2021-09-05 北海西铜 23690
Also not to forget launch rate. With Russia's involvement, twice as many launches will be possible than China could probably do by itself. The extra launches will be very important for supplying a large lunar base.


Richard Santos
would china trust russia to lunch it’s own prestige space hardware?
Russia’s Zarya module was constructed not by Russia but by the late soviet unx before it dissolved as an additional module for the Mir space station. Russia’s contribution was to repurpose inherited hardware for use in the ISS. Given the very spotty track record of Russian space endeavor with anything that was even partially developed after the dissolution of the USSR, I would not suppose Russia to be capable of developing a reliable follow on the Zarya today.
Also, keep in mind the only real collaborative joint space effort between china and russia up to today, the Fobos-Grunt mars mission, failed spectacularly because multiple elementary failures of Russian upper stage. Having many elementary systems fail does not lend confidence to Russian ability to make anything complex work with a reasonable number of tries.
The russian inability to get simple things it has done many times before working during actually mission contrasts sharply with the meticulous Chinese approach, which test the hell out of everything and then succeeds in acoompolishing multiple envelope pushing features simultaneously on the first try in space
One might say this culture difference is likely to make any serious collaborative effort between Rosocosmos and CNSA a marriage made in hell.
BTW, the russian space culture of not testing throughly before hand and accepting many mission failures actually dates to the very beginning of the Soviet Space program. So it is not something that even if Rosocomos shape up in the next 5 years, it is likely to completely move away from.

还有,不要忘了,迄今为止中俄间唯一一次真正的太空合作——即萤火一号(由俄罗斯“福布斯-土壤(Fobos Grunt)”探测器搭载),就因为俄罗斯火箭上面级一系列基本功能故障而离奇地失败了。这无疑让我对俄罗斯人更没信心。

Yet Russia's Proton launchers are quite reliable; they have made access to the ISS routine. For many years, the only way for US astronauts to visit the ISS was to go Russia first. You like to laugh at the alleged Russian incompetence, but keep the Proton in mind -- it has an excellent record for reliability.
As I mentioned earlier about the moon base, let's not forget launch rate. With Russia's involvement, twice as many launches will be possible than China could probably do by itself. The extra launches will be very important for supplying a large lunar base.


Richard Santos
As i said, the primary value of Russia in any space endeavor is a fleet of efficient boosters, and the soyuz capsule, inherited from the soviet unx.
both of these achieved their eventual reliability by being allowed to fail many times in actual service, bespeaking a cultural approach to reliability that differs sharply from those of CNSA.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Yet Russia's Proton launchers have remained reliable. If I were a cosmonaut or astronaut, I would certianly prefer to be launched by a Proton than by some flaky exploding SpaceX vehicle.
Russia could contribute far more than that. @plawolf mentioned low-g experience. I have added life support and doubled launch rate. Even if the Russians contributed only reliable launchers, that would be quite enough reason to partner with them: the launch is by far the most important step into space.
Nonsense. Early US launchers were famous for blowing up, and the Apollo 1 astronauts (Gus Grissom, Ed White, Roger Chaffee) burned to death; I doubt you would accuse the Americans of a cultural failing


Richard Santos
early American launchers, when they were still mostly just a civilian face for the military ballistic missile programs, certainly did have the culture of let’s see what happens. But when the truly civilian side of US space program began to receive strong political and budgetary support, the culture of through exhaustive tests quickly took hold. That doesn’t mean there were no failures. Apollo one being one example. But the track record of high probability of 1 round success and relatively low probability of subsequent failure was impressive. Saturn 5, the most ambitious rocket attempted in that era or any other, succeeded on the first launch and never had a failure, because everything had been tested to death on the ground before the rocket was ever assembled. The soviet equivalent, the N-1, had a 100% failure rate. N-1’s complex first stage fuel distribution system had never been tested on the ground before the first launch. it blew up and destroyed the rocket.
yes, if the soviets didn’t give up, I am sure after a few more failures they would eventually iron out all the bugs and by now the N-1 would be quite impressively reliable. but the difference in early failure rate still illustrate the difference in engineering culture.
The chinese, if anything, is much more methodical and painstaking than NASA.


Ever heard the expression "if it isn't broke don't fix it"? The modern Soyuz 2 rocket has had major changes where it matters. It has fully digital avionics, and it has a staged combustion upper stage engine to increase performance. It also has an enlarged shroud to deliver larger volume commercial payloads. The modern Soyuz capsule also has fully digital avionics and larger usable internal volume. Lockheed had to buy Russian engines because they could not manufacture anything better. Do you really think they pay the Russians out of the goodness of their own hearts?
Russia in 2019 did 25 launches and the USA did 21 launches.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

China and Russia are seeking partners to join their moon effort
Should India join the Russo-Chinese lunar base?




Richard Santos
India is even less likely than Russia to be willing to contribute what will de facto be a primarily Chinese endeavor. India also has less to contribute than even Russia. So it seems unlikely China will see any value in making any sort of concession to bring India onboard.
The only way India will participate is if there is some improbable seismic shift in India’s geopolitical outlook, and China feels india could be pried away from the American into the Chinese camp, in some Chinese equivalent of Nixon going to China.
But for India to participate would be a statement of fuck you from India to the US. India is in no position to make such a statement now or in the foreseeable future. While India may resent being treated high handedly and transactionally by the US, India fears anything China gains in the long run must be India’s loss.


In any case, I doubt India would seek to join the joint China-Russia program given the state of relationship between India and China and India's perception that it is a strategic competitor with China in every front. China would probably be receptive to India joining the program, not so much to look for contribution either financially or technically; it would be mostly political and diplomatic.


India does indeed consider any gain/progress China makes is at their loss because they see China as their number 1/2 adversary tied with Pakistan but Pakistan is a lower existential threat (in case of actual war). Therefore any gain your main enemy makes of course puts you at a greater gap. The chauvinistic Hindutva bhakts despise this, ignore, deny, self-delude, re-interpret, and dismiss all this, depending on the individual. Their state is thoroughly incompetent and wouldn't know how to even chase its own tail effectively. So there are layers of how and why India is not a fitting partner on any important cooperation because of government incompetence and an almost homogenous intolerance and hatred for anything China.


Richard Santos
Having had much contact with the Indian diaspora, I can say there is no homogenous intolerance or hatred for anything chinese. Amongst the particularly stridently nationalistic, there is a sense that India and China is locked in a zero sum game and China is the more ruthless, cohesive and disciplined player, therefore india must seize any opportunity to avoid falling behind. But amongst much of the educated class, there is respect and admiration of Chinese accomplishment, and jealousy.
In many ways, Indians, like the Chinese, tend to take a longer view than is prent amongst Americans. But uncontrolled media makes it more attractive for the politically opportunistic in the Indian ruling class to appeal to the rash, loud, easily excitable, here thinking and emotionally impulsive elements that is present in any society, and allow such appeal to drive action and policy beyond what might be considered prudent boundaries. The political opinion in India feels india has room to maneuver in a world where the US and China are antagonistic because US can give india a lot, and in the long run the US needs India at least as much as India needs the US.
There are opinions in India that says allying with the US against China is nonetheless dangerous, because the US can be fickle and transactional in how it treats India. If one day another serious threat to US hegemony arose elsewhere, the US may decide an rapprochement with China is in its better interest, so leaving an india that had been hostile to China on America’s behalf out in the cold. But prevailing opinion in India seem to attribute china’s faster growth over the last 4 decades to China having received a lot from the US as a result of China siding with the US during the last decade of the Cold War. Therefore just as China could bootstrap herself up during the last 40myears by being an de facto American ally during an US - USSR confrontation, so india could bootstrap herself up by being an American ally during an US - China confrontation.


It's strange. I too have quite a lot of contact with Indian diaspora living in a western nation and my experience isn't that.
When I mean intolerance and hatred for anything Chinese, I'm not only talking about products... which btw India has little to no choice over in the short to medium term because... economics 101. Joining China in any important project is certainly going to meet more opposition from Indians than it would from Chinese (as intense as that would also be).
I have regularly encountered "fair minded" lol Indians who absolutely cannot stand China being talked about in ANY sort of positivity. It's almost illegal to and any discussion that comes up where "oh China has done well here with this" is always met with "no way they're awful and that's all stolen!/copied!/fake propaganda!" No Chinese person ever be bothered passionately opposing any conversation that includes India in a positive light. They just don't know or don't care enough about it. Maybe a chauvinist/ pro China person would only if that discussion also involved China but if it's just "India has pretty good space capabilities" no Chinese person would feel the need to spread total lies and unfounded nonsense about how India is evil and ought to be feared while also put down.
An example from this month would be an interaction with an Indian receptionist who wasn't even a part of the conversation by the way. The conversation was between a friend of mine and her husband who was talking positively about his son's education in China (they are not Chinese but live there) and lamenting about how poor the educational standard is in his native country in comparison to what his son received in China. The receptionist felt the need to then say "why don't you guys stay in China then if it's so good there".
This line is pretty typical. No Chinese person could be bothered saying that to an Indian. The intense dislike for China isn't only promoted by media and propaganda .


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