see what happened as a forced genocide rather than a tragic famine.
this had nothing to extending wealth or any other such nonsense.

这是因为富国强迫穷国继续出口其食品。爱尔兰本地生产的粮食足以养活自己,只要他们的英国领主允许粮食留在当地,哪怕有天灾也没问题。然而相反,爱尔兰对英国的食品出口在饥荒期间创下历史新高。这就是如今许多学者(和许多爱尔兰人) 把这些事情看作是一场种族灭绝,而不是一场悲惨饥荒的原因。

Not always easy or nuanced to perceive English attitudes to Ireland and its people. As a blanket view, the Irish people were viewed as the lowest of life forms. One historical example is that when the West Indies sugar plantations started up, the English who were without a black slaved labour force - used the Irish. The English made up excuses, criminalised Irish nationals and turned them into slaves to be treated incredibly harshly on the newly formed sugar plantations. The death rate was quite high.
Just because you were a Parliamentarian didn't make you safe from the English either viewing you as an existential threat. Here's a few pics about an Irish Parliamentarian - questions arise about taking on the Establishment, fighting central rule. There's no surprise you get treated like a criminal or made to be one.
Edit. For those not aware, Irish prisoners in Australia were political prisoners. And like political prisoners they were considered a threat to the State. The English authorities instructed Prison Governors for the harshest treatment of "Irish State Prisoners except where they thought those Prisoners could be won over.


That was clearly the obvious tension. The Norman thing was unrelated to religion of course.

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Plus I’m not so sure it’s right to call the Normans ‘British’.


True. We were taught in school that the Normans became ‘more Irish than the Irish themselves’ by speaking Irish adopting Irish customs and dress and inter marrying with native Irish. Don’t know if they still teach that, it was the 80’s


It was the same network of Norman elites that took over as the ruling class of England not long before. It has some relevance just because it sets up some of the behaviour of English royalty later on.


Even through they spoke French?


English isn't a language that's native to Great Britain either.


I mean, it is, though. It developed in England - from other languages from elsewhere, sure, but developed in England nonetheless.


What, you think Old Norman French didn't develop over its centuries in England? It did. That's why the language that it developed into is called Anglo-Norman. And it substantially influenced English.
It's interesting to privilege the language of one group of Invaders over another just because one of those groups happened to be more successful at displacing and destroying local culture.


You're missing my point. Anglo-norman would be a native British language because it developed in Britain. Old Norman French would not be, because it developed in France.


29% of all English words are of French origin, and another 29% are of Latin origin. Norman French and Old English merged into one language. In fact, more English words are derived from French than the original Germanic language, which is the origin of only 26% of all English words.


I'm not denying that English is made of words from other places. I'm saying it's native to the British Isles because that's where those languages came together and developed into English.


Well then the answer is when were the British first called British? I believe you can just take it from the Act of unx 1707. Which Ireland was made to join in 1801. You could probably say the when the Act was pass that's when the people of Scotland Wales and England could be first referred to as British.

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The British were first called British during the Roman era. Then, over the centuries, successive waves of immigrants moved in and merged with prior inhabitants, becoming British as well. For later groups, you'd have to specify which one you mean to determine when they became British.


I’d place this as the starting point. The Norman invasion of Ireland waned over time and resulted in a much Norman integration into Ireland as we see in, say, Wales or England itself.
The character of the English/Irish conflict is religious and colonial in nature, and so seems specifically tied to the plantation system which brought foreign Protestants to a specific region (now primarily Northern Ireland).


I think you're right. After Cromwell. I thought it was interesting that the Irish supported the Royalist instead of the parliamentarians. It flies in the face of the idea that the Irish wanted to have nothing to do with the English monarchy.
But the sectarianism in northern Ireland is from 1795-1798. Where Belfast went from a United Irishman stronghold to a Loyalist stronghold. And it was the crown forces the sowed the seeds of division. Making the various protestant factions unite for fear of Roman rule.

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And Cromwell's campaign in Ireland was considered brutal even by many at the time, not just a case of judging the past by present standards


The sectarian animosity goes back before Cromwell. The Irish rebelled because both Charles II and James had worked super hard to squeeze Ireland for all it was worth monetarily and marginalize Catholics(both Gaelic speakers and the "Old English" who had been the invaders pre-Reformation) in all positions of power.
Ironically the rebellion and how Cromwell et.al reacted to it pushed many Old English to side with their co-religionists rather than their more recently arrived linguistic brethren and thus they became "Irish" in the modern sense of the word.


Took Irish history in college, Cromwell and what the Britiah did under him was evil, have also read the Irish famine of the 1800s was intentionally orchestrated by the British to decrease the population and make them easier to control.

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It wasn't orchestrated by the British to decrease the population of Ireland.
The thing to understand is that there had been crop failures and blights in Ireland before 'the' Great Famine. The British government had on those occasions moved swiftly to close Irish ports to prevent the export of food from Ireland and transfer foodstuffs into Ireland to make up for shortfalls.
But during the Great Famine, the British government in power at the time was obsessed with free market capitalism. Merchants lobbied furiously against closing the Irish ports, and against repealing the corn laws which artificially inflated the price of bread. The government was convinced the free market would solve the crisis.
The British didn't cause the famine, nor intentionally orchestrate it. The Irish have every right to be bitter over what the British did and didn't do, without having to exaggerate British intentions.


That is correct but you are not taking account of the British reaction to it. This famine was also in Europe where it did not last anything as long because the reaction was different. The Irish were left to starve and it was largely viewed by landlords and the ruling class in Britain as natural and even Gods judgement, as well as bring a useful means to clear the lands.
That is what people are referring to when they say it was orchestrated.


Still, if it hadn't been the fact that most of the sufferers were "dirty Irish Catholics", they might have been quicker to bend their adherence to free market principals.


I'm not sure it was an invasion. The Normans that came were a mercenary force invited and paid for by the King of Leinster, and they were French in any case (though they lived in Britain)


The Irish and Britons (Romans aswell) had conflict. Then theres some smaller scale Irish/Gaelic and Anglo-Saxon conflict aswell, depends really on what you count as the British. The Irish and the Island of Great Britain have always fought one way or another.


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